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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 167 KB, 1000x750, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18258096 No.18258096 [Reply] [Original]

japanese school lunch

>> No.18258116

What's those tiny white balls in the fruit salad?

>> No.18258121

What is on upper right?

>> No.18258127


>> No.18258134

Probably lychee

>> No.18258142

>watery ass, flavorless curry
>white rice
>sour ass milk
>canned fruit

>> No.18258148

I can understand only shee...

>> No.18258152

Sheep and cow cum, anon. Get back to studying.

>> No.18258155

I give up on Japanese, wanna study Chinese. It seems more commercially successful.

>> No.18258159

Shiratama Dango

>> No.18258166

If you want to sign business contracts that are freely dishonoured without consequence, that makes lots of sense.

>> No.18258182 [DELETED] 

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.18258196 [DELETED] 
File: 387 KB, 640x640, 283580_640x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill a little, Jared. No one gives a fuck about your ramblings.

>> No.18258240


>> No.18258244


>> No.18258315

Is their curry good or a meme?

>> No.18258318

It's rambutan

>> No.18258322


>> No.18258330 [DELETED] 

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.18258340

Where all the butt hurt americans insulting the lunch to deflect from the fact they live in a third world shithole incapable of feeding their children?

>> No.18258341

Are people out there over hyping Japanese curry?
It's pretty aight, nothing spectacular, but it's cheap and easy to make.

>> No.18258347

Cats' balls

>> No.18258350

this. Curry is okay but sloppa is sloppa is sloppa

>> No.18258361
File: 19 KB, 556x81, ACFAF7E7-BDFD-408C-BFCA-B96854826B74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the gooks could take the concept of curry and make it bland.

>> No.18258491
File: 39 KB, 681x450, images (94).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids in school have to study for two lifetimes to open the milk, another lifetime to open the canned fruit salad and yet another to properly microwave the curry. Forget about the rice, the principal takes care of that.

>> No.18258522
File: 23 KB, 628x347, Blondie-w-Damones_Five_Point_Plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wherever you are, that's the place to be!
I'd fuck it.

>> No.18258612

vgh... the bounty of 日本

>> No.18258635 [DELETED] 
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>You seem to be the racist
anon being having pattern seeking or being skeptical of people literally raised to be lying cheaters is not racism

>> No.18258648

>carbs with carbs, carbshake, and carbs for dessert
No wonder they can't get it up

>> No.18258651


>> No.18258655 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 500x822, 1657630778947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know most racist people are racist because of their past experiences, not just 'eugh black man icky me no likey'
I mean if you live in a ghetto for awhile you will come out atleast partially racist even if 10 gallons of raycism bayd copium still flow through your veins because your subconscious is not an idiot and wants to keep you safe

>> No.18258676
File: 527 KB, 1935x1451, IMG_20220820_210944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one from the school I taught at for a week last year. Korean Tteok-bokki, some dried soybeans, stewed greens, rice, and a slice of orange, with milk (just visible in corner). It sucked. Everyday, it sucked, no matter what it was (usually some kind of grilled fish). And yet, it was still better than the US lunches when I was in school.

>> No.18258695

Just imagine the wet sharts after that, blech!

>> No.18258697

that's alot of carbs

>> No.18258701

this made me laugh :)

>> No.18259060

I'm a couple of years into Mandarin and still can't get past the caveman structure of it.
"You eat?"
"Want, no want?"

>> No.18259189

Everyone I've made it for says it's amazing and it's one of my favorites as well. Maybe they sell you a trash version?

>> No.18259195

Lol imagine being this retarded.
Lmao at your pathetic life lol.

>> No.18259196


>> No.18259218

Only a faggot is so triggered by Japan that they can’t even get their racial slurs right and cries about curry.

>> No.18259223

We need to slash teachers salaries and invest in nutrition!

Teachers getting inflated salaries (for working half the year, mind you) has no correlation to better educational outcomes, yet science proves that childhood nutrition is critical for proper development.

Slash teachers funds to feed our kids!

>> No.18259225

no wonder they're all manlets

>> No.18259229

You sound like a faggot and a weeab.

>> No.18259233

>here you go, some goulash and rice
WTF GTFO woth this bland wypipo trash
>umm it's Yokosuka kaigun kare!
*jaw drops*

>> No.18259234

You sound like a fatherless zoomer son of a single whore, but I was going to be nice and not say anything.

>> No.18259239

unironically a fantastic meal
good protein and fat from the curry and milk
all it's missing is a salad but I know nips are autistic about salads

>> No.18259240
File: 2.12 MB, 2396x3116, rc_ms (141).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting your fake screencap yet again without fixing the glaring mistake

>> No.18259243

>sees a photo of a school lunch
>gets assblasted to the point of quoting nobody to make a “point”
Fucking lmao

>> No.18259263

>pretending it’s not a bait thread about how western/american school lunches are worse than japanese because “muh hekkin EXOTICISM!!”

