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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7479167 No.7479167 [Reply] [Original]

oh me oh my gettin dickered and cooking shit wont you join me!

this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along or OC food/drink pics if they dont want to make or use another thread

last thread >>7457190

>sausage autism friendly

>> No.7479178
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lol so the stuff in the OP pic has literally nothing to do with what im cooking this morning, went to walmart earlier, the beer im drinking that

so i need to use this larger half of this well marbled ribeye, like this thing got that fat content ya heard, also some meaty shrimps i also want to use so i can go buy bigger meatier shrimps

i have a 100 gallon aquarium i want to use for prawn farming/aquaponics herb gargen reasons but thats a whoile different thread

>> No.7479184
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about done cleaning here is a sloppy but good cheesesteak from lunch

>> No.7479225
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>Turbos cut

>> No.7479231
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de-pooped and butterflied

you might be like yo op why you butterflying them shrimp that some flyover shit and im gonna be like thats how i roll son piss off

>> No.7479273

>santoku knife

are you doing this to trigger me?

>> No.7479285
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about the only thing you wont see in my thread is a jar or minced garlic

>this aint you granny's tarter sauce
>minced pickled ghost pepper jalepeno mix
>minced zesty dill pickle
>minced white onion
>lime juice
>indian chili powder
>garlic powder
>splash of pickle juice

>> No.7479288
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how fascinating

>> No.7479290
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>> No.7479312
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getting ready to parboil dem taters

>> No.7479316
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the difference in a locally farmed egg and a walmart egg, the walmart egg is pale and the whites are a thinner consistency very suspicius

>> No.7479318
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breading station activated

>> No.7479322
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oh i am dickered m8

>> No.7479357

The thinner the albumen (white) is the older the egg is

>> No.7479392

You have good portion control. I bet if you're fat it's not SUPER fat, but I've been wrong before.

>> No.7479441
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im not fat really i am a grizzly bear no homo

>> No.7479446
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>> No.7479451
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>> No.7479458
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imma be straight it was p good, the shramp were great, sides great, steak was a bit more rare than id like but still good, im having trouble with temps and times cuz this stupid elec burners, i got a money shot on my good cam but ill have to switch PCs to up it alright bye

>> No.7479482

I enjoyed this thread. Thanks for being drunk

>> No.7479614

You never replied to my question in the last thread OP. WHAT kind of sausage is it?

>> No.7479629

Wanna be my boyfriend?
I can cook, and my dick is hard for bears.

>> No.7479854

the color of the yolk is based on the chicken's diet. more yellow is more corn

>> No.7480805
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>it's you

>> No.7480939
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Pin it, the threads don't stop and they are great. Have a comfy dog from last thread.
>tfw you will never be this comfy

>> No.7480979

Kitty looks sad

>> No.7481061
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It's St. Patties day! Let's make some stew!

>> No.7481069
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Cut up the bacon and get that shit frying

>> No.7481123
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Cook up the beef and onion

>> No.7481174
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Now the KEY ingredient

>> No.7481203

Well done OP. I've never deep fried anything. It's too much trouble.

>> No.7481209
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Add the rest of the shit and bring up to a simmer

>> No.7481216
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Now cover and let sit for 2 hours.
Meanwhile enjoy some beer and browse /ck/.

>> No.7481442

Will you finally tell me what kind of sausage that is

>> No.7481515
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...2 hours later

>> No.7481532

Are you fucking dumb

>> No.7481534

what city you in freund

>> No.7481701

Tfw just want to get drunk and eat tasty stuff with friends but all my friends moved away for college

>> No.7481851


>> No.7481980

needed more cheese, and it has to be the yellow kind m8

>> No.7481994

why pan fry the potatoes and not just fry them?

>> No.7482184

I like that shrimp that's flexin. That's a good shrimp.

>> No.7482377
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my pleasure

im flattered sorry i cant

that cat always has some kind of dumb look on its face, spoiled punk doesn't know what sad is

it's pretty easy if you have room, i plan to get a slightly bigger fryer eventually

looks good, is there a purpose for that vent thing on top of your stove?

we are your only friends now, enjoy your stay

naw bro its got enough cheese they just mix it with the meat very thourouly while its cooking so its all melted together, i get with onion and hot peppers and the peppers arent a joke

i was in the mood for pan fried i guess? they come out diff textures


didnt eat all day and im tired as shit now, eating this lazy poverty garbage and i aint mad at it tbqh, gonna lay down might wake up and feel like cooking later maybe not tho

>> No.7482424

I hate that feel

>> No.7482430

what do you do with all that old oil after deep frying op? i never knew what to do with it, cos you're not meant to put it down the sink or something.

