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10007357 No.10007357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What food goes the best with crumbled Xanax?

>> No.10007378

go to sleep lil peep

>> No.10007383

I had a good answer for that but I don't remember.

>> No.10007384


>> No.10007387


jack in the box, pasta, ice cream, greek yogurt, hot cheetos, peanut butter, green tea, pho, smoothies, chicken gyro plate

>> No.10007395

smoothies sounds like a good way to go about it

>> No.10007402

I've hung out with every type of drug user there is. Heroin junkies, coke fiends, stoners, permafried acid droppers, drunks - you name it, I've been around people on it. Pillheads are by far the most insufferable and difficult to tolerate group of drug users that have ever existed. They are not fun, they have nothing interesting to say (if they say anything at all), and they can't follow anything.

>> No.10007408

I have terrible anxiety and I'm pretty sure I would love xanax. But I've never tried it. Years ago somebody on /b/ told me it makes you literally retarded if you take a lot of it.

>> No.10007420

opiates are for white trash flyover faggots

>> No.10007421

Real answer is to crush up 4 bars in a peanut butter jelly sandwich

>> No.10007426

totinos pizza rolls (supreme)

>> No.10007436
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>> No.10007448

>not knowing the difference between opiates and benzos

>> No.10007449

Xanax isn't opiate. It's benzo

>> No.10007463

What about Norm macdonald?

>> No.10007466

>knowing the difference between opiates and benzos

>> No.10007474

I don't use either one. I'm just not a retard.

>> No.10007537

goddamn everything

>> No.10007549

For me it's th- *passes out and dies*

>> No.10007578

box wine

>> No.10007609

A .357

>> No.10007635

Couple cans of PBR

>> No.10007667

You would need something very sugary or very rich to cut the flavor. I am not sure what would work exactly because the shit is so bitter and nasty.

>> No.10007670

Considering that you’re more than likely getting pressed “Xanax” I’d say store bought spaghetti with basic Ragu sauce. Just grind up 10-15 on a plate and have a last meal as disappointing as your shit life.

>> No.10007680

As someone who's never taken a benzo, can anyone care to explain what it feels like for a first time user? At just a normal dosage, nothing crazy

>> No.10007689

From what it sounds like, he’s awful to be friends with since he’s flakey as fuck since he basically never leaves his condo.

>> No.10007714

If you have anxiety or are having a panic attack, it feels like being "normal".
Otherwise you just feel rather calm, much more confident, and it can also cause some real bad munchies.

>> No.10007716

It’s kind of similar to being drunk. You become fairly relaxed, lose inhibitions, and get kind of sleepy. There’s not really a “high” to them. They just make you drowsy and emotionally numb. They’re shit unless you have serious anxiety issues. They’re also very hard to find without a prescription and super addictive.

Also they taste like shit.

>> No.10007720

but it's mostly like you get really relaxed. idk i've tried bars a few times and I never get euphoric like some of my friends describe. mostly just feel like a nap.

>> No.10007887


>> No.10007916

1 oz of small lead bbs

>> No.10007931

those aren't real bars in case anyone is wondering, that's sketchy ass pressed overseas bullshit.

>> No.10007958

I take a very low dose (prescribed) when I’m having unbearable anxiety or a panic attack. It’s wonderful and makes me feel calm. But, yes, if you take a lot you’ll be bartarded and black out.

>> No.10007970
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Some good old arbeit macht frei goes nicely with Xanax.

>> No.10008237

and her pussy taste like skittles what, ayy

>> No.10008254

What's considered a normal dose for someone unaccustomed to benzos? What's a heavy dose? In mg.

>> No.10008283

If you have never had any experience, 1 mg will probably knock you out.

>> No.10008285

I feel like it's more similar to being high.

>> No.10008292

I took 2.5mg as a first timer and didn't feel anything, though I am 515.

>> No.10008306

Your inhibitions will shut down completely, but you'll still hear your front brain screaming at you not to do something as you're doing it.
Nasty shit.

>> No.10008309

> though I am 515.
515 freedom units is, what, like 1.9 meters tall? Not good with english.

>> No.10008320

515 pounds. I'm 7'2". Yes, seriously.

>> No.10008328

you're a big boy

>> No.10008337

It's a curse, trust me. Women like tall, but not this tall.

>> No.10008340

Yeah but you're literally a giant. Just get ripped and intimidate the hell out of everybody in a 5 mile radius just by existing.

>> No.10008344
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>> No.10008348

can we get a pic

>> No.10008359

How big is your dick?

>> No.10008366

could you please gift us with an anecdote about pill heads?

>> No.10008373


bruh do you have serious knee and spine issues? shits gonna suck once you pass 35 i'd imagine

>> No.10008376

I used to do a lot of drugs, and I wouldn’t describe the feeling of taking any amount of Xanax as high. I’m assuming you’re talking about marijuana. Even weed that gives a serious body high is completely dissimilar to the feeling I got from Xanax. It fucks up motor functionality in similar way to alcohol and you don’t feel shit emotionally. Maybe you just had a different feeling from it than I. Either way, don’t do it. It’s bad for you.

>> No.10008384

a nice vodka-cyanide cocktail.

>> No.10008399
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Didn't you hear, bro? We all left xanax in 2017

>> No.10008432

Not that anon, but the pill head's wit is as dry as a Nevada hooker. Drooling bumbling babies at their best while their conscious. More often than not they're lulling themselves in and out of sleep on the couch, and the next day they act like they had a great time with their friends so long as they aren't too deprived of their drug of choice. I snorted roxicet for a couple years. It's a bad scene. Meeting toothless fucks at motels and trailer parks to get your fix. Not caring about getting fucked over as long as you got something. It's dark and depraved. And you never really forget it either. I get a mild high when I see heroin or painkillers in a movie. I think about going to the hood and throwing away 10 years of work. Don't ever get mixed up with pills.