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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9963676 No.9963676 [Reply] [Original]

OMG anon, you cook better than me!

I have never dropped a girl harder in my life. Literally the biggest sign of being a thot. Why is cooking becoming a rarer skill now?

>> No.9963683

because hot pockets are pretty good

>> No.9963686

Clearly no one is as unique as you.

>> No.9963691

dumb frogposter

>> No.9963692

this. they come a variety of flavors now. there needs to be dessert hot pockets for a complete meal.

>> No.9963698

Honestly when was the last time you saw a female making something that wasn't out of a box or frozen?

>> No.9963702


Itt op is a narcissist who will die alone because he refuses to be with girls who dont meet the lofty goal of being a carbon copy of himself but with tits

>> No.9963706

Things that didnt happen for 500

>> No.9963708

She was probably just trying to give you a compliment.

>> No.9963714

I keep seeing people on 4chan using the word thot recently, even though I haven't seen the rest of the internet use it in about a year. Are we behind the times now?

>> No.9963716

4chan is probably the biggest echo chamber on the internet.

>> No.9963723

Well that's true enough, but at least the echo chamber used to be ahead of the curve. Now it's behind on slang that even Buzzfeed readers have stopped using.

>> No.9963727

This. My girlfreind and her friends can't cook anything unless it's frozen or some basic shitty Pinterest recipe.

>> No.9963730

dumb frogposter

>> No.9963743

>It's ok for women to have a list of over 50 demands but men should only care about inside beauty

>> No.9963748

Nobody cares about being ahead, all we ever wanted is to be left alone and for newfags and cancer to stay away
We can't even have that since Tumblr , Reddit, Facebook and YouTube keep sending people here, best thing that could ever happen is for everyone to consider 4chan lame and anyone who comes here a loser so you would all leave and I could have fun again

>> No.9963749

Typically Twitter slang gets picked up on this site after its popularity starts to fade because people begin using it ironically. Then it catches on and this happens.

>> No.9963755

Your mom makes for a good dessert hot pocket.

>> No.9963765

Ah, I guess the irony was just less obvious to me than it usually is with these things.That'll be the old autism.

>> No.9963769

Did you say "It's not an Anyou, it's an AnUS!"

That's how you get into her asshole.

>> No.9963770
File: 630 KB, 2500x2380, 1458077248569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu women are becoming dumber so fast, most don't have any hobbies and can't even learn basic skills like cooking. What is happening OP?

>> No.9963795

i blame social media, you don't need a hobby if you can surf the internet all day. Same reason they end up cooking meme recipes instead of learning how to cook from their (grand)mother

>> No.9963803


>> No.9963819

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9963823

I'm just learning now. I grew up homeless and then in fostercare.

>> No.9963833

Pretty much.
Women need someone to be constantly impressing them.
Men just want someone to talk to and fuck.
Nature is what it is.

>> No.9963848

Also OP fucked up. He could have had that girl worshiping his cock. Instead he wants to find an "equal". But women dont want equals. Find a girl that you are better than and shes your for life.

>> No.9963862
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is it wrong to wish for a decent human being (female) as partner? If OP wanted a whore he could just pay for one instead.

>> No.9963863

Define "meme recipes"?

>> No.9963870
File: 1.81 MB, 1616x910, 1513898349775.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the 3D meme
I want normalfags to leave

>> No.9963872

>Liking white coal burners
Date Latinas f@m

>> No.9963873

Because Stacey expects to marry Chad with his 6 figure salary and eat out for every meal. Why would she know how to cook?

>> No.9963874

>i blame social media

this is the answer

>> No.9963875

Who the fuck cares? Quit being an autist and just enjoy your hobbies. Either date the girl or don’t. If her ability to cook is really that important to you then put that shit in your OK Cupid profile and find some niche fetishist who wants you to dress her up like a 50s housewife and choke her during sex. Culture won’t stay the same so there’s no use complaining about change. Just put in the effort to find like-minded individuals and keep them in your life. Welcome to the real world.

>> No.9963882
File: 423 KB, 645x645, 1498104696960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /MGTOW/?

>> No.9963886
File: 48 KB, 450x403, 1458166260567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this /c9k/?

