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File: 92 KB, 600x550, 14-onigiri-rice-balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10010297 No.10010297 [Reply] [Original]

How to make proper rice balls? It seems to hold together fine, but it kind of falls apart and becomes a mess once I actually start eating it. More salt? Less salt? Slow cooling? Fast cooling? Or what?

>> No.10010429

Turn them into doughnuts.

>> No.10011011
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>> No.10011304

Use sushi rice

>> No.10011458

What kind of rice are you using and what is your water-to-rice ratio when you cook it?

>> No.10011529

Dont wash the rice as much. The starch is what helps it stick together. Alternatively you can make one batch of regular rice, and then another batch of rice and then smush one of the batches down into somewhat of a mush, then combine then use that for the riceball.

Oooorrrr just go to the nearest asian market and buy specific "sticky rice".

>> No.10011545

You know there's rice vinegar you're supposed to use right

>> No.10011935

I've never tasted Onigiri but the pictures make my mouth watery every time, I think they'd be good with a strawberry/blueberry or orange marmelade filling

>> No.10011944

use sticky rice, vinegar it, fan it, stick it together. It's very easy.

>> No.10012962
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i dont know sold in you country.

>> No.10013118
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>> No.10013150
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You can wash the starch off a couple of times if you like. They don't fall apart if you 1. Use sushi rice 2 have the right amount of rice to fish 3 let your rice cool before you make your rice balls.

Also if your hands are a little wet the rice won't stick to your hands that much.

Picture :riceballs I made today

>> No.10013281


What the fuck are you all talking about? And OP why are you salting it. Just get short grain rice, add the correct amount of water for how many cups you used, then make it. It will stick together. Get a cheap rice cooker too.

>> No.10013332

>what the fuck are you talking about
>doesn't know anything about rice vinegar

>> No.10013506
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>cheap rice cooker
Get this instead.

>> No.10013562
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Try an instant pot.

>> No.10013567

I've only had success making wild rice in the Instapot, white rice came out too mushy when I tried it

>> No.10013614

but why? rice is literally the easiest thing to cook consistently

>> No.10013630


>an hour to cook rice

No thanks. I’m not a Japanese housewife with that much free time.

>> No.10013641

you literally push a button and it makes the rice perfect for you
although haoles tend to like a different texture on their rice

>> No.10013669

you can also turn a dial and make perfect rice if you're not flyover state soccer mom levels of bad at cooking without spending the money and space on a cooker like that

>> No.10013708

Gross, short grain rice should be washed until the water runs clear

>> No.10013965
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I am moving out and trying to pick up stuff.

I am thinking of buying this model. Worth the 250 dollarios?

I work 12 hours so if I like set this up in the morning can I have it like done by the time I get home? Can rice sit in water that long?

>> No.10014002

You don't salt the rice directly. You make a brine and moisten your hands, then compact it pretty hard; the brine makes it not stick to your hands while you do so.

That model is 100-150 USD equivalent depending on where you buy it. 250 is a rip, you can get all sorts of wacky integrated-charcoal-filter ultrasonic-cooking features for 250 unless you're buying locally in EU/AUS. (at which point it's still actually $150, just with $100 payments toward your free healthcare and free college rolled in).

>> No.10014003

~$140 on amazon. Yeah, you can set it to start anytime during the day.

Not sure on letting it soak for 12hrs though, probably would be fine as long as it's not hot in your house while you're working.

Makes bomb ass rice without burning up 10% of the volume on the bottom, unlike cheap rice cookers.

>> No.10014012


Oh I must be looking at a fancier version. Not sure the difference other than a Jasmine rice version.

>> No.10014015

Everyone that makes sticky rice needs one of these


>> No.10014018

This'll do all you'll ever need:


>> No.10014025

So how is this one is different from the NP-HCC10XH one? What warrants 100 dollars more? Just because of one settings? The 250 one doesn't even have a steam basket.


>> No.10014027

>using rice vinegar for anything but sushi

やばん。Consider suicide.

>> No.10014074

It uses a different style of heating element, Induction Heating, which is apparently faster...

Either way, $250 is a lot of scratch for a rice cooker and I don't think it's worth the price. $140 is a little steep too, but as someone who bought shitty rice cooker prior to buying the Zoji, I'm just recommending you spend a little more for a tool and not a toy the first time. You'll save more time and money in the long run.

>> No.10014083

Thanks anon. Yeah I'm gonna stick with the 140. Little faster is cool but maybe not that cool.

>> No.10014090

Re-reading that, I'm saying buy either the $140 version I linked, or the $250 model you linked. Whatever fits your budget. They're awesome.

Just don't go buying a $50 rice cooker and expect it to give any good results.

>> No.10014095
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>> No.10014182

lol sure when you cook Uncle Bens bullshit

>> No.10014200

Pretty much, but rather than just price numbers it's better to think of it as "anything which doesn't have a pressure lid is just a hotplate with added inconvenient housing keeping you from putting other pans on".

Once you get up to there, the timer-lever Zoji/Tiger/Cuckoo/etc will do shortgrain and only shortgrain okay, the digital model we're mostly discussing is good at all rices and less likely to scorch shortgrain even if you wash poorly or mispour water/can also steam and do some cakes or quick breads, there's a midtier a bit above that that I'm not very fond of because they're just extra modes, and then there's the extremely highend stuff which is nice to have but a luxury.

>> No.10014201


You dumb fucks just sound so stupid to people who actually cook.


>> No.10014205
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>> No.10014209

You've never had rice cooker rice if you're actually defending stove top rice.

