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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10004760 No.10004760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Terror will reign upon those who do not stop drinking.

>> No.10004783

most of us are already pretty familiar with the terror

>> No.10004799
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Yes, and water is wet, everybody already knows that retard.

>> No.10004805
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>> No.10004815
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We're here to help.

>> No.10004838

>have the fear
>drink a coffee
Made it 20 minutes sober. Mental note: fuck caffeine.

>> No.10004837

What's a good spirit that doesnt give heartburn?

I'm the alck who thought they were dying this weekend of a heart attack. Pretty sure it was heartburn/neuropathy from drinking bourbon straight for 2 weeks.

Switched back to beer and hate all the empties and calories. Maybe gin?

>> No.10004852
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Delete your alcohol

>> No.10004864

Brain fog, part of PAWS.
It last a few months. You have to power through it. Or, well, just wait until it ends without engaging in brain-intensive activities.

>> No.10004888

>have withdrawals
>maybe weed will help
>sit there and fully realize what a shitty useless person you are for 4 hours
>give the weed to some kids

>> No.10004913

>havnt ate anything in a week
>been throwing up quite a bit
ah yes

>> No.10005002

I’ve been working with dogs for like 35 years.

>> No.10005008

They call it a skippy, because it goes “skipskipskipskip”

>> No.10005011

Does anyone else get eyelid twitches as a side effect of alcoholism? My right eyelid has been randomly twitching for maybe 30 seconds at a time several times a day for the last few days. I read that this could be related to alcohol or caffeine consumption.

>> No.10005057

finally managed to eat
just a little bit of hashbrowns but its better than nothing
fucking hate withdrawals, at least im over the worst of them

>> No.10005064

When I hit it hard I get all kinds of muscle spasms the next day. That shit's no fun.

>> No.10005070

I get all sorts of eye problems. Everything from pain and watering, to permanent partial sightedness. Thanks, alcohol.

>> No.10005082

After so much time spirits are just a one way ticket to the complete and total destruction of your life. After so much time, you have to be satisfied with beer and wine or just stop.
t. 10 years

>> No.10005083

Do you ever wake up with one eye blurry and then it takes a few drinks for it to kind of "wake up", like if you've ever worn contacts it's like a blurry contact lens but my actual eye. fucking scary stuff, I think I'd rather be dead than blind

>> No.10005088

Had my first sober day in months yesterday due to working two consecutive 14 hour days. I didn't get home until 9pm and I was totally wiped out. I was starting to feel mild withdrawal symptoms by then (stomach cramps, headache) but I was so tired I figured I'd just try to sleep without a drink. I got to sleep right away, but I was up pretty much every hour. I feel mostly okay this morning though and am going to try to get a streak going.

>> No.10005093

I got that in the beginning when I was drinking a lot of beer in college.
I don't get it anymore for whatever reason even though I still drink.

>> No.10005134
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My insides are melting. I should've ate something yesterday.

>> No.10005141

Sounds like vitamin deficiency.

>> No.10005157

im eating more hashbrowns
having troubles though

>> No.10005185

Interesting. I did a little research and it sounds like it could be a B12 deficiency. Thanks, anon.

>> No.10005197

I’m trying to cook duck a l’orange while throwing up every five minutes, struggling to keep Chardonnay down.
I had a cashew nut yesterday. I should be ok.

>> No.10005232

I appreciate it, but it sounds like we're in the same boat.

10 years at 60-ish units a week. Had a recent spat with light beer - I'm so sick of the carbs and bloat and buying another 30 pack every couple days.

Getting a buzz at night is my only treat in life. Yea, I'm an alcoholic, albeit a very functioning one. Just can't stomach the crippling pain and numbness in my chest and arm, then a panic attack all from bourbon.

>> No.10005237
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Oh god this is me. It fucking sucks. I wish so much that I could just have fun and enjoy weed like when I was younger. Every time I try it now it's just an introspective hell ride for hours and I wish for the high to end.
I have an eighth that I bought months ago just sitting in my closet. I smoked one single bowl from it and noped the fuck out.

