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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 560 KB, 600x595, 1508324150527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9960351 No.9960351 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9960358

Fuck yeah I love these Eastern European MREs.

>> No.9960394

he responded to my comment. I feel happy

>> No.9960408


>> No.9960483


>> No.9960488


>> No.9960498

He's probably gonna do a camping video soon!

>> No.9960512

Based Steveposter

>> No.9960566

Best part is when he pans in on the ham in a can and just says "Ham." and then the camera goes right back to the overhead. This guy is just getting better and better.

>> No.9960602

Why do his videos look so bad now?

>> No.9960709

missed that, thanks for the tip because that was good

>> No.9960848

>"Oh yea, that's lit."
What a memer

>> No.9960852


>> No.9961343

>started watching these videos
>he eats better than me on rations

I hate being poor

>> No.9961344
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>> No.9961387
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>> No.9961512

>camo cargo short cutoffs
How long before we read about him naked, high on meth, and fighting a swan?

>> No.9961538

God I love 24 hour ration videos

>> No.9961555


>> No.9961579
File: 1.80 MB, 1130x764, PicsArt_01-10-12.43.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9961591

Steve1989 off MREInfo only gets high off life. And cigarettes aged to perfection over seventy years. And Methamphetamine energy pills found in vintage Air Force survival kits.

>> No.9961616

This. Single mealers and emergency rations are fine but Steve comes into his true form when he's knocking down 3 squares in a video. Variations and comparing between ingredients and mains (like the crackers, drinks, and breakfast/dinner rations in today's vid).

>never been in the military nor had any interest in it or MREs or anything of the sort until Steve's videos

>> No.9961621

Same. I don't even watch other MRE youtubers. Never have, never will. Have some serious oneitis for Steve

>> No.9961630

neither has Steve, he is just a ration enthusiast/historian who scours the world for rare rations that belong in a museum
then eats them

>> No.9961634

He actually donates a lot of stuff to museums, though. Even just the empty packaging is useful and informational if it's well-preserved.

>> No.9961657

Where did you find this? Source?

>> No.9961671

I know I was implying he was indiana jones

>> No.9961678

He says it in a couple of his videos. I started watching around a year ago so I can't really give you specifics, sorry.
It's part of why he likes to slit packaging from the back, be delicate with the packaging instead of ripping/tearing it, things like that.
Some of it is for his collection, but it's not all for HIS collection specifically.

>> No.9961684

No worries, I was just curious. I've given much less attention to his videos on older rations, for some reason I've been more interested in the more contemporary MREs. I'll have to sort by popular and look for some of the golden oldies.

>> No.9961802

That's kinda awesome. Is the original size large enough to make a nice print, by chance?

>> No.9961816
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>> No.9962029

This is his best video since that Meal Quick Serve.

>> No.9962084

Goddamn this guy is the best food reviewer.

>> No.9962085

Nah, I just took a screenshot and put some filters over it on a phone picture editor

>> No.9962117

It's impossible not to like this guy

>> No.9962192


>> No.9962237

He truly is the Ian of MRE reviews

>> No.9962247


>> No.9962249


>> No.9962250

>this entire post

>> No.9962264

How easy is it to acquire modern MREs? I mean legit in-date ones that are in active use? I'm going on a camping trip soon and want to try a couple of the ones he rated highly

>> No.9962272

They're easy to acquire but they're quite pricy.

>> No.9962316

He really needs to adjust the white balance on his camera for the incandescents in his room. It's probably set for outdoors, when recording inside everything looks yellow tinged.

>> No.9962328
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>avoid these videos thinking it's just a stupid meme
>watch a video
>it's actually comfy and interesting as fuck
who knew

>> No.9962329

>who knew

We told you, bro. We told you.

>> No.9962333

I just realized how fucking transcendentally cool it is to only smoke cigarettes predating your grandfather inseminating your grandmother. It's like only smoking antiques. It's so far removed from the actual product that the act of doing it is more important than what it is. Like only eating food made from animals killed in santeria sacrifice or only banging those Nepalese kumari virgin godesses who's feet are never allowed to touch the earth.

>> No.9962335
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he is too pure for this world

>> No.9962429


>> No.9962533

Hah, same. I always assumed it was going to be some deranged autist on his disgusting basement eating expired food

>> No.9962589 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1113x1254, gourmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, love my salami with Nutella.

>> No.9962604
File: 1.54 MB, 1113x1254, gourmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, love my salami with nutella.

>> No.9962745

Steve is the nicest dude. His show has been such a trip these last couple years. I wish him nothing but the best

>> No.9962749

>brazilian mre alcohol gel on the stove
top 10 anime comebacks

>> No.9962779

These aren’t military MREs. You can buy them off eBay or sites like mremountain. They both have plenty of fresh rations.

>> No.9963211


>> No.9963237

>And Methamphetamine energy pills found in vintage Air Force survival kits.

wonder what he does with those, he's gotta have a bunch and he probably takes them out of display


>...no CO around?

>> No.9963241
File: 269 KB, 234x249, yes sc4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eats the chicken bones

>> No.9963247


>> No.9963257
File: 1.43 MB, 679x939, Miami Nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LE 53% (chocolate) FACE

>> No.9963269
File: 499 KB, 388x520, 1498861043472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! Good to see new people liking it

>> No.9963944


>> No.9964593

Ths chicken looked very tasty, I'm not gonna lie

>> No.9964651

Shame. I would honestly make a good print of that and mount it in my kitchen. It would have to be big to be obnoxious enough, though, and wouldn't look good at low resolution.

>> No.9964748

Got a timestamp of it?

>> No.9964785
File: 56 KB, 409x480, 1511416156673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly /ourguy/

>> No.9964836


>> No.9965524


>> No.9965698


Best part of the video.

>> No.9966082

Where has this channel been all my life?

>> No.9966367


desu those have probably decayed into some unpleasant shit by now.

>> No.9966742

>the way he says "Nice" every time he looks over the meal parts on the tray
It's weirdly appealing.

>those are probably fuel tablets are probably some of the most noxious tablets, especially indoors, more so than usual
...Why are you burning them then?

>> No.9966771

authenticity in the studio dipshit, you gotta do it all to be a man like steve


>> No.9966945

n i c e

>> No.9966961

>it's another "Slavic mystery meat ration" episode

>> No.9967185
File: 1.09 MB, 320x180, 2017_Belarusian_24_Hour_Combat_Ration_MRE_Review_Meal_Ready_to_Eat_Taste_Test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21:00 even

>> No.9967239

Looks like she's got a nice gusset. I'm not picking up any foul odors.

>> No.9968638

He is just so NICE.

>> No.9969879


>> No.9970072

Why couldn't he just wash the bags?

>> No.9971140


Human brain works in a wicked way.

The smell can go away but your mind will still give you the alert sign. The first impression are the purest, and the most honest.

I had a fish made bad back when i was 10, it made me hate all seafood meals.

>> No.9971446

that part where he calls the chicken with broth gourmet

>> No.9972058
