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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 911x684, rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9962187 No.9962187 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, rate the meal I just made. Thoughts?

>> No.9962201
File: 26 KB, 612x378, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


poo on vom

> wala

>> No.9962202

That sure is food, I assume.

>> No.9962261

This is what I thought to.. but the rice looked like a tortilla in the thumbnail.

>> No.9962294

Osso Bucco?

>> No.9962311

If this is beef cheek then it looks pretty delicious.
Not sure about bottom part, looks like overcooked rice or pasta, parpadelle, tagiatelle or some medium sized square pasta would work better as a side.

>> No.9962321

you forgot to turn on your tripcode :^)

>> No.9962334

>pajeet tries to make risotto
>it looks like poop
Like fucking pottery.

>> No.9962337

Is this Peposo?

>> No.9962352

Fuck off/10

>> No.9962401
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, food carbonara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks very delicious, but I would have paired the braised shortrib with something lighter than risotto. It is a braised shortrib, right?

I make something that looks just like that, braised slowly in red wine and stuff. Also here is carbonara that I made last night.

>> No.9962641
File: 425 KB, 2016x1512, peposo 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop reposting my food
no it's peposo
the rice is risotto its cooked al dente
its an imposter
yes this is Chef John's version
nicely done and I appreciate the compliment. I like how light your carbonara looks.

>> No.9962738
File: 3.83 MB, 5952x3348, IMG_20180111_000329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my midnight feast

>> No.9964189

best in thread so far

>> No.9964195

Looks good. Although I think Peposo tastes better served over Polenta.

>> No.9964204

Honestly I agree that something about it looks weird, I think it's how the sauce and risotto are kind of fusing, but I bet it's delicious so enjoy anon

>> No.9964283

It looks horrible.
Try to improve a bit before posting your work.

>> No.9964288

>tfw some attention whore on /ck/ posts something 99/100 times reproducable by any line chef
>and like a golden god
>No one gives a shit besides newfags that haven't seen it before
Really makes you blink.

>> No.9964297

Dont insult him or he'll get his discord group to shit up the board. He does the same thing on /r9k/

>> No.9964301

sembra uno stronzo com schizzo di diarrea su di una melma color piscio

very good keep it up ;)

>> No.9964305
File: 3 KB, 125x120, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see you post I laugh at how insecure you are. It's mind-boggling.

>> No.9964318 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180110_160128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I served mine in liquid

>> No.9964364

MY god that is impressive.

>> No.9964374


hnnnnngggg... that's a sexy black cock.

>> No.9964394
File: 1.57 MB, 2576x1932, 20180109_185730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't made a barley risotto like I did last night then then you can fuck right off with your expert claims, faggot.

>> No.9965284

What kind of grain are you using, risotto shouldn't look like that.

>> No.9965288
File: 114 KB, 1180x1084, 1492498365440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look who showed up

>> No.9965340

why wouldn't i show up when i have someone reposting my food dipshit?

>> No.9965345

I wouldn't go as far as to call it food

>> No.9965357
File: 452 KB, 2016x1512, Osso Buco 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look more phony negativity.

>> No.9965358

He said it in his post. Barley.

One of natures highest sources of gluten.

>> No.9965368

fuck me of foods you could choose to meme with why would you choose such a labour intensive yet shit and bland one

>> No.9965384

It's barley, faggot and if you're too incompetent to make a creamy risotto from it you need to stop posting forever, pretender. Btw, your arborio rice risotto looks up to the standard of what I made in middle school. You're literally embarassing yourself.

>> No.9965389

i legit thought it was a can of dog food dumped on.

>> No.9965412

no wonder it looks so wrong.
well it's unorthodox so i wont judge it as I'd normally judge a risotto.
But i should say this, you could have plated it much more elegantly.

Risotto shouldn't look like slop.
sure you did. As if I'd believe you for a second you phony fucker.
You hate me, so you attack my food even though there's nothing wrong with it.
i have no clue what you mean by labor intensive, and do you really think risotto is bland?
have you ever eaten risotto before buddy?

>> No.9965434

>this guy self posting and pretending there's anons who give a shit enough to impersonate him again
I'm legitimately embarrassed for you. You're either lying, or are too retarded to know you're being baited into looking like a moron since the OP magically disappears the second you show up to whiteknight your food.

