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9981048 No.9981048 [Reply] [Original]

What events actually transpire behind these walls?

>> No.9981441

>Came back to college form spring break a night early without realizing. Dorms not open.
>None of my friends who live off campus are home for me to couch it that night.
>Drive around looking for a parking lot secure enough for me to sleep in my car
>A campus lot was too sketchy because of dudes walking around in it.
>Wal mart lot was too bright
>End up killing time at waffle house
>End up in a two and a half hour conversation with a woman who had been awake for most of four days straight after being booted from her apartment.
>She spent these nights at waffle house mooching hot water for hot chocolate packets.
>Told me about her time as a pipe welder
>Then about her time as a nurse
>Told me about being able to see the chernobyl fallout cloud when it happened. She lived in the midwest at that time.

This was over five years ago at this point. I wish I could remember more.

This lady looked to be in her forties and it left me wondering what state she was in. She claimed to go to my college and I even saw her on campus a few weeks later.

Let me put it this way. Wait till a time you would never go to waffle house. Go then. You will have peculiar experiences.

>> No.9981552

>stoned blacks doing drug deals
>armed robberies
>mediocre food
>waitresses hooked on pain killers

>> No.9981633

>Let me put it this way. Wait till a time you would never go to waffle house. Go then. You will have peculiar experiences.
I highly recommend this kind of shit. I ended up at a Waffle House equivalent in Illinois with a couple of Yuro grad astronomy/physics students and ended up talking to a waiter about shamanism for a few hours.

>> No.9981658

I worked there, god i loved all that free food

>> No.9981740

>go to waffle house at 1 am
>eating waffles n taters
>friend says wanna see a trick
>kicks table
>roaches scatter
>meal ruined
yes this was inner city in the south
>finish uni classes at 10pm
>drown sorrows in syrup and $15 worth of waffles
>line out the door forms after sitting down with food
>suits, stoners and college kids
>comically fat black cashier woman says she quits
>walks out
>says MUTHAFUCKA on the way out
>cook looks at line before taking on cashier duties too
forgot to mention the horde of cops sitting on the other side of the joint
>there at 10pm another night
>guy gets his waffles
>takes two bites
>wipes mouth and leaves

>> No.9981756

>working at walmart while in college
>doing overnight toy department reset
>go to wifflhaus on lunch break @ 2am
>3 loud drunks at the low bar carrying on about call of duty
>sit in booth facing old guy
>drunk 1 starts hollering about how he'd get drunk 3 in cod
>drunk 3 says "yeah well ima just get you with a"
real autistic schoolboy one-ups-manship
>drunk 1 threatens drunk 3 drunk 2 plays peace maker
>"Fucking wetbacks" oldguyscowl.png
>some more time goes by and drunk 1 hits drunk 3
>drunks almost fight leave drunk 3 behind
>he calls a cab
>offer lift because fuck it
>drunks waiting in parking lot smoking
>approach as we pull out of spot
>drunk 1 now running at us
>trips on concrete wheel block thing
>see drunk 2 dragging him to work van

Turns out the guys were aviation mechanics in town for a job at the regional airport. Dude told me his name but his accent was too heavy even for my Texas ass to understand. Sounded like Elrond. I just assumed he was a half elf half Mexican.

>drop drunk 3 off at hotel other drunks pull up shortly after
>drunk one looks like hammered shit
>stumbles into lobby after drunk 3 hollering like a madman

>> No.9981835

OK food. It's not amazing and its not gross it's just OK.

Generally around 12 to 2am you will see drunk people and junkies. If you go in the bathroom around this time you might see someone fucking.

>> No.9981848


>> No.9981849

Is this just like a 24 hour diner for rural/suburban communities? I only see them on the outskirts of my city in places I wouldn't be when the need for shitty diner food arises.

You guys ever had a slinger

>> No.9981856

Freaks come out at night. Everyone knows that.

>> No.9981873

Seen mice in them.
They hire ex convicts for the night crew to deal with the late night drunk crowd

>> No.9982352
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>What events actually transpire behind these walls?

This 1980's country song describes it well


>> No.9982517
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This isn't/x/

>> No.9982602

I kinda see where your coming from. I've been on all night road trips through the south and go in @ 3AM with the somewhat romantic notion that it will be like an all night diner on route 66 in the 1950's but as soon as I open the door it's like I've stepped into a warped and twisted dystopic version of it.

