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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 612x408, vegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10005809 No.10005809 [Reply] [Original]

it can be any vegetable.
what are the things you like about it.

>> No.10005847
File: 606 KB, 4896x3264, rhub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rhubarb cuz europeans were like "this vegetable? it's a fruit now. fuck you"

>> No.10005866

I discovered not that long ago that turnips are God's gift to humanity.

>> No.10005883

How do you cook your turnips? I think I've only had them roasted with other root vegetables and they got lost in the mix.

>> No.10005897


I tend to halve or quarter them depending on size and throw them in the oven with some beets, olive oil, salt, pepper, and paprika.

It's mostly a product of my girlfriend always bringing me beets and turnips from her farm but I've found they go pretty well together. I think the beets are distinct enough that you kind of want a break (which you get in the turnips) but they're not so strong that the turnips just get lost.

>> No.10005901

Onion, the sweetest vegetable

>> No.10005907
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bae might not be much to look at but it has a killer personality tbf

>> No.10005911


I've never not just turned eggplant to mush. I guess I've never actually tried *that* hard, either.

>> No.10005913


>> No.10005914
File: 115 KB, 2000x1333, steamed-broccoli-horiz-b-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing beats those delicious fuckers

Aside for that, garlic, if that counts

>> No.10005915


I don't fully understand why but it's just so god damn tasty to me. I grab some any chance I get as long as it's not highway robbery priced.

>> No.10005916

Asparagus desu

>> No.10005941

sweet potatoes & fiddlehead. ferns oh sweet jesus.

>> No.10005989

Not that guy but they’re pretty good thinly sliced and raw in salads

>> No.10005991

scallions for taste
courgettes for texture

>> No.10006040


>> No.10006072

Favorite root vegetable: the humble potato. Even better than rice, they have a million preparations. They're the blank canvas of root vegetable.

Favorite green vegetable: spinach. Loaded with iron, you can cook it or eat it raw in a salad.

Favorite colored vegetable: carrots. Necessary for a mirepoix, useful in 50% of all soups and stews, and tasty as a raw snack, with dip or without.

>> No.10006161

Chinese cabbage. Sweet and crunchy. Never get tired of it.

>> No.10006193

My nigga!

Fiddlehead seems interesting. What's it like and how do you like it prepared?

>> No.10006948
File: 19 KB, 220x210, Polystichum_munitum_(Jami_Dwyer)_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiddleheads taste like a very nutty asparagus/spinach and its quite pleasant in some butter. ive only eaten polystichum munitum & ostrich ferns before because they grow all over my yard.
as a precaution you should boil all fiddleheads because some varieties have toxins. ESPECIALLY ostrich ferns!!

>> No.10007337


>> No.10007567
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For me, its the mushroom, the perfect side dish.

>> No.10008206

I've been hearing a lot about the neurogenetic effects of lion's mane lately and supposedly it tastes great as well. They're pretty common over here in the PNW, maybe I should go hunting one of these days.

>> No.10008253


I like to pretend I'm a brontosaurus and the broccoli florets are tiny trees.

>> No.10008265

Onions, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes (f you're counting them as a vegetable)

I can't choose just one, but those 4 are necessary, and the only vegetables I truly couldn't be without.

>> No.10008330

Lay one on its side, cut off the top and bottom, then slice it into disks, maybe 3/4" thicc. Sprinkle salt all over the disks and let it sit for ten minutes. Then oil them up and put them on a grill for a few minutes until they get a little roasty. Take them off the grill, remove skin, maybe put some pizza sauce and cheese on them, and enjoy.

>> No.10008414

Motherfucking RED BEETS.

Borscht is delicious.
Pickled beets are awesome sugar sweetened or just on their own.
Roasted diced beets with other root veggies with some balsamic reduction. Mmm.
The greens are full of calcium and you can use them in anything.

Then you get to have a moment of panic when you think you just shat blood if you eat too many.

They're just great all around.

>> No.10008653
File: 251 KB, 1536x1024, chicken_of_the_woods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard they're pretty rare but I found one of those once in the adirondacks. The texture is feathery, you can just pull it apart you dont need a knife, and the flavor is on the milder side imo.

Chicken of the woods was the best tasting mushroom i ever found

>> No.10008765

onions. I can't remember the last time I went a day without eating something that had onions involved in it

>> No.10009017
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My favourite vegetables are on the bitter side, but tender. Butter and garlic are always good, but boiled until just cooked is perfectly fine.
Brussels sprouts
mustard greens
pea sprouts

>> No.10009649
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>> No.10009662

Sweet potato is the king of vegetables. You can eat it by itself, make it into a healthier French fry, make chips, or use it to encrust a salmon.

>> No.10009705

purple broccoli >>>>> normal broccoli

>> No.10009742


Other than lettuce those are all fruits.

>> No.10009745

shut the fuck up, fruitcake

>> No.10009772

I might have to second this. Really want to make Borscht! Homegrown and preserved beetroot slices with homemade pate' on some nice bread, maybe some avocado. So fucking nice. Beetroot and pate' is amazing together.

>> No.10009778

Romanesco >>>>>>>>>>>>>> broccoli

>> No.10009790

Broccoli. Tastes good, and good for you.

Although I fuck up everything healthy about it by drowning it in rich cream and/or cheese sauces.

>> No.10009795

corn from a jar

>> No.10009812

I get most of those but how are strawberries mostly water

>> No.10009819

just put a few in one of those fruit dryers and watch them lose 90% of their weight

>> No.10009851

broccoli, spinach, carrots
every meal i make contains at least one of them.
i generally enjoy every vegetable. it feels so healthy and filling. why would someone ever eat meat.

