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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9972737 No.9972737 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to get all of my wisdom teeth extracted in a few days. What the fuck do I cook for myself for the few days I spend recovering from the surgery?

>> No.9972755

Mashed potato
Mashed cauliflower
Mashed yams
Non-chunky or blended soups

All the usual soft-food diet bullshit.

>> No.9972851

Taipoca pudding
>eat while still warm for bonus coziness

>> No.9972873

Chili for meat
I mean honestly, it's so obvious

I had a friend who had his mouth wired shut because he broke his jaw falling off an elementary school he was climbing on shrooms, you know what this ignorant son of a bitch did? Bought McDoubles and fries, put them in a blender with fucking MILK and literally made a McDonald burger and fries milkshake, he acted like this was perfectly normal, at that moment I realized I was friends with a retard

>> No.9972883

Make lentil soup OP.

I'm 21 and mine are starting to appear. A couple months ago my dentist told me I didn't need them removed, but for how long can I expect that to last? Is it possible to live an entire life without removing them? What the fuck is the point of the wisdom teeth.

>> No.9972906

I'm 22 and two different dentists have told me I need to get mine removed. I'm avoiding it like hell because I don't wanna quit smoking.

>> No.9972953

Do it. Trust me.
I'm 32 and the overcrowding from not getting mine removed has caused major dental issues. Though, I also have an oversized tongue, grit my teeth in my sleep and my mouth hangs open in my sleep, so maybe if you don't have those other issues you'll fare better than I do. But you should listen to your dentist. Dentistry gets way more expensive if you don't get a handle on that shit early.

>> No.9972962

>What the fuck is the point of the wisdom teeth.
Supposedly it was a set of replacement teeth for any that we lost or wore down by eating tougher to chew foods a long time ago. Since our food is softer now though, either not needing such big jaws or our jaws not properly developing makes the teeth get impacted for most people. All my wisdom teeth came in and I remember teething for a while and wanting to bite on things, it kind of sucks, but it's better than having to get them removed I guess.

>> No.9972971

As a kid I had many teeth removed because of braces, so I had room for my wisdom teeth to grow freely. I'm now 28 and have the whole set, full grown, as straight as the other teeth, pretty healthy.

>> No.9972972
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>need to get back upper molars on both sides extracted
>wisdom teeth came in and perfectly replaced them
They're the safety net for retarded adolescents who don't brush their teeth properly, apparently.

>> No.9973013

I appreciate the advice. I have my mom and I know if I let her know the situation she'll tell me the same and kick my ass in gear. Thanks man

>> No.9973594

Odontofag here
>No milk
>No rice
>No fruit juice (mostly overly acidic or starchy things, apple is fine)
You must eat soft things that, unlike rice, won't place themselves on the cavity and feed bacteria. Don't drink milk or any highly sugary or starchy because it feeds the bacteria in your mouth. You have an open wound and if you let bacteria close to it they may enter your blood stream and fucking kill you
Make chicken soup


>> No.9973637


First day or two only cold foods you don't have to chew

after that anything that you don't have to chew

I think I ate mainly mashed roasted sweet potatoes and chicken thighs

>> No.9973654
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Interesting that I'm seeing this thread, OP, just got all of mine out 3 days ago. Still living through it as we speak.

Everyone's different, but don't take any suggestions that require any chewing before day 3 AFTER the surgery (that's peak soreness and pain, what I'm feeling right now). So far I've eaten:
Lukewarm pudding
Vanilla yogurt
Spiced tomato soup (not a great idea, was a little too acidic)
Chocolate and vanilla shakes made with ice cream/whole milk
Macaroni and cheese (just don't chew the pasta)
Lentil soup

Also, you really won't feel like cooking for yourself. I prepped both of the soups before I got the surgery and just heated them up a bit.
Also, if you have any questions besides just the food aspect, I'll probably be lurking a bit before I need to sleep.

