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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10025481 No.10025481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

100 dorra gaijin

>> No.10025490

Biggest culinary scam in history.

>> No.10025519

the absolute state of scammy japs

>> No.10025524

so like $5 US, worth.

>> No.10025534
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>korea uses dollar for currency

>> No.10025538

Small, local sushi places are the best way to go for sushi. They usually have decent lunch deals and give a fair amount of fish for what you pay. They're unlikely to serve bad fish as rumors of food poisoning could be the end of a store like that.

Cheap convenience store sushi is both disgusting and dangerous. I almost gag when I see sushi for sale at a supermarket or a 7-11.

And high end sushi where you pay ~$10 or more per single piece is a fantastic scam. Maybe worth trying once before realizing you could have spent your fancy dinner money on a place that actually leaves you full and satisfied.

>> No.10025543

100 dorra gaijin is = to negative money in US, can only assume it's a typo.

>> No.10025549

>*spots gaijin walk through door*
>hides real tuna, pulls out catfood
>smothers onto rice
>100 dorra gaijin
>gajin face be like wtf
>"kore no una fresh japan only made with sticky rice grains smarru than my jap nuts, highest ichiban quality desu
>gaijin forks out 100 dollars, eats and leaves happily
Why do we allow this /ck/?

>> No.10025553

single moms

>> No.10025556

Or you know, just go to McDonalds for less than half the price.

>> No.10025560

mcdonalds dont have rice dishes like my animes

>> No.10025564
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>that sentence

>> No.10025578


>> No.10025582

For a burger, duh.

>> No.10025613

I stopped eating sashimi as soon as I tried it. I prefer cooked food. Salmon Tempura and Eel rolls are GOAT

>> No.10025616

What if I'm not in a mood for one?

>> No.10025623

I'm sure there's a similarly cheap pizza place nearby.

>> No.10025631

I paid 5 bucks for tuna nigiri the other day. It was fucking fantastic. I know you gimps are fucked up dirt people in general, but buy some shit sushi in your life and you might not end up with biggest piece of shit in your life.

Just stop being garbage people and you might enjoy life.

>> No.10025633
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>cheap pizza

>> No.10025640

stop talking trash

>> No.10025658
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I just bought this to make maki and nigiri.. I don't fuck around.

>> No.10025686

amerrika-jin drop booms on us
now chirren pray

>> No.10025733

Some of us are not American and aactually have a palate, not just "taste buddies"

>> No.10025876
File: 29 KB, 580x430, nigiri-su-tunu-580x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dip this shit into a soy, rice vinegar and wasabi mix. It's just amazing.

>> No.10025910

A delicious cheeseburger, McChicken, sausage burrito, soda, all for $1 each... or some shitty ball of rice for like fifty grand. Gee what a difficult choice! Yeah I think I'll stick with McDonalds. Anyone who says otherwise is putting on airs.

>> No.10025913
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>> No.10025915


Can I eat both? I like ahi tuna and McDoubles.

>> No.10025918
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>he's not filty rich

>> No.10025930

That costs $3 where I live.
Where the fuck do you retards live where sushi is expensive?

>> No.10025935

This isn't sushi, my friend, it's legit sashimi.

>> No.10025938

how do you put on air

>> No.10025941

Well if we're gonna be vain assholes about it that is nigiri, not sashimi.
My question still stands.

>> No.10025945

Putting on air. It's a golf reference, stupid underage millennial.

>> No.10025950

mcsushi stands owned by pajeets and full of worms is cheap? wow who woulda thunk it

>> No.10025955

News flash retards: sushi is easy to make.
If you hate the price then make your own. You do live where fresh fish is available, right?

>> No.10025957

It costs because it's quality, you pleb.
The rice has been pressed into form and the fish has been cut by a man who has been pressing rice and cutting fish for 60 years after 10 years of apprenticing for his master by washing the rice.
Obviously you just don't get it.

