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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9995635 No.9995635 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about restaurants themed around a country selling themself as making "(country) food" but with the owners and workers having no heritage from that place?

>> No.9995646

It offends my identity politics.

>> No.9995648

About the same way as I do about a group of Pajeets that own an All-American Diner in my town.

Which is to say I don't care as long as the food is good.

By which I mean fuck off with your cultural appropriation shit.

>> No.9995649

I don't give a shit. If the food's good, it's good. I'm not a 130 IQ liberal that's going to scream about cultural appropriation

>> No.9995653

Why are you assuming my stance on this anon? I'm asking cause I kinda wanna do it

>> No.9995674

Don’t even think about it whiteboi


>> No.9995683

>Why are you assuming my stance

Because in the current year questions like this are invariably loaded and/or thinly veiled attempts at morality policing.

>> No.9995691

Oh no worries I'm not American so I don't expect anything like that.
Yeah well you're wrong this time buddy so the inevitability isn't quite so inevitable

>> No.9995694

Couldn't care less.


It's tards on the right that get upset about shit like this.

>> No.9995706

130 IQ liberal here, read less cherry picked stuff from facebook. Normal people care about whether the food is good, and whether the food is authentic, in roughly that order. What I don't like is when a place sells shit quality half assed product and attempts to pass itself off as serving the canonical authentic food from the old country, and you end up with people from the area growing up thinking that food is terrible because they were told all their lives that the garbage served by that joint is "authentic".

>> No.9995714

who gives a shit who owns it or is in the kitchen so long as the food is good and authentic

>> No.9995723

If the food is good then I don't give a fuck.
Take your "heritage" and stuff it.

>> No.9995727

stopped reading at your fake ass IQ score. what, do you watch rick and morty too? choke yourself, pretentious faggot.

>> No.9995731

>130 IQ
Go back to >>>/r/eddit retard

>> No.9995732

>stopped reading at your fake ass IQ score
hey context buddy, she was making a joke. do you have autism?

>> No.9995735
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>getting so mad at your own "joke" that you punch yourself in the face with rage
Calm down cleetus

>> No.9995749

Sauce? Reverse images does nothing.

>> No.9995752

honestly I don't know, I just saw it posted and I found it wholesome and nice

>> No.9995755

I think that you've been baited.

>> No.9995763

Baited, hooked, and reeled in for the kill.

>> No.9995782

it's not bait, it's clearly tongue in cheek, see the post they're responding to you brainlet. >>9995649
they were the ones that brought up iq and they're playing along

>> No.9995801

Sometimes I feel a mild sense of remorse about stereotyping conservatives for being dumb. Then I have experiences like this one and I realize stereotypes are very useful indeed. It's like watching a dog bite its own tail so hard it bleeds.

>> No.9995803
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Indifferent. I make food from around the world at home.

>> No.9995806

t. 130 IQ

>> No.9995873


>> No.9995880

Damage control

>> No.9995906

t. 130 IQ

>> No.9995937

I don't really care as long as the food's good. I do feel that given the choice between a place that specialises in a particular food that's run by people from that country, and a place that does the same food that's run by people who aren't from there, my natural instinct is to go for the former as my initial thought is that the food will feel more authentic. But either way, it doesn't matter what the ethnic background of the owners are.

There's a place in my city that does Indian street food, that is quite clearly run by white people (the dead giveaway is the amount of craft ale that they have on tap), and it's fucking fantastic. Genuinely the best bhajis I've ever eaten.

Also not to mention the abundance of great pizzerias that aren't actually owned by Italians.

Really cultural appropriation is the most retarded, segregationist, hypocritical concept. "We all want diversity! Diversity is our strength!...Hey you, whitey, stop embracing diversity! It's disrespectful!" There was a time when only stormfag types would complain about it, now it's seen as "progressive" to stop cultures mixing.

>> No.9995941

>130 IQ

I don't think anyone who acts like cultural appropriation is a genuine issue has an IQ level above 65.

>> No.9995951

>now it's seen as "progressive" to stop cultures mixing.
Less Brietbart, for you would do you some good.