>> No.9965457

risotto is food for old people who have no teeth.

>> No.9965467

people hate me enough to repost my food to get negative reactions.
I am not OP.
I swear on my risotto, I swear on my family. I'm here because someone is pretending they are me.

>> No.9965509

This guy sounds like one of those bad artists who start screaming that it's just their style when people call their work shit

>> No.9965536
File: 445 KB, 2016x1512, saffron and sausage risotto texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just cant understand why people would think my risotto is shit when it's made perfectly.
just look at the texture man.
i genuinely think you're insane if you'd argue against this.

>> No.9965563

Looks like mustard with worms in it

>> No.9965573

try risotto and get back to me buddy.
dont criticize what you dont understand

>> No.9965587

Maybe kraft Mac and cheese is now you're speed you cocky little queer

>> No.9965588

You are so full of yourself and probably as fragile as glass.

>> No.9965609

macaroni noodles aren't that small. i know it may look like cheese but that's only because the coloring of saffron.
you have to be mentally strong to continue posting here, and to continue cooking and improving when everyone hates you.
calling me fragile is completely wrong.
i've had people telling me i was shit for months. and i was able to improve my plating, my cooking, and stay confident in my ability.
you probably would quit if you've had dozens of people insult you and tell you, your passion is shit, but i dont quit.

>> No.9965614

yeah you sure dont quit being a fag

>> No.9965617

OP is the type of guy who gets a job in a kitchen because he thinks he's got shit then tries to fight the chef after the first day because the other cooks roast him

>> No.9965619

bastard dont talk to me like risotto doesnt take 45 minutes of sucking up water and stirring for some soggy rice
anything but the instant 3 minute shit is frankly unacceptable

>> No.9965622

Did you steal it from the walmart you work at?

>> No.9965629

risotto only takes around 20 minutes of stirring it's not intensive when you're waiting 3 1/2 hours for beef to braise.
you've got plenty of time.
i went to my local spice shop to get it, to ensure it was real saffron.

>> No.9965636

Wasted effort if you used it for that shit. I've seen instant that was better

>> No.9965646

oh really, go ahead and post some phony.

>> No.9965647

Fucking this haha. Trust me, OP is a goldmine, he spends around 4 hours a day arguing with people on /r9k/ about how perfect is food is.


Reminds me of this story I saw on Youtube about a man who wrote a book called "Empress Theresa" and spent 5 years, and over 12000+ posts on Amazon fighting and debating critics over how his book isn't horrible

>> No.9965656

Ill go to wally world tonight and pick up some frozen Mac. Maybe I'll see you stocking the shelves.

He's just like the guy, holy shit

>> No.9965658

this is the insanity you need to create godlike risotto.
this is the passion and emotion necessary.
my food fundamentally isnt shit though.
you exaggerating what it looks like doesn't show how it's improperly cooked.

>> No.9965666

Have you ever even worked in a kitchen or is your retard job your first?
You'd get torn about in the kitchen of a ruby tuesdays, let alone a real one

>> No.9965685

I've seen chefs on here who dont even post food that looks as good as mine. I could easily work in a kitchen if they are full of people that incompetent

for example Chef Fish.

>> No.9965694

>so pathetically insecure that you come to a Vietnamese rice paddy forum looking for approval

>> No.9965710

is that brown sugar mixed with butter?

>> No.9965714

>autist shows up for interview
>doesn't bring knives, has to borrow from other cook
>chef tells him to cut produce for 3 hours
>"no I want to make risotto"
>chefs tells him to leave
>autist is dragged out, screaming MUH RISOTTO IM A BETTER COOK THAN ANY OF YOU
>chipped the knife he was lent
>has to wait an hour outside for his mom to pick him up

>> No.9965720

nice fanfic.

>> No.9965723

Yeah, you'd never even get an interview

>> No.9965725

Little known fact: Risotto Fag is not named after risotto.

>> No.9965790
File: 1018 KB, 950x714, 1494640194542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the food gore thread?

>> No.9965821

>Risotto shouldn't look like slop.
Then why do you take so much pride in yours?

