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9997836 No.9997836 [Reply] [Original]


>The problem with the soda is right there in the name: It’s neither healthy-seeming enough to thrive as a diet drink nor tasty enough to thrive as a cola.With sales of Diet Coke in a prolonged rut, Coca-Cola announced last Wednesday that it is tweaking the design of its most famous zero-calorie soft-drink can to be more slender and colorful. It is also launching several new flavors of Diet Coke, including “Feisty Cherry,” “Twisted Mango,” and “Zesty Blood Orange.”

WTF is this?! I love Diet Coke so much! My whole family and all my friends drink Diet Coke! There are times where it and certain Diet drinks like Diet Dr Pepper Cherry have been sold out in my area when they go on sale! The fucking gas station down the street was out during New Years and yet all I hear is


This is a fucking conspiracy! If Diet Coke sales are down so much, I should be drowning in it! What is going on /ck/?! Are they going to can my favorite drink?!

>> No.9997847
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They will never get rid of diet coke. They are making new flavors. What the fuck are you even talking about.

>> No.9997848

Yeah you whiny bastard.

>> No.9997851
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I thought the plan was to replace every kind of coke with 'NO SUGAR' coke with such a slightly different logo that people forget and then remove the NO SUGAR band completely.

NO SUGAR coke tastes like shit, by the way.

>> No.9997860
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Thanks for your opinion bud.

>> No.9997861

Because all I hear about from normies and the news that it's dying. Diet Coke is literally the

>Nintendo is finished!

of diet drinks. It drives me mad when I hear shit like that and read these articles when the exact opposite is happening. If there is a sale at my local grocer, they are literally almost sold out! Sometimes i'm lucky to get a couple of 2 liters.

>> No.9997863

Don't forget to like and subscribe.

>> No.9997866

for me it's diet dr pepper, the best diet version of a soft drink

>> No.9997867
File: 7 KB, 257x196, fatty_pissy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diet Coke is tasty! Don't shit on muh drink!

>> No.9997869

My nigga! Diet Dr Pepper is just as good and I switch between the two. You ever had DDR with cherry? It is the nectar of the gods!

>> No.9997870

I'm the only person I know who prefers regular Coke over diet

>> No.9997889
File: 563 KB, 535x535, conspiracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this is what I don't get. All I hear is doom and gloom! This is from the article.

>In its last annual report, Coca-Cola said that the volume of Diet Coke sold in North America declined by 5 percent—more than any other Coca-Cola beverage brand identified in the report.

And yet in the previous sentence the article is all.

>Diet Coke may still be the second-most popular soda in the country

So which one is it?! I know soft drink sales are down because muh healthy lifestyle, but I keep reading articles that shit on Diet Coke specifically! They never shit on Diet Pepsi or Diet Dr Pepper!

For god sake this article was one of the suggested articles in my Firefox feed. Seriously?! It's a goddamn conspiracy I tell you!

>make people think Diet Coke is dying
>Fatties and normies buy them by the truckloads
>They are all out by the time I get to the store!

Rinse and Repeat! I'm sick of it! REEEEEE!!!

>> No.9997921

>Drink diet pop in meme situations occasionally throughout life
>Instantly feel like I am dying of hunger
>look around and notice the demographic that drinks diet pop is noticeably overweight

>> No.9997924

the problem is diet coke uses aspartame, which tastes like shit compared to bepis which uses sucralose

I'm not sure why companies keep using that shit. nobody likes it!
I've never seen people willingly put equal in their coffee. Everyone uses splenda
that should tell you all you need to know about the market

>> No.9997926

>So which one is it?!
Those statements don't negate each other. Sales can drop by 5% but it's still selling 95% as much so it's still popular.

>> No.9997940

you are now understanding one of the tactics fake news uses
information that might be technically true, being presented in a way that makes it sound like something terrible is happening in order to push a narrative

>> No.9997942

Doesn't aspartame completely breakdown in heat? I remember drinking a diet pop when I was in a kid that had been sitting in a car in the summer outside out of desperation and it was one of the worst things I've ever tasted

>> No.9997975

diet coke < coke zero < coke no sugar <<<<<<<<<<<<<pepsi max < pepsi max vanilla

>> No.9997983

I don't much drink soda at all, but when I do, I prefer Diet Coke. Tastes better than regular Coke. I also like non-diet Barq's.

>> No.9998035

Diet sodas are fucking shit in general. Either drink the real soda or drink something else you fucking infant.