>> No.10005291

I have no hobbies. I just drink and shitpost. Do you think if I became a mod here, it'd bring some purpose to my life?

>> No.10005324

I go into some sort of convulsions. Not one for the weed.

>> No.10005370

Nope. You'll be surrounded by useless shitposting losers reinforcing what a waste you've become. You'll contempt for chantards will grow until you go full W.T. Snacks and start frivolously dropping the ban-hammer in a desperate need to fill the void within you.

Get a hobby. Play a video game instead.

>> No.10005528

This is a pretty harsh way of putting it, but this is 100% true.

>> No.10005546

Never really understood why anyone would want to jan/mod this place. I imagine it’s like posting here but with added irritation and pointless responsibility. I’ve never applied.
Can you imagine what it’s be like to be a janitor on /b/? Christ just end me

>> No.10005591


>> No.10005594


>> No.10005708

is this why I literally shit water yesterday at 3am after 1L of Desperado and a KFC bucket

>> No.10005955

What is the best bang for my buck alcohol? I'm looking for the cheapest way to get drunk

>> No.10005958

There's a chart floating around that has box wine at #1 followed by bottom shelf vodka. Iirc everclear is #7

>> No.10005979
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>stop into one of the 5 places i go every other day to pick up a handle of vodka
>girl i almost never see is the only one working
>first handle i grab has an instant $5 off coupon if you buy two or more of their products
>have an excuse to buy two handles at once without just seeming like an alcoholic

Feels good man.

>> No.10005996

i drink golden grain, it's a little cheaper than everclear and you only need a little to get fucked up.

>> No.10006061
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It's such a good fucking feeling to know I don't have to drink today. Going from being physically dependent, to just fighting the mental urge to drink, to now being able to say "nah i'll just drink on the weekend/some other time" feels good. The worrying thing is I don't even know how I did it, I don't want to be in that situation again where I'm shaking by noon because I haven't had bourbon. At first I thought it was because I started smoking more weed, but then I kinda stopped that too. Maybe my depression that I didn't realise I had went away.

>> No.10006145

Sadly they don't sell grain alcohol in Ontario, at least as far as I know. My local store's highest abv I've seen is probably like 62%, and that was absinthe so it was way too expensive

>> No.10006146

I puked all over myself earlier.

>> No.10006420

Fuck you and gtfo

>> No.10006905


Estimated delivery Saturday, 20. Jan 2018
Birthday Party Supplies Disposable Helium Cylinder Canister Fills 50 Balloons
Birthday Party Supplies Disposable Helium Cylinder Canister Fills 50 Balloons
Item price £ 21.24
Quantity 1

>> No.10006925
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>> No.10006951

FUCK! I try to drink as cheaply as possible to save money and I would KILL to get a 'buy 2 get $5 off' deal, and that's $5 CANADIAN! That would be AMAZING! So fucking expensive to drink in Newfoundland... a lot more expensive than in Fort McMurray and that's in northern Alberta where everything is expensive! Fuck's sake...

>> No.10006965

Whiskey doesn't give you heartburn. I drink it all the time (I'm drinking Lagavulin as I type this), and I have NEVER had heartburn.

>> No.10006972

It gives me heartburn. I'm having both right now.

>> No.10006977

When I get its related to sleep deficiency
Aka not enough REM

Alck is known to inhibit REM processes
Consider sleeping outside of your drinking and digestion hours

>> No.10006983

hope you put some days together

>> No.10006994

I have never had serious withdrawal symptoms, basically I've only had barely noticeable ones. Still, I drink basically every day, 6-12 beers or equivalent. It's not that I physically need to drink, it's just that my life is honestly that pointless.

>> No.10007000

Most party helium contains oxygen to prevent death nowadays.

>> No.10007025

My bowels are trying to destroy themselves and I've been practically glued to a toilet seat for almost 48 hours. On the bright side I'm now 48 hours out from my last drink, hurray forced sobriety.

>> No.10007033

happy for you anon. hope it lasts a long time. was the anxiety the worst part of withdrawals for you? i never get shaking but i get everything else. sweat really bad.

