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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9959892 No.9959892 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't fish more popular than chicken?

>> No.9959902

>why aren't mangoes more popular than apples?

>> No.9959906

Because it's not as accessible outside of coastal or waterside areas.

>> No.9959907

because there was no damn Johnny Mangosee

>> No.9959908

But mango is more popular than apple.

>> No.9959909


>> No.9959910

So many fucking parasites
10% by mass is fucking worms

>> No.9959914

if it has any smell to it whatsoever normies will gag and die.

>> No.9959915

Mercury concerns, easier to bite into a bone, werms sometimes, tastes stronger than chicken, easier to mess up when cooking, doesn't pair as well with a huge variety of foods like chicken does (fish and waffles?)

>> No.9959916

Why aren't vegetables more popular than the flesh torn off the backs of baby animals?

>> No.9959920

Vegetables don't suffer enough

>> No.9959921

Fish tastes gross. You can't put fish everything unlike chicken. Imagine eating a "fish parm", disgusting

>> No.9959922

because getting fresh fish requires you to be on the coast and most people dont know how to make fish. personally i love fish though

>> No.9959926

It's just fish sticks and cheese. What's wrong with that?

>> No.9959927

I eat small oily fish for almost every meal.
So fucking flavorful and a nutritional powerhouse.
Most other meats besides sausage taste bland and underwhelming to me

>> No.9959956

Fish literally swim around all day in the great open sewer and toxic waste dumps of the world, ingesting who knows what. Chickens live out their lives in strictly biocontrolled coops with excruciatingly engineered diets.

>> No.9959957

>fish with cheese
they would kick you out of restaurants in italy if you tried to order that. lurk moar.

>> No.9959959

only in tropical places or gay countries

>> No.9959971

Sardines and cheese is based though and classic Northern Europe diet

>> No.9959979

do you put the cheese on the sardines?

>> No.9959992

Bread cheese and sardines
So sometimes?

>> No.9959995
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wait like a sardine and cheese sandwich? or are they separated and you just eat them at the same time?

>> No.9960009

Nigga, why is this so hard for you understand?
Hard crust bread like baguette, not fucking Wonderbread.
A platter full of meat, cheese, and fish in oil.
You can mix together or eat separately.
It's not a sandwich

>> No.9960040

just curious, anon, calm down. if eaten separately then it's fine. I approve of your decisions.

>> No.9960042

meant for >>9960009

>> No.9960050

Chickens live out their lives in a pen of death, shit, and piss. They barely have any room to walk, and even if they wanted to they are so fucking fat that they might not be able to. It's hardly sanitary.

>> No.9960052

It tastes like fish and it's full of bones.

Also, imagine a toilet bowl the size of an entire planet that's never once been flushed. That's where fish come from.

>> No.9960058
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>the ocean
>toilet bowl
Do you know how I know you are a flyover?

>> No.9960094

>why isnt mercury poisoning better than the best meat
Idk op

>> No.9960102

an entire fish
>taste like fish and full of bones
we have hit an entire new low for /ck/

>> No.9960106

Guess what, chicken tastes like chicken and it's full of bones

>> No.9960139

>tastes like chicken
and that's why it's superior in every way

>> No.9960141

Bovines taste like beef and are full of bones! wtf?

>> No.9960185

WTF I hate meat now!

>> No.9960190

What kinds of fish and what do you make?

>> No.9960192
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>> No.9960197
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>oh man I can't WAIT to eat some snapper!

>> No.9960206

snapper? i barely know her!

>> No.9960211

he probably meant that fish has a peculiar smell that is less appealing on average compared to a smell less chicken, is more messy to clean and has more annoyingly small bones
fish is much easier to mess up too

>> No.9960226

Chicken has a nasty smell, too, unless you brine or marinade the fuck out of it.

>> No.9960231


Let the fish go bitch!!!!

>> No.9960249

personally i never notice it, while when i prepare fish anyone getting in the house immediatly notice it and is left for a while even when im done

>> No.9960258

Fresh fish is expensive.