>> No.10014222
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>Trust me bros
>Errrrrrr'ay time

>> No.10014225


I did, it's in the garage. I can't be bothered with shit cluttering up my counter when I can make it just as fast and as good on my stove. You're just fucking lazy and indoctrinated.

>> No.10014229

rice absorbs all the water, there's no water for it to sit in if you use a rice cooker.
I have a different model, after it cooks the rice it goes into 'keep warm' mode which the rice will be fine for all day. Chinese for restaurants use a big one and leave that shit on warm all day long, its fine.

>> No.10014231

>tumblrites so tumblrite they took the last vowel out of their name too
>arguing with several studies commissioned by the Japanese government
there is a right way to cook rice over an open flame, and it's well-documented in double-blind testing
that way is a complex and expensive ceramic pressure pot that is more expensive than an average zojirushi even though it was standard in japanese and chinese kitchens until the '50s. people buy them if they like the crust, that's one thing electric rice cookers are bad at.

>> No.10014233


"press-a-button-goodness". You're a fucking microwave chef.

>> No.10014238

Oh well that would probably be a better option I guess. Just have it keep warm for like 8 hours. Still stays good after that long?

>> No.10014242


You know that teflon basket in your rice cooker? We call that a pot in the real world, and it goes back on the pegs or in the cupboard when you're done, and there's no fucking homunculus on your counter afterwards.

>> No.10014244

>Long grain rice
>A slim type of rice that cooks up fluffy and doesn't clump the way, say, short-grain rice does
>This is the most forgiving rice
>The variety that will most often turn out the way you want it.

>> No.10014248

>I post about my objectively wrong feels on 4chan and expect people to take me seriously. :)
go back to your hugbox on daily stormer forums. asia has this right and can document it.

>> No.10014252


and medium and short grain requires you to know how to cook them too. Fancy fucking that. I'm making shitbox california rolls this weekend.

>> No.10014251

you using medium grain rice?

>> No.10014258


if you eat a lot of rice you must be retarded to not use one

>> No.10014264

The Zoji has the keep warm function too. You just need a rice cooker that allows you to set what time it starts cooking (usually 1hr before you'll be ready to eat it), and in the $100+ price range, you should be able to pick any of them and be good.

>> No.10014265


Do you have a rice fan? I actually own a stupid fucking rice fan.

>> No.10014276

I hate to tell you, it's not the same ricebro. If you can stovetop short grain, consistent, every time. You are better than me, I'll just pay the premium for convenience of hitting the cook button.

>> No.10014282

Nah, I use a cheap plastic plate that we have in our cupboard or the square oven mitt I use to take the bowl out of the rice cooker. I spent my rice fan money on the rice cooker haha

>> No.10014283

Every Asian has one. Only whites cook their rice on the stove top.
T. Chink

>> No.10014288

When you make your own sushi, you need very cold water, a shallow tapered knife and a bamboo mat wrapped in seranwrap. Cut the nori in half, wet your fingers, take the dried sushi rice in your hand and cover half your nori in a single layer of rice, place a quarter cut piece of cucumber, a sliver of crab and a sliver of carrot in the center. Wrap with in quarter rolls, when it's complete wet the edge of the nori and seal it. Cut it fast and gentle with a cold wet, sharp blade to make maki rolls.

>> No.10014297
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Which of my dudes has one of these tho?

>> No.10014302

yeah i asked some asian friends if they know how to cook rice on the stove and they said no because they'd never done it

why complicate things and make it worse right

>> No.10014304


That's because you assholes have every electronic gadget on the planet. Your parents would be embarrassed. That teflon insert takes as long as a pot to clean. And you still end up with an asshole pushbutton device on your counter top. You're more korean than any korean was even if you're japanese. Materialistic idiots. General Douglas MaCarthur turned your culture into a shitbox mixup of America and Japan.

>> No.10014308

>I have a rice cooker to cook my rice
You have a pot, a lid for said pot, and a fucking stove...

Where you store your stove out of sight?!?

Checkmate, my dude

>> No.10014313


So you live in a dorm. Fine, enjoy your rice cooker.

>> No.10014323
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>I don't play about my rice
Nah, I live in a house that I own. Hence, why I also have a $140 rice cooker my dude.

>> No.10014335
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Back on track.

Why is this so much better than the bamboo style option?

>> No.10014340
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>> No.10014348
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>> No.10014355


and now you have to wash that twist off shitbox like a fucking POT. jesus. Don't get any grains inside the machine.

I've OWNED ONE dipshit, I know what kind of a hassle they are.

>> No.10014359


You just like the pretty fitbit digital garbage, don't you?

>> No.10014369

You strike me as a person that hates Instant Pots too

>> No.10014371

Them shits are nice anon

>> No.10014376


That rice looks wet, btw.

>> No.10014381
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This is my instant shitbox ramen. Rare steak, ramen mushrooms.

>> No.10014392


That was the best shitty ramen I've ever had. It was rich in that jap shit they call umami. Raw steak fat.

>> No.10015018

This confused the hell out of me as a kid.

>> No.10015104

Same, I used to think Japan must have these wierd triangular shaped jelly doughnuts. I figured they had shaved coconut and sugar on the outside or something

>> No.10016021

jasmine rice is the worst rice

>> No.10016024

Meh, it ain't that bad, it's more convenience of being able to make a serving of rice in 1 minute

>> No.10016043

would have more of flavour if it were BASMSATI

>> No.10016052

Use short grain rice

>> No.10016076
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Basmati is for the peeps that like to make life intentionally harder by not purchasing a Zojirushi

>> No.10016097

basmati has very good flavour

>> No.10016537
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>> No.10016539

Yeah, they sell a fuck ton every year because they're less convenient.