"Cultural appropriation" is a valid term. A city person wearing a cowboy hat is cultural appropriation. Neither good nor bad, but that's what it is.

The idea that a white guy is going to get dragged in front of San Francisco City Hall, tried, convicted, and forced to convert to Islam and have his penis chopped off as punishment for making a taco is a right wing fantasy.

>> No.9995956

it's only bad if it's white people cooking anything besides cheeseburgers.

>> No.9995969

Okay fine, let me rephrase that.

The idea that cultural appropriation is a bad thing from the point of view of supposed progressives is retarded.

Also I'm pretty liberal myself.

>> No.9995974

>The idea that a white guy is going to get dragged in front of San Francisco City Hall, tried, convicted, and forced to convert to Islam and have his penis chopped off as punishment for making a taco is a right wing fantasy.
If a goal of modern leftism is to stop cultural appropriation from happening, how would they achieve that goal without utilizing the legal system? You write a lot of flowery prose about "right wing fantasies" but you know there are leftists right now that would make CA a crime on the same level as hate speech. How does that not worry you that these people are taken seriously by the establishment of the left?

>> No.9995992

As long as they know their shit and it tasted good I don't care. It's mostly south Americans and Mexicans making the food anyway

>> No.9995996

Doesn't matter so long as the food is good. If an American goes to France and learns traditional French cuisine it is fine so whats the big deal if a Chinese person is making traditional Mexican food?

>> No.9996010

It can be neutral, it can be bad, it can be good. Usually when it's "bad" it's considered to reflect poorly on the person's self-awareness, like when a weeb runs around wearing a kimono and a banzai headband, people might look down on that for a variety of reasons, but it's not seen as some kind of crime against humanity like what right wing retards think.

>If a goal of modern leftism is to stop cultural appropriation from happening
Smoke less crack, maybe?

>but you know there are leftists right now that would make CA a crime on the same level as hate speech.
Sure, and there are "rightists" right now that would make it illegal to say "evidence based" or "science based", in fact, it's the official policy of the United States Government as opposed to just something you fished out of the depths of a tumblr comment section (I assume tumblr has a "comments section" as it used to be the alleged source of most of the crazy stuff like this, before you started claiming that it came from a pizza shop near Washington, DC).

>How does that not worry you that these people are taken seriously by the establishment of the left?
Smoke less crack, maybe?

>> No.9996090 [DELETED] 

I'd say that such things are merely social constructs, so obviously should have no bearing on the real world. It's a concept, that's based purely on personal innate opinion. Its entirely void of tangible or logical reasoning.

Therefore, it's perfectly fine. Cook the food you want to cook, and be inspired, copy and/or imitate ideas that you agree with. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

If you think about it, all dishes must have originated with someone. Should that person be the only person that gets to cook said dish? Of course not. That would be absurd. So why should any group be able to make claim over a certain style of food? It's rediculous.

>> No.9996107

I'd say that such things are merely social constructs, so obviously should have no bearing on the real world. It's a concept, that's based purely on personal innate opinion. Its entirely void of tangible or logical reasoning.

Therefore, it's perfectly fine. Cook the food you want to cook, and be inspired, copy and/or imitate ideas that you agree with. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it.

If you think about it, all dishes must have originated with someone. Should that person be the only person that gets to cook said dish? Of course not. That would be absurd. So why should any group be able to make claim over a certain style of food? It's ridiculous.

>> No.9996149
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Holy shit, the alt-right btfo of the cannon. I'm a leftist and have never heard anyone talk about "cultural approriation." It's literally a fantasy develeoped by the alt-right AM radio talk shows and breitfart to try to argue "no you" on the charge of blatant hypocrisy. The state of the right is so pathetic, the only shreds of support reside among meth addled trailer trash, dementia riddled boomers, :XDD fuck everybody millennials and 3rd generation unemployed welfare coal miners awaiting their big comeback, lol.

