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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10001651 No.10001651 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your eggs anon?

>> No.10001654


>> No.10001656


>> No.10001659

i don't

>> No.10001660

If you're making I'm not fussy. How ever they come is fine.

>> No.10001661

sunny side up. eggkino. flipping eggs is for french degenerates.

>> No.10001670

Usually fried, scrambled, or as an omelette.

>> No.10001721


Or poached soft. Hard boiled and snacked on cold is awesome, especially if they're fertilized. Dat chew.

>> No.10001723




scrambled, as a french omelette, soft boiled or poached with hollandaise is all fine. fried eggs are okay as long as they're done on very low temp.

>> No.10001836
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>> No.10001866


>> No.10001938

There is literally only one way i dont like my eggs... when some second rate waffle house fag "scrambles" my eggs by spreading them over a griddle and chopping then with the spatula. Fucking infuriating.

>> No.10001947

the correct answer


>> No.10001977

>im gay and /fit/ and 13 years behind on nutritional wisdom

>> No.10002003

The guy explains his argument but you talk out of your ass. What is your argument?

>> No.10002007

Im not gay and i can read.

>> No.10002015

didn't we do this yesterday
sunny side up, black pepper on the yolk, hot salsa
alternatively: soft-boiled, or hard boiled and marinated in soy sauce

>> No.10002020
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Lately I've been making tamagoyaki.

>> No.10002025

You are wrong. It's okay, faggots like you are always scared of the truth.

>> No.10002038

this looks fucking delicious

>> No.10002051
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>> No.10002152

Over hard with coriander and pepper

>> No.10002272

o shit i didnt even think of that oh shit the soy boys got me

>> No.10002354

Fried hard and eaten between two pieces of toast

>> No.10002372
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Looks almost like a cornbread. So what is it, some sort of extremely dense omelette?

>> No.10002395

It's a rolled omelette. You beat some eggs, add a tiny bit of soy sauce and mirin, then pour enough in a pan so you have a very thin layer, and roll it up before they completely cook through. Add more egg and repeat. It's good.

>> No.10002420

Scrambled. Egg yolks taste disgusting otherwise
>inb4 soyboy

>> No.10002436
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>> No.10002442

softboiled/over easy.

>> No.10002714
File: 50 KB, 640x426, f8d20ceb-ebab-4ddf-87c1-94b19b88008e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried in a thin layer of bacon grease.

Over medium. Yolk is semi-solid.

>> No.10002719

Great post anon, very original and creative. Keep it up.

>> No.10002780

Any. Soft cooked or hard boiled.
But I used to drink it raw when I was on the norwegian olympic skiiteam. Never again

>> No.10002798

I like them just about every way, except for completely raw, or overhard or overboiled.

>> No.10002799


>> No.10002843

How do you like your eggs survey monkey?

>> No.10002862

In a bowl of Ramen Anon-chan

>> No.10002871

scrambled is for children and numales

>> No.10002895

This is the correct way. You know the way. this is the way. We all have ebola.

>> No.10002991

You've given me a hankering for fried eggs anon.

I've been boiling them a little harder than in op pic in batches so I can just grab one when I want a snack

>> No.10003140

Without the yolk.

>> No.10003531


>> No.10003539

I used to like the yolk slightly running but now I want that shit cooked through.
No runny anything.

>> No.10003557

Scrambled, soft boiled, fried and put into a sandwich, raw with rice, or as a basic omelette. Also boiled, chopped and mixed with butter and chives. God-tier spread.

>> No.10004773
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Months old

>> No.10004807

Soft boiled 6-7 minutes marinated in mirin, sake, and soy sauce for four hours. Make large batches, enjoy.

>> No.10004812


>> No.10004826

You went to the Olympics? Is it the huge fuckfest that the media sometimes portrays it as? The amount of condoms given out is ridiculous

>> No.10004878

I’ve never tried raw egg over rice, is it good? I’ve had hard boiled with my rice, fried over rice, considered making omelet rice too, but im kind of a pussy to try raw egg over rice.

>> No.10004908

Free !

>> No.10004912

For some. Italians are basically animals and could fuck in public, no sweat, but Chinese is like nuns as far as I saw. Scandis like me were 50/50 autistic virgins and handsome people fucking up the showers. But personally it's way overhyped by the media. Most are professionals about it. It shouldn't come as a shock that pretty, young people fuck a lot though compared to the norm. I do think even ugly virgins get their chances since fame and all that is immensely attractive even if the fame is for 5 minutes.

>> No.10004932

Which Olympics did you go to? Was the city nice?

>> No.10004935


>> No.10004939

>Italians are basically animals and could fuck in public
Just the men or the women too?

>> No.10004947

I were in Lillehammer 1994 and Nagano 1998. As a nord Lillehammer was just more of the usual, but Nagano was nice. To be honest I didn't get out much due practice, so I can't really comment on the town.
Both. They were wild. Practically predators.

>> No.10005262

>How do you like your eggs anon?

