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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 610x458, FreestyleMachine-Main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9953131 No.9953131 [Reply] [Original]

The only people that like these machines are restaurant owners. They produce an inferior product 100% of the time

>> No.9953140

I like going into the owner menu and changing the language to mongolian lole

>> No.9953228

I'm sure owners hate them too.
I've never seen a coke freestyle machine that didn't have a WET FLOOR sign and a mop next to it because they drip soda so easily and it's counter-intuitive to use so everyone takes 10x longer to get soda than if you just had 6 choices.

>> No.9953493

all of the places I've seen with these around where I live have had them much better maintained than the plain multi-dispenser soda fountain

>> No.9953790

I like them because I can finally get Mello Yello. Literally nobody ever had it in their soda fountain before these things came along.

>> No.9953810
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>> No.9953818

I like it so I can get the Vanilla Sprite. Best flavour imo

>> No.9953832

Cherry Vanilla Coke makes it worth it

>> No.9953876


>> No.9953925

now I have to wash my hands after getting my drink instead of before getting my food because the screens are always caked in grime from other peoples hands

>> No.9954426

This. And Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper, the best soda ever

>> No.9954517


>> No.9954538

I genuinely enjoy watered down coke zero. Just straight feels too carbonated and tastes too strong

>> No.9954615

If you choose grape Mello Yellow, it tastes like Purplesaurus Rex koolaid

>> No.9954624

is that why is tastes like shit?

>> No.9954668
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>people who take ten fucking minutes to decide what they want

>> No.9954692

its the exact same soda

>> No.9954718

>dude adds vanilla infront of me
>go to get soda
>soda now also tastes like vanilla

into the trash it goes!

>> No.9954747

Fuck you. Lime Coke is the best drink ever. Love getting a couple of them to mix with tequila.

>> No.9954773

Then run some water first so you can clean it dipshit

People like you make me ashamed to be American

>> No.9954774

just run a bit of water between if you are really concerned, i've never had this problem though

>> No.9954784

But then my soda is watered down

>> No.9954793

Or even let your soda of choice run a bit first. Wasteful, but easier and it's not like it costs you anything.

>> No.9954801

You don't put your cup under until after the water.

>> No.9954807

then you better just drink water instead you fat fuck

>> No.9954817
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Holy shit include me in the screen shot

>> No.9954820

That's more because old people or kids fuck shit up with their drinks. Seriously people will just go and push the cup up get a shit ton of ice and go "WAT I WANTED SODA THIS THING IS TO DARN HARD"

>> No.9954821

But then water is spilling everywhere

>> No.9954836
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>> No.9954838

> t. foodsnob

>> No.9954843

um, pretty sure they have a drain

>> No.9954846

who even likes that

>> No.9954857

fuck - I absolutely hate those things.

>> No.9954861

Old people

>> No.9954865

No they have a cage that goes on to the counter
It's meant to hold ice

>> No.9954882

>OP is a cute girl
Post boipicci

>> No.9954884

That's just bad design. I say you dump the water anyway, fuck the restaurant that decided to do that.

>> No.9954890


>manage a corner store
>still have the old fountain and BiB system
>coke says they were gonna switch us to freestyle
>merge with circle K and they NOPE the fuck out of that deal due to the costs of converting

I wouldn't like having coke manage not only our icee machines but that fountain system too, fuck that.

>> No.9954895
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>> No.9954914
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>let me just rub my greasy hands on the screen :^)

>> No.9954947
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>> No.9954976


>> No.9954982

Unironically me

>> No.9955005

If you're eating in the kind of place that has one of these machines and you're worried about germs, I got news for you buddy...

>> No.9955027


Frazoli's is 8 of 10. fuck off

>> No.9955046

Speak for yourself. I can go anywhere and get a regular Coke or whatever. Not many places where I can get raspberry orange Fanta or berry root beer.

>> No.9955055
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>> No.9955090

>Bang'd without bite

>> No.9955146



>> No.9955157

I'm one of them, anon. I'm sorry that there are so many choices to choose from

>> No.9955159

It doesnt matter if you rinse with water my coke tastes really sour no matter what

>> No.9955176

I personally am a Coke Freestyle machine enthusiast.

>> No.9955182
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>inferior product
>bubbly corn syrup

>> No.9955498

Theres no option to run soapy water. Dried on soda sugar builds up, resulting in shit sodas

>> No.9955710

I think I want... strawberry Sprite

>> No.9955739


cocacola didn't think about the hygiene factor

>> No.9955747
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enjoy your amerifat drink

>> No.9955767

Raspberry sprite and orange coke, bitch.

