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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10012503 No.10012503 [Reply] [Original]

What are your strange eating/drinking habits that you're pretty sure nobody else has?

>I think beer tastes better after its been open in the fridge a few days

>> No.10012677
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I'm sure others do it but the level of vitriol I get when I post it suggests there aren't many left: I like my steaks, and all meats really, well done. Not burnt, but like all pink removed. Fight me.

Here's an article on how snobby and plain stupid people can get over it:


>> No.10012693
File: 779 KB, 4032x3024, r1p4oH6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I eat cereal I check to see if there are any pieces sticking together. If there are then I pick them out with my hand and eat them first.

>> No.10012950

I love coffee thats been sitting on the counter for a whole day.

>> No.10012961

Separate white from yolk, cook white, eat yolk raw. Every egg, no matter what.

>> No.10013019
File: 947 KB, 750x996, youareharboringenemiesofthestateareyounot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitty article. With the little snipe about fracking in Pennsylvania there for no reason other than to virtue signal.

>> No.10013058
File: 55 KB, 429x571, 1515053018490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can fit up to 12 carrots up my asshole at once before i start prolapsing. Also i hate %90 of people on 4chan since thay all came from reddit over the last couple of years. Fuck all if you newfags. You either /b/elong or you dont.

>> No.10013068

the cringy retard with his cringy posts and his cringy reaction image strikes again

>> No.10013093

Completely understand. I need to have an exact amount of time required for any type of meat to fully cook before I cook it.

>> No.10013142

Pssssh... likely baby carrots you kidfucker.

>> No.10013170
File: 159 KB, 1024x1020, 1514578449173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that is such a biased piece of shit opinion piece, I didn't vote for Trump but damn there is a bias against him
>If you like your steak well done it's okay don't feel bad
>Trump likes it well done because he is a closed minded, insecure manchild
>But if you like it well done it's not the same don't feel bad about yourself
>Trump liking his steak well done speaks to how terrible of a person he is deep down and closed off to compromise he is, it means he is a bad businessman and he will be an awful leader
>But if you like your steak that way it's cool, no judgements
Also bonus points for thinking businessmen are risk takers when them being risk averse is sensible and actually closer to the norm for successful business people.

>> No.10013225

I keep most chocolate and Candy I eat in the fridge, or possibly the freezer. There’s nothing like having that chocolate crack into little sharpe cold slivers in my mouth. Gummies also have a much nicer texture. Milky Way Dark bars rock when donig this.

>> No.10013241

I only drink water, tea and coffee.

>> No.10013274

microwaved coffee is infinitely superior to fresh coffee

>> No.10013286

Same here.

>> No.10013295

i eat diced cooking onion raw
didn't know it was weird until i told someone a few days ago and now it's a local meme

>> No.10013298

But do you drink RAW water?

>> No.10013307

I like red meat just a little off. like maybe a bit of green, but not yet putrid. whenever someone actually notices, like a roommate I just tell them aged meat is the same but i cant afford that fancy shit.

>> No.10013310

I put salsa in the food processor for a little bit. Can't stand the chunky texture

>> No.10013330

1-you're a faggot
2-fracking is one of the most retarded industrial processes ever invented
3-the quote is "sheltering", not "harboring" you cunt

>> No.10013335

>cooking onion
as opposed to viewing onion?

>> No.10013339
File: 150 KB, 500x281, watamote coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 21 and I've never drunk coffee and never plan to. In addition to the normal reasons why people don't drink coffee, I feel like drinking it will be crossing some kind of line into adulthood that I don't want to go over.

>> No.10013353

i like mixing vanilla extract, spoonmeltingly strong green tea or pekoe, whole milk and honey in a 3 liter and drinking it over the course of three days, it never touches refrigeration.

>> No.10013361

I actually like this idea.

>> No.10013367

you should make a video of the first time you try coffee (if you decide to, that is) so you can mark, in history, the exact moment you came from a drink

>> No.10013369
File: 21 KB, 292x300, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat fried onions as a snack

>> No.10013376

Ever had black tea? Tastes like really bitter black tea, but without the tea flavour. In short, it's nothing to write home about.

>> No.10013383

pizza taste better reheated a day later

>> No.10013391

i eat those, fuckers are delicious. though they're great on chicken too.

>> No.10013394

>Tastes like really bitter black tea, but without the tea flavour
So like hot water?

>> No.10013401

i do this too, i'd do it more often if they weren't so expensive compared to chips though

>> No.10013497

every night i eat ungodly amounts of yogurt mixed with cocoa, coffee, cinnamon, and pig's blood. i know to others its strange but i routinely cook with blood so...

>> No.10013542

ever tried cow blood?

pigs are kinda gross.

>> No.10013553

Cow's is good as a soup.

>> No.10013573

Blame the original anon who named the file then I guess.