>> No.9998050

Have fun getting killed by aspartame.

>> No.9998106

>calling people infants while you're getting butthurt over other people's tastes

lmao you're an idiot

>> No.9998129

aspartame is tasty cunt, the sugar ones taste terrible

>> No.9998130

Unless you have like phenylketonuria it's pretty hard or even impossible to damage yourself with aspartame. Stop believing in broscience.
Also, Pepsi Max is my vice and choice in flavoured sweet waters

>> No.9998171

If they really did discontinue diet coke it's the owner of CocaCola trying to piss off Trump, at this point it's about the only effective thing the left could pull off.

>> No.9998331

Shit they have Pepsi max vanilla? Sounds good as fuck.

>> No.9998349

>Diet Coke lime gets a canned version

>> No.9998351

Only in straya atm

>> No.9998856

Diet soda is hilarious, it's one of the best examples of how ass-backwards modern society can.
>Hmmm, too much soda is bad for me.
>Maybe I'll drink less of it?
>Naaaah, I'll just get a DIET soda that tastes worse and drink even more of it!
>Look at me, I'm on a diet! I'm so healthy and smart!

>> No.9998864
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Diet Cherry Pepsi is the only diet pop I like.

diet coke is ideal for rum and cokes though

>> No.9998883


I spent probably 20+ years drinking diet Pepsi like it was water. Last year, around thanksgiving, I had a heart attack (actually, not a real one--my blood pressure had spiked so high the muscles in my heart spasmed, which gave the same symptoms.

I took the few days I was kept in the hospital to quit caffeine cold turkey. I felt like shit for I week, but ive kept off it over a year now.

>> No.9998909

Diet Coke with splenda was nasty! I boycotted Diet Coke until they went back to aspartame.

>> No.9998963
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I'm pretty sure the "No Sugar" one was meant to only replace Coke Zero, from what I heard. Same deal happened over here in the US, only it's called Coke Zero Sugar now.

While it does taste a bit more true to original Coke this time, and doesn't have that overbearing aftertaste, it just completely lacks that overall "bite" and flavor that Zero had. It literally tastes like a straight-up flat Coke.

>> No.9999027
File: 41 KB, 960x720, 19274934_876452302506153_650796644584170041_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw diabetic type 1
>tfw drinking diet soda like water since 11

diet dr pepper is fucking chalice mate. smoothest drink ever. fuck regular soda and your goddamn carbohydrates

>> No.9999138
File: 26 KB, 300x250, 1505786753870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have legitimately and unironically never consumed a single drop of diet coke. The 'normal' coke yes but even that was like 8-9 years ago when I was in HS. Nowadays I just grab iced Milo (malted chocolate) or fruit juice from my very rare trips to a fast food restaurant.

What do they mean by zero calorie and no sugar? Do they instead add a substitute natural sweetener that's probably 10 times as potent in giving you kidney failures as a normal sugar would? How is zero calorie even possible anyway aside tap water?

>> No.9999157
File: 169 KB, 1200x1200, leslie-nielsen-9542322-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My whole family and all my friends drink Diet Coke
Lol. Good one OP.

>> No.9999239

Can someone explain soda to me? Even being fat and having free access to soda at my work I still just drink water or lemonade since soda tastes like shit, diet sodas are even worse. About the only soda I like is RC Cola which is available nowhere. I just really don't understand how there are people who drink more soda than water everyday.

>> No.9999304

how anyone can like diet coke is beyond me. I feel like my teeth are melting everytime some gets in my mouth

>> No.9999310

Schweppes tastes nice and sweet. As do most grapefruit sodas, coke is cool in summer with a lot of ice but that's about it. All other sodas are cancer

>> No.9999326

this pic will never not be funny

>> No.9999333

Zero calorie/no sugar sodas use substitutes like aspartame, ace-K, stevia, or sucralose, as opposed to the standard sugar or corn syrup that most regular sodas typically use. It's basically soda for those who want that sweet sugary kick, but don't want to risk getting diabeetus.

Despite that, they're way worse than regular soda, and could potentially give you cancer if you drink countless amounts of it all the time.

>> No.9999360

>How is zero calorie even possible anyway aside tap water?
It's not like everything tasty has calories. Salt is calorie free. You just find things the body naturally ignores, and use those to sweeten. I'm fairly certain most of the hate on artificial sweeteners is hyperbolic. I think they taste like shit, and it's pretty rare for me to drink diet soda, but I don't think that that's the problem fatties have.