>> No.7482907

I have a few giant catlitter jugs under my sink, one for cooking oil one for motor oil, when they get about full i have a buddy that lives on farm kinda and they have uses for it, but i know there are ways to dispose of it like recycling centers or something

getting ready to go browse some exotic frozen food sections for the ck chalenge, not sure what im going to do exactly but it will be happening tonight after work

>> No.7483417
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So I'm at a Vietnamese place, asked the waiter his favorite drink on the menu, was a durian smoothie, not sure what I think, is not bad flavor is like banana but weird

>> No.7483426


Frying oil can be re-used many times. When it's finally not usable anymore then just put it in an old plastic container of some sort and throw it in the trash or recycle it. I put mine in old laundry detergent containers.

>> No.7483988

Yes I save jars for this reason

>> No.7484011

I've been pouring mine outside. Is this bad?

>> No.7484837
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Pork and vermicelli bowl from lunch

>> No.7484857

It can attract animals.

>> No.7484859

>Having a memefruit smoothie

>> No.7484891
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>meme salt

>> No.7484913

>saint arnold
OP da realest nigga on /ck/

>> No.7484921

I will never be that comfy in my entire life

>> No.7485430

Aww shucks

>> No.7485441

"""""""""vegetable""""""""" oil
>people consume this

>> No.7486084
File: 3.80 MB, 6000x3375, 20160318_112920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk outside
>see this
wat do

>tfw you now have a bushcat

>> No.7486220

Holy fuck OP spoiler that shit, this is /ck/ not /b/

>posts pussy
>in bush
>on a blue board

>> No.7486226

Is that your cat? She's kawaii as fuck

>> No.7486229

I like how you roll

>> No.7486235

Shit bro saved

>> No.7486241

>no snow

as a Canadian, this is triggering as fuck

>> No.7486244

Nigga you are living my dream

>> No.7486253
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yeah shes one of 2 inside cats

so i am bothered, im not trying to turn this into /ckats/ but a parking lot cat i havent seen in a good while just showed up, Spoopy from earlier threads, something has taken its tail off at the base and it doesnt look good, pretty rough im sure its infected its whole back end is weird looking and i think its rotting, i aint got money to have hobo cats operated on and this thing is probably in pain or will be and this will end up killing it. i feel the need to have it put down i may contact a few vets later but if they wont do it for free i might have to take it for a short walk in the woods...i dont like these feels

>> No.7486328

What kind of flyover land do you live in that doesn't have humane societies/animal shelters?

>> No.7486333
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Whats good ohana? Smoked a couple bowls, had my espresso, bout to make the most beautiful goddamn bacon and egg sandwich you poor fucks have ever seen in your lives starting with this local baked shit right here.

To be up front with you kazoku this is the best fuck bread I have ever encountered.

>> No.7486343

it could be simple flee infection that is inexpensive to cure. Go to vet for sure. Maybe some pro bono vets at university or so

>> No.7486350

well i ride a motorcycle and bicycle so i cant really transport it across the city without torturing it, honestly a bullet is cheaper, i brought this upon myself i should probably take care of it myself, ill just take it to the woods, give it a bowl of food and...

>think about the rabbits Spoopy :(

ill make some calls, i have a friend coming by and maybe he will offer some assistance but i really dont want to ask him to drive hobo cats around and like i said i aint spending money, not trying to sound heartless i do what i can and vet bills i cant

>> No.7486373


A bullet to the head is better than dying from an infection or being eaten alive by coyotes.

>> No.7486388

ya i know, its just shitty tho, im gonna make some calls monday most places seem to be closed today, or maybe my friend will be down to take it to humane society and let them do what they will, its a shame cuz its a nice kitty

anyways enough of this talk, gonna go to a new gastro pub in a while

>> No.7486528
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>local baked
to take pics of the bacon while it was cooking, but we're looking good so far!

>> No.7486533

It's been an hour and you just made bacon?

>> No.7486650
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I've been doing some laundry too. Also moving kinda slow.

Eggs are looking fucking good though.

>> No.7486680
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And bam! Added a little bit of texas pete. Dat yolk though.

>> No.7486881

>I have a 100 gallon aquarium i want to use for prawn farming/aquaponics herb gargen reasons but thats a whoile different thread

You wot

>> No.7487872

Looks damn tasty. Love dem runny yolks w/a crisp dense bread...