>> No.9955773

Isn't cleaning it a thing? Seems like it's easier to clean one spout rather than a whole soda machine.

>> No.9955801

I really don't give a fuck but these bone heads are concerned about cross contamination

they're gonna need a squadrant of soccer moms and feminists complaining about it for cocacola to remove it

>> No.9955802

Hence owners loving it at the detriment to the customer

>> No.9955845

and when customers retaliate we won't have fucktain sodas anymore

>> No.9955863
File: 28 KB, 320x240, mfw sent to detroit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the worst drink you've gotten from one of these?
>mfw vanilla sprite

>> No.9955867

soda fountains almost never get cleaned famalam

>> No.9955918


>> No.9955928


I can't tell you how many times I go to the burgerking near me and the fountain is all gunky and dirty and the machine itself hasn't been replaced in years. the buttons are eroded some don't even work. the motherfuckers sometimes have to turn the switch off because it's so damn old

>> No.9955935

Raspberry vanilla coke or something like that. All I know is that it was vanilla coke with some fruit flavor in it.

>> No.9955991
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>> No.9956015

It disgusts me that people regularly chug down all this sugary flavored nonsense

>> No.9956104

Burger King manager here. We break down and clean our soda dispensers every night after close. Giant pain in the ass. Gotta be done for health codes. Keep dat chit cleanz bro!

>> No.9956191

didn't read my post faggot

>> No.9956394

It's literally the only place I can get Lime Coke.

>> No.9956427


>> No.9956464

No, it's just that the freestyle machine lets you get custom flavors added to your drinks like cherry, strawberry, lime, etc.

>> No.9956476

>after close
And there's the key word. A 24-hour place won't get their dispensers cleaned nearly as often, if at all.

>> No.9956570

Most 24 hour places are drive thru only past late hours you fucking retard.

>> No.9956607

You are dumb and wrong.
Peach mellow yellow zero is the way friends.

>> No.9956838

Gas stations often have soda fountains and at restaurants, the one in the drive through still needs to be cleaned just as regularly.

>> No.9957217

These things are fucking useless

>> No.9957399

I've never had a bad experience with these machines before

>> No.9957692

>strawberry sprite
>vanilla ginger ale
My only complaint is reduced efficiency of soda line

On the subject of coke machine cleanliness, we had one at my old job that we never really cleaned. We took the nozzles off and soaked them in hot water overnight occasionally. Fuck knows what was lurking in there but I still used it a lot because we got free drinks at work. Though Im mostly a sweet tea person, I get the craving sometimes for that sweet bubbly cancer

>> No.9957880

I like em because I can get patrician lime coke

>> No.9957948

and theres the mistake. why is it advertised 24 hrs if it's drive through only? fuck them.

>> No.9957963
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most of the time I use these dumb shits they're out of order or run out of the fucking flavors you want.

>> No.9958193

Three or four meals in an hour pays for the skeleton crew working there overnight, but thats all moot if the place gets robbed in the middle of the night

>> No.9959896

For all these idiots in the thread praising this peace of crap.

It's not even the same flavors, they don't even use syrup in the drinks they use some kind of ink cartridge flavoring bullshit which is why a normal coke doesn't even taste like how a coke should. These were made solely to cut down on costs at the expense of an inferior product.

>> No.9960066
File: 43 KB, 200x200, CocaCola_Bubble_Lime_EN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason to ever use one of these machines. You normies probably wouldn't even understand.

>> No.9960080

This but unironically

>> No.9960111



>> No.9960118

Orange Cream Soda masterrace reporting in.

Fuck you for hating the best pop machine

>> No.9960174

No love for Lemon Coke makes me sad.

Finally I dont have to manually mix Coke and Lemonade anymore

>> No.9960223
File: 180 KB, 484x338, Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 11.01.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love both of those too.

>> No.9960458

how do you do this?

>> No.9960463

The ones i find in restaurants are ALWAYS out of most of the syrup. Its the most annoying fucking thing

>> No.9960553

One time I went to this restaurant, the machine only had diet drinks available.

Like, how the fuck does that even happen

>> No.9960565

Seems like this can be done from the Manager menu, which requires a password. I still haven't found the default password yet

>> No.9960607

Maybe the soda gods are sending us a message

>> No.9960609

Theyre programmed shitty. Something along the lines of "Coke Zero is out so now every diet drink reads as out" happens

>> No.9960711

i've only used one of these a few times, and i will take some time, but i'm also an observant and courteous person, so you won't be waiting behind me unless you're black.

