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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9967003 No.9967003 [Reply] [Original]

This guy doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as he gets here

>> No.9967006

this thread will be shit

>> No.9967008

Sure he does. Everyone does.

>> No.9967012

people here still watch his videos and then they come here to shitpost about him because they can.
hes gotten too popular so /ck/ can no longer say they like him. its the typical 4chan mentality, really.

>> No.9967013

He's a nu-male so he's automatically garbage.

>> No.9967018
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>le reddit XDDDD
yeah ur right. He's innocuous but somehow triggers 4chan like a tranny wedding

>> No.9967031

Jews are the real Whites.

>> No.9967038

This. Every hobby board I go to hates anything that gets popular, even if they loved it a month ago. Considering 4chan users your "peers", and letting them have influence over your hobbies is a quick path to hating everything.

>> No.9967040
File: 9 KB, 140x227, It_hurts_shut_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Reddit

>> No.9967042

oliver "please donate to my patreon goys" babish

>> No.9967045

The truth about food is thats its all slop. This guy highlights that fact. You can artfully arrange the dead things around on your plate but it doesnt really matter.

>> No.9967051
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>not hating everything
wow, that's pretty shit taste

>> No.9967053
File: 337 KB, 633x356, FlexMentallo_Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here you Nihilist Freak

>> No.9967059


What are you even doing on this board?
Why did you click it?

>> No.9967074

I don't know about this particular guy, but the thing that annoys me about the Bob's Burgers recipes that float around the internet and get published in books is that the sandwich names in the show are joke names. Many are definitely viable if done right, but most would probably be awful, or just completely overkill on a goddamned burger (e.g. people who put truffles on burgers annoy me).

I don't want to stamp out people's creativity, but we need to realize that even a great burger is just a burger.

>> No.9967088

Even a great _____, is just a _____.
Insert something you enjoy and appreciate quality in.

>> No.9967098

whom are you quoting?

>> No.9967101

Nah, that guy just makes food from movies and tv shows in general for money on Youtube. I don't think this is about Bob's Burgers specifically or burgers in general, it was just another fictional food people asked him to interpret.

>> No.9967106

"Your mom's cavernous pussy."

Nah. Doesn't work grammatically.

>> No.9967110

Because life is nothing if not for suffering

>> No.9967111

>people who put truffles on burgers annoy me

>> No.9967122

He can't enjoy a fancy burger, so he thinks nobody can and that they're making it up or something.

>> No.9967169

If that's true, I feel sad for that anon.

>> No.9967647

Once you accept that he's the Top Gear of food YouTubers he becomes alright. Sure he's not that technically skilled, he's often clumsy and a bit hit and miss, but it's fairly fun to watch, well filmed and we'll produced and if it gets people interested in cooking all the better.

His theory isn't all that bad either.

>> No.9967676

no doubt babish has done his research and we have to respect that

so what sometimes the mainstream worships him, his goal is to get laymen interested in cooking, who are we to judge

>> No.9967687

>who are we to judge
Where the fuck do you think we are?

>> No.9967694

If Babish is the Top Gear of food youtubers, what does that make Chef John?

Hard Mode: You cannot answer "Messiah"

>> No.9967713

Honestly, neither does Rick and Morty, Console gaming, Quentin Tarantino, and a lot of other things that immediately get 500 replies just saying "reddit"

But it's just so fucking funny to see that anyway

>> No.9967719
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I think he's pretty fun to watch, but i really enjoy watching youtube videos with anything food related! He's no Bourdain but his concept is fine! Good editing is always a plus and as long as he doesnt turn his channel in to a fucking commercial im gonna keep watching it

>> No.9967863

Seems like an okay guy.

>> No.9967928

Can someone explain the name of this show? Binging with babish? Why would I want to bing with anyone, let alone him?

>> No.9967942

It's like Madlibs, you're only supposed to use one word. >>9967088 should have posted it like this:

>Even a great _[noun]_, is just a _[same noun]_.
>Insert something you enjoy and appreciate quality in.
So in your example, the word would be "pussy".