>> No.9965827
File: 56 KB, 342x342, 1502162179521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to be mentally strong to continue posting here

>> No.9965831

mine looks like risotto is supposed to look.
this is an incoherent mess>>9964394
to continue posting your food here yes.
imagine everytime you post a piece of food you know people are going to trash it.
takes confidence to continue posting regardless of negativity

>> No.9965834

>Literally makes rice with extra steps, and cheese mixed in at the end
You're like, on Step 1 of cooking.

>> No.9965843

i've spoken to people who have 4 years of culinary school and are employed in kitchens who say dumb shit that I have to correct them about.

>> No.9965847

Yours look just about the same as his, just with better lighting and plating. That and his uses barley rice, which just looks like shit in the first place.

>imagine everytime you post a piece of food you know people are going to trash it.
I do, because it's 4chan, and I welcome their shitposting and permanent, disappointed grandfatherly disapproval of anything and everything I make. It doesn't matter if my food belongs in a Michelin star restaurant, if some contrarian faggots want to nitpick over absolutely nothing, that's still something for me to improve upon. Even if they're idiots.

What you're doing is the most insecure, pathetic displays from anybody who cooks I've ever seen. You're like the sad father on the 4th of July who insists that HE be the one to grill all the food, even though he doesn't know what he's doing and burns it all to shit. But you have to smile and say MMM MMM YUMMY! CAN I HAVE SOME MORE KETCHUP? or he'll go into a pissy rage and not talk to you for a week.

>> No.9965851

You don't have any friends, do you?

>> No.9965865

Top ferrari

>> No.9965870

2 hour old all bran that was in a small amount of milk. Then I mushed it up

>> No.9965871

>You're like the sad father on the 4th of July who insists that HE be the one to grill all the food, even though he doesn't know what he's doing and burns it all to shit.
sure it is buddy. the difference is i actually understand risotto. I dont fuck up my risotto.
>Yours look just about the same as his, just with better lighting and plating.
no it doesn't look just about the same.
his lacks the creaminess and consistency of mine. the most important factors he lacks.
i have around 8

>> No.9965880
File: 2.76 MB, 4656x2620, 20180105_205611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really obsessed with me. I've just been watching this shit show.
Here's a photo for everyone to tear apart. I was out of white rice.
I didn't make risotto so It's a bad dish, inherently

>> No.9965881

>I dont fuck up my risotto.
t. Insecure dad on 4th of july

If you're this sensitive to a bunch of shitposting goblins calling your food shit, do you honestly think anybody you know would try your food and dare criticize it? You'd probably try to hang yourself or fly into a rage and beat them up screaming YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND RISOTTO

>> No.9965887

Clean your table.

>> No.9965890

You have the mentality of a 10 year old

>> No.9965891

Its a stained to fuck cutting board

>> No.9965899
File: 15 KB, 239x175, 1486675776204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a new cutting board.

>> No.9965900

if someone tried it and didnt like it irl, id be more forgiving because it be clear they werent trolls.
post your abhorrent pasta fish.
the one with the onions on top.
why did you stop making threads on /r9k/?
i wanted to upstage you.

>> No.9965907

Its one of the ones at work

I Got sick of some autistic kids from a discord group showing up and ask got sick as fuck

>> No.9965908

Is risotto all you know how to make? You do know chefs need to know how to make more than just risotto

>> No.9965920

You just don't understand risotto anon.
Risotto is perfection, it is the ultimate culinary ability to be able to produce it.
If you don't think his risotto is perfect, it's because you're an uneducated troll.
Why would anybody need to make anything other than risotto?
Post your dishes and compare them to his risotto, you will be blown away at how superior his risotto is.

>> No.9965921
File: 537 KB, 2016x1512, 1515592770553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also makes this, after he got roasted for his disgusting childish bagel monstrosity he stuck to only posting risotto.

>> No.9965928

Jesus fucking Christ what is that monstrosity

>> No.9965936

Pulled it from a thread he made earlier yesterday, he spent around 20 minutes arguing with someone on how it's cooked perfectly and just because it's messy doesn't mean it's not flawlessly prepared

>> No.9965939

my trip filter just got heavier

>> No.9965940

>Hard fried eggs
>Cooked perfectly
That thing is just hard fried texture after hard fried texture. I can taste the sodium from here.

>> No.9965942

Sounds about right.
The dude stalks my posts because i called him a faggot when he tried to make me join his discord group

>> No.9965953

you're joking but you're right you know. risotto is a showstopping dish.
its a sloppy mess but it doesn't look unappetizing. its one of those things that makes you want to devour it.
I can make a lot of things but risotto is my favorite
>braised lamb shank, beef shank, beef shortrib, pork shank
>japanese curry
>Beurre Blanc
>Pesto Linguine
>Pistachio Paste
>Fried Rice
>Aglio e Olio
>Hash browns
>stir fried pork
>katsu sando
Those are a list of dishes i've cooked and taken pictures of.
you're literally a homosexual if a messy sandwich frightens you.
those eggs are over-medium not over hard
i tried to be friendly and i asked you to join because i saw you were a chef, but then you acted like a dick.
Post that pasta of yours btw. post that monstrosity.

>> No.9965962

How much do you wanna bet he closed the tab in anger and is crying to his discord group

Oh look, he's still here destroying his self esteem.
>those eggs are over-medium
They're hard solid 90% of the way through, that's over hard.

>> No.9965971

>thats over hard
>literally a slightly runny egg yolk.
Are you fucking retarded
omfg i love it when idiots speak.
please speak more

if they were over hard yolk wouldn't even be on the plate.

>> No.9965977

Why do you feel the need to try and stroke your ego on 4chan of all places

>> No.9965980

This. Just go to Reddit if you want a hugbox.

>> No.9965985
File: 2.95 MB, 4656x2620, 20171224_094814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you post is bad risotto and the walmart Asian foods isle
I don't post the same photos for months on end. Have my knives instead

He always just makes them come and praise him.

>> No.9965990
File: 55 KB, 1280x960, 1371597819122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're hard solid 90% of the way through
Over medium eggs have a slightly solid, jiggly center and are still fairly runny.
One or two drips of yolk onto the plate is not over medium. You couldn't get a cross-section like that with over medium eggs.

You can't even own up to overcooking a fucking egg. How are you this sad?

>> No.9965994

The grip hole on that board is upsetting to me for some reason

>> No.9965997
File: 525 KB, 2016x1512, THE BIG LADDIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wont post it because it's atrocious fish.
maybe you're right then.
would you say this is over-medium though?

>> No.9966003

how are you so insecure holy shit

>> No.9966011
File: 3.94 MB, 4656x2620, 20171224_095145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kid brother made the board.
The hole is crooked, that's why.

It's not over medium it's just trash

>> No.9966019

i've been mocked and laughed at my entire life and bullied.
maybe thats why.
Try being looked down upon your entire existence and being told you're not good enough.

I also want to know if i got an overmedium egg or not. I thought overmedium was slightly runny and a mostly gooey egg yolk.
not asking you fish. post your embarrassing pasta again.

>> No.9966021

Still no. Over medium eggs again, jiggly-solid center but still fairly runny.
If you cut an over-med egg in half, you should have a nice little pool of runny yolk on the plate.
You're making over hard eggs. Albeit you're making PROPER over hard eggs and not that disgusting overcooked rubber shit most people do, but they're not over medium.

>> No.9966026

>Nary a drip of juice lost to the board

>> No.9966031

i thought over medium was just a gooey egg yolk.
alright well i suppose i know my preference then.
On sandwiches i dont like my egg yolk to run like crazy. i prefer it to be very gooey
its because he's autistic and doesn't like meat juice he also is mediocre for someone who is a culinary professional

>> No.9966040
File: 3.59 MB, 4656x2620, 20171224_095315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've been mocked and laughed at my entire life and bullied.
we see why
Its sous vide. Its not an easy thing to do when you have a rice maker, a thermometer, and a lot of time
I made it for my co-workers on Christmas eve

>> No.9966052

>sous vide
is this for people who suck at making steak?

i am an underdog, so much so, nobody roots for me.

>> No.9966056

>he also is mediocre for someone who is a culinary professional
>Slicing a nice thick hock of meat without letting all the juice escape
I genuinely don't believe you could slice a cut of meat and accomplish the same.