>> No.7488843
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ok gonna do a bit of cooking stuff m80

>> No.7488866
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heres some shit from yesterday, went to petrol station, a gastropub in houston, nice beer selection, honestly wasn't impressed with the food at all, got the hot italian with pesto parm fries, my friend got the rancon burgewr, wasnt bad but mine was basically a potroast sandwich his burger was big but didnt look great desu, and there were children and there annoying hipster parents running around and just shitting up the joint

>> No.7488875
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so we took it around the corner to a place called plonk, they are a bistro with a pretty dank selection of very expensive rare wines and beers, so we go a few $15 discontinued beers, i have no idea what this was i just copied my friend

>> No.7488880
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then my bud got this fancy discontinued st arnolds, was 15 or 20 bucks for a bottle, i went for water shit is too potent

>> No.7488894

what you put on your eggs

>> No.7488930
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thaw dis shit

>> No.7488958
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peel and deseed this 'cumber

>> No.7488968
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alright diced the cuke and put it in a bowl with some salt to extract some water

im making a spicy tzaziki sauce

this is going to be my entry in the ck challenge its a mexican/greek/indian fusion thing i just came up with the idea it may or may not suck stay tuned

>> No.7488972
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mix all that shit with some greek yogurt and then stick it in the fridge, taste pretty good but should be better after sitting for a while

>> No.7488975
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next up take a hit of that kush you feels me


>> No.7488981
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a simple beer batter

>ground papper
>waste beer

>> No.7489112
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slaw time sonny

>> No.7489116
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>> No.7489133
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>> No.7489138
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so imma pick all the califlower out of this frozen block or shit thats been in my freezer for way too long

>> No.7489211
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I feels you OP

>> No.7489357
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mixin some franks and horseradish

>> No.7489362
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shelled, de-poopered and cut up oh yeah

>> No.7489387
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ghetto forming my frozen garlic naan

>da struggle is real

>> No.7489394
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floured redy to be battered and fried

>> No.7489409
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fried in batches, ive never had this type of fish before or used this specific batter mix but not kidding this some good fish

>> No.7489431

That looks nice!

>> No.7489446
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thanks and yeah i was pleased, ill be using this to make some fish and chips later

>frozen naan pic for the record

>> No.7489474
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ta da

its a cross between a baja style fried fish/shrimp taco/gyro with spicy tzaziki, a smear of guac and red cabbage slaw, with a side of roasted buffalo horseraddish cauliflower, was way better than i thought it might be

>> No.7489490

epic greek mexican combo!

>> No.7490759

What a strange plate, what is it used for?

>> No.7490776

Sounds pretty delicious, desu, really similar to something I'd make. 'Mirin yer cooking style, op.

>> No.7491149

Looks good OP! would devour in a second. Wish you had a better camera tho than just your phone to actually show the justice of that picture.

>> No.7491273

thanks and yeah i do but its a pain in the dick to upload, better pic here >>7489510 in the contest thread

thanks bro

i dont know i got 2 at the thrift store and they are kinda dumb


>> No.7491303

I had to look that fish you used, its a southeast asian shark catfish.

>> No.7491566
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Making a shredded beef ragout. One of those dishes that's always interesting to see everyone's different takes on it.

>just have to wait 2 more hours until it's ready

>> No.7492295

Yeah the kids do fuck things up there. Thats mostly due to it being in Oak Forest with the yuppies. But they usually have really good beers.

>> No.7492301

Good to see kitteh is out of quarantine.

>> No.7492783

yeah man im not trying to sound like some kinda nancy but i was never taken to bars as a kid and i find it kinda weird how thewse hipster parents are like lets take the kid out to a pub and and let them scream and do whatever cuz fuck parenting!


didnt know that i just bought it randomly at the asian market

any follow up on this or you just grubbed out

bout to go find something to eat and go by aldis, i never go to aldis but i want to budget this week for reasons so well see what happens

>> No.7492811

would consume/10

>> No.7492814

I lived in Houston for years and never knew we had Aldi's. I hear it mentioned on here a lot, what even is it? And do you ever shop at Trader Joe's? I shopped there most of the time because it was a small store, I hate big grocery stores. I was also lazy and bought a bunch of their premade crap, which is much better than normal premade crap.

>> No.7492854

its a budget grocery store, i think its big in germany or something, you bring your own bags and there is a quarter deposit on carts so that youll bring them back to the front, ive only been there like once and i wasnt prepared to shop, so well see i dont know whats good there ill probably get some randome shit

also i did not know we had trader joes here, they are all out of the way for me but ill be hitting one up soon to see if it lives up to the name and can top the almighty buckee's

>> No.7492903

I guess it's a little comparable to Buckee's, now that you mention it. It isn't the kind of place you go to get real ingredients to cook a good meal, but I guess if you had to you could do it. The frozen dinners are excellent (for frozen food), they have a great cheese selection with low prices, especially if you get the cheese of the month. I'd buy all my snacks there like chips, nuts, crackers, candies and doo dads and whatnots, lots of good stuff. They do sell a small amount of produce, a little meat, and some dairy but it's better to get all that elsewhere. Fair beer and wine selection, cheap. The breads, coffee and tortilla stuff are fine. It's basically a small store of high tier convenience food for people that don't necessarily want to cook every day. It only took me 10 minutes to buy a weeks worth of food.

>> No.7493524
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Carnitas tacos

>> No.7493530
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Got a bunch of junk food at Aldi lol

>> No.7494430
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Took the bait and tried a chili cheese dog from burger King, it was shitty so was the little burger

>> No.7495474

Am abroad in Germany right now, can confirm that there are a bunch of Aldi's.
The one near me doesn't have beer but the ground beef I got from them was better than the stuff from Netto or Rewe.

>> No.7495607

after tasting some of the stuff there i must say im impressed with the quality, i was erxpecting it to taste like budget food but so far its really good quality, mine had wine and a small selection of beer, i was afraid to get the beer cuz im not sure if its some kind of offbrand budget beer or actual authentic imp[orted shit of some kind, will give it a shot next time i suppose

>> No.7495647

Chicago here. Aldi is fantastic. They really have markedly lower prices on most things and the quality is higher than you'd expect. If I need something basic, I almost always get it at Aldi first and if they don't have it, I go somewhere else.
Their wine brand, Winking Owl, is the best damn 3 dollar bottle you can get. I like their pinot grigio. And the beer isn't bad, I had a friend who swore by it, but all their beer brands are knockoffs of other beers. Like instead of Corona, they have Monterrey, instead of Heineken they have Holland 1838 or something. It's pretty funny to see. But they just taste like less-interesting versions of the brand they're aping.
Oh, and their hummus is the best. Half the price of other places.
I fucking love Aldi

>> No.7495762

interesting, will def grab hummus next time i love hummus

>> No.7497443

you still kickin op? love these threads

>> No.7497575

ya bro ive just been busy with work aint got around to cooking as much, ill do something soon just tired

>> No.7498558
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Cooked a prime New York the other day. Worked a double and killed it so one of the coordinators threw a steak my way as a thank you.

First time eating a prime steak and I totally get the appeal, was fucking delicious.

>> No.7498607

that looks p good, just reminds me that i need to clean and reseason my cast iron later, accidentally left it on the burner and forgot the other night, realized when my apt was filling with smoke, was a damn good season building up too so annoying

>> No.7499280
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tex mex with mommy, was mediocre

>> No.7499471

What on earth are those huge bacon wrapped balls?

>> No.7499481


The ones with the shrimp tails sticking out of them?

>> No.7499492


>> No.7499625

That's a shrimp brochette,the way they do it is a whole jalapeño stiffed with cheese and a shrimp wrapped in bacon, I've been trying to perfect it without much luck

>> No.7499636

Holy shit, is that a Clint's cigar? I've never known anyone who smokes them

>> No.7499674


>> No.7499882

I put a bunch of cilantro and toasted mustard seed into my cheese filling, and brush the bacon with a mixture of maple syrup and soy sauce before i grill it. Just a couple ideas.

>> No.7500144

You sad pathetic lonely bastard

>> No.7500916

Lol that's a blunt

That sounds really good I have trouble keeping the cheese from melting out though

Bretty rude

>> No.7501097

Two things I'm not sure if you tried yet
-refrigerating the peppers after you stuff them/before you cook them
-adding cream cheese to the blend, it's a bit 'sticky' when it melts and should help the cheese stay inside better

>> No.7501133

I'm here for the cats :3

>> No.7501166

Oi cunt, I see your posts here all the time time and never pay attention because I cant fucking stand how you say 'getting dickered' It triggers me so hard I want to chop my dick off.
But at the end of the gay its all good homoslice

>> No.7501487

Dubs don't lie

>> No.7501514

Dude i love these threads so much, please get some Chinese food one of these days. For some reason, i know you'll order the greasiest, nastiest Chinkys in existence

>> No.7501518

I went to Aldi's a few months ago, it was filthy

>> No.7502610
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o m8 i am drunk

>> No.7502615
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got you son

>> No.7502733
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OP needs to go to Timmy Chans

>> No.7502739
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pic related, about five bucks.

>> No.7502757
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but if you're in houston and see a Timmy Chans, you're in nigger town. Same with Frenchy's. Don't pull over unless it's for "blacked" chinese food or some fried chicken.

>> No.7502783
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, 17.41.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iz u havin a giggle m8?

i been had tiimme chons i try to limit myself cuz ill bee 350lbs in no time if i pick up a timmy habit

>> No.7502805
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>> No.7502812
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meh, better to be fat and drunk than dead. you should also go here and post h town soul food. oxtail my nigga.

>> No.7502814
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muy authentico

>> No.7502825
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its on my list now, kind of out of the way but ill be around there eventually i stick around the nawf usually

>put em on a grill pan a minute to get some sear


>> No.7502832
File: 2.77 MB, 4128x2322, 20160324_161617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bread taosted, scotch egg fried

>> No.7502834

what is those sausages' names?

>> No.7502841

john, paul, george, and ringo

>> No.7502843

>This autist is still doing it nearly a month after our only interaction

You some very serious issues.

>> No.7502863
File: 2.81 MB, 4128x2322, 20160324_162436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chilling them was my next experiment, not a huge fan of cream chz in them

how about blootered or floothered? im working on my vocab srry

I have some of that planned for the near future, you may be dissapoint tho my friend lived in china a few years and we are trying to hunt down the most authentic chinee


anyways yeah pretty obvious dish, 2 kinds of mustard some pickled shit on the side and some leftover slaw

the scotch egg is an experiment i made one and took it to work the other day to see if they hold up, it didnt was soggy kinda but still very edible, put 2 in the fridge before deep frying to see how they held up like that, its decent but not the same as fresh, fresher is better who knew

>> No.7502890

my dumbass friend lived in China for a whole two weeks and said they ate a bunch of chicken testicle soup. he was smart enough to move back after two weeks.

>> No.7502972

Looks pretty good, would eat.

>> No.7503058

Go to Mala Sichuan, best dan dan noodles and hot pot ive had in Houston

>> No.7503066 [DELETED] 
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The cat looks the same, why did you bull the poor thing?

>> No.7503072
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Why did you flip off your cat like this?

>> No.7504251
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>> No.7504267
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is dat sum whataburger?!

>> No.7504417

Kitty clearly disapproves of your rum.

>> No.7504571

Veggie/Aldi bro here. Haven't posted in forever. Glad to see you hitting Aldi. Favorite method of preparing those? Would like to be able to throw some ideas at my customers and that plus a few other sausages just came in and will be selling for a few months.

>> No.7504674

I'm making clam chowder later today, should I post it here?

>> No.7504749


>> No.7504782

Omg Timmy's looks amazing, don't have those above the Mason-Dixon line. I love niggified Chinese food

>> No.7504788

Sorriest photo ive ever seen. Tell me you did that on purpose, OP

>> No.7505101

Trader joes is like the American 'green organic' version of aldi. Aldi owns trader joes iirc.

Aldi is my shit. They basically cut costs by not looking like a grocery store and just put food and shit out on palates. People call it ghetto cause they like to judge but everything there is as good/better than other regional chain grocers and consistently a fraction of the cost. They don't have a deli, so you probs couldn't do 100% of your shopping there, but I can easily do most of mine there.

Check one out. They're fuckin great after you get over that they just do shit differently there.

>> No.7505173
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Alright, starting.
The store I went to didn't have clams, so I got these shitty muscles. Not ideal, but it should be enough

>> No.7505218
File: 2.92 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20160325_181611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my shit chopped off and the muscles washed of the arabiatta

>> No.7505230
File: 2.49 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20160325_182056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the potatoes, bacon, and mushrooms going in one pan and some roux in the other
I say roux but I'm using oil and not butter

>> No.7505250
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Into the pot you go, along with some milk

>> No.7505266
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Everything into the pot. It's a little thin

>> No.7505282
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More acceptable thickness now. I'm putting some premade uncooked baguettes in the oven

>> No.7505298
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Here's some salt, pepper, and thyme. I'd throw in a couple bay leaves if I had them

>> No.7505321

looks good broski, i like me some clam chowda might need to give this a shot sometime, i just never really make soups or stews cuz i get tired of them pretty quick so i hate to waste it

>> No.7505327
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And wa la

I'm cooking for five people, me + 4 suitemates. College is nice like that in that I get to try a new thing almost every day (I'm doing all the cooking because I like to) but annoying in that I have to cook almost every day.

>> No.7505346

yeah i usually have to try to cut most recipes in half because apparently i am a lonely sad pathetic loser, i have a nice dish planned for tommorrow with a few friends coming by, never made it before it is a nostalgic food i had a few times as a child, doing it for this ck challenge. i must say i really have no interest in competing in the challenge because i am a very mediocre/shit cook but i do like how it's inspiring me to cook stuff i normally wouldnt

that looks really good btw, bout to go grab a few groceries and find some grub, ck making me hungry

>> No.7505357

Cool, good luck.

By the way, your threads inspired me to make scotch eggs about a week ago and we 5 here all liked them. I've been coming to your threads for inspiration for a bit now but we don't have nearly as much shrimp here as you do

>> No.7505381

im a real shrimp whore, im pretty close to starting a mini prawn farm, if i modify the tank i have a bit i could have room for 4-8 huge prawns every 2-3 months is my plan plus maybe a few fish of some sort, still sorting out the plans for the aquaponics herb garden because they would ideally feed and filter each other

glad you liked the scotch eggs they seem foriegn at first but are pretty easy to make after you get the hang of it, im playing with the type of sausage it seems to make a difference

anyways im off to hunt down a semi rare spice deuces

>> No.7505896


>> No.7506155

Just watch foodwishes for inspiration. I may be wrong but I believe OP said he used that as his basis. I made the colcannon last week and reuban dip for the super bowl and they were both based.

>> No.7506608

I cant spot that whataburger in the thumbnail

>> No.7507354
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>> No.7509132


>> No.7509243
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did an easter egg hunt thing with some family, was pretty lame but had catering from good co which was pretty decent

>> No.7509251
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now time to have a few beers and do some cleaning before company gets here

>beer game off the chain today

>> No.7511106
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>> No.7511377

sup texas bro where do you hail from

>> No.7512042

houston, greenspoint area

holy crud guise we got pretty pickled last night, buddy brought over some other super potent beers also so it was a hectic night, managed to do the meal i had planned still, not sure how well i documented it but ill post what i have in a bit, gotta go scrounge up some tacos or something tho

>> No.7512122

I feel like we're second cousins or something.

Both in Houston. I'm over in Copperfield.

Same brands and taste in food/beer.

C@s and Kraken.

>> No.7513089
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we might even be the same person and we forgot our meds

continued from last night

making chicken paprikash, a hungarian dish like chicken and dumplings

cooking some onion and a habenaro, habenaro was not in the recipe but i live dangerously

>> No.7513101
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browning some chicken

so we got a bit tipsy and i did not get many pics, after this i browned some boneless thighs also

>> No.7513114
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add the onion and chicken back together, some spices, including 2 kinds of hungarian paprika(sweet and hot), simmer a bit, add water, boil add a Knorr Stock Pot, cover and simmer for a good while

>> No.7513140
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this is where i got busyand didnt take anymore pics till finnished

while it simmered i mixed up a sour creme mixture you add to it after cooking off some water

I also mixed up a homemade balsalmic vennigrette
made the dumpling mixture(had my friends do the tedious mixing we were smashed it was pretty funny)
chopped salad stuff

when the stuff was done simmering i moved it to my crock pot on high where i mixed the sour cream/flour mixture to it and let it cook a bit there while i washed the pot it was in cuz im short big pots, and got water boiling for dumplings

made the dumplings, they looked very homemade but tasted good and good consistency

>heres todays lunch, tried a new truck, fajita tacos and a chicheron papusa, was decent but not great

>> No.7513149
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this pic is kinda wack there will be a better quality pic in the competition thread i have to gimp it tho

>> No.7514521
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Stopped by the local tavern and had a few shots and some how ended up with a few free shots too complements of my new friend Mangy James, was feeling frisky afterwards and did the taco bell meme, first time going there in 5 years or so and let me say that it was not great and I can already tell my guts are not happy with this decision

>> No.7515947
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saw them shilling this whisky a while back, deceded to give it a try, its ok, will put it up till i get off work, planning on a cook along of some sort not sure yet what

>> No.7516170

Playing some gtav and waiting on ma dough to rise.

>> No.7516185

what platform? also what you bakin? my first baking experiment was not great but I plan on trying again, maybe tonight

i saw someone post a pic of that jewish challah bread thing and it looks dank as fuck i want to try that after i get a few more bakes under my belt

>> No.7516191

Ps4, and pizza

>> No.7516204

nioce, i got it on pc i am too cheap for consoles, feel free to post that pizza, no pressure I AM NOT TRYING TO PRESSURE YOU

>> No.7516212

Haha, still gonna be a hot minute. My roommate keeps our apartment cold as fuck.

>> No.7516371

OP, I did a spicy stuffed pork loin last night, gonna dump here if that's cool.

>> No.7516377
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>this thread is for anyone to post a cook-along, bake-along or OC food/drink pics if they dont want to make or use another thread

I'm bad at reading.


Cajun seasoning, cream cheese

>> No.7516382
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, 20160327_145109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lots of pig.

Pork loin and bacon. Thick-cut works much better for this recipe.

Streaky for you brits.

Btw, this is Jersey Village / Houston from >>7512122

>> No.7516394
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RAW jalapenos, not pickled, scrape most of the core/seeds out. Leave some of the core, you want some spice left.

>> No.7516397
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Slice 'em up length-wise.

Don't dice, you'll see why in a bit.

Wash your damn hands before you pet kitty or touch testicles.

>> No.7516406
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Pig goes on slab.

Cut straight down into the middle a little over halfway through.

It looks dumb, bear with me. Side pictured is not a deep enough cut.

>> No.7516415
File: 168 KB, 1917x758, WVXWirI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm now aware this looks like a huge fucked up vagina.

You're going to cut in and away from the center, butterflying it out from the middle, slicing lots of small 'pockets'.

>Over 9000 hours in MS Paint

>> No.7516417
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Landscape of pig valleys.

Season with cajun seasoning at this point, won't waste another image with that step.

>> No.7516422
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Shove jalapeno strips into every nook and cranny, every damn orifice.

Really tuck 'em in there, you'll need room for...

>> No.7516424
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 20160327_150923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cream cheese!

Only use one (1) 8-ounce package.

I'm not sure why I had two sitting there, that'd be way too fucking much.

I looks like a lot, but trust me, it really isn't.

>> No.7516430
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Fold it all back up.

It's going to try to fall all apart, but you've got some salty meat rope to take care of this problem.

>> No.7516432
File: 2.63 MB, 470x312, Malort-8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cream cheese!

>> No.7516433
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Wrap with bacon, tucking the ends underneath, pulling it tight.

This prevents the thing from falling apart. You won't need twine or bamboo skewers, I promise.

Rub the bacon with brown sugar, as this will form a very light glaze later.

>> No.7516448
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Into the oven at about 325F, it'll take about two hours, maybe more, maybe less. Depends on the size of your pig.

You're shooting for a temp close to 160F internal.

I know they lowered the standards for safe temps on pig, but this one benefits from a firmer feel, as it's basted constantly by the bacon.

In the meantime, make mashed potatoes, because it's a good pairing.

I promise, it sounds weird but it's wonderful. Think of it like a massive reverse jalapeno popper.

>> No.7516455
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I think I ended up violating this potatoes with lots of butter and bacon grease.

Good amount of salt and ground black pepper, too.

>> No.7516459
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Pig is done.

Internal thermometer read 164F, a little high, so I pulled it out immediately to rest.

Had a bit of leakage. No worries.

>> No.7516460
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Was bored as fuck so I made some quick garlic bread finger food

>> No.7516469
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Wa La, as they say.

The filling kind of melts into the meat, and the bacon basting the loin keeps it super moist.

Pour some of the drippings over everything and wash it down with cheap wine.

>> No.7516641
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>> No.7516648
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>> No.7516650
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>> No.7516654
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>> No.7516657

go snag the Mile End Deli cookbook, shits fucking good. has a dope challah recipe in there

>> No.7516681
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>> No.7516692
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>> No.7516700
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>> No.7516703
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>> No.7516704
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>> No.7516717
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>> No.7516732
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>> No.7516740
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>> No.7516743


>> No.7516747
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And done

>> No.7517331
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this looks damn good especially them fries

this shit looks genius, i like a guy who puts 10 ram 'penos in a dish, will have to make something like this sometime

i will keep my eye out for a pirated copy because i am a thief

really nice contributions yall im mad hungry now

>lunch was pastor tacos, barbacoa tacos and a pollo quesadilla

>> No.7517493

of course a pirated copy.
check on kat.ph

>> No.7518109
File: 2.96 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20160329_140738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back, doing a shooter's sandwich this time. Past few days have been nothing interesting, but this is something new.

>> No.7518111
File: 3.10 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20160329_141849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the bread open + a layer of cheese

>> No.7518114

You making it to eat out or eat at home if so it doesn't seem that worth it, might as well eat the components cooked

>> No.7518115
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Steak time, that's gonna take a bit

>> No.7518123
File: 3.27 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20160329_142529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutting some mushrooms in the meantime
At home. Yes, I could make some fancy steak and mushroom dish. I'm doing a sandwich anyway. Maybe I'll make it like a French dip

>> No.7518125

>shooter's sandwich
saged and hidden.