>> No.10025963

No I just live within 50 miles of the nearest ocean.

>> No.10025973


Not really. In America we get McSushi. As long as the tuna nigiri has been frozen deep enough to kill the tapeworms, it's fine.

Who cares? I fucking love vinegar rice with a tuna slab dipped in soy, wasabi.

>> No.10025980

This is it. This is the moment I realize this website fucking sucks and I've spent the last 7 years of my free time wasting away here with you fucking retarded assholes.
Fuck your unfunny memes, fuck your unhelpful stuck up attitude, and fuck your constant stream of newfags who somehow come off as even more brainless than the regular visitors.
I actually want to kill myself. Real thoughts of suicide are entering my head right now.
Fuck you 4chan.

>> No.10025982

See you tomorrow, anon.

>> No.10025984

Y- you too.

>> No.10025986
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pls dent go we ned yu

>> No.10026000

100 dorra gaijin

>> No.10026011

This. Unironically.

>> No.10026012

>taste buddies

Fuck I'm using that. I'm sick of the board being full of lardasses who can't even appreciate good food.

>> No.10026015

you also live within 50 miles of california rolls

>> No.10026016

>A delicious cheeseburger, McChicken, sausage burrito

Theres no such thing

>> No.10026022


>> No.10026024

Not a single millenial is underage at this point you gibbering retard. Jump in a vat of piping hot fastfry oil.

>> No.10026031

haha, that's actually true LOL.

Cue midlife crisis.

>> No.10026034


You're a rocket man..

>> No.10026721

Huh? I can get that for 50c each at a Sushi place near my work

>> No.10026735

you put on an air helmet when you go deep sea diving
sheesh, some people

>> No.10027042

Not everyone is as poor as you OP.

>> No.10027044

That industrial waste being sold as food in the USA is the greatest "culinary" scam in history.

>> No.10027046

USA is a scam.

>> No.10027053


You can also eat out of a dumpster for free.

McDicks is only good if there is literally no other option, and the only beneficial characteristic it has over eating trash is that someone warmed it up a bit first.

>> No.10027057

Oh boy. I hope they're paying you well, otherwise kill yourself.

>> No.10027059

McD food is greasy, unhealthy and does not even taste any good. I think McD use aggressive marketing strategies and 'addicting' ingredients like MSG to lure their customers into ever declining health and obesity.


>> No.10027086

>it does not taste good because it has MSG which means it's fake tasty
love this meme

>> No.10027091

Bait bait bait.

>> No.10027092

right? msg gets a bad rap.

I guess the precursor occurs naturally in giant sea kelp (i.e. kombu) which probably explains why 100% of japanese soups are delicious.

>> No.10027208

No that's not it. I think McD is heavily overrated. McD food is extremely unhealthy and does not taste any good - for the most part. McD also relies on heavy marketing - 1 billion dollars a year to be more precise. Myself, I love American food and especially a fine burger - I just dont think McD is any good. McD had major problems surviving in Europe because the public was not used to the sterile plastic theme of McD - that is why the furniture and meny is far superior in Europe over the USA. There is of course no way a European can ever replicate a good authentic American hamburger - the US hamburger reigns supreme in the world - but all those greedy shitty chains like McD dont give a crap about good food, their only interest is making the most possible amount of money, fully disregarding public health and fine culinary traditions. Bet there are burger-vans in the US that sell way, way WAY better burgers than those gigantic chains. America, take the power back and make hamburgers great again!

>> No.10027237

*prepares sushi*
*kamikazees into aircraft carrier*

>> No.10027262

That is true, however, the concentration you find in seaweed are not exactly the same as those found in junk-food. Also, the processes involved in producing MSG and aspartame should have a few alarm bells ringing. The average life expectancy of the US citizen is 79 years of age - ranking the US at 31. place in the world. Surely this has something to do with all the processed industrial waste that sells under the disguise of food in the US.

>> No.10027289

>sushi is easy to make