>> No.9966057

You're a fucking retard

>> No.9966059
File: 87 KB, 321x308, 1510880603985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the fries look better than the steak

>> No.9966063
File: 48 KB, 300x366, 1505253909787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that an orange wedge?

>> No.9966064


Apparently the concept is to cook the steak through to just the right level, then to remove it and sear it just before serving. Lots of fancy places do it with good results, but I can't be bothered.

>> No.9966073

>double-posting insults because you're so buttflustered

If you have a proper sous vide setup its pretty easy and gives amazing results just about every time. It enables you to cook the meat all the way through evenly, and then you just sear the outside. Gives you rare cuts that are otherwise impossible (or damn near) with standard cooking techniques.

>> No.9966089

It's a Mexican thing to have oranges for christmas and I'm spic so i worked it in

I cut them by hand

>> No.9966094

your autism about the juice escaping again.
you realize not all of the juice is going to drain from the meat if you cut it right? Do you know how many professionals have juice when they cut their meat?

his sous vide has only managed to make some very unappetizing looking steak. i'd rather have that nice pan-sear with juices running, and a rainbow sear than that.
its a result for people who fuck up steaks easily which is why he's doing it.
i should mention that. your steak has failed in one key element, a steak should look very fucking appetizing.
You've managed to make it look bland because of your autistic need to have no juice run.

>> No.9966098

>i am an underdog, so much so, nobody roots for me.

>> No.9966102
File: 1.51 MB, 900x900, 1513409658546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude are you okay?

>> No.9966105

You have autism

>> No.9966131

This can't be serious, this dude is def a troll no way this guy is this autistic hahahaha the fuck

>> No.9966147

all samefagging because i called out the sous-vide meme.
I prefer the rainbow sear, or reverse sear.

>> No.9966151

Check the post times retard

>> No.9966153
File: 108 KB, 377x1004, lmfao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ever you say, fuckin' weirdo.

>> No.9966154

You are reverse interesting.

>> No.9966162

you may as well be samefags because you're all faggots saying the same shit

>> No.9966168


>> No.9966169

Ever wonder why? Maybe because you sound fucking autistic.

>> No.9966170
File: 321 KB, 438x438, 1503541002767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9966180
File: 81 KB, 1183x900, 1515361121886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9966193

I bet he counts the grains of whatever the fuck risotto is.

"exactly 212 per bowl."

>> No.9966212

>whatever the fuck risotto is
i highly recommend making some yourself or ordering it at an italian restaurant
risotto is a food of the gods and is better than all forms of pasta.

>> No.9966224

oh, so it is the food of shit I don't believe in. I thought it was rice.

>> No.9966238


>> No.9966249

it is rice, but its no ordinary rice dish

>> No.9966266

Its a food network meme.

>> No.9966519

Could you imagine being so thin skinned and also calling yourself a chef? The industry would tear OP apart in a week

>> No.9966605

Is this some attempt at humor or a new meme or a genuine autist reposting the same thing for over a week?

>> No.9966647

He's been posting the same pics on /r9k/ for months and has been getting laughed out of there too.

>> No.9966813

you shouldn't laugh at passion and skill.

>> No.9966821

All you have is a fragile ego and a big head.
You wouldnt last a day in a kitchen. Stick to walmart kid.

>> No.9966837

if they had problems with what i was doing i'd take them seriously.
people dont behave irl the way they do online.

your criticism seems phony, while theirs would have more validity. and even if i disagree i can respect it.
They aren't going to call perfectly braised beef shank dog food unless it tastes like it.

>> No.9966847

ahahhaha he posts on /r9k/? thank god he'll kill himself soon

>> No.9966859

Dog food wouldnt bleed out so bad andwouldnt be served on top of slime
Look at that poor bagel. You crushed the whole thing with whatever cheap "knife" you used on it and served it on a paper plate. You cant even cook a fucking egg dude. Cooking an egg is day one stuff.
Your cooking isnt good enough for a dog.

>> No.9966863

I also post on /r9k/
I make cooking advice threads sometimes, to help novices get some inspiration and such and he always gets his discord kids to try and ruin it.
At one point he tripped as "better chef" to try to gain favor and everyone laughed at him.