>> No.9973668

Give more examples

>> No.9973696

BRAT diet

>> No.9973697

Don't eat Cam's hot wings, that's for fucking sure.

>> No.9973701
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Having wisdom teeth out is one of the few things I truly fear and worry about.
I had a patient in her mid twenties who almost fucking died because of a fucking tooth.

I wish you all the best, OP

>> No.9973702

is that wisdom tooth angry or sorry? im having a hard time reading his expression from the eyes.

>> No.9973709

Nvm then make it BAT

>> No.9973716

looks like he doesn't give a shit about what a fuck up he is.

>> No.9973727

That only applies to the first three days

For the first day. You must take care of inflammation and not to damage the wound
>Cold and soft things (sorbets, as long as you don't drink milk or something too starchy)
>warm (but not hot) chicken soup

Second and third day. Now your biggest concern is to not re-open that cavity.
>Chicken noodle soup
>Vegetable soup, puree. Remember to clean your mouth afterwards to remove any residue

It's only three days, no need for a huge menu. Also, use the mouthwash your odontologist will give you, you won't be able to wash your teeth so an antiseptic mouth wash is a must in order to prevent infection

>> No.9973728

First time I mashed potatoes and fucking hated it. eating anything is a unpleasant chore. Second time I drank 2 arizona ice teas a day and thats it. Every part about it sucks just try to get past it.

>> No.9973732
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pls elaborate
>gonna have wisdom teeth removed probably in a couple months

>> No.9973736
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This. The longer you wait, the longer the roots of the tooth will grow, and the more of a risk those roots can hit your jaw nerves and cause numbing

>> No.9973746

Not him but probably a nasty post-op infection due to lack of proper care

>> No.9973748

Don't get your wisdom teeth taken out unless you're feeling actual pain.
My dentist told me all 4 of my wisdom teeth were growing sideways and were gonna impact, recommending removal.
A year later they all grew out normally.
The only pain came from teething.
Dentists are fucking scam artists.

>> No.9973762

I should clarify. It's not so much the tooth itself that will damage the nerve, it's the surgery itself. It's more difficult to extract the tooth once it's roots grow over the jaw nerve and so there's a risk of hitting it while being extracted.

I just had my bottom right wisdom tooth removed in July because it was causing me pain. I'm 28 so thankfully they were still able to pull it in time without any risks. I decided to get laughing gas instead of being knocked out because I have blood pressure issues and was afraid of the risks, but I was still pretty terrified being awake for it.
I was supposed to get the bottom left removed too but the surgeon held off because the bottom right ended up being more difficult to remove than they thought because the roots were a bit hooked. They were pretty cool to refund my money and said they would give me the laughing gas for free if I decided to come back to remove the left one.

I guess the good thing about having one tooth removed is that I was able to chew on the left side of my mouth.

>> No.9973775

The thing is, they usually recommend pulling out the teeth when they're not fully grown just in case they do cause pain down the line.

If the teeth are fully grown and somehow cause pain later on, there's more of a risk extracting them because of the teeths' roots being near the nerves in your jaw.

That's for the bottom teeth though. Dunno if there's any risks for top teeth.

>> No.9973781
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>> No.9973833

Wisdom teeth fuck up your occlusion and lead to a shit ton of problems, they only hurt once they get infected or once they already caused a lot of problems. This problems are a lot more expensive to treat than four extractions
It is rare (1/3) to see people who can live with them just fine, most people have to get the removed

>> No.9973840

I just had two removed the other week. It was real fast I don't know why you babbies worry about this.

>> No.9973858
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They can't trick me!

>> No.9973886
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I was 35 when I had mine out.

Mashed potatoes to the point where the deli guy wondered aloud if I had some kind of fucked up food addiction. Soups though the high acidity ones can hurt.

You're going to have to watch things with particles like herbs. And I mean that. I had some basil pieces get stuck in my sockets. This led to crippling pain and when I went to the dentist they told me I didn't have dry socket, which would have been worse pain (Holy shit!) They then... Irrigated the sockets with ICE FUCKING COLD WATER.