>> No.10007041

6-12 isnt HORRIBLE as far as causing withdrawals. you might be fine at that level. if you can stick around there good for you

>> No.10007043

Fuck you.
Fucking kill yourself.
By which I mean, fuck. This does not please me. Which is in no way your fault, but it makes me feel deeply awful.
My tolerance for heroin can gobble up a gram daily and I’ll survive. Please, I beg you, tell me what to inhale/swallow/inject and ill do it. There are no tall buildings around here and I’m banned from driving so I can’t travel. Wtf should I do? Call me a prick but I demand that this is painless.

>> No.10007049

hows the anxiety/wd's?

>> No.10007054

>trying to kill yourself
>addicted to heroin
>better not drive, that's illegal and I would get in trouble!

>> No.10007056

>tfw down to a 26

>> No.10007058

>6-12 isnt HORRIBLE
Try going 40 years at that rate. My legs are dripping pus.

>> No.10007060

I don’t know how to hotwire a car.

>> No.10007065

>My tolerance for heroin can gobble up a gram daily and I’ll survive
Just do one really large amount of heroin if you have access to it. or get the stuff with fentanyl

>> No.10007071

yeah I mean if I happen to have one of those strong livers I could be OK. But most likely I've damaged my liver to some extent already and if I keep this up I'll be sort of fucked

>> No.10007078

its a good amount to not suffer from daily aches and pains but yeah over time its way too much. most of us dont have enough control over drinking to hope for much.

>> No.10007080

Never know if I’m getting fent or not. Overdosing on heroin but surviving is awful.
Fuck me.
Fine. I’ll try that I guess.

>> No.10007109

How does one go about buying heroin in the first place? Never seen it at any party, don't know anyone who does it, etc

>> No.10007113

Have fun with the afterlife. I'm guessing our existence was some kind of prank that got out of hand.

>> No.10007120

Ask a hooker.
Right. 2.5 miles. Taxi on way. Fuck this gay earth. Buh bye.

>> No.10007122

Ask /diy/, don't mention al/ck/.
You need a neutral gas (I'm not sure the actual term is "neutral"), some are used for welding. So DIY stores/supply.
I don't know if they're on the lookout for suicidal people, they may be for noobs or drunks who could have an accident.

Have you tried other solutions first?

>> No.10007210

it's the type of thing that once you meet one person who does it, you'll find yourself surrounded by it

>> No.10007238

Not bad, but they may just be more tolerable at this point than whatever I'm fighting.

>> No.10007264

It sounds pretty insane desu. Like I know it ruins lives, but it probably feels better than getting shitfaced

>> No.10007284

Listening to music that was written by someone on heroin is so pleasant. It sounds so good. It makes me want to try heroin.

>> No.10007292

Is that who I think it is?
Also, I want to check the get >>10000000

>> No.10007361

opiates feel great but the withdrawals are also hell. they make you incredibly sad and physically cold. like, you feel empty in the universe on a scale you never imagined possible. its not as physically bad as alcohol withdrawals but its sooooooooo depressing

>> No.10007407

If you were suicidal like the dude above, why not just do heroin till you die then? Probably would be painless, no?

>> No.10007454
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>dated a girl for a few months
>she helped me get out of my terrible depression
>helped me stop drinking so much
>made me actually care about life again
>left me because she didn't feel anything for me, and said we could try again later
>she got with a new guy
>he already spread her nudes and has been saying horrible shit about her
>she blocked me when I tried to tell her, because she thought I was just being a salty liar
Back to drinking myself comatose, I guess.

>> No.10007458

I just turned 21 and my roommate wants to get me a bottle. What do I get? I’m a whiskey fan and like Baby Blue but what are some recommendations?

>> No.10007469

lol, women are such pieces of shit. sorry anon

>> No.10007477

I would recommend not drinking, ask him to pick up a cheesecake instead

>> No.10007491

yeah you could do that.

>> No.10007515

Fine - it gives me chest pain and makes my left arm numb. I'd rather like to avoid that. Gin?