>> No.9966878

his life is so sad he enjoys being shat on in these threads because it's the only emotion he feels in his life, just like every other faggot robot

>> No.9966898

I'm also a a robot, but I've been there for 9 years and I'm just too much of a stubborn cunt to leave.
There's really not much worth seeing there. I mostly stick to /jp/ and /n/ nowadays.
The dudes admitted to living with his mom and working at a walmart to stock shelves overnight. He has a sad life. He works a job they give to retarded people and his mom probably still picks his clothes out for him.

>> No.9966913

the world will be better after his inevitable suicide

>> No.9966917

I just hope he doesnt take his poor mother with him.

>> No.9966925
File: 1.07 MB, 2880x1620, Catsumoto's Katsu Curry 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not according to him.>>9966021
I've been making proper over-hard eggs.
>pic related as well a flawless looking sunny side up.

>wouldn't bleed out so bad
there's your obsession with meat being juicy. what is wrong with having meat juice on a plate? are you a faggot who gags whenever he cuts into a medium-rare steak? do you really complain about meat juice soaking into rice? are you this ridiculous
see people think like sheeps, when they see a horde of people attacking another person they jump to the conclusion that it's justified when it isn't always.
I blame a hive mind of negativity for the reactions i get on /r9k/

I am not actually a better chef than you, you know a lot more. But you're somehow extremely incompetent and I Look good by comparison to you considering i have never even cooked in a kitchen or gone to culinary school.
I should not be correcting you all the time, but you say so much stupid shit i have to.
see this is absolute lies. I work overnight stock, but i never said where i worked, and no it isn't walmart.
Also I live alone in a studio.

You're a coward fish. thats the reason you stopped making food threads on /r9k/ because you know i'd upstage you and my food looks better than yours.
it's the reason you wont post the pasta abomination you made, and it's the reason you are lying right now.

You've actually motivated to start taking culinary classes this semester, because if you can get a job cooking, I definitely wont have a problem.

>> No.9966941

Nice diarrhea. I like the slime between the breading and the meat. I also like the random ass egg and the greasy sauce. Is that egg also over medium?
Good luck going to a kitchen and telling them you took classes and have no experience. They wont even give you an interview.

>> No.9966964

just put on your trip fish, this level of incompetence lets me know it's you.
I claimed the picture I just posted was a flawless looking sunny-side up.

I can get kitchen experience at a food stand, or chain to start off with. There are plenty of hole in the wall mexican joints in my town who could probably use a cook. A place like that is the perfect place to start.

>> No.9966971

>Slime between the breading
you're making up shit that isn't even there m8.

>> No.9966977

you are a failure of a human being you pathetic loser

>> No.9966980
File: 2.07 MB, 2880x1620, fucking awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt they'd take you, or that you have a thick enough skin to survive there.
If you think I'm mean you're going to have a rude awakening if you get a job in a kitchen. Get ready to go home crying when they roast you for being an autistic faggot.
>There are plenty of hole in the wall mexican joints in my town who could probably use a cook
Do you speak spanish? Ready to take some abuse for being a pasty fat white kid?

>I can get kitchen experience at a food stand
I wouldnt eat a hot dog served by you

>> No.9966982


>> No.9966985

it's like a shit log on a diarrhea pancake 7/10

>> No.9966993

im a failure of a human being yet im on here making delicious food, learning new things, and improving.
People see my passion and willingness to defend what i love as pathetic.

I'd think it be more pathetic to succumb to negativity and never post my food on /r9k/ or /ck/ again.
No shit. I have a trip on.

>> No.9966995

i wouldnt call that shit food.
What did you make

>> No.9966999

keep stocking shelves like a retard lmao

>> No.9967000

>i wouldn't call that shit food.
i think you're being facetious.

>> No.9967002

Im going to try to be a chef, because if ChefFish can do it. I can do it 10x better.

>> No.9967005

says mr. minimum wage

>> No.9967007

You're gonna try to fight someone when they roast the fuck out of you and you'll get your ass kicked.
Just dont shoot the place up after you quit.