>> No.9982616

I wish I could have conversations with strangers like this. When you are really anxious around people they assume you have some malicious intentions or at the very least don't like them. But I'm just scared of people.

>> No.9982637

midnight is a different dimension
i almost got myself stabbed bc i was being an idiot lol

>> No.9983003

peoples wif 79% less teefs slingin yo foodt around

>> No.9983022

Find out yourself, go there late at night. Oh, be sure to bring a gun though.

>> No.9983071

I want to buy a ticket to the US, buy a cowboy hat and drive across the US and visit diners like this at 3am.

>> No.9983103

Metal shows, mostly.

>> No.9983162

Be cautious. If you have a foreign accent in parts of the south they might dredge up your remains from the bottom of an abandoned quarry if the catfish haven't disposed of it.

>> No.9983172

Mostly nothing, with brief periods of crazy shit mixed in. I worked there on midnights for about a year and a half cooking. Bar rush was the worst. Bunch of fucking animals. Same people, week in and week out. We'd have to call the cops pretty regularly for a while.

The food was pretty good though. A lot of things got old pretty fast, but there are a few things that stayed good pretty much always. Plain Quarter Cheese with ranch dressing for dipping, ham and egg sandwich with mayo, and maybe the texas cheesesteak were always good standbys. They sound pretty pleb-tier, but after you're just gotten fucking tired of the entire menu the simple things stand the test of time. I was in my early 20's and eating waffle house all the time though so it's not really like I had any sort of decent taste, though.

Almost all of the employees have problems of some sort or another. The root of the problem is their own ignorance more often than not. People just quit a lot.

It's a cash business too, which is kind of weird. You don't get a paycheck, you just get cash.

>> No.9983190

Emergency and contingency planning, apparently.

>> No.9983225

It's more than just 24 hours. It's 24/ 7/ 365, no exceptions. If you're hungry at 3:00 am on Christmas Eve, Waffle House is open. If you're fleeing a hurricane, Waffle House is open. The building has to be in imminent, physical danger of burning down, collapsing, or flooding before a Waffle House will close.

Bullshit. Southerners are generally fascinated by foreigners visiting, and want to know everything about them. Warnings: southerners are very talkative, friendly people. They tend to strike up conversations with total strangers, ask lots of questions, and tell you all sorts of obscure details about local points of interest.

>> No.9983275

>>9983172 here, one time there were a lot of power outages in the area, but we didn't lose power. I was so frustrated that we didn't lose power that I just went and shut the breaker off and locked the doors. You can take the backs off the booths and use that as a cushion if you want to lay down, so I did that and rested for a few hours. We turned the power back on at around 5 or 6. It took the sign a while to turn back on, about 10 minutes or so.

Yeah, you're right though. That was the only single time we closed while I was there. There were times where they were doing maintenance on the water pipes in the area, so we stockpiled water and just kept on truckin. Once a year they'll bring in professional cleaners to clean the hood of the griddles. We stop cooking stuff on the grill during that time but we stayed open nonetheless.

>> No.9983292

I'm fair haired, fair eyed, fair skinned and I hate niggers and distrust Mexicans. I love guns and people that like to talk.

I can't fucking wait. Where does a man get a good cowboy hat?

>> No.9983451

Have you tried /pol/?

>> No.9983479

Here's what you can expect from the south:
>be me, visiting mom's family a few hours south for a funeral
>after funeral, head to local restaurant for some dinner
>fried catfish, pot roast, and country fried steak with gravy are specialties of the house
>waiting for meal, look around, lots of hunting photos of the owner and his wife
>lots of Jesus stuff on the walls
>sign on the wall says "We support the Right to Bear Arms. In the event of a robbery, good marksmanship is appreciated."
>Waitress calls me "hon" and asks if I want to enter a raffle to win a free shotgun
>explain I'm just passing through, I wouldn't be there to collect
>she asks where I'm from
>"I have a son that lives up there! If you win, I could give it to him, and he could give it to you!"
>literally met this woman five minutes ago, she has no damned idea if I'm a serial killer or convicted felon, knows I don't live in her area, and is offering me a free gun.

God I love the south.

>> No.9983548


The south is full of blacks and mexicans so lol.