>> No.18259266

You are idolizing British sloppa literally you fat weeb

>> No.18259281

>school lunch
take some fucking meds.

>> No.18259296

>crying about delicious food on a food board
>calling someone a day weeb because they lmao at your being ass ruptured over a fucking school lunch
Lmaoing at your pathetic ass even harder fucking lmao

>> No.18259297
File: 1.91 MB, 1264x711, 1650919104034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this fucking asshurt over a curry

>> No.18259331

Koreans unironically eat like shit but think theyre healthy cause they serve kimchi on the side of every meal.
> hey bro wanna eat some rice cakes covered in shitty fake processed cheese and slathered in a sugar corn syrup chili sauce
> no way bro get the fuck away from me

>> No.18259569
File: 60 KB, 983x647, cancerrates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stomach cancer rates reminder

>> No.18259573

>serving 牛乳 instead of OL潮吹き like they do at offices

>> No.18259591

He killed this website.
Money grabbing pick.

>> No.18259594

How is america not on that list

>> No.18259598

too little sodium in their diet

>> No.18259604

Dont care because he's right, even M**t said it was never was an amine site.
The faggots came later.

>> No.18259606

Big factor in cancer rates is genetics, unsurprisingly. East Asia also has tons of smokers, but way lower lung cancer rates than predominantly European descended countries

>> No.18259630

either dango or lychee

too small

it's more accurately curry-flavoured stew than what you would expect from e.g. a proper Indian curry, because the Japs copied it from the Brits who adapted it from the Indians

needs more dark leafy greens

>> No.18259681

Lol no he didn’t you buttfucking fag

>> No.18260029
File: 867 KB, 3096x4128, pIbMa71xDsZD687OHr2sUwS9lkUAzxiqP0v7FDI0hCg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free Swedish school lunch

>> No.18261332

does every other country have people making food for the kids? in aus we had a canteen where you could buy a meat pie or whatever but 99% of people would just come to school with a sandwich

>> No.18261340 [DELETED] 

looks like poverty food for prisoners

>> No.18261346

This doesn't look very sugoi at all

>> No.18261449
File: 131 KB, 740x1057, 1542697483685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> school lunch

Yet another thread where lying Euros claim they had filet mignon and larks tongues at school while murricans are forced to stick their head in a trough of corn syrup,

>> No.18261610

>morinaga milk
I wonder

>> No.18261646

>carbs on carbs on carbs
I would take it over sysco heat-and-serve garbage like I remember getting

>> No.18261666

better than poo in loo

>> No.18261670

don't pretend burger lunches are any better
>breaded chicken patty on a bun
>french fries
>milk or some sugar drink

>> No.18261742

What's up with Jews and not saying the name of their enemies
>Black Bull
You faggots are like the Harry Potter homos who don't say Voldemort because you're a bunch of scheming Jews who don't want people to be reminded you're scheming Jews

>> No.18261752

American food is loaded with salt. I was going to say that I couldn't imagine any place else using more then I remember that a relative of mine had to transfer out of a teaching job in the Philippines because all the salt in the food there drove his hypertension through the roof.

>> No.18261768

>he's right
It's a face screencap, you tards. The original post was him talking about making a 4chan vtuber.

>> No.18261785
File: 45 KB, 600x600, us prison food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18261790
File: 82 KB, 700x684, school-lunch-comparison-police-funding-53-5ee72dd84474c__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18261805
File: 60 KB, 1024x545, heat coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bite into shitty chicken sandwich and the grain of the meat changes halfway through because it's multiple offcuts stuck together with meat glue
the beef burgers were so horrifyingy grey and low-quality the black bean burgers they offered as a vegetarian option were actually way better

>> No.18261820

If you want your contracts to be honored, go study law. You're delusional if you don't think that businessmen anywhere won't try to skimp out on agreements.
>next you're going to tell me that jews doing business in the west are honorable

>> No.18261839
File: 998 KB, 1920x1080, 1634057069691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese bird cooking spaghetti

>> No.18261939

So racist.

>> No.18261942

Wish there were some more pre-2008 USA meals before the First Tranny nixed them.

>> No.18261972

suicide pills

>> No.18261973

>japanese fruit cocktail mix is banana, kiwi and lychee
fuck this

>> No.18261984

There are 3.6 million births in the US every year
There are 12 years of school, and around 180 days of school each
Assume the ability to feed a kid 1 meal at say $8 a day, allowing for some healthier whole foods options

It would cost $62.2 billion a year to feed all those children. That's 10% of the national educational budget for kids that age. Not an insignificant increase.

>> No.18261989

What looks like papaya and pineapple too
The acidity would cut the sweetness of the banana I think

>> No.18262144

13 years.