>> No.9973895

>buying mashed potatoes
Holy shit seriously

>> No.9973897


this, but also fish to quench the flesh thirst. cod and mash got me through the days after I had three taken out. any flaky fish will do the job I think.

>> No.9973955

>the deli guy wondered aloud if I had some kind of fucked up food addiction

>not casually mentioning you had wisdom teeth pulled so you're stuck eating soft foods

A day or 2 after I had a wisdom tooth pulled, I went to the mall with a friend. When we went to the food court, I realized there weren't many options I could eat. I ended up getting a plate of mashed potatoes with cheese from Potatopia and just made some light convo out of it with the person who took my order
>"I would love to get the works, but unfortunately I just had a wisdom tooth pulled so..."
>"ooooh, I see. Yeah I know where you're coming from. Only mashed potatoes and smoothies, haha"

>> No.9973970
File: 51 KB, 680x837, peanut-butter-banana-smoothie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peanut butter banana smoothie is what I lived on for a couple of days after I had a tooth extracted

Just put some peanut butter, milk and banana in a blender. Just don't drink with a straw.

>> No.9974027

I don't know if it was because of improper care or if she was just unlucky but yeah, it got infected and she developed full blown sepsis.
I'm not kidding when I say she almost died either. For about a week and a half we had her full sedated on Propofol while we treated her with several strong antibiotics IV, MASSIVE infusions of saline and nor-epinephrine IV to keep up her blood pressure. That's a pretty standard sepsis-regimen in an ICU but it just feels so wrong when you have to do it with a 25-year-old. Especially because of a fucking tooth.

I don't really know anything about how to care for the wound after having one out but whatever your dentist tells you I advice you to listen.
I don't mean to fearmonger either. Lots of people have their wisdom teeth out without almost dying of course. Just don't take the advice the dentist gives you lightly and if you develop a fever or something talk to a doctor instead of shrugging it off.

>> No.9975575

Pudding, just melt the butter before you add it. If you get painkillers you'll have a sweet tooth. As >>9972873 said, chili.

>> No.9975622

Im scared now...

>> No.9975667

>First time
>Second time
This is why I got all 4 of mine done at the same time. It is also why I advice any one I know that they need to have all four (if needed) done at the same time. Having your wisdom teeth out is not always horrible, I didn't nearly die, but it is not a pleasant experience. If you do them at different times, you'll know what is coming and that can lead some people to try to find reasons not to do it. It is probably going to suck, so just have it suck all at once.

>> No.9975709

I are almost e entirely Apple sauce, smoothies, and ice cream for like 4 days. My wisdom teeth came in sideways and upside down and for some reason the blood clots took forever to set so it was a fucking nightmare.
Thankfully my surgeon gave me a huge hookup on oxy so the pain wasn't a problem.

>> No.9975737

Getting them all in one hit?
That's rough.
I ate soup, yogurt, custard, baked beans, etc.
Learn what 'dry socket' is and be careful

>> No.9975757

Happened to me, I had a 3 out but left one top because it hadn't broke through. Just forgot about it and went on living.
In my 30s now and started getting a numb tingly jaw.
Had to have it cut out and some jaw bone ground away. It's dicey business as the roots touch the nerve for your whole jaw and can be permanently fucked for life by a shitty surgeon

>> No.9975885
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You mean like actual surgery?
I got two of them removed in two separate cases and it took like one and half a minute each. One minute of waiting after local anesthesia to kick in and half a minute when the dentist pulled it out. Piece of cotton to my mouth and dentist told me keep my jaws closed for two hours and take painkiller if needed.
Jaw was mildly aching like two days and thats it.
It was that simple because those teeth had grew outwards so much it was just mere pull at that point.