Cowboy hats are sold at stores that specialize in boots generally. They are also more a western and mexican thing than southern, you'll be assumed to be a jackass if you wear one around casually

>> No.9983590
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Ah cool. Come on by, so I can chain you to the back of a vehicle and drag you across the pavement. :)

Filthy foreigner.

>> No.9983636

Bro people like that live everywhere. I would do that for you too if I had someone near you.

>> No.9983858

>southerners are very talkative, friendly people
>southern people irl are just like a more smarmy and warm version of paula deen
This is one of the most bullshit stereotypes if the south imaginable. They're incredibly insular and suspicious of strangers. You'll see more friendliness as a stranger in NYC than anywhere in the south and that's fact.

>> No.9983879

why the fuck didn't you just get a hotel room idiot

>> No.9983934

butthurt social outcast detected

>> No.9983991

Maybe in some tiny hick coalmine town, but otherwise not even remotely true. I've lived in Brooklyn NY, traveled through every New England and southern state, lived in Savannah GA and Asheville NC. New Yorkers were the snobbiest, most image-conscious people on the planet, and this back in 1995 before any gentrification or hipster bullshit. People in GA and NC were constantly striking up conversations with me.

>> No.9983997

Small town. I was staying in a motel that didn't have food other than a vending machine, Restaurant was right behind the motel, numbnuts.

>> No.9984005

hotel motel same thing
also you said you were sleeping in your car

>> No.9984027

Whoops, replied to a comment that wasn't talking to me. Herpdederp.

>> No.9984068

Nope just a northerner forced to live in this southern shithole and have to deal with the inbred bastards in my neighborhood daily.

>> No.9984088


Who's forcing you to live in your neighborhood?

>> No.9985194

Leave, you're not wanted.

>> No.9985204

I’m thankful in my country there aren’t thinks like that

>> No.9985207

What part of forced don't you understand?

>> No.9985211

If you are being held against your will call the police.

>> No.9985239

>You'll see more friendliness as a stranger in NYC than anywhere in the south and that's fact.

I guess you live in some sort of parallel universe

>> No.9985260


With the angry cheeto in office, human rights no longer exist.

>> No.9985261

Western wear store like Cavender's or Boot Barn.

>> No.9985332

You must be 18 years of age or older to post here, bud.

>> No.9985405

Tell that to AL, they seem to think the age of consent is 14 yo. At least they aren't quite MS yet.

>> No.9985470


16 actually. Age of consent laws do vary by state btw. I realize your Roy Moore reference but different states DO think differently about the age of consent.

Not ever law is the same depending on where you are in the United States. You would benefit by educating yourself.

>> No.9985628

my mom got her purse stolen by a homeless guy in a waffle house in gulfport, mississippi

>> No.9987614


I went there and got something random i dont remember and a hashbrown fully loaded. Was like the mcdonalds of dennys and ihop. Id eat there again at night tho. I live in the ghetto and work night shifts so ive seen a lot. waffle house isnt anything too crazy.

>> No.9987669


>> No.9988056

I was broke nigga

>> No.9988073

i ALWAYS get diarrhea after eating waffle house

>chocolate chip pecan waffle
>large hashbrown with mushrooms, cheese, ham, onion

>> No.9988108

As somebody who used to do annual road trips from texas to montana, this is so true

The roadside/truckstop diners are still great, the customers are just a lot weirder

>> No.9988965

Fuck. How do I avoid getting nigged?

>> No.9989020

drunk fights at waffle houses sound magical

>> No.9989055

fuck you pal I live in NYC and it’s friendly as hell

>> No.9989106


>racist degenerate white trash wants to find refuge in the american south


>> No.9989149

>Work at Disney
>Me and two friends get off work at 2am
>We decide to go to the nearest Waffle House
>Just sitting there eating really cheap greasy breakfast food at 2am in our work clothes and no one else is in the place except the two waiters and the cook.

That was a year and a half ago and it was still a memory I miss fondly despite the place being kinda dirty and the waiter kept annoying us from time to time asking us about our job.

>> No.9989191

Maybe take the body to some dark dank place in a swamp. Nobody will find the body there.

>> No.9989215

Seems like a money laundering operation.

>> No.9989228

I only go around happy hour to get in a cheap meat shield of sausage and biscuits to stave off drunkenness later. It's pretty dead at 4pm in the afternoon.

>> No.9989237

When I was a kid and went to Disney once alone because I had nothing better to do, I'd go behind the rides and smoke a joint then shit was more fun. Especially the olde stylie video games.