>> No.9999439

>no salt flavored soda

>> No.9999454

Zero calorie doesn't actually mean zero calorie, it means "really, really low calorie." I don't recall what the official threshold is, but if it's below a certain amount they're allowed to just call it zero.
There have been multiple studies linking regular consumption of diet sodas and chronic obesity. When you drink a diet soda it tastes sweet so your body expects calories, when it doesn't get those calories it goes it freaks out and triggers cravings in order to make up for the calories it feels like it should have gotten already.

>> No.9999461

>When you drink a diet soda it tastes sweet so your body expects calories, when it doesn't get those calories it goes it freaks out and triggers cravings in order to make up for the calories it feels like it should have gotten already.
This sounds like bullshit to me, to be honest. I'd bet it's just that people who drink lots of diet soda are the same kinds of people who drink lots of any kind of soda.

>> No.9999639

Good for you.

>> No.9999647

I've heard that too, but from anectdotal evidence I just don't think it necessarily holds up.

Since I've pretty much stopped drinking regular soda, I have way better control over my health, because I find cutting down on sugary candy and food to be way easier than stopping myself from chugging massive amounts of soda while doing something else.

Also it should be noted that I was never massively overweight, just a bit bulky for my size. (We're talking a roughly 18lb decrease in bodyweight to about 140lb @ 5'9)

>> No.9999655

1. Fatties consume too much of anything (except veggies)
2. If you drink a lot of sugared soda, you may be in for a shock looking at how many calories you take in. Switching from sugared to diet soda is an easy way to cut said calories without having to give up soda altogether.

>> No.9999656

They're right, diet coke is pretty much shit. It only has one thing going for it: its extremely fucking addictive. And that seems to be its selling point for you.

>> No.9999674

Coca cola here, we aren't getting rid of diet coke. They are launching slim line cans in diet and 4 other flavors (cherry/lime/mango/blood orange) we will have them loose and as 8pks. I do believe I saw a recast in the works for diet coke though, which is just re-doing the appearance of the box/can. The only reason diet is going down is because zero is going up. Diet coke still out-sells regular pepsi world wide so its a very secure brand.

>> No.9999691

What's with these retarded adjectives.
Do millennials really respond positively to this?

>> No.9999837

Yes. The flavors are a bit deceptive though, the diet lime version almost tastes like a ginger-ale. I expect this trend to last through 2018 and taper off to maybe one permanent flavor after that. Unless of course sales are great, but I don't expect that.

>> No.9999855

No one around here drinks diet coke, except my mom. I'm trying to get her to stop drinking it.
Everyone I know prefers regular coke. I hope they get rid of diet drinks, the zero calories label makes people think its ok to drink it every meal.
>I don't drink any sodas unless there's whisky in it.

>> No.9999914
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He's right, diet sodas tricks your body thinking its sugar, your body reacts with insulin, and since there's no sugar you body panics and starts craving real sugar for the insulin to tackle. Rinse and repeat and you have type 2 now.

pic related to first source


>> No.9999948

I just looked through all of that, and none of it has evidence of any falsifiable mechanisms leading to weight gain. It's all correlation that doesn't solve for the confounding factor that people who drink soda of any kind or just more likely to have poor eating habits.

The specific mechanism that you cite, of the body panicking and craving real sugar, is explicitly never mentioned. Please stop spouting bullshit.

>> No.10000028
File: 316 KB, 540x524, Alex Jones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw diet coke is turning the frogs gay

>> No.10000055

Wow, you read all those sources in my 2nd link in 5 min? You're a fast reader.
Since what I linked was everything ever researched about the topic, my comment was obviously not correct, so I take it back. Thanks for calling me out with your superior knowledge, I've learned much today.

>> No.10000083

I would buy a salmiak cola.

>> No.10000151

where do you live that you cant get rc cola

>> No.10000158

>tfw no licorice cola

>> No.10000219

You mean the Purdue study that 1. Was done by a psychology specialist and not an endocrinologist nor a nutritionist and 2. Admitted that it's unclear for human subjects as there are confounding psychological factors like "if I drink this diet coke I can also have this massive/bigger burger (trading in the otherwise cut calories) " aka fatties gonna fat.

>> No.10000254

That sounds good

>> No.10000393

Caffeine is a helluva drug

>> No.10000773

>Everyone uses splenda
Splenda sucks. Sugar Twin is the best

>> No.10001046

We really do.

>> No.10001056

Thank you based Coke anon! My fears have subsided!

>> No.10001741