>> No.9977175

Just keep them brushed as best you can. Mine wouldn't have been a problem except for the fact that I couldn't get the toothbrush all the way back on the upper teeth. I didn't even realize until one developed a small hole, then a big hole, then right before I had it pulled it broke in two. Hurt like hell. I got a baby size toothbrush just for the remaining one alone and that worked out pretty well.

>> No.9977217

teeth really are poorly designed, aren't they?
>vitally important to survival
>undergo billions of abrasions over time
>wear down and are not replaced
Seriously its unacceptable that some animals don't get continuous replacements
That's the main natural cause of death for elephants is their teeth wear down so much they can't eat

>> No.9977418

>You mean like actual surgery?
I had to have mine taken out via actual surgery with general anesthesia and everything. But that is because like in OPs picture they were coming in sideways and had impacted 3 of 4 back molars.

Ate a whole lot of applesauce and Jell-o the first day and a half, then added lentil and split pea soups when I felt a little better.

>> No.9977442

Milkshakes, smoothies, soups, soft meatballs, pesto, and applesauce. You'll be fine, you just hang out in bed for a week high as dick.

Just be sure to stay hydrated the whole time. Drink tons of water.

>> No.9977696

>inb4 cognitive bias
I remember having my upper left back molar growing sideways, which had to be removed due to causing bleeding in my inner cheek and irritation. The wisdom tooth in the same area grew downwards normally and never had pain. I assume it depends how fucked up your skull and jaws are that wisdom teeth guarentees to fix.

>> No.9977854

Makes sense, guess I was lucky for it to be that simple. There's one growing from my lower jaw right now and it feels to grow straight up.

>> No.9977874

I had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out, I was awake for the whole thing they just gave me local anaesthetic.
It was a shit day that I'd never want to relive but now they're out it's so much better.
My bottom jaw didn't have enough space for them and my top wisdom teeth were crooked and would bite the inside of my cheeks.

I just ate mushy food for a few days, veggie soup, mashed potatoes, fish.

Avoid anything with seeds, bread gets stuck down in the sockets, don't eat nuts, don't smoke anything. If you really need to smoke weed don't use a bong, roll a loose joint.

You'll be right man, the needle is the worst bit.

>> No.9977880

>Dentists are fucking scam artists.

There are a lot of dentists out there of extremely limited abilities. Mostly these are people who were aiming to become a doctor and didn't quite make it.

It's why I'll never see an Asian dentist willingly. Most of them are the kids of Tiger Moms who push them beyond the limits of their natural ability.

Add to that the need for a high degree of spatial awareness and manual dexterity, neither of which are selected for in the entry process, and you get dentists that have poor hand-eye co-ordination, poor spatial awareness, and a tendency to be clumsy and rushed.

I'm a dental technician by trade and by far the worst dentists I see are Asian. The worst type to deal with is the money-motivated Asian dentists. They're generally barely competent and don't take the time to make sure they do their work properly.

I've worked with over two hundred dentists, and of that cohort, there were maybe six that I considered really good, and maybe another ten or so that I'd send a family member or friend to. And none of them were Asian. That includes the Asian dentist/maxillofacial surgeon I worked with who teaches dentistry at one of the biggest and most prestigious universities in my country.

>> No.9977899

I remember I lived off of ensure shakes for that week instead of eating.

>> No.9977905

>few days recovering
you are the biggest pussy ever. You can eat regular food within a day. Maybe stay away ftom the most chewy foods, but regular meat, veggy, potato, pasta, etc. isn't going to be a problem.

>> No.9977917

Mate, it's not a regular tooth pull. You'll have literal gaping wounds in your mouth. If you got back to solids within a day, there's a good chance you'll trap food in the wounds and it will rot in there.

>> No.9978679

Your dentist should tell you after what should be ok and what's not. Mine actually told me to avoid using straws or anything involving sucking. Its because they put a small piece of spongy stuff in the cavity and you don't want to accidentally displace it. Otherwise anything soft should be alright.

>> No.9978743

Lots and lots of Riec

>> No.9978755