Fuck standing in line, that was lame.

>> No.9989239

Maybe order something different?

>> No.9989245

It can't, it has to go to Waffle House, ordering something different would be out of the park and confusing.

>> No.9989289

Are you the same butthurt teenager who's "forced" to live in the south because your dad got transferred? lmao fuck off kid

>> No.9989313

What are the best things to order at these kinds of places? Mom and pop or chain. I can't wait to visit the US.

>> No.9989364

Get out honestly nigger

>> No.9989367

If you go to Waffle House get the All Star with biscuits, scrambled eggs with cheese, hash browns covered and capped, a chocolate chip waffle and finish it all off with a Vanilla Coke

>> No.9989385

I wish it was

>> No.9989413


>> No.9990212

You just know this woman is a psycho

>> No.9990854

>regularly go to waffle house after work at 1-3 in the morning
>partially hungry, partially too awake despite exhaustion to call it a night yet
>get to know the night crew very well
>after about a year and a half start getting free food

I kind of miss those guys. The cook and I became bros for a short time.

>> No.9993003

Alternatively if youre british you can throw yourself in the harbor

>> No.9993198
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>> No.9993205

Yeah the absolute worst time to go to Disney World is in the summer, go this time of year.

>> No.9993255

Whenever I eat here it's always with a buddy or two and I always eat exclusively with my hands.

>> No.9993283

>New Yorkers were the snobbiest, most image-conscious people on the planet,
WTF? Literally every time I visit a flyover state or california I get comments on my appearance.
Flyovers: how do you stay so thin?! I bet you exercise a lot, what's your routine? hey cool glasses! where'd ya get those glasses! I betcha read a lot eh?

California: why are you all dressed up? what's the occasion? why aren't you wearing normal clothes*

*the california douche bro $600 mohair hoodie, $350 virgin wool sneakers, obligatory 80s vintage patagonia vest that doesn't go with anything else in your outfit, and jeans that look like hobo jeans but cost $800, p.s. if you have ever ironed your shirt, wore a belt, or wore leather soled shoes in california you will be arrested and deported immediately

>> No.9993289

and worth mentioning that I rarely if ever get comments on my appearance here, you walk down the street and everyone looks different from one another, it's expected, and even assumed that people will dress as they please, unlike everywhere else where if you don't follow the code you're "putting on airs" or "being a phony" or some such garbage reasoning

>> No.9993299

Merry Ann's?

>> No.9993373

>pretty cheap
>tastes pretty good most of the time
>amazing drunk
>no one cares if your drunk/high usually because that's where most of their business comes from
>or weird people at 2-4 am

Basically the incarnate of American breakfasts brought to a nice calamity through the experience that is known as Waffle House

Oh yeah best value for your money is the all star, 2 waffles, hash browns, sausage, eggs, toast, something else too I think maybe or that might be it, but costs 8.95 where I'm at plus tax and drink if you get one, still a good price though.

>> No.9993501

Ok I get the California ragging, but what scenario are you running into flyover fags saying shit like that? The way you present their questions is if they look at you like an alien, I have never encountered that
You must be one of those faggots that refuses to acknowledge the term "dress down"
I bet your casual Friday involves different cufflinks ya fucking mook
t. East Coastie

>> No.9993527

>but what scenario are you running into flyover fags saying shit like that?
More often than not when I'm in flyover on business in any city other than shitcago
>I bet your casual Friday involves different cufflinks ya fucking mook
Casual Friday isn't a thing anymore, that was like, 1990s. Now it's "dress appropriately" with a fair amount of room for personal discretion. I don't wear french cuff shirts, there's a significant difference between "dressed neatly" and "dressed up", the thing is in california it's a contest to dress down because people think if you dress like a fratboy slob people will mistake you for a tech billionaire

>> No.9993556
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almost everything is amazing drunk or with friends, we shouldn't use those as +pros anymore

>> No.9993704

Holy shit, that dude is WHIPPED

>> No.9993717

I went there the other night at 4AM with some friends

nothing happened, the server was cool as shit, bantered with me the whole night, got a double patty melt, felt pretty satisfied. Never actually had a bad experience, the only "almost" bad experience was near a decade ago when one of my friends accidentally nudged a prostitute while the pimp was nearby and we had to sit with him meanmugging us for a good 15 minutes