>> No.9967023

im not going to be roasted the fuck out of in the first place.
Nothing i've made here has been fundamentally wrong.
The only somewhat reasonable criticism about the consistency of my risotto is subjective. Thats more about the kitchen you work in and how the head chef wants the consistency to be done.

Insulting the looks of my dishes is facetious as well. Everything is an exaggeration, saying it looks horrible. when in actuality it doesn't. there are actually bad looking dishes in this thread>>9962738>>9964394
but they aren't treated negatively

which makes it pretty obvious that the hate im getting is because they dislike my personality not my food.

>> No.9967032
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x2268, 20180110_231201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this? Seared strip with mango chutney

>> No.9967034

literal autism

>> No.9967039

i'd prefer a darker sear, and all white plates but it doesn't look bad.
autism is my strength to improve

>> No.9967050

The barley looks good though.
You're going to get roasted for being a fucking spaz. You clearly have no idea what being a cook is like or how to act like a decent human. The servers are going to complain about you for being creepy and the other cooks are going to make your life hell. You wont last a month. Stick to the retard job.
Work is usually 50% lunch/dinner rush and 50% cleaning up, fucking around, prep and handling orders that trickle in.
One time me and the guys got bored so I did a line of cayenne pepper for 50 dollars.
There's also rampant drug abuse and plenty of ex-cons who'd fuck you up for being a little cunt to them.

I don't like the sauce, and how it's coating everything. I'd have put it on the side.
I also dislike the plate.
How did you make everything though? I'm far more interested in how it looks when you cut it and how you prepared that chutney.

>> No.9967060
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x2268, 20180110_232018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's meant to be a "pepper steak", heavily seasoned and offset by the sweetness of the chutney.

>> No.9967063

You do you risotto fag

>> No.9967067

I like the cook temperature.
Did you use anything to tenderize the meat? How about seasonings on the meat while you cooked it, before saucing it?

>> No.9967073

>You clearly have no idea what being a cook is like or how to act like a decent human.
says the man who treated me like shit when i gave him a friendly invite to my server.

also no the barely doesn't look good. or it certainly doesn't look better than the dishes i've posted. I may be biased but im not blind. It's a mess and not the good kind of mess like>>9965921

>> No.9967078

If you think thats treating people poorly, wait until you're in a kitchen.
Just promise not to shoot the place up afterwards.

>> No.9967080

dude muh discord lmao. you are 13

>> No.9967082

Thanks! I basted with butter in the pan at the end. It's a USDA premium strip, I think it might be a crime to tenderize it further.

>> No.9967104

i'm prepared for it. Once my boss or supervisor gives me shit, I emotionally neutralize myself.
I could have my favorite chef call me shit, so long as he doesn't fire me. I can tolerate it.

>> No.9967113

bullshit. you are a wordy bitch that is always right. You are doomed.

>> No.9967121

nah i'll admit when i fuck up if osmebody explains it to me like this guy did.>>9965990

>> No.9967120
File: 172 KB, 1164x655, serving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a wealthier man than me. I buy the cheap shit.
I'd suggest you but some larger primals and learn to dry age it for a few weeks. I bet you'd really appreciate how it concentrates the flavors and affects the texture.
These ones in the pic were really cheap top sirloin. We're talking 2.50/lb shit, but I got it really tender when I aged it and then let it sit with some dry rub for a week.

My only suggestion for your plate it how you sauce it, and ditch the paper plates when you take photos.

>Autism up when talked to
I regularly tell my boss to fuck off to his face.
You wont last a week. You probably wont make it past washing dishes.

>> No.9967133

then do it already faggot, stop living your robot fantasy in your retarded head

>> No.9967138

I actually just peruse grocery stores looking for beef that they mark down because it's close to the sell-by date. And that plate is actually stoneware, admittedly not good looking for photos. Old wedding gift passed down to me

>> No.9967143

Thats the best shit. Good on you

>> No.9967680

My fucking butter and brown sugar looking food probs taste better than yours

>> No.9967753

You are a FAT CUNT

>> No.9967757

No, you're just a faggot.

>> No.9967761

reposts are cancer

>> No.9968781

Jesus Christ you're still going. At what point are yougonna stop posting??? I don't think your food looks that bad, but begging for attention and approval on here won't get you anything.