>> No.10007656

Seriously, stop caring about how some wench behaves. Women are literally soulless ghouls or succubi. I'm not going to tell you to stop drinking however because that would be hypocritical, but at least don't have the ghost of a wench hovering around you as an excuse.

>> No.10007674

>tfw the more money I spend on a bottle of alcohol, the less I dislike the taste
I don't even have a job, why does it have to be this way?

>> No.10007866

I know, right? Just gotta max out that credit card

>> No.10007893

so I am literally moments away from killing myself. I mean, I have nobody to ask for help and I’m not sure I want any help.. but guys I don’t want to literally die without at least... I don’t know... saying something to someone. I guess. It feels... weird.
Yo so here it is.
Uh... fuck, I guess I can’t even talk to any of you. Not outside of this shithole.
I don’t know what to do.
I just put a bin liner over my head and filled it with butane. It felt GREAT. I hallucinated cartoons and I felt good.

I’m too wasted for this.
I can’t make this sound proper.

Ok well... I mean... let’s go I guess

Ok here

>> No.10007914
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>> No.10007919

ideally don't kill yourself man, death is so permanent. you can always turn things around, or at least try

>> No.10007924

call an ambulance, go to the ER, tell them you're suicidal
you'll get comfy as fuck sedatives and a nice warm bed to sleep in and food and you WILL feel better, and then you can get your life back on track when you're not wasted and high on fucking butane

not even meming, do it, i've done it and i don't regret it. my life got better.

>> No.10007935

thought this happened on an al/ck/ bread for a second, got way too excited. of course the normans got it

>> No.10007972

Dont do it mate, thibgs can turn around. Also if you do ot drunk its not even really your decision.

>> No.10007973

Godspeed, brother. Hope you're still lurking

>> No.10007980


>> No.10008093

OH man here comes the thirst.
Gonna be rotating between
8 oz - Water
8 oz - Lemonade
8 oz - Orange Juice
8 oz - Water
8 oz - Powerade sports drink

Repeat , until I can get the thirst to go away.
I feel like a bottom-less pit for liquids.

>> No.10008125


>> No.10008128

Does alcohol make your guys' anxiety worse? I go sober for a few days and then I will binge drink out of habit. The next day or two I'm so anxious I have to wear myself out at the gym with a hangover otherwise I can't sleep despite being ultra tired and have to violently fidget at my work desk to keep from emotionally exploding.

>> No.10008136


I worried about this when I got sober. It's not too bad. Cum quick the first time, make a joke out of it, then do foreplay until you get hard again. You'll last way longer the second round. If she's into you she considers it a compliment that you came so fast initially.

>> No.10008157
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Throw some flavoured seltzer/sparkling water in there. Really helps to have a "clean" drink with some nice carbonation.

>> No.10008164
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I-Is Martell a solid choice of cognac? I have no real in-depth knowledge or taste for alc stuff and I am basically a filthy crossboarder but I quite like it.

>> No.10008186

never smoke weed during withdrawals man. it's fucking awful.

>> No.10008216
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It's crazy how fast your brain starts to adapt to normal after not drinking. I'm still bored alot, but 2 weeks ago I had fucking terrible withdrawals so I called it quits and now I feel distant from all of this shit even though only 14 days ago I was in the same shit. All of this and I know I'm an alcoholic. I was the guy that posted about a month ago after puking up some blood and going to the ER and then quicklly drinking a 12 pack after getting good bloodwork.

Man, if an alcoholic like myself finds himself distant from this shit after two weeks I can't imagine how normies must view us. Fuck.

>> No.10008239

who /blacked out and didn't know about it for 20 hours/ here

>> No.10008245

Don't off yourself my dude. Do what the other anon said and just call an ambulance. See if you can get some help.

>> No.10008250

yes, if you work on your anxiety it will diminish the affects though.

>> No.10008256

yay me last night

>> No.10008307

Hm. I'm at a really rough point in my life so I guess I'll cut back until the outside forces chill the fuck out.

>> No.10008356

>tfw woke up in bed randomlyy with a black eye
bad times

>> No.10008523

I have an Interlock on my car from an unlucky vacation incident, should I kill myself?