>> No.9960278

Depends on the type of fish, but I'd assume for most people that aren't on the coast or having to smell freshwater fish that's a few days old they would dislike the smell. Yeah fish lingering afterwards isn't a great smell but fresh salt water fishes smell fine probably one of my favorite restaurants food smells.

>> No.9960736

Serious answer:
>chicken is cheap
>chicken doesn't smell terrible (meaning as strongly as fish) raw
>chicken doesn't smell terrible being cooked
>chicken doesn't smell terrible after being cooked improperly
>chicken is more tolerant of mistakes being prepared
>imagine the texture of undercooked or overcooked fish compared to chicken
>chicken takes to salt & grease & oil better than fish, and we're hardwired to enjoy those culinary vices
I don't hate fish, but I have some bad experiences trying to prepare it myself. When you get fish wrong, it's absolutely fucking wrong. Chicken is a lot more forgiving although not nearly as much as beef.

>> No.9960821
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>he doesn't know about pizza al tonno

>> No.9960879

For lunch and breakfast i usually have canned herring or sardines, theres also this jamaican herring spread called solomon gundy that i really like.

For dinner, my local asian mart has frozen mackerel 2 for 5$ so usually that, they also have butterfish which i have yet to try. Sometimes ill also do canned for dinner too.

>> No.9960882

like many things, the british used up the worlds entire supply of it

>> No.9960937
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>not buying your mackerel fresh outside the LC

>> No.9960954

That can't be right.

>parasite burdens were up to 12% body weight
Damn. Poor fish.


>> No.9960955

I live in a fishing town and good fresh fish still costs 3 - 4 times as much as chicken. Buying whole chickens is even cheaper again.

>> No.9960959

just eat scaly fishes. They usually have less to nonexistent mercury contents

>> No.9960997

Believe me if i could get my mackys from phil collins himself id pay full price

>> No.9961021

This is the answer for fish too. Not everyone lives next to the ocean or sea.

>> No.9961050


Breaded fish is unironically good with cheese. I make breaded fishburgers with lettuce and cheese all the time its a unique experience.

>> No.9961058


Europeans being pretentious fucks isnt anything new.

>> No.9961070
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Southern Italy does it frequently.

You are perpetuating a restaurant meme because they were too lazy to pair the ingredients properly.

I wouldn't recommend putting port-soaked goat cheese on your fried large-mouth bass though.

>> No.9961073
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>slimy scaly eyes always open proto-dinosaur
>A delicious festive savory bird
who knows

>> No.9961075

Fish are hard to preserve and mass produce like chicken.

Also there are many religious regulations against fish.

>> No.9961097

>what’s aquaculture

>> No.9961117

>I live in a fishing town and good fresh fish still costs 3 - 4 times as much as chicken.
Why not fish yourself?

>> No.9961137

Farm-raised catfish is about the only fish my anxiety is willing to tolerate.

>> No.9961892

It's very easy to raise chickens almost anywhere that humans choose to live. Fishing is only possible where there are unpolluted lakes, rivers, and oceans nearby.

Also, fish spoils much faster than chicken. The taste goes bad within hours when unrefrigerated, and you can't carry live fish around easily because you have to keep them in water -- and in ENOUGH water for them not to asphyxiate.

>> No.9961898

This thread is really fucking annoying. I was just about to fix myself a nice meal at home. Now I want to go out and get some fried fish.

OP you bastard.

>> No.9961906

Wops are stupid, who would have ever guessed.

>> No.9961914

You people are fucking dumb. "It doesn't taste as good as chi ken that's why we don't eat it like so"

First all we don't want fish as much as chicken because of shipping issues in the past before refrigeration and modern canning techniques. If we had, say as an island, and had more fish than chicken, we'd obviously prefer fish. Just like island dwellers do.


>> No.9961916


>> No.9961922

Why not? Because you couldn't taste the fish? That sounds kinda interesting. Like a reