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10024302 No.10024302 [Reply] [Original]

As a seasoned barista anything.

>> No.10024305

i/m also pretty drunk.

>> No.10024308

are you a grill

>> No.10024315

No and I probably receive less tips because of it though I wouldn't know beacuse they are averaged out on an hourly basis

>> No.10024321

what would you rather be doing for money?

>> No.10024325

9 to 5 job with regular hours. Beggars cna't be chosoes though, you get out what you put in.

>> No.10024419

What about a 9 to 5 sounds appealing to you? I guess the grass is always greener.

>> No.10024428

Can I have a black coffee please?

>> No.10024471

I assume the "regular hours" part

I was assigned to work all sorts of odd fucking hours when I worked as a grocery clerk, never getting a chance to have any decent sleep schedule or guaranteed regular free time

>> No.10024488

I work on a rota system, and a 9-5 sounds good because of the routine. Sometimes I work 03:00-13:00, sometimes 12:00-22:00, so switching between those, even after a couple of days off, can be annoying.

As well as working for 4 shifts one week, when the next week starts they make you work another 5, which leads to 9 days in a row working, but it's legal since technically they are different weeks. I'd rather just know forever when my weekend is.

>> No.10024506

Regularity. Right now, since it's quiet I'm only getting around 10 hours a week, so two shifts. I need a second job just for the post-Christmas winter lull.

Yeah, go to your kitchen and pull out your shitty drip coffee maker, or Nescafe Clasico.

My record is 13 days in a row.

>> No.10024515

I don't know what annoys me more. People asking for a black coffee, a white coffee, or just a coffee.

I've hit maybe 11 so far. Although one shift I pulled from 12:00 until 03:40. Was so depressing seeing the morning shift at the start of their shift one day, and the end of their shift the next.

>> No.10024517

What kind of seasoning are you coated in?

>> No.10024521

>uuuh, can i get a regular coffee?
>what size?
>uuuh, medium?
>okay what roast would you prefer?
>I just want a regular coffee?
>okay, so do you want it black or with room?
>Come on, just give me a regular coffee?

>> No.10024529

I'm white, so freckles, the occasional mole/potential skin cancer, and the odd pimple.

>> No.10024554

Doesn't help that a store next door to mine serve their coffees at the sizes: small, or regular.

I did a few shifts for Starbucks as a favour (a paid one) and had a guy lecture me for like 6 minutes on how hard it is to get a good black coffee these days since everyone wants to have their coffee with milk. And when I cleared his table, he fucking had an Americano that he put milk in.

>> No.10024614

I don't really care how people have their drinks as long as they aren't being cunts to me. Treat me well and slide me a $2 dollar tip and I'll make the coffee ten times better than usual. Hell there are some regulars that chat to me like a human being and sometimes, when no one was looking I'd slide then a freebie.

Treat your servers like humans and if you're a regular you get the treatment.

>> No.10024623

At my shop we aren't allowed to take tips. I treat everyone as a human because I enjoy the interaction. That doesn't change the fact that trying to fit the menu around the needs of a customer who has ordered something we don't really offer, is a difficult task.

>> No.10024626

What is the biggest hipster you have ever seen?

>> No.10024631

That being said I gave away about 4 free machciatos to a table because the guy serving misheard the customer. I don't even care about giving away free stuff. As long as the customer is happy and mentions it.

>> No.10024638

I treat everyone the same as well, I try to be nice and cordial to all but when someone is sassing me for no reason, getting up in my face because I didn't 'cross hatch the caramel on that caramel macchiatto' perfectly, I'm less likely to be sympathetic.

Starbucks breeds those people because it incentives complaining. They complain and get free shit.

I can't remember. There was this chick that came in occasionally, she was hot and friendly but she screamed 'Urban Outfitters' and had all the trendy tattoos.

Also this one chick that look anorexic, had a shaved head, and covered in piercings. She was also 4ft tall.

>> No.10024645

How do you feel when I just ask for free water and leave?

>> No.10024646

Oh there was also this one family of fitness freaks that came in on the weekend. The girl was about 20 had no titties or ass, but was practically naked in her workout gear, she was with her parents too doing a marathon. They had a weird family relationship and it made me uncomfortable. It was like looking at a 10 year old that was near naked. Gross.

They seemed like the type of family when the dad would hi-5 his daughter after she got laid.

>> No.10024647

Can you taste the difference in a shot with “chrema” and one without? Be honest.

>> No.10024654

I don't feel anything. People need water to live, and if you aren't rude, I don't care.

Yeah, it usually get more bitter. THough with shitty Starbucks coffee, it doesn't matter because they use the dregs of their beans for espresso. They just roast the shit out of them to get the 'even' flavour.

>> No.10024672

Speaking of Starbucks, is it just me or does their coffee just taste fucking burnt? I don't understand the appeal honestly. They have a good corporate culture though (even part timers get benefits).

>> No.10024710

No you are right. what I was saying here is true >>10024654

You should go for particular blends, avoid Pike like the plague, Verona is okay, French smells like fish, Italian is horrible, decaf is the worst. The espresso is cancer.

Blonde Verandah is great, Casi Cielo, and some of the seasonals are great. But the rule of thumb is that their coffee is burnt tasting, it is to cover up the low quality of it. I bet my left nut it isn't 'ethical' or 'single origin' either

>> No.10024735

How do you feel about keurigs?
Also take heart, pike is still completely awful even when they sell it to you in tiny cups. I am filled with regret.