>> No.9960758
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>wait a couple seconds for the foam to die down so I can fill it up all the way
>screen resets to main menu right before I start filling again

>> No.9960773


>> No.9960780

Who vanilla ginger ale here?

>> No.9960810
File: 99 KB, 260x244, 1462151680053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not going 49% lime coke, 49% lemon coke, and 2% regular sprite

>not just getting coke with a splash of sprite in it

>> No.9960971

Don't laugh. You lot are hell bent on beating us.

>> No.9961023

diet raspberry ginger ale

>> No.9961308

The one at my college is the only place in the city where you can get a bunch of stuff, like different flavored coke zero

>> No.9961347

>Diet Vanilla Coke raised like Lazarus from the grave

You’re the inferior product, OP.

>> No.9961385


Barq's rootbeer with vanilla is kind of like a rootbeer float

>> No.9961393
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Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.9961408

Tap a triangle pattern in the upper right corner.

>> No.9961705

All of the flavors are the worst cheapest. Wawa's used to have the flavorings and have been slowly replacing their real machines with freestyles. Shit is totally different and the only people that can praise it, have never had real flavoring

>> No.9962016
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Yeah, look at this shit. Of course it's going to fuck with the flavor. And it worries me how people accept these things and they're taking over.

>> No.9962052

Coca Cola guy here, we are actually developing a next generation freestyle machine. Not sure if its made the news yet. Also, if you don't want to touch the screen, just download the app.

>> No.9962135

apples and oranges. You can make the same argument about how canned coke tastes different from bottle (glass or plastic) coke. They all taste different. Hell all restaurants use different ratios of water/co2 so each one tastes different wherever you go. Stop being an elitist faggot. You're drinking sugar water at a saturated fat factory ffs. I prefer the options uber alles.

>> No.9962171

what retarded fuck goes into one of these joints and gets a water? soady pop i can understand but water thats better than tap water.

>> No.9962213

I always make the grossest suicides with these things. I usually mix all of the nonvanilla sprites and it comes out tasting like gummy bears.

>> No.9962267
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>> No.9962298
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You can go fuck yourself, what with your inferior opinions.

>> No.9962332

Water is usually free and has no sugar or calories.

>> No.9962897
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Going to a When These after work in Canada, what should I get with my Dave's combo?

>> No.9962967
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>> No.9963757

If you want to petition McDonalds, Wendys, Burger King, etc to have real flavorings, go ahead. Im happy with an improvment over regular soda fountains at least.

>> No.9963771

>And it worries me how people like having options

>> No.9963790
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I guess you could say it's all Barq and no btie!

>> No.9963815

>let go of the PUSH HERE button
Continues filling for another second

>> No.9963828


>> No.9963835
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>just download the app.

>> No.9963842
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>everyone waiting in line behind me
>carefully select all my flavors
>try my newest creation
>realize I didn't add enough Cherry
>dump entire cup out and starts again
wagies will have to wait

>> No.9963852
File: 107 KB, 180x541, big-red-20-oz-bottle-uai-180x541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only place that carries the best soda to exist is White Castle
>tfw White Castle is the definition of quantity > quality

>> No.9963860

That's a joke, right? Your toothbrush doesn't actually have an app.

>> No.9963883

Nope. You don't have to use it, but it's bluetooth and there is an app.


Otherwise a great electric toothbrush though.

>> No.9963924

How rich are you?

>> No.9963951

I'm pretty loaded. I paid like 260 though, their website is MSRP.

>> No.9964045

you tried so hard and failed even harder. Retard

>> No.9964978

It doesn't matter how many options you have if the base flavors you're combining are shit.

>> No.9965209

I worked at a place that used these, changing out those flavor cartridges was a real bitch. It was made even worse when they decided to switch from plastic to cardboard because $$$.

>> No.9965331
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>diet coke lime about to be replaced with new ginger lime flavor
>tfw raspberry sprite + dc lime dream team is dead forever

>> No.9965364
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I like these solely because they increase the availability of Barqs

>> No.9965460

Just tried this a few days ago and I can confirm that it's a GOAT-tier flavor

>> No.9965727

Confirmed by watching an employee do this on the Diet Coke menu. Pretty sure it's set by individual stores but if you hang around at the right time you'll see it soon enough

>> No.9966400

>Old machines have 5 flavors that all taste good
>New machines have dozens but they all taste like shit


>> No.9966619

You guys have exotic soda tastes. Coke makes up about 80% of my soda consumption. I prefer to drink Coke with meals. Sometimes I get Sprite or Pepsi. Orange soda I usually drink by itself or with a snack. I can't remember the last time I had more than a sip of a soda that wasn't one of those four.