>> No.10009903

I love carrots. They're tasty and versatile. They have good fibre so keep me full for a long time. I can make them sweet with honey or savoury with vinegar. Sometimes I even grate one into my morning oatmeal. Cut into sticks and dipped into yoghurt or ricotta or cottage cheese make a good healthy movie snack. The supermarket ones are cheap as fuck but they're a bit bland and need to be peeled because the skin (and a bit under the skin) tastes horrible even after washing them. The independant fruit and veggie store ones are much better.
The vitamin A keeps my genes healthy too, and hopefully one day I'll get to share my genes with someone special. I wanna be a full time dad one day.

>> No.10010151

Sweet potato.

>> No.10010950

asparagus, cuz pee smell

>> No.10010966

this anon? he's a fruit

>> No.10010969

it's literally onions. onions are the right answer. they're so insanely versatile and improve almost anything, there couldn't be any other answer that is actually justified.
There's a reason that onions are literally in every food culture while most other veggies are restrained to a few

>> No.10010971

I've yet to meet a sammich that wasn't better with diced onions on it.
Red Bell Peppers a close second, damn tasty things.
Honorable mention to Broccoli, that great improver of rice based dishes.

>> No.10010976

OP cuz its a retarded faggot

>> No.10010995

Sweet potatoes are virtually as bad for you as regular potatoes iirc.

>> No.10012048

>bad for you

If you deep fry them and cover in cheese sauce, sure. Potatoes are very nutritious but I wouldn't call them vegetables.

>> No.10012174
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>> No.10012208

Onions make everything better. They are God's gift to humanity.

>> No.10012342

Stewed collard greens with vinegar. ham hocks, and bacon are perfect

>> No.10012708

Oh, you.

>> No.10012739

Broccoli is the only vegetable I get cravings for. I can easily eat a head of steamed broc with a little butter and salt

>> No.10012777

I'm sure it's not my favourite but the first and strongest thought to come to mind is the rutabaga

>> No.10013176

Broccoli or Cucumbers simply because they're simple

>> No.10013190

Oh man. Spinach, mushrooms, onions, cabbage, potatoes, eggplant, carrots.

Hard to choose I love veggies.

>> No.10013220

I can't choose one! I love vegetables too much and I'm grateful my parents have a vegetable garden with lots of different vegetables, herbs, and some fruits too. My favourite ones are definitely zucchini (especially zucchini blossoms), peppers (green long sweet peppers in particular), broccoli and rocket salad. I also like peas, fennel, celery, leeks, chives, red onions, cabbage (especially the red and the Savoy types), cauliflower, spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, artichokes, and green beans a lot. I just realized most vegetables I like are green.
I don't know why I like them, I just think they taste so damn good. I would eat only vegetables in my life but variety is necessary to get other nutrients..

My mum would make risotto with red beets sometimes. Tastes as good as it looks (a nice red/pink colour), very aesthetic. She'd make risotto with red cabbage too which is violet and looks really nice as well and tastes a lot better imo

Also this

>> No.10013275

cute af

>> No.10013306

>red beets
What other colours are common?

>> No.10013322

Potatoes if you're counting potatoes.

If not then cabbage. I can eat it hot, cold, it's mild enough raw to taste good in sandwiches and shit. Also it keeps in the fridge for fucking ever so it's less likely to be a waste of money if I forget about it for awhile.

>> No.10013349
File: 91 KB, 599x829, guide_to_winter_squash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love dumpling squash! It is hard to find where I live in Louisiana so I have to get a whole bunch when I go on vacation to North Carolina. It's technically a fruit. If I had to go with traditional vegetable it would be japanese sweet potatoes.

>> No.10013419

this is retarded. Every living organism is mostly water.

>> No.10013894

that's actually adorable, anon

>> No.10013954
File: 34 KB, 612x612, 466175630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice ripe tomato

>> No.10014030
File: 360 KB, 506x817, PC Multiculturalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna..

>> No.10014181


>> No.10015553

I like all vegetables except corn, fuck that nasty shit. Ive never been able to eat it, if I merely smell corn being cooked, projectile vomit. Weird thing is, i fucking love hominy though...

>> No.10015581
File: 220 KB, 1500x997, san marzano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot peppers, then Avocado, then Tomato, then Artichoke

My life would suck without Capsicum

>> No.10015585

they don't behave themselves when cooked in water, you gotta use dry heat

>> No.10015627


used to hate it, then discovered the ketobread recipes and how cooking in broth removes that filthy stench. I bake a plate of cauliflowers buns/bagels at least once a weak
look past the soccer mom, recipe is GOAT

>> No.10015641
File: 429 KB, 2094x1396, tomato-twenty20_76ff03fc-1675-499e-8c4c-fcc1af299efe-586686b83df78ce2c35cb982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My absolute favorite is tomato. Go`s with everything or just it eat with a little bit of salt. Love the juicy little orbs of vitamine.

>> No.10015726
File: 11 KB, 290x286, hard drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know why
RAW of course

>> No.10015744
File: 79 KB, 800x529, peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucking ambrosia thats why

>> No.10015822
File: 78 KB, 564x752, IMG_1439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Y'all are WHACK

>> No.10015940

most versatile, gives good flavor for every sauce and soup

>> No.10015944
File: 104 KB, 640x640, 3E9BZO9F1D3497C43A27E8mx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have my mom made me some fiddlehead stirfry when i return

>> No.10015946


>> No.10016388

You heard right. Im supplementing lions mane into my diet atm

>> No.10016808

what time do you pick them?

>> No.10016854

Around noon.
Seriously though, they have to be picked when they're young.

>> No.10016876
File: 394 KB, 473x518, 1487986063785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw roasting all of dey vegetables
It's amazing how great something tastes when the preparation is so fucking lazy

>> No.10016965

Goes with everything