Without salmonella like in pic your pic

>> No.10005270


>> No.10005353

Why does this feel like some bizarre information gathering poll

>> No.10005390

since chinese moot acquired 4chan he has been selling off user data to data mining firms
poll threads started skyrocketing because of it

in the future just hide all poll threads

also side note, it goes against the spirit of 4chans anonymity to be selling off user data but I understand it since its still a business. The problem I mainly have is he's just keeping all the money and not reinvesting anything into making the site better

>> No.10005400

Are you my dad?if the yolk is a tiny bit runny he just about shits himself.

>> No.10005586
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Sunny side up or nothin

>> No.10005609

is that a close up of a corpse

>> No.10005614

>Not adding dashi
Oh boy. It's like you don't have the fine motor skills needed to roll the mix if it's not at least 99% egg.

>> No.10005630

is that a scotch egg made with century egg? I

genuinely don't know how to feel about this

>> No.10006218

I'm surprised there's any real value in what type of eggs 4chan likes but I'm probably underestimating the power of information. I guess everything now is sold, from Facebook to here. Do you suppose it's sold for advertising only or some larger purpose? A little /x/ tier but I do wonder.

One slight benefit is that there's threads being started I guess with the intent of discussion, which at least will be fertile land to grow memes, but it's probably worse for 4chan and society overall.

>> No.10006226


You replied to an obvious troll post. Just sayin'.

>> No.10006244


>> No.10006250
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Scrambled (extra moist) with bacon bits on top, cheese, salt and tabasco.

>> No.10007137

Fermentation, it does wonders.

>> No.10007138

just fine

>> No.10007142

>the new order is coming
>vegangains who's both stupid, misinformed and biased
very promising

>> No.10007148

>listening to this soyboy

>> No.10007150

Over easy.
Scrambled on the condition that I make them.

>> No.10007154


>> No.10007166

Sunny-side up fried egg with the yolk slightly runny cooked with melted butter and/or olive oil

Add soy sauce, diluted fish sauce w/ chilli, some coriander + finely sliced green onion.

>> No.10007205

Hardboiled on bread, runny n' sunny if anywhere else.

>> No.10007370
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>> No.10007447
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>> No.10007513

Ugh that shit is so unnecessary

>> No.10007618


>> No.10007630

Like 5 or 6 scrambled with ketchup

>> No.10007654
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So what I've learned from this thread is redditors and soiboi cucks have discovered eggs and will ruin them

At least I'll always have well done steak

>> No.10007754
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soft or hard boiled
overeasy or sunnyside up

>> No.10007810
File: 29 KB, 640x480, Omelette_Baveuse_pres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French style omelette baveuse with some soft cheese, salt, pepper and *CHIVES*

>> No.10007896

In my ass

>> No.10007898

that's not how making babies works, anon.

>> No.10007927

Separate the whites and yolk. Beat the whites like a housewife until it's about 30 seconds short of firm. Add a splash of milk, salt, pepper and paprika to the yolk, and beat it just as hard. Fold the yolk mix into the whites, then scramble in pan over medium-high heat. Heat both sides until the barest hint of browning shows, then plate over toast.

Light, fluffy, still wet and completely unnecessary is how I prefer my breakfast.

>> No.10007954

why not beat the yolk and white together?
what pan is best pan?
how does scrambled eggs only have two sides? i mean it's tossed around is it not?

>still wet and completely unnecessary
also like a beaten wife, amirite?

>> No.10007983

>why not beat the yolk and white together?
You can't get the whites to near-meringue if the yolk is there, or at least I'm not competent enough to do so.
>what pan is best pan?
'unno, a pan pan? I use an 8" one, since I only use a single egg at a time.
>how does scrambled eggs only have two sides? i mean it's tossed around is it not?
I don't break it up that much, so it stays as mostly one lump. I just flip it on its other side.

>> No.10008015

Thanx. I get it now. Good explaination.

Regarding the pan, I was asking whether you use non-stick, cast iron, ceramic, etc. But I'm goona go ahead and buy a ceramic because I like colours.

>> No.10008023

Over medium, please.

I said MEDIUM God-damnit!!!

>> No.10008123

Sorry I missed the obvious there; I'm a philistine when it comes to cooking. Mine's a non-stick 5 year old Earth Pan.

>> No.10008134

It's all good, Anon.

>> No.10009300

It's okay. Tastes like rice gruel. Adding things like chives, seeds, furikake and soy sauce recommended.

>> No.10009354
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>> No.10009387
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Poached on grain toast with salt and pepper.

>> No.10009389
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Curried in a sandwich for lunch.

>> No.10009390

dayum...really makes me think

>> No.10009428

just how I like my men

>> No.10009447

Scrambled, with smoked brisket, steamed shrimp and hollandaise

>> No.10009460

I store my eggs in a big container filled with water. The container is so deep I can't reach the bottom. When the eggs come to ME I'll poach em to show the rest who's wearing the tall hat.

This way I also avoid anyone else taking my eggs.

>> No.10009478

Covered in the urine of prepubescent Chinese boys?

>> No.10009678

cooked in virgin piss, just like mama wang used to.make

silly gwailo not understand

>> No.10009684

Without the yolk