>> No.18262975

Chinese is only commercially successful in China, not around the world. That spot belongs to Spanish and English. If I had to pick out of the Asian languages, I'll go with Japanese since Japan is at least a livable place.

>> No.18262976


>> No.18262985

I bet the children who eat this are super sexy

>> No.18262987
File: 88 KB, 692x519, 3435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some British school lunches.

>> No.18262991

My school just ordered food from local restaurants and you could buy dishes a la carte. Wasn't at a poor school, so didn't have to put up with slop. Used to get food from the former head chef at a michelin star place on wednesdays (he opened an Italian place in town).

>> No.18262994

are you fucking serious
get rid all of that rice and I'll consider it

>> No.18263013

So? Increase the budget. Increase teacher's salaries. America will only benefit from that.

>> No.18263024
File: 147 KB, 870x557, 1584383786732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to school in goddamn Oklahoma, armpit of America
>school lunch is actually great if unambitious. Just solid American food that's actually scatch cooked, chicken fried steak wss especially lush
>move out to the west coast, into a rich area of California
>school lunches are now extremely grim, low effort sodexho prison food. School has a full kitchen but apparently it's too expensive to hire real lunch ladies anymore.
>classrooms lack hot running water wtf
Wtf I thought blue states cared about education?

>> No.18263042
File: 1.13 MB, 768x923, dallemini_2022-8-21_9-12-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI generated USA school lunch

>> No.18263052

>American food is loaded with salt.
Ha, wait until you hear about Mexico and other hispanic/latin cultures. ha

>> No.18263053

take it to /pol/, you faggot

>> No.18263056
File: 1.12 MB, 768x923, dallemini_2022-8-21_9-15-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI generated Japanese school lunch

>> No.18263658

>American foods contain less salt than Japanese foods.
This seems to be correct
Otherwise, Americans who eat super-sized portions would die prematurely lmao

>> No.18263673

>It seems more commercially successful.
Never learn Chinese for business. You will hate yourself.

>> No.18263684

Okay Chang

>> No.18263690
File: 374 KB, 1146x1375, goy slop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18263721

MSG is a Japanese creation and it's one of the main ingredient in a lot of Asian dishes topped with soy sauce and most Japanese restaurants use it. Shills just don't know. But American "dishes" main ingredient is sugar and other forms of chemicals which is far worse than salt/sodium.

>> No.18263744
File: 175 KB, 1099x1149, 30d9f5a6e12c731a5cf6c04dbb1fb920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm discussing food, like the rest of this very on topic, constructive thread?

>> No.18263759 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18263761
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, do not learn mandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18263768

We die of heart attacks before we ever develop the cancer

>> No.18263777
File: 500 KB, 707x528, american school lunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an american school lunch

>> No.18263787

lmao that fucking rice
nice digits btw

>> No.18263819

Here in Canada there's no such thing as a school lunche and we're all fine

>> No.18263837
File: 217 KB, 600x800, mukacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is common knowledge in Japan.
People who are not at all interested in cooking may not understand the details, but even they should know the name.
However, whether or not it is used depends on the restaurant.
Chain restaurants and cheap restaurants will use a lot of it, but other restaurants may use only a small amount or not use it at all.
The reason is that it is cheap and has a noticeably uncharacteristic taste.

>> No.18264118

San Diego is a crime ridden shithole, we need increased police budgets.

Slash teachers salaries if anything.

We need to cut teachers salaries to feed our youth.

>> No.18264122

No. America will NOT benefit from increased teachers salaries. Data has shown that inflating teachers salaries does not improve educational outcomes. Teachers in America are lazy cunts who work half the year and many of them are incompetent. Slash teachers salaries and improve nutrition.

>> No.18264130

i wonder what they smell like haha

>> No.18264825

>thing: -_-
>thingjak: owo

>> No.18265004

That's what you get for being poor, stop complaining.

>> No.18265060

Learning the moon runes and having every word be a new one would make me KMS

>> No.18265093

>noooo don't eat cheese that contains sodium citrate it's poison!!!

>> No.18265108

San Diego School District has a budget of $1.6 billion. Even if you gave literally all the money from the police department to the school it's only a 30% increase and they'd figure out a way to waste it anyway.

>> No.18265480

doesn't look too bad. could do with more greens, but hey, getting kids to swallow four florets of broccoli voluntarily is probably a win, somewhere

>main ingredient
by what measure, volume?
>The reason is that
it's easy to overuse

>We need to cut
>Increase the budget
Without knowing what the rest of the budget is spent on, or how effectively, it's not easy to make a big budget decision. Just pointing out that a lot of cheap school dinners adds up to a big sum

>> No.18265535

I member bags of chicken nuggets, Pizza and Italian hoagies with chocolate milk.

>> No.18265588



>> No.18266215

I thought japs were lactose intolerant

>> No.18266229

Goy slop

>> No.18266454

>it's easy to overuse
If it's a low-cost store, no problem, but if it's not, it will just go out of business!
In the case of school lunches, I think it depends on whether you are in a wealthy area with a lot of tax revenue or not.
In poor areas, the only way is to reduce the quantity, lower the quality, or use more MSG to reduce the cooking work.
I think this is the same in all countries.

>> No.18266456
File: 55 KB, 610x487, F8121A12-0F77-4260-8AC0-F779AB6F23BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks delicious, I like simple food

>> No.18266493

Is Chinese really a caveman language?

>> No.18266506

Heart related diseases get them first

>> No.18266549

That Inflation Reduction bill that just passed? Just missed having a Universal Free Lunch for schoolies.

>> No.18266553

>Inflation Reduction bill
>literally just a bunch of moneyprinting, pocket-lining, and expenditures
I hate politicians so much, bros.

>> No.18266562

If you're a little bitch maybe

>> No.18266568

When your school provides lunch, do you have to pay for it?

>> No.18266667

They're also increasing taxes for the top earners and setting 15% minimum corporate tax.

>> No.18266685

At the school I went to in Japan we had to pay for lunch with one of those ticket machines but it was really cheap, like 180-450 yen for most items. I don't think many people took Benton boxes with them iirc.

>> No.18266807
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>> No.18266826
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>> No.18266844

No when I say overuse, I mean it's like salt. And because it's umami rather than straight up salty.
MSG is what causes "chinese food throat"

Corporate taxes like that is going to kill SMEs
They can't afford the tax manoeuvres that listed corps can

>> No.18266853

Of all the things our tax money goes to i think feeding children is an easy one to get behind

>> No.18266855

its the nip equivalent of hamburger helper

>> No.18266867

MSG = Makes So Good
Why wouldn’t you use it? Kids deserve tasty lunches too.

>> No.18266879

Pleasure to shit

>> No.18266893

lychee, love those little shits

>> No.18266911

Man, rice and stew sounds cheaper and better than anything kids get here in norf England.

>> No.18266935

looks gud

>> No.18266936

Well is is 4000 years old

>> No.18267073

Like with any budget changes, the question is always is "what do we give up in exchange"

Anyway. I really don't know. Just pointing out the estimated quantum lol

>> No.18267079

What's wrong with shepherds pie or Lancashire hotpot?

>> No.18267081

You think they serve anything close to real food in public schools? The women working in the cafeteria aren't chefs and they don't have resources.

>> No.18267099

rice = sugar
milk = sugar
fruit = sugar
sugar, sugar, sugar.
Its probably a sweet curry too, so SUGAR.

>> No.18267231

...not even a Greggs sausage roll?

>> No.18267261

Humans, and especially children, need lots of carbs. You're no different to vegans.

>> No.18267304

That's some carbs, mostly sugars.
Nobody needs that much sugar. Its no wonder japs are so emaciated, pale, short and weak.

>> No.18267305

love me some japslop

>> No.18267324

You talk as if MSG and umami are two different things or am I misunderstanding?

>> No.18267337

>Japan and The Netherlands. Morinaga Chil-kid is a Japanese formulation backed by Morinaga's R&D Institute in Japan with a history of over 100 years of innovation. 100% of cow's milk comes from the Netherlands' natural pastures. The cows are well taken care of, and happily enjoying the sunshine in the green meadows.
They are happy cows.

>> No.18267366

Carbs are not inherently sugar. Sugar is a subtype of carb.

>> No.18267387

Rice is barely nutritious, if anything its even bad for people due to the levels of arsenic and potentially heavy metals. It breaks down into what essentially functions as sugar. Which is fine by itself, but when combined with other sources of sugar?

>> No.18267398

3.5 sources of carbs, no source of protein, kek.

>> No.18267407

MSG = umami, salt = salty
it's easy not to oversalt
but it's hard to stop with umami
that's why a lot of chinese restaurant food is over-seasoned with umami

>> No.18267412

*overseasoned with MSG

>> No.18267444

>its even bad for people due to the levels of arsenic and potentially heavy metals
if we stopped eating every food said to contain potentially high levels of this and that we wouldn't eat jack fucking shit

>milk = sugar
that's regular milk, idiot
the curry has maybe 2-3g of sugar

>> No.18267475

>eating lunch at school
??? everyone walked home for lunch and back again every day when I was growing up. If you needed lunch 'at school' it was for a field trip or some event and you packed a sandwich or something

>> No.18267498

My mom always packed me a lunch, in high school I told her I wanted two sandwiches.
Me and a buddy would skip lunch and get high in the Band wing restroom eating the sandwiches.

>> No.18267527

so you walked home and then came back?

>> No.18267546
File: 20 KB, 526x585, The World's Longest Life Spans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18267550
File: 6 KB, 667x271, Milk Sugar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30% of your daily sugar in that cup of milk!