>> No.9966653

The touchscreen sucks but the selection is fucking amazing. I also never get watered down syrup with these machines.

>> No.9966659

At least it lets me get cherry ginger ale.

>> No.9966888

Hank Hill up in this piece.

>> No.9966897

This. I used to run shifts at a convenience store with one of these and this is exactly how it's done.

>> No.9967584

Best post in this thread

>> No.9967617

so happy i checked /ck/ before bed

>> No.9967973

>drank the Powerade rainbow
Is there a trophy for this

>> No.9969045


>> No.9969055

fuck plum off carlos, im sick of your shit

>> No.9969081
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>> No.9969175
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>but they all taste like shit
>the base flavors you're combining are shit

>> No.9970901

>not using the back of your fingers (knuckles)
are you some kind of retard

>> No.9970908

>ginger ale
>not superior ginger beer

>> No.9970923

>Carbonated sugar water


Cat shit or dog shit, its still shit youre eating you fat american.

>> No.9970968

There are lots of options on the machines that are often not available in retail, such as 8 Fanta flavors on the machine vs 4 Fanta flavors at Wal-mart. There are also some restaurants that take advantage of the flavor mixing by having their own exclusive soda flavors.

That's the one restaurant I've encountered that has limited options at certain locations. Also the same place that some of my soda mixes seem off.

>> No.9971176

the machine is literally designed to dispense medicine with no cross contamination, any other flavor you're tasting is placebo.

>> No.9971966

>He thinks the engineers actually cared about this shit

They did the minimum amount of work possible. The machines exist for 2 reason
1. It is easier for their workers to change out the flavors, since they are served in printer cartridges now
2. Most importantly, they are all connected to the internet and Coke receives data on which sodas and flavor combinations people are getting and exactly how much. I'm sure the machines are heavily discounted so that Coke can begin data collecting on you.

>> No.9972605


>> No.9972833
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>not getting raspberry vanilla lime coke

>> No.9972858

It's the only place I can get Dr Pepper.

>> No.9973680

t. Fat

>> No.9973857

I just like that I can get diet vanilla cream soda so yeah

>> No.9974455

I like it because any other dispenser stopped dispensing REGULAR soda water. You know, perrier, dasani, etc.

>> No.9974867


fuck you orange+vanilla coke is great

>> No.9974895

wow think about all the time you've saved.

>> No.9975187

Ok i guess

Cherry sprite was popular enough to warrant bottle releases. Im cool with that

>> No.9975535
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>Orange coke

like fizzy napalm

>> No.9975871

I like water.

>> No.9975905

Why would you pay that much for a toothbrush? Hell in the Philippines you could rent a ladyboy for half a month for that price.

>> No.9975909

>so addicted to sugar he cant imagine someone drinking water

>> No.9976090

what retarded fuck goes into one of these joints and gets a soady pop? water i can understand but soda thats better than sugar water.

>> No.9976396
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>Peach Mello Yello

>> No.9976717

Worst? Orange Sprite, it's like a shitty orange soda.

THe Best I have had is lime Coke. Try it

>> No.9977038

>Coke didn't know Shirley Temples were a thing

>> No.9977165

these are the sharpest pin in my side when I go out to snag a bite. Being allergic to peaches and wanting to enjoy a soda has never been riskier.

>> No.9977562

Orange coke is pretty good too

>> No.9977793

there is a total of 1 drinkable things in american fast food restaurants and that is water, they even managed to ruin fanta. why do americans have to make everything so disgustingly sweet and chemically tasting.

>> No.9978373

>Ruin fanta
>This dumbass doesn't have a passport

Fanta is different in every single country. Coke expands to a new country, they buy up the most popular fruit soda maker and rebrand it Fanta

>> No.9978395

Can you guys list the good combos you've had out of these? I only ever do coke zero because its the only one that consistently tastes like the actual product.

>> No.9978431

> just download the app.

Please reconsider the world you are helping create.

>> No.9978444

>only self-serve soda machine that has ginger ale
>only self-serve soda machine that lets you put vanilla in your coke