>> No.9996158

so you gonna sauce me on that

>> No.9996164

The supposed English pub in my hometown is a pathetic excuse. Boring, basic, tasteless offerings. Mentioning anything to make it more traditional or more unique will end badly. Born to be mediocre some are.

>> No.9996172

This, just fucking this.

>> No.9996185

do you people ever shut the fuck up about your partisan delusions


>> No.9996211

There isn't an italian restaurant in the whole of the UK that isn't owned by an Algerian or a Paki.

>> No.9996281

people i don't like are making food i don't like in a way i don't like And That's Not Okay, And Here's Why

>> No.9996328

>Boring, basic, tasteless
So they serve authentic English food then?

>> No.9996333

sauce pls

>> No.9996577

the important things about a restaurant are
>is the place clean
>is the food good

doesn't really matter where the staff is from unless it's affecting either of the two
I know of a place staffed and run entirely by Latinos that makes ace Italian food.

is this actually a thing
if the food was good, they really shouldn't have had to close, that's just fucking garbage

what is this low quality post

>> No.9996704

0/10 Put more effort into shitposting

>> No.9996851

>Is the food good?
>Is the place clean and sanitary?
>Is the customer service reasonable and polite?
>Is the food reasonably priced?

The British conquered most of the world, we brought back a fair amount of the food with us. So, I could care fuck all

However, if you try to make pub food, expect me to silently criticise you harshly

> Portland
Oh that explains it

>> No.9997442

Cheeky Arousal by SAVAN

>> No.9997576


>> No.9998034

>all these tards obsessed about cultural appropriation when the reality is that cultural background does matter and you should never trust an indian making any food, not even indian

>> No.9998342

Would it be wrong to start an American-themed restaurant as a Canadian?
Not in Canada, mind.

>> No.9998417
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0/6gorillion try harder next time

>> No.9998422

>Normal people care
Normal people aren't liberals who absolutely give a fuck about this sort of thing. Just because you don't identify with that specific brand of retardation, doesn't mean the majority of people who share your ideology feel the same way.

>> No.9998432
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>Normal people aren't liberals
Right, normal people are angry alienated hikkis who get angry at the mere mention of sushi, think vegetables are "for the libtards", and can't stop thinking about black men's penises for some reason.

>> No.9998460
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>> No.9998484

hey anon calm down please

>> No.9998549

I love how you bait, dude. Gonna be usin this to trigger ppl

>> No.9998573

The majority of /ck/ is female

>> No.9998579

>I know the demographic of an anonymous image board

>> No.9998620

Are you under the impression that you can't buy that info from hiro?

>> No.9998718

Unlikely, considering cooking is a male dominated profession.

>> No.9998724

the majority of /ck/ are not professional cooks (there are quite a bit though, but not close to majority). the majority of /ck/ is female

>> No.9998725

I noticed a chain in Colorado call Twin Peaks that was supposed to be rustic, middle of nowhere food like the show. Didn't try it but I saw them in Boulder and the Springs. Probably garbage made by college students.

>> No.9998738
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We have a very famous Indian-owned burger "chain" in my Southern town. Been there for 30+ years. It's a staple of a community that was 90% farmland not too long ago.

I don't care. No one should.

>> No.9998740

Women don't cook. Cite your sources.

>> No.9998747

Absolutely no issue, as long as the food is authentic.
You can cook great italian food without being italian, the problem is garbage like ol*ve g*rden

>> No.9998762

I cook and every woman I know cooks

>> No.9998780

>the majority of /ck/ is female
that is absolutely and definitely not true

>> No.9998794

100% true, deal with it newfag

>> No.9998796

begone liar

>> No.9998798

lol tits or gtfo

>> No.9998802

penis or gtfo, otherwise I'm gonna assume you're a woman as you're statistically likely to be

>> No.9998810

holy newfag

>> No.9998826

You're the newfag since you don't even recognize the (true) "the majority of /ck/ is female" meme, you retarded hypocrite

>> No.9998893

You're killin it dude, look at all these retards you just baited. Thanks for advancing the meta

>> No.9998898

ebin troll dude :XDD!

>> No.9998901

it's not a troll it's a fact.