>> No.9967943

epic post brah
let's all pretend that you don't know the difference between bing and binge
it will be hilarious for all

>> No.9967945


>> No.9967962

Jokes aside what even is a Babish? I mean his name isn't Babish

>> No.9968146

I've only seen a few videos of him and at first I thought he was doing it as a hobby. It doesn't look like there's much thought put into what he makes.

>> No.9968180

He doesn't deserve nearly as much views as he gets.

>> No.9968187

A burger is actually a relatively good vehicle for truffles.

>> No.9968199

Chef John is the Dexters Laboratory of youtube chefs

>> No.9968201

Wait, he gets hate here? He actually makes great stuff and he knows what he's doing.

>> No.9968206

Of course not, the messiah is Townsends. Only he will lead us to salvation.

>> No.9968230

Definitely the Bob Ross of you tube chefs, dude is just as chill.

>> No.9968244

/pol/ probably

>> No.9968263

>Townsends is the messiah
This guy gets it.

>> No.9968271

>cant make a decent burger
>makes like 17 videos about burgers

>> No.9968322
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>> No.9968343

Considering YouTube is being a cunt with ad revenue I honestly have no problem with creators shilling their patreons more.

>> No.9968347

Wait, is this the comically inept "chef" that used his knife to scratch an itchy finger?

>> No.9968368

It's a jew thing

>> No.9968370

It does work, if you're not retarded and know how to write sentences
For example
>Even a great fuck in your mom's cavernous pussy, is just a fuck in a cavernous pussy

>> No.9968420

That's fine.

But when you're raking in 10 thousand dollars per month from patreon after taxes and fees, and you still have the audacity to include paid promotion in your videos, you start the realize that something doesn't add up.

>> No.9968438

There is nothing wrong with making money. You don't get angry at Gordon Ramsay when he does another episode of kitchen nightmares that has commercials and gets paid for it.

>> No.9968445

Gordon Ramsay doesn't do exclusive home kitchen shows.

>> No.9968464

No he makes even more money doing other things because his brand awareness is bigger. It still doesn't change the fact that making money is totally fine. Unless you are a commie. You aren't a commie, are you?

>> No.9968473

>better call him a commie
what the fuck is this, 1938?

>> No.9968482

>It does work, if you're not retarded and know how to write sentences
He says whilst ironically misusing and omitting punctuation.

>> No.9968485

I was clearly making a serious point that you expertly deduced was me trying to start a communist hunt and that in no way was an attempt at humor.

>> No.9968491
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According to jewish number magiks he's a golum so not jewish.

>> No.9968591

Oliver Babish is a character from the tv show West Wing. I have no idea why he named his show that though.

>> No.9968603

Fuck I meant to respond to >>9967962

>> No.9968667

cut my life into pieces

>> No.9968675

I think I saw him say in a video on another channel that he likes the show and wanted to use a pseudonym on youtube. So he just picked a really minor character. The alteration is pretty gud.

>> No.9968757

Dude, this is his full time job. Sorry that he can enjoy cooking and make it his career while your only venture into culinary craft will be making munchies tier recipes for your unappreciative friends and posting on this board.

>> No.9968769

I like him, he seems to know what he's doing, he doesn't come off as pretentious, and he genuinely wants to see people become better cooks. I know /lit/ hates better than food on youtube bc he's a know it all prick, I know /k/ hates a lot of gun reviewers, but idk why /ck/ hates this guy. Just because he brings a basic craft to the masses and makes it popular by incorporating pop culture doesn't mean it's bad.

I'm actually gonna try the Il Timpano recipe for Valentine's day, p. Excite

>> No.9968967

>This guy doesn't get nearly as much hate as he deserves here

>> No.9969085

Last time I was on this board everyone was talking about how great he is, what happend, did he get popular?

>> No.9969093

I had a little jar of truffles in oil that I was saving for the pope but they were close to expiring so I sauteed them with some garlic and put them on a burger, it was the best burger I ever had

>> No.9969974

They hate him because he got popular making pop culture/cartoon/gimmick food and only then transitioned into actual cooking videos.

>> No.9969977

>>not hating everything
>wow, that's pretty shit taste
Wtf I love things now

>> No.9970089
File: 356 KB, 748x559, aaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bob's burgers
>doesn't show bob

How can she slap!?