>> No.18267559

How do they ship it to the other side of the planet? Is it UHT? Or frozen?

>> No.18267570

well, firstly that's about 80% of 13g, given that the milk in that pic is 200ml not 244; secondly, that "30%" you cite is based on RDA guidelines for ADDED sugar, whereas the sugar in rice, milk and fruits are naturally-occurring sugars. for young children that's more like ~24g of allowed added sugar a day, by the way

the fruit dessert probably contains the bulk of the added sugars

if it's really from the Netherlands, most likely powdered then reconstituted, as it will be prohibitively expensive to ship as liquid milk

>> No.18267579

We can start with the 700 billion to Ukraine
Then the money to Israel

>> No.18267581

Ah, yes, I trust the government to tell me what to eat and drink. Sugar is good! Seed oils are good! Fat is bad! Protein is bad! Asbestos is good! Cigarettes are safe! Take these cocaine drops for toothaches! Radium is fine! Vaccines are ok!
No. Sugar is terrible. Considering a lot of kids get a sugary breakfast of garbage cereals, that sugary lunch and probably sugar for supper and dessert, its no wonder everyone is fat, slow and stupid.

>> No.18267589

>cites RDA
>get BTFOd
>ackshually RDA bad
meybe it's everyone else except you who is fat slow and stupid, but I strongly doubt it

>> No.18267593
File: 658 KB, 286x232, laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, buddy. Consume the sneed oils. Condemn red meat, butter, fat and vegetables. Eat grains and fruit and non-fat dairy! Don't forget about your bugs! Mmm.
My diet is probably 50% meat, 35% vegetables, 10% dairy, 5% grains/sugars. Sometimes more veggie than meat, I might go for a week or two without meat.

>> No.18267652

You fags are crazy. nothing else to worry about other than food consumption?
no one get's outta here alive, I hate to tell you that.
Eat whatever bullshit you want, one day you will die
Could be a traffic accident tomorrow, good thing I ate healthy!

>> No.18267686

>vegetarian tendencies
Could you be any more of a faggot?

>> No.18267708

>Data source: my ass

>> No.18267719
File: 55 KB, 503x343, C0436203-5198-4E3C-85C0-DEC567EABF2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao ok europoor. Here’s a REAL American school lunch. Only $19.99 plus tip

>> No.18267749

You aren’t American.

>> No.18267860

>Vegetarian tendencies
>When the diet is 50% meat even when taking time off of meat
Seed oils are disgusting though.

>> No.18267896


I'm pretty sure that's a prison food tray not a school lunch

>> No.18267904

It's generally difficult for the negro to tell the difference

>> No.18267911

Musashimaru Kōyō's tears

>> No.18267941

? >>18259569

>> No.18267955

thats clearly a private school.
public school lunches look nothing remotely like this.
it was always shitty burgers and pizza and MAYBE a shitty sponge with some custard.
I can't believe I risked exclusion for stealing them, they were so shitty it was hardly worth it.

>> No.18267956

....Slave human facility run by robots in future....
>beep boop beep
>your daily nutrient need human
>wacks plate on table, beep, boop enjoy your meal

>> No.18267977

Apparently we only live till 76.

>> No.18269260

They could save a lot more than 10% of their budget by removing useless middle managers and parasitic bureaucrats. But it will never happen, and even if it did they would rather send that extra money to Israel anyway.

>> No.18269269

>no susij roll
>no pints
fokking garbage

>> No.18269362

If the government wants more kids its gotta take care of the kids!

>> No.18269381

More likely some type of orange. I find oranges and pineapple to be horribly sweeter than bananas tho

>> No.18269410

UK School meals have got a lot better since your day boomer.

>> No.18269442

My high school lunch was just a cheeseburger with fries that were either soggy 50% of the time.

Yeah. We had a system where students could get gold/silver/bronze cards depending how well they did which would lower the price/make it free.

>> No.18269456

Don't slash teacher salaries. There are probably a shitload of useless paper pushers in administrative positions you can remove.

>> No.18269911

I love fucking Japanese food and culture so fucking much. It's all so delicious. I just bought some sake drinkware. Also a lot of mochiko flower and adzuki beans for Tsukimi in September. I'm planning to make homemade Oden tonight and it's going to be God tier.

>> No.18269912

when you're finished with Chinese, you'll find Japanese writing a lot easier.

>> No.18269914

better than Indian curry. at least you won't get fecal matter in your karerice.

>> No.18269916

For newfags, Tteok is just a shitty Korean mochi.
Gooks literally can't not steal from Japan.

>> No.18269942

Kek this picture shows how just everyone in USA is retarded and thus cannot solve their own problems. Yes it’s important that the children of nation are fed well and tax payer money should be put into school lunches. But what the fuck does that have to do woth the funding of police? Defence and security of civilians is another important thing that needs good funding to function well. Like why be smart on the other subject but dumb on the other?