>> No.7518135
File: 3.01 MB, 4160x2336, IMG_20160329_143444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half in, and the mushrooms ready to go. I think I'll put in an onion too, don't want it to be too prominent though.
I'm sorry my sandwich offends you. Maybe it'd help if I told you these steaks are well-done?

>> No.7518159
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Mushrooms and onions. I threw the onions in super late because I want them to be mostly sharp

>> No.7518164
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>> No.7518166
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One more later of cheese

>> No.7518172
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And now I'm off to find something heavy

>> No.7518185
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Hooray for Europe

>> No.7518954

looks good ive been wanting to try one of these for years but im not a mushroom fan and its like half the dish

i assume you are waiting to post a moneyshot when you get back from your fox hunt :^)

>> No.7519227
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Yep, all done now but I made sure to take some photos for you guys.
Future notes: better quality steak, more shrooms, less cheese

>> No.7519233
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Sliced open

>> No.7519244
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Made some fries to go with it

>> No.7519268
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And a shitty plate shot. I put some German "Worcester sauce" on it. Pretty good, though I have made better

>> No.7519326
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it is 3:58 PM and I would like to thank jewel osco for this easter weekend sale

>> No.7519393

Did you heat it up?

Cheese doesn't look melted, just...compressed.

You should have thrown that into a hot skillet for a bit.

>> No.7519428


JO handles on sale are pretty much the cheapest liquor I can find where I am, but it's pretty bad, even compared to normal bottom shelf stuff that costs a dollar or two more.

>> No.7520457

Looks pretty sad. A total waste even of the bad ingredients.

>> No.7520478

i honestly really like seeing someones first attempt at something, I do it all the time, sometimes its shit sometimes its decent, its nice to learn from peoples mistakes

i kind of want to make one with a really fatty steak and a lot of sauteed onions and peppers and some extra strong mustard horseraddish mixture, id also find some dumb excuse to go eat it in the woods or something im a weirdo like that

>> No.7521027
File: 2.14 MB, 4128x2322, 20160330_020419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oi im a bit slagged m80

thawin some sea creature shit oh boy im thinkin some british stuff m8

>> No.7521036

isn't it past your bedtime, OP?

>> No.7521061
File: 2.29 MB, 4128x2322, 20160330_030159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry but i am adult nobody tells me what to do

prep work done, pooped the shrimp and butterfly, cut my fish meat up, cut some "chips" i tried to cut them very sloppy it is muy authentico

>> No.7521102
File: 2.25 MB, 4128x2322, 20160330_032448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chips on the 1st fry m8

>> No.7521109
File: 2.21 MB, 4128x2322, 20160330_033938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makin some basic tartar sauce

>> No.7521206
File: 2.10 MB, 4128x2322, 20160330_034454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breading for the shramp beer batter for the fish

gee bill..

>> No.7521212


holy shit, i thought you died.

>> No.7521220
File: 2.34 MB, 4128x2322, 20160330_040854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fish frying all kinds of shit being fried

that is a very grim assumption friend

>> No.7521222

you're the one playing with hot oil, beer and crustaceans, pal.

>> No.7521232
File: 2.89 MB, 4128x2322, 20160330_042524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


got the fish the chips the beer garlic mayo for fries i am so british im bout to get on the dole you feels me

>> No.7521238
File: 2.86 MB, 4128x2322, 20160330_051805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing with hot oil
the hot oil is for dessert friend, nice trips

night yall

>> No.7521760

hoooo shit I would love that at about 3 in the morning

>> No.7521793

While drunk cooking is fun as fuck, the mess you have to clean up the next day almost makes it not worth it. I can't imagine the messes you have to clean up OP. Especially with all that deep frying.

>> No.7522329

oh yeah it's disgusting but it's cheap. really drinking this stuff makes me crave some wild turkey 101 or woodford reserve.

>> No.7522671

was good m8

ive actually gotten decent at cleaning while i go along, most i need to do the next day is throw some dishes in the machine and give everything a quick wipe down. The fryer actually isnt that messy

when i have friends over and we get drunk and i cook its a different story, kitchen gets tore the fuck up and im too distracted to do much cleaning

>> No.7522703

would devour/10

>> No.7522954

how much does your fryer hold?
is it a good size?

>> No.7523415

Doesn't look as good as I bet it tastes. But fuck, I imagine that being incredible. Gonna save this for later. Well done!

>> No.7523640

how's that rig treating u bruh