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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 400x400, wendys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10023748 No.10023748 [Reply] [Original]

So, I just ate a big dinner while roommate was out on what I thought was a date. An hour and a half later he comes back with wendy's for us, I thanked him and took it without revealing that I ate.

I fucking HATE fast food cold, but I'm too stuffed to eat it now. I know for a fact mcdonalds burgers are so chock full of preservatives that they can sit out for weeks and not even grow mold, but what about wendys? Can I let this sit out for about 5 hours still wrapped in it's paper and sitting in the bag and it not go bad? I really just don't want to refrigerate because I know it will taste like super fucking trash and I wont even want to eat it then.

Should I just offer it to him?

>> No.10023762

>mcdonalds burgers are so chock full of preservatives that they can sit out for weeks and not even grow mold
Is this pasta?

>> No.10023779
File: 64 KB, 709x487, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know for sure you can safely eat mcdonalds that was left on the counter for multiple days. I just don't know if it's the same with wendys.

>> No.10024607


Sure just microwave it

>> No.10024641

It's already been cooked you idiot....do you think Wendy's offered you a raw burger? It's been cooked, you can cook it again and it will be fine.

>> No.10024663

>that pic

jesus christ of course it's gonna last forever it's dehydrated, salted and frozen so it can be shipped and stored with ease. Your fancy fucking organic grass fed 30 dollar a pound beef is also going to outlast the nuclear holocaust once you make jerky out of it.

>> No.10024694

I always laugh at these tests
>put food in a dry sterile climate
>leave it for a long time
>dries out
>"looks" similar
>Muh chemicals!

No shit

>> No.10024729

looks like its been thawed and cooked in that picture. jerky is traditionally preserved through large amounts of salt and seasonings(and nowadays, often with other 'chemical' preservatives) and can still certainly mold if left in humid environments

what is this 'dry, sterile' climate it is supposedly stored in, looks like its in some auditorium display, certainly an apt location to pick up some mold spores

are you implying that these foodstuffs do not use preservatives to hinder decay and mold growth?

>> No.10024746
File: 26 KB, 500x598, 3cd452f0c83b70ed27fc72fff493d826frenchfriesfastfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of a dude who was cleaning his car that he owned for like 2 years at that point, and he said he never ate McDonald's in it, but he found a mcds fry in perfect looking condition, he said it was as hard as stone. He thinks somewhere one of the previous owners left it in there

>> No.10024779

ex mcdonald's worker here. one time I was tasked to clean out a nasty old cleaning cupboard and I found one piece of fries on the top shelf. it looked like any other fries.

>> No.10024787

>these people talking about fries when the question is burgers

>> No.10024817

What did they mean by this?

>> No.10025251


I've become obsessed with dave's double. Fuck I want one right now.

Who the fuck knows OP

>> No.10025290

the first time I saw one of these, it also encouraged people to do it for themselves.
if you don't take the burger apart so it can all dry out, it'll mold just like anything else.

>> No.10026045

I used to work at five guys burgers and my boss told me we use the same patties as wendys.

>> No.10026071

Are you saying that Wendy's is in bed with 5 Guys?

>> No.10026092

Dude it's cooked food. You throw out your leftovers too?

>> No.10026159

This reminds me of those videos people made ten years ago of boiling coke and showing this nasty black paste left and telling everyone you are drinking this
I wonder if heating all the sugar in the coke while evaporating all the water caused some sorth of chemical reaction and it turned into caramel you retards

>> No.10026170

So those videos were wrong because all they proved was that people were drinking a shitload of sugar like it was nothing?

>> No.10026182

but they are still drinking that sugar you obese lard.

>> No.10027913

I've eaten fast food left out overnight (8+hours) and have never gotten sick from it