>> No.18270103

At least you tried lol

>> No.18270123

Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you

>> No.18270162

i wish the government gave me cocaine :(((

>> No.18270163

Street shitting pajeet school lunch is just whatever shit they can collect from the street.

>> No.18270193


>> No.18270422

Japanese curry didn't make my house smell like curry for 3 days nor give me boated spicy shits.

>> No.18270785

>jap curry is bland
That's like boasting that margarine doesn't smell like milk and is suitable for lactose intolerant people - completely missing the point

>> No.18270795

For me, It's adderall and sitting in the library.

>> No.18270817

Margarine doesn't smell like milk, it's smells like plastic or petroleum byproducgs. What are you still on the covid and have no sense of smell?

>> No.18270827

Let's just chalk this one up to a brain fart, and try again, shall we?

Saying that jap curry is superior to "o.g." curry because it doesn't taste like curry, is like saying margarine is superior to butter because it doesn't taste like concentrated milk fats. Savvy?

>> No.18270828

As much as I want to love Japanese food, I can't. Outside of Ramen and Okonomiyaki most of the food has the same flavor. It's not bad by no means but it isn't isn't on my bucket list when I think of foods to try out. Why is Japanese food taste the same?

>> No.18270841

I'm savvy and jap curry is nasty and tasteless, why bother with it when there great curries from Thailand and Indonesia?

>> No.18270863

Japanese-style curry is easy to prepare

>> No.18270864

That slop looks like it's been sitting under a heat lamp for six+ hours.

>> No.18270888
File: 305 KB, 640x378, 024-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you chop the veggies small enough, it takes about 15 minutes.

It's easy to cook, but I feel sorry for those of you who have to pay more than double the price for a $1 or $2 product.

>> No.18271006

Just look at their history and you'll understand why their language was boiled down to little more than what is necessary for dirt farming.
Their stint with Communism was pretty much the last nail in the coffin.

But it's okay, they still top the IQ charts because they only let their very best take the test after drilling them on solving those tests for months.

>> No.18271036

>1kg of golden curry roux in japan is 6.30€
>sold here for 31.60€
Why is this aloud?

>> No.18271066

>1kg of golden curry roux in japan is 6.30€
I used to be able to buy it for 4€, but recently the price has gone up.
>0.8€ for one 198g

Would it be possible to destroy such a rip-off price by continuing to list large quantities of items at low prices on e-bay, etc.?

>> No.18271074

Maybe, but it seems like S&B is selling it here themselves via amazon.
I think I'll just start preparing the spice mix myself instead of paying for it again, if the price is hiked that much.

>> No.18271081
File: 248 KB, 700x933, Thai army food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres your food for 2 years bro.

>> No.18271128

>dat asian soyjak face
absorutery disglaceful

>> No.18271140


That looks fucking grim, especially that northernmost piece of meat

>> No.18271163
File: 1.87 MB, 480x854, 300341944-7913549245383024-6992067407473739817-n_6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wtf I thought blue states cared about education?
It's daycare for shitskin zoomers. They only eat hot chip

>take it to /pol/, you faggot
Got get boosted and pox'd again

>> No.18271197

uhh... what?

>> No.18271255

probably a fight

>> No.18271330
File: 288 KB, 1049x844, Glico and House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's also due to the fact that we don't have any Japanese competitors like Glico or House.

>> No.18271725

I'm in Mass and we feed our kids. Helps to not live in a christofascist hell hole.
>inb4 triggered fags say anything

>> No.18272063

You are fat, slow and stupid.

>> No.18272614

This is only a suggestion, but maybe kids would be eating better if we let somebody else handle school lunches instead of the guys who supply prison food.

>> No.18272728

You are.

>> No.18272789

The US didn't have free school lunch until Michelle. When I was in school you either brought your own or bought it from the school cafeteria which had some pretty bangin' options. We have a mini Taco Bell. Kinda like those mini Pizza Huts in certain department stores. A very limited selection, but you could bring a couple bucks and buy some actual Taco Bell food if you didn't bring your own. Nobody cried about a free lunch because parents then actually loved their kids and made lunch for them. Then Gen X began to become parents and demanded that they shouldn't have to prepare food for kids anymore so now kids get stuck with a chicken nugget and 2 carrot sticks for lunch.

>> No.18273431
File: 52 KB, 800x600, 546fbec069bedd0375b100c5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american school lunch

>> No.18273444

take that 62 bil out of the military budget, theyd hardly even feel it

>> No.18273447

but then who will protect the euros

>> No.18273493

Russia and China seem to be made of cardboard and rusting pipes respectively, how are they even a problem still? What are Euros even doing over there?

>> No.18273501

Somehow sucking even harder. If it didn’t need to save Europe from its incoming karmic rape, the USA would be travelling the stars.

>> No.18273512

>LA cops alone get a budget of 11billion 2022-2023
>some retard on 4chan cries about how feeding kids in the ENTIRE US not just LA would be 60billion

>> No.18273530

How tf would u know if the curry is flavorless by looking at a picture my nigga

>> No.18273538

Looks really damn good

>> No.18273595

All I did was run the fucking numbers, which is less than you did, numbnuts

>What are Euros even doing over there?
One wonders

>Only 4 of Germany's 128 Eurofighter jets combat ready

>> No.18273602

It's incredible to me that NEETs whose sole source for information and "world experience" is 4chan.org would mount this type of criticism - I have a PhD in Philosophy and did study Frankfurt School thinkers, I don't like them that much, but I know them. The mere fact that you think that there exists the "Reddit VS based/pol" epistemic dichotomy should alarm you to the fact that you are a mentally ill retard - you are so fucking ignorant and retarded that you don't even have a concept of what understanding would mean.

Your entire world-view is informed by tweet-sized posts on 4chan and .jpg infographics, that is literally all you know yet everyone who disagrees with you is the "brainwashed ZOGbot". It's incredible, stuff of ancient comedies really.

I will gas you American, don't worry, you and your family will be removed.

>> No.18273612

Might want to double-check whose post you're replying to, Dr

>> No.18273698

source your copypasta pls

>> No.18273725

Katamari Damacy

>> No.18273733


Seriously, it looks like a tweaker's gumline.

>> No.18273735

Cool story bro.

>> No.18275202 [DELETED] 

its honestly a nigger problem

>> No.18275226

We never got anything this nice when I was in school.

>> No.18276498

Yeah, thanks to Jamie Oliver innit?

>> No.18276971

>>watery ass, flavorless curry

It's Japanese not Thai

>> No.18276973

many such cases

>> No.18277146

>Increase the budget

Pretty much none of the budget ever makes it to the classroom due to rampant corruption. All increasing the budget does is put nicer cars in the lot during board of education meetings

>> No.18277158

>you vill eat ze bug curry und ze halal
>und you vill be happy

>> No.18277180

>great curry

Pick one, that soupy bullshit doesn't even count as curry

>> No.18277185


>> No.18277223

you know that kind of food originated in china right?

>> No.18277671

but if you learn chinese you will have to deal with chinks.

>> No.18277675

Gai pad prik khing is the best curry

>> No.18277680

>doesn't even count as curry
define curry

>> No.18277768

>Just look at their history and you'll understand why their language was boiled down to little more than what is necessary for dirt farming.
It takes 5 seconds of searching online to find out that Mandarin has conjunctions. Do you buy into every shitpost you come across
>they only let their very best take the test after drilling them on solving those tests for months
They outperform every nation on every test, not just IQ. WASP's have institutions doing whatever it takes to get to the top of their academic charts, but they still lose out in the end to some foreign exchange student in their own country. Funny how IQ tests suddenly aren't as important once you find out you're dumber than someone else.

>> No.18277797

It simply means that a history of retarded farmers can outscore first world nations by filtering their contestants better and working them harder. That says more about the inferior effort by the competition than it says about Chinese repetition training.

>> No.18277808

I wonder, anon.
I mean, Western education emphasies creativity, problem-solving and initiative, at the expense of rote memory; Chinese education is almost the exact opposite. It's a conscious choice that educators at all levels on both sides of the divide will gladly tell you. Why would you be shocked that the results would be anything other than the natural consequence of this?

>> No.18277836


>> No.18277841

>filtered by superior Thai curry

>> No.18277848

toss the peas and potato you actually have some food

>> No.18277863

china also stole Kanji from Japan

>> No.18277892

found the american. whens the last time you ate a fruit or vegetable you fat fuck?

>> No.18277900

It only comes off as "caveman" when you translate it to english. It makes plenty of sense when you realise you can only use a character to represent a word so you need to say them in a logical flow.

>> No.18278181

>t. racist

>> No.18278190

pearl onions

>> No.18278459

8 dollars a day for one meal!?!
anon I can make myself a high quality filling meal for 6dollars, buying in bulk and straighy from sources would make school lunches 4 dollars.

not to mention their is so much food waste in America simply requiring farners to send produce to schools would decrease waste and increase food quality

the real problem are lunchladies

>> No.18278587

My state school had food like that, I left five years ago

>> No.18278648

I do not know a single person who doesn't regret learning Mandarin as a work skill

>> No.18278653

>I can make myself a high quality filling meal for 6dollars
Good on you
How much do you pay yourself to cook your lunch?
Have you included costs of transport, admin, rental, utilities, kitchen implements?

>> No.18278818

Why is it that on 4chan, every anon seems to know several Mandarin learners who all regret learning the language?
In real life, most people either know no Mandarin learners or know just a single student taking Mandarin night classes at uni.

