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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 835 KB, 3302x2267, Cantaloupe-1236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9982492 No.9982492 [Reply] [Original]

what a shit fucking fruit. discuss this shitty fruit and how shit it is

>> No.9982511

oh how contrarian, op. but actually i grew up hating this AS A CHILD because my grandfather owned a farm and grew fuck tonnes of them to sell and we didnt get the best ones so fuck off and die you idiot.

>> No.9982513

>tfw no gf to elope with

>> No.9982514
File: 62 KB, 500x375, continental breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being incontinent

>> No.9982523

Why are the eggs always overcooked? Nothing is more foul than overcooked eggs.

>> No.9982526

It makes my mouth itch. I think I'm allergic

>> No.9982529


i'm thinking it's the heating trays.

eggs should never be served in buffets.

>> No.9982537

i hate all melon. tastes like sweet piss

>> No.9982577

>Like cantaloupe
>Like honeydew
>Hate watermelon
Anyone feel me here?

>> No.9982584

I like all of them but watermelon is my least favorite. Canteloupe is the winner. It's so milky and just sweet enough but still refreshing.

>> No.9982633
File: 1.94 MB, 3678x2462, dsc_0446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw prosciutto and melon master race

>> No.9982681

I'd try that

>> No.9982686

Yeah, I mean, what's up with that? <Bass synth plays in the background>

>> No.9982700

Melon is fucking beautiful. OP is a faggot manchild. Go back to your tendies and HFCS you worthless cunt. I bet your parents hate you.

>> No.9982709

Listeria melon.

>> No.9982716


>> No.9983411

I wouldn't bother, it's nothing to write home about, especially considering most prosciutto is ~15 bucks a pound

>> No.9983438

>not liking piss

>> No.9983483
File: 30 KB, 320x320, 05071-pk-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9983509

My man. Cantaloupe is BOTTOM TIER GARBAGE FRUIT. I wouldn't be so cruel as to feed this to my dog.

>> No.9983619

Good vitamin a and c content.

Slice the seeds off it before you eat it.

Nice on a hot summer day as a cold snack.

Tastes way better when in season.

>> No.9983675
File: 136 KB, 1024x947, Sept6_ 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never bought one I liked. When you grow them yourself you can smell them when they get perfectly ripe from across the yard. Melons and watermelon are awesome.

>> No.9983726

I worked for a Chinese family that would absolutely DESTROY watermelon when they were in season. They'd buy a huge one every day and finish the entire thing in one sitting. I wonder if that's a Chinese thing, or just them?

>> No.9983784

>not liking cantaloupe
get raped

>> No.9983840

Pecos cantaloupes are superior

>> No.9983848

But it's shaved thin weighing less than an ounce a piece.

>> No.9983853

I agree. It's fucking shit.
However, I love honeydew and watermelon.

>> No.9983976

I feel you. Cantaloupe > honeydew > watermelon

>> No.9984049

If you feel like I feel, then here’s the antidote.

>> No.9984054


>> No.9984143
File: 127 KB, 603x514, ironman9259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op doesn't know how to choose ripe fruit

>> No.9984164

Im sorry but how can you hate waternelon? It's 90% water.

>> No.9984197

It is delicious you piece of shit human being.

>> No.9984200

Cavaillon melon, Jamon serano and a good red Porto is god tier.

I don't know why Americans seem to hate melon so much, do you buy it off season or something?

>> No.9984237

One day last summer I ran 8 miles over the course of 2 hours around my campus, in sweltering heat. I didn't bring a water bottle or anything on my run.

When I got home, steam was almost billowing off of me. I opened my fridge and was confronted with a pre-cut ice cold organic watermelon.

I ate that watermelon. I ate it and I cried. It was one of the best things I've ever had in my life.

>> No.9984406

i love all gourds

>> No.9984650
File: 223 KB, 2500x1501, Cantaloupe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, reticulated muskmelons are shit-tier. Actual cantaloupe, like pic related, is godly though.

>> No.9984871
File: 205 KB, 968x1296, tajin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put this on fruits you don't like.

also, do drugs. fresh fruit is always amazing on or when coming down from drugs.

>> No.9984876

brought a tear to my eye, nigger

>> No.9984915

For me it's cantaloupe > watermelon > honeydew, but I can take them or leave them either way.

>> No.9984991

>i never went to airborne school at Ft. Bragg and ran 8 miles every morning in combat boots with a 60 lb rucksak on my back in July and get a couple swigs from my canteen when i finish.
Draft instituted, when? Can't come soon enough, fucking wimpass millennials.

>> No.9985034
File: 71 KB, 500x440, 1430792033659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>welfare queens trying to e-peen on a pashtun melon carving board
Are you that guy who thinks anyone who has a passport must be in the military?

>> No.9985463


I don't want ants eating my fruit.

>> No.9985484

In Italy we eat melon in this way. Prosciutto crudo and melon. Is a summer fresh meal

>> No.9985487
File: 561 KB, 1688x1125, 98332597-9E08-4424-BCE6-381B0D92099C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9985499

I imagine when you're a poor Chinese family, a good watermelon is a pretty delicious luxury.

>> No.9985550

Fuck that shit. Totally ruined fruit.

I bought a tasty fruit thing at a fair once, thinking it would be really refreshing and they fucking covered it in this shit and ruined the whole thing. Fucking Mexicans setting up shop in my 99% white town selling trash fruit salad. So many pineapples in the trash, wasted. Why would you want to cover your sweet delicious fruit in bitter salt?

>> No.9985554

Explain your logic there. That anon said he worked for that family which means the """poor""" family were his employer. Explain why you think they must be poor, and how that family is any poorer than their employee.

>> No.9985828

its not bitter. its salty, spicy, and sour, dumbass, so mixed with sweet fruit its a great combination.

>> No.9985831

Are you trump?

>> No.9985858

>mmm yummy spicy tamerin sugar!

Mexican candy fucking blows.

>> No.9985864

Trump who

>> No.9986350

>Anyone who doesn’t like salty turd powder on their fruit is trump

Literally everyone is trump except mexicans then

>> No.9986685

Hey I love fruit, but I always feel like it needs a compliment. Eating fruit raw just doesn't do it for me, any tips on how to pair fruit? I usually eat em with nuts or peanut butter. Any other recommendations?

>> No.9986708

Yes my bad. My reading comprehension was set to American. I thought he was saying he worked for some poor family of Chinese farmers, like in China, and they could only afford a watermelon once a year or something.

Will you forgive me?

>> No.9987004

I love it.

>> No.9987009

>Im sorry but how can you hate waternelon? It's 90% water.
People are 70% water, what's your point exactly