>> No.10008527

best cheap white wine regions to buy from in US for the bulk buyer who wants to pretend he is elitist?

>> No.10008550
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I fucked up a job interview today. Taper has gone out the window.

>> No.10008626

>he killed himself over a tamagotchi temporarily attached to his ignition switch


Just buy a new car

>> No.10008634

>been almost 24 hours
>withdrawals still present

>> No.10008637

What type of WDs? How much did/do you normally drink?

>> No.10008642

no clue lad probably at least a 40 of rye yestereday
mainly just shaking and nausea

>> No.10008650

>buy a new car


>> No.10008655

I stopped a few years ago when I was in uni. It had been that way for a while but I couldn't help myself. It got to a point where I would get everything done and made sure I had no obligations before I got high. I'd still sit there thinking about how lazy I am and how I've fucked everything up and I'd start working on assignments or cleaning up. On top of the general anxiety it gave me I started vocalizing these thoughts and talking to myself obsessively when high and that's when I stopped. Fast forward 5 years and it's been replaced by drinking and new set of problems.

>> No.10008771

Well I found out eating ham hocks (pig ankles) and chugging 8% beer is actually not a bad combo, minus the occasional nausea.
I give these smoked hocks 6/10

>> No.10008794

>tfw got a dog to help with the boredom

Feels good man. I think this is how normans stay dry.

Then when i do decide to drink i dont overdue it so badly cuz know i got to take the lil guy out in the morning.

Been walking a lot more. Best part is, he gets me some strange and then just pump and dump. and i got my lil buddy to keep me company and find me another skank to plow.

I wish i had done this years and years ago.

>> No.10008796


I would gladly trade the nausea, headaches, vomiting, ect for the insomnia, intense panic attacks, general anxiety for days and depersonalization I get.
It's been 4 days and shit will NOT stop. It lessens during the day but trying to sleep at night is hell. I let it get this way over the years and now I'm done. I don't know what the Fuck to do to curb any of this or how long it will last...

>> No.10008806

Does it happen around like 3 AM?

>> No.10009005


For the last 3 days it was pretty much just sporadically throughout the day.

The really bad night ones are usually 2 hours into sleep and last until 7 or 8am so yeah thatd be around then.

I'm hoping to Fuck If I stay up late tonight until I can't anymore, I'll finally get a decent sleep. At least I finally got some food and water in me today. Took 3 days.

>> No.10009105

Feel like getting drunk but not going through the drinking.
Getting drunk has become a real unpleasant and nauseating experience until about halfway through the bottle when it starts feeling good.
I've done something to my stomach because unless I'm just having a few beers I really don't enjoy drinking anymore.

>> No.10009138


>> No.10009154
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What scares me is losing memories of childhood happiness.

>> No.10009409

This was happening to me, i started immediately going to smoke/ drink 2 full glasses of water. Around this time is.when my body would start drying out when i was drinking so i think psychologically it just wakes me up. Did this ^ for a couple weeks and it eventually stopped.

>> No.10009446


Smoke cigs? Didnt that make it worse?

I've also gone cold turkey on THAT as well so I'm double fucked.

>couple weeks

>> No.10009567
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Crate of trampcider at 8am. Could this conceivably mean that I’ve relapsed?

>> No.10009595

what do you all eat?

I barely ate 2 meals a day, now I can barely stomach 1 meal

>> No.10009607

I FORCE myself to take vitamin supplements and drink fruit juices. I sometimes eat something instant and easy like Parma ham. I occasionally have a smoothie. I keep fruit nearby, but most of it goes off and my world is filled with fruit flies. That’s about as much as I can stand.

>> No.10009616

good idea with the vitamins, most of my diet came from eggs / rice

>> No.10009637

If you're drinking regularly, there's not much point in taking vitamins. The alcohol flushes all this out of you in no time quick.

Considering how damaging long term alcohol abuse is to your body, doing almost anything health-wise is kind of pointless. It's like bragging about how you just fixed a single one inch hole in a ships hull when there's a thousand of them that are causing the boat to sink.