>> No.18278837

internet connects strange people better than real life
anyways i knew an italian nationalist learned it and who left china far far more racist than he arrived

>> No.18279049

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.18279377 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck. I hope for your sake that this is just a pathetic bait post. People like you need to be put up against the wall when we Christofascists finally take over under our one true ruler Donald Trump. Heil Trump.

>> No.18279416

kill yourself

>> No.18279447

make me

>> No.18279483

Its just butter, garam masala, chili powder and paprika. Then once rehydrated add honey/sugar, tomato puree, garlic,ginger and soy sauce

>> No.18279486

Looks like a sloppa shit

>> No.18279487

Thing, Japan

>> No.18279490

I would wager that, at least in the US, College Towns are disproportionately over represented on 4chins.

>> No.18279514

anyone know what kind of sauce that would be on the right?

>> No.18279526

You'd be wrong. No matter what country it's way more grown men who don't leave their parents house.

>> No.18279952

Isn't he that clown guy?

>> No.18279961

Because it's JAPANESE curry?

>> No.18280022

Flour roux
grated apple
1 drop of curry extract
beta carotene powder for orange color

Serve this with 9 cups of rice and 16 sliced carrots and you have classic japanese curry.

>> No.18280037

>transport, admin, rental, utilities, kitchen implements?
I forgot about the supply manager, the supply managers receptionist, the supply managers receptionists assistant, the supply managers receptionists assistants two paid interns, the supply managers IT specialist, the refrigerator maintenance worker/ garbage disposal repair man, the kitchen manager, the kitchen assistant manager, the dishwasher, the dishwashers assistant, the lgbtqrs+ compliance manager, the metal polisher, the assistant whistleblower aide, etc. This is a public school afterall. We can't just dump the sysco slop out into the troughs without administration costs.

>> No.18280041

don't be a strawmanning nigger

>> No.18280048

It's literal sysco slop and I don't believe that we should even have 'public education' in the first place. It's based on the Prussian model of state indoctrination to make good little goyim who can't think for themselves.

>> No.18280227

They use a very complex mix of spices. It's definitely more than just 'garam masala'.

>> No.18280254

>t. American
you probably ate the square ketchup pizza, taco nados, chicken sandwhich, dollar store nachos and corn dogs.

>> No.18280361


>> No.18281430

I went to a Massachusetts elementary school in the early 2000s and I remember they served hotdogs, burgers, and pizza every day along with the usually not much healthier options that varied on a weekly schedule. I distinctly remember one day where they served breakfast for lunch and the lunch ladies that patrolled the tables with condiments/napkins were equipped with syrup bottles for youths lacking in sugar dressing. I wouldn't say it's the sole reason for my childhood obesity but it definitely didn't help.

>> No.18281555

Looks like what we had for school dinner too.
t. English

>> No.18281760

Kek what brand is that "american milk"
fuk off

>> No.18281767

> I will gas you American you and your family will be removed
Thought we were talking about school lunches, maybe you are starving and have no way to feed your kids? So you lash out?

>> No.18281795
File: 54 KB, 500x375, ccsd school lunch week 10 12 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18281796
File: 59 KB, 300x200, 2015_793_turkey_cheese_wrap_300_200_int_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18281829 [DELETED] 

Corr looks lush mate, would scran

>> No.18281873

>carbs on carbs on carbs on sugar on sugar on sugar

>> No.18281894

the US would be 10 iq points smarter if we had better cafeteria food for kids

>> No.18281912

>herr durr on hurr durr on hurr durr
don't be jealous just feed your kids

>> No.18282058
File: 86 KB, 800x877, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Poland we get first dish (soup), main and depending on the day a snack lack a muffin or yougurt

>> No.18282059
File: 66 KB, 759x925, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18282061

Will post some more of these because they legitimatetely made me feel hungry

>> No.18282069
File: 59 KB, 800x774, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18282080
File: 64 KB, 772x925, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18282224

doesn't look like a school lunch, fake and gay

>> No.18282234

>being at school for dinner
the fukk

>> No.18282239

Quail eggs

>> No.18282277

In my country parents love their children so prepare food to bring to school rather than rely on the school to provide food.

>> No.18282284

Probably this with some roe added


>> No.18282573

For some bongs, it's breakfast-dinner-tea instead of breakfast-lunch-dinner
it used to be a poorfag thing but is now mainly an oop norf thing

>> No.18282685

No, it's normal to call it school dinner everywhere. It's weird you'd pretend not to know that unless one of you isn't British or something.
t. south easterner who calls it breakfast-lunch-supper but still says "school dinner" because...that's what it's called

>> No.18282716

>south easterner who calls it breakfast-lunch-supper but still says "school dinner" because...that's what it's called
yeh alright, but anon ought to know the background why
t. pom not bong

>> No.18282804

"Romsås" Roe sauce, common for salmon


>> No.18283928