>> No.10024869

>cross hatch the caramel
What the fuck, I like coffee but I tend to just make my own at home or buy from shitty machines, what the fuck does that even mean

>> No.10025086
File: 15 KB, 305x363, 2e128451552f4b01a2dedc568008fe06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the top of a caramel macchiato you 'cross hatch' the fuckign caramel sauce like pic related

It's retarded because
1. Most milks aren't thick enough or foam enough for it to stay on top so it sinks to the bottom (or retards order no foam)
2. it gets stuck to the lid.

>> No.10025121

Keurigs are fine. they are quick coffee for lazy people, you get what you pay for. I don't like how they are fucking horrid for the environment though.

>> No.10025140

you should look for a job inside a corporate campus. I work in a big building with its own coffee place, so you wouldn't get any tips because it's all employees, but you wouldn't get any assholes either, it's busy all the time and everyone is a regular, and the place is only open from like 6am to mid afternoon, and no weekends. only if you plan on still getting jobs making coffee that is.

>> No.10025153

Hmm, I'll look into it. There is no shortage of places like that where I live.

>> No.10025219

I never understood why you can't make a single cup with a drip machine. Ido it all the time. >>10025086
People who have never used a steamer don't understand that when they order lowest/skim milk, the foam is going to be bulllshit.

>> No.10025227

How long do I have to burn off calories that I eat before it gets stored on my thighs as fat?

>> No.10025230

People don't realise that the foam is necessary on a lot of drinks to give it texture or put whatever shit they want on top.

>um can I get a capuccino with light foam?
>so a latte?
>no a capuccino

>> No.10025246
File: 129 KB, 301x290, roast beef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seasoned barista

>> No.10025300

How did you get a job at Starbucks? Is it a good place to work at?

>> No.10025326

I just applied. It can be, customers are very needy, but the company really like taking care of it's employees
>free coffee during shifts
>one free 1lb of coffee per week
>after one year online courses for university are free

>> No.10025331

lads, I need a part time job and I have experience in kitchens but they don't pay well

Should I become a waiter?

>> No.10025368

yes become a waiter or bartender or work in a law office at an administrative job part time then after a year switch to working in another law office that pays better

>> No.10025827

Maybe it's
>latte topped with chocolate powder
you stupid POS

>> No.10025833

What degree did you study and why don't you have a job in that field?

>> No.10025837

What drink do you hate serving?

>> No.10025925

how long until obnoxious coffee culture goes away?

>> No.10026097

every barista position I've seen requires 4 years of experience. How did you get your start?

>> No.10026118


What is the difference between long black and americano?

>> No.10026121

Do you put steamed milk then espresso then milk foam when making a latte or espresso then milk and foam?

My boss who used to own a coffee shop told me is is espresso then milk and foam but some customer was complaining that I was doing it wrong because she "used to run a machine".

>> No.10026124

Americano has the water put in first. A long black has the espresso put in first.

What they both have in common? 99.9% of the time the barista is too retarded to add a bit of cool water so it's not too hot to drink. Water from a coffee machine is way hotter than steamed milk.

>> No.10026127


Yeah I have to ask for cold water. Sometimes I get cold milk.

>> No.10026413

I only get macchiatos because I like to pretend I'm a giant with my mini-ceramic cup. Also, I enjoy that my whole drink will be at about the same temperature. Do you hate or love people who get the little drinks?

>> No.10026494

Who's the worst customers, OP?

>> No.10026824

I-I always ask for recommendations that are a bit more obscure and whether they have a house blend, is that obnoxious too?
If I wanted to drink coffee I know I can make it just as well at home, if I go into a cafe I might as well try something new

>> No.10026873

>okay what roast would you prefer?
At this point you're just being passive aggressive
t. ex barista who got passive aggressive with people whose faces annoyed me

>> No.10026879

what drink do you prepare for yourself at start of shift/breaks?

>> No.10026884

who has the worst coffe in the world, and why is it Itally? The expresso is a joke, lukewarm piss with milk served in a tiny cup because itallians are too lazyto fill a regular size cup. You gett less caffine than a regular cup and the effect doesnt last as long. Their regular coffe is basicly water because italians are incapable of grinding the aquired amount of beens to do anything else.

>> No.10026907


>> No.10026926

>seasoned barista

damn.. fucking hell.. it says seasoned but it's got no seasoning at all, no salt or pepper.. it's bland.. damn

>> No.10026933

Do you have tattoos on your hands? If yes, get the fuck out of my sight.

>> No.10027229

cum in coffee?

>> No.10027267

Do you think of yourself as Tom Cruise in that bar movie?

>> No.10027294

Do people really give a shit about that gay little "art" you put on top of coffees?

I know a couple who both work in coffee shops, and they're CONSTANTLY posting their "Latte Art" on instagram

>> No.10027323

Why only point out one facet of his retardation?

>"who" not capitalized
>"Italians" not capitalized

>> No.10027369

How many cocks did you suck to become seasoned?

>> No.10027374

Seems like OP abandoned his own thread, what a cocksucking fuck.

>> No.10027387

>thread created 16 hours ago

>> No.10028085

Why won't Starbucks hire me

I have experience at mcdicks and an okay volunteer history, and I'm a regular

>> No.10028515

How the fuck do you guys make latte art. The foam I get is either too thick or too thin, or flows too quick for me to draw anything that doesn't look like a dick

>> No.10028527

>As a seasoned barista anything
what's it like being a college drop out with no future?

>> No.10028534

What herbs and spices are you seasoned with?

>> No.10028535

Like being a nigger except you get white privilege.

>> No.10028895
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