>> No.10013996

The rare occasion i do drink soda, i like it warm.

>> No.10014028

well, black pudding is delicious

>> No.10014218


>> No.10014274

I like eating leftovers cold. Bolognese (without pasta) tastes better cold.

>> No.10015151

Like caffeine in the black tea

>> No.10015176

i use to drink soda. now i got to where i just love water. and i eat kinda healthy too now. all by accident.

>> No.10015186

tuna n beans n fruit n rice. no real fast food.

>> No.10015205

Dipping strips of cheese into 3in1 instant coffee and eating them partially melted.

>> No.10015206

I let McDonald’s fries sit for an hour or two. For some reason they taste even better.

>> No.10015363

follow up story i remember my ex trying it and likeing it and hours later becoming violently ill. so if you want to make it proceed with care.

>> No.10015467

Not really strange, but I never eat hot food. When I cook, I let the shit cool down to room temp before I eat it, or refrigerate it until its cold, then eat

>> No.10015472

My exgf's mom used to drink hot dr pepper on cold days

>> No.10015473

Eating chunks of Parmesan dipped in mouth-numbing habanero sauce, and nothing else.

>> No.10015484

Those are god-tier on sandwiches and hamburgers, and even in tomato soup

>> No.10015512

My fiance is Mormon so he's never touched any alcohol or black teas/coffee.

>> No.10015951

I pull off and discard the bottom bun/bread on every and any sandwich or burger i eat. Fuck those extra calories.

>> No.10015957

I usually do that with any chocolate I eat, but actually never thought of doing it with gummy bears

>> No.10016206

Isn't that called high meat?

>> No.10016221

You sound like a real hep cat, daddio.

>> No.10016225

I prefer fried chicken/panfried meats left in the fridge for 4-5 days. The longer it sits, the drier the meat and the better it tastes to me. Week old steak is a treat

Maybe I just like jerky but actual jerky is never the right texture and dryness

>> No.10016264
File: 75 KB, 479x412, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mayonnaise or remoulade with my french fries, chicken nuggets, fishsticks, almost anything deep fried, also on my hot dogs and burgers
>dislike alcohol with meals, prefer milk or chocolate milk instead
>make sandwiches for myself and put them in the fridge for the next day, they taste better to me that way
lots of weird snacks and combos i like, such as:
>peanut butter topped with molasses and eaten with a pudding spoon
>shredded carrots and honey
>anchovies and dark chocolate
>yogurt and smoked herring
>mustard with sauerkraut
>liver pate and jam on toast
>cheese with apples, cheddar + braeburn is the best

>> No.10016281

>>cheese with apples

that one's not actually weird, people have been eating apple slices with cheese and crackers forever

>> No.10016285


I assume you are also Mormon? You could have just written about yourself.

Are you going to convert?

Won't he get excommunicated for marrying a non-Mormon?

>> No.10016304

I like uncarbonated coke.

>> No.10016320

No I'm not Mormon. His family is fine with it and mine is fine with them being Mormon. They just want us to be happy.

Believe me, we've discussed it in great detail.

>> No.10016328

I like two-day old buttered popcorn. It just tastes really good in a different way.

>> No.10016339

I eat pizza with ranch dressing sometimes (I know is a sin in itself, god forgive me) but I cover both the pizza and the ranch in crushed red peppers. I like to run my finger over the ranch, picking up the pieces of peppers and licking it off my fingers before dipping my pizza into the ranch.

That's the only autistic thing I do with food to my knowledge. Oh

>I don't mind/kinda like soggy cereal, depending on the cereal.

>> No.10016614

Don't you have to sign a contract swearing to raise your spawn as a mormon like a heretic does when they marry a catholic?

>> No.10016708


>> No.10016763

i enjoy most meats very well done and dry (chicken, pork chops, etc) however i do prefer a medium rare steak, but i also love it well done too

>> No.10016780


>> No.10016852

nigga what

>> No.10016901

I knock the bubbles out of all carbonated drinks except beer, and prefer them room temperature rather than cold.
I find the bubbling and the cold really unpleasant when I drink it and the gas tastes bitter. I don't usually like sweet fizzy drinks, but if I do have them I like to taste the sweetness and not bubbles that taste like metal and factories.

On the whole factory thing, have you guys ever noticed the taste of big warehouses in powdered goods like flour and sugar? It tastes like dust and mustiness and big spaces.

>> No.10016983

It's the only way steaks were cooked during the dust bowl. My grandmothers on both sides of my family would burn their food because it's the only way to be completely sure all the bacteria in the meat died. And it follows that the children of these people would eat the same way. I used to eat all of my meat well-done until recently. I don't get why people are so elitist over personal taste in food.

>> No.10017278

If it’s salty, it has to be warm or hot. I panfry slices of ham. I cannot eat cold meat except if it’s room temperature.