>> No.10009642

>not much
So, some.
My Doc told me to take them. I imagine it’s better than nothing, which is the alternative.

>> No.10009644

>was the anxiety the worst part of withdrawals for you?
Yes probably. I could never feel comfortable and was always on edge, then came the restless legs and shaking hands.

>> No.10009661

>I imagine it’s better than nothing

Not really...the vitamins aren't even staying in your system long enough to do anything before they gets flushed out. You might want to think about what you're saying, you're drunk all the time, barely eat anything, but hey you take a vitamin so you're good to go, right?

>> No.10009664

Of you reread what I said you’ll see that that’s not what I said at all. Plus I’m going on the advice of my doctor, so if you don’t mind I’ll gravitate towards believing him.

>> No.10009671

>Plus I’m going on the advice of my doctor
If all your doctor is advising you to do is take a vitamin, he's basically telling you there's nothing he can do for you. He's required to tell you something after all, so he's basically saying take a placebo, and go away. He's fully aware doing anything actually serious is pointless unless you quit drinking.

>> No.10009679

Thanks for the casual assertion that I should disregard my doctor’s advice and stop eating even to the point of pointlessly stopping taking vitamins like b1. I don’t think I will.

>> No.10009680
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>CIWA score finally below 20

>> No.10009689


Also I'm sure your doctor told you that you need to stop drinking, you have no problem disregarding that advice.

>> No.10009692

Anon what are you trying to tell me, that drinking is unhealthy? I know that. That I should throw away my vitamins? Why?

>> No.10009695

I'm telling you taking your vitamins is pointless. You're doing way more damage to yourself than they have any capacity to heal. You also seemed to have convinced yourself that you're somehow helping yourself, while ignoring the entire root of the problem here.

>> No.10009709

Well as I say, my Doc told me to take them, so I don’t believe that it’s pointless. I’m going to continue taking them. You appear to be under some peculiar illusion that I think they’ll grant eternal life and cure alcoholism, which I don’t and frankly I imagine nobody does. If they help at all, which I’m reliably informed they do, I think only a dumbass would stop taking them.

>> No.10009726

you think maybe only a dumbass would drink his life away? You have no problem being that dumbass, it seems though. Stop taking them, you won't notice any difference. Or keep taking them, whatever, but at least realize you're engaging in pretty pointless behavior.

>> No.10009728

In the hospital yet again. At least they gave me valium this time. Felt pretty nice. Normally they don't give me jack shit.

>> No.10009739

>telling others to stop drinking

where do you think you are

>> No.10009749

Pics of nurses pls. Literally the only good thing about hospitals.

>> No.10009759

I have my curtain closed.

>> No.10009761

Meant for >>10009739

>> No.10009767


Felt bad about that post. Only enjoyable thing. And my god are they. Last time I was in there was this blonde nurse whose body showed through her uni in amazing ways, and a teen brunette whose sole purpose seemed to be to serve coffee, who became visibly upset if I didn’t want one. So fucking cute.

>> No.10009786

It's more like waterproofing the electric system of the boat. At least you can still manoeuvrer it while it's taking water, and activate the pumps to maintain it afloat for some time.
Won't stop you from sinking alone, but it helps lessening the damages if you ever get rescued, and gives you time to do so before it's too late.

B1, B6, B12 and zinc, iirc, protect the brain and nervous system of alcohol withdrawals related damage. Sure, alcohol flushes most them, that's why you have to take unusual large amounts of them, especially when tapering or trying to reduce/stop.

>> No.10009803

Time to let the lovely daylight enter your room anon.

Wake up and smell the irish coffee.

>> No.10009809

I meant the curtain separating rooms.

>> No.10009933

Having them inject concentrate fucking valium into my IV fucking burned like hell.

>> No.10009955

Felt cosy thereafter though didn’t it?
Don’t bs such a wuss. And post candids of their delicious nursey boobies.

>> No.10009970

Don't tell me what to do and how to feel!

>> No.10009979

Don’t tell me to not tell you what to do and how to feel!
But seriously, do post dem boobies.

>> No.10010006


get some beer and watch a movie, never go past buzzed