>> No.9963888

Redidt the post

>> No.9963889

>Just put in the effort to find like-minded individuals and keep them in your life. Welcome to the real world.
T. Blue pilled fag

>> No.9963896

/r9k/ is incel not mgtow

>> No.9963897

Unless you are not a decent person than of couse you can find one. I didnt say pick up a street whore and marry her. I just said you have to be better than her.
The higher the quality of woman you want, the higher the standards you must set for yourself.

>> No.9963899
File: 111 KB, 354x274, 1515087337712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why women don't improve, instead of criticize their bad behaviors you soyboys keep trying to find excuses and ways to accept everything bad a woman has to offer.

>> No.9963939

>The higher the quality of woman you want, the higher the standards you must set for yourself.
Well I'll just posting here from now on.

>> No.9963962

>not fucking her before dropping her

You fucked up anon

>> No.9963978

Because patriarchy
Do what I did and marry a slav, but take time and find someone who you can have a deep and genuine relationship with. We're generally all the same and want the same things but outside of anglo countries the women aren't brainwashed.

>> No.9963979


>> No.9964010

M8 how fucking dumb are you it's nothing to do with culture changing. Go bury your head in some history and philosophy books and then take a guess what this means for western civilisation.

>> No.9964041

You know, I'm not making excuses for the girl or telling you to settle but you were given an opportunity to share your knowledge and you failed. Maybe realize that not everyone grows up privledged with a good family that teaches them basic skills. You should have thanked her for the compliment and made dinner with her the next time.

>> No.9964064

>nerdy nummies
Please let global warming end this shit pile of a species

>> No.9964093

Women aren’t necessarily domestic servants anymore and many of them express little interest in such things with their newfound freedoms? Sounds like a victory for human rights to me. It’s not like women who do enjoy cooking don’t exist anymore. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.9964096

honestly id rather just cook myself. i like being able to make something the exact way i like it and not having to worry if a girl is going to make food the way i like

>> No.9964097


>> No.9964112
File: 133 KB, 853x1280, c4757cc23efc2f765797bae6ded84848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you marry an east Asian. They can cook, clean, and love white cock.

>> No.9964167
File: 11 KB, 274x290, 1412021074971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9964215

>wanting a not terrible wife is Jewish

>> No.9964235

No but promoting race mixing sure is, Seth.

>> No.9964239

>falling for the "they're just like muh anime meme"

>> No.9964246

Enjoy your alimony, at least you saved the white race though right?

>> No.9964294

inside beauty is just bones n shit
or ego and vanity

men want women to shut up

fuck you anglo

>> No.9964522

Not only that, speaking from experience, they're hot as hell in bed and soak the bedsheets (at least Koreans) unlike coldfish, worthless 'murrican women who are too worried sbout their hair getting mussed up.

>> No.9964547

>classic image.jpg

>> No.9964551

>what this means for western civilisation
That's what has created the worthless, priveleged western woman, numbskull. And you know what? It ain't going back. Anyone with a lick of sense will do exactly what he suggested or if they want a traditional family focused wench, hook up with an asian. And no, your fantasy of a "xtian" sweetie pie, traditional, chik-fila slut doesn't exist. Evangelicals are some of the sluttiest women out there.

>> No.9964577

was wondering about that too, you think his software still hasn't been updated?

>> No.9964590
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Not sure if most of these posts are trolling or serious. Poes Law is some scary shit.

>> No.9964666

Just get a qt trap gf to cook and play vidya with

>> No.9966095

Don't forget superior hapa children

>> No.9966340

My wife is orthodox, I'm catholic, fuck anglicans and all other heathens

>> No.9966353

Short sighted and 89IQ
You've misunderstood my point

>> No.9966415

>My wife is orthodox
So she had 20+ dicks before she met you then.

>> No.9966454

Whatever cunt, you probably love bitches who've had miles of cock.

>> No.9966465

Hapas are sexy I don't get why nobody likes them.

>> No.9966470


This is why.

>> No.9967732

hot pockets are terrible though

>> No.9967739


>> No.9967748

t. can't cook anything but microwave meals

>> No.9968624
File: 26 KB, 509x377, 1512156757530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roastie says this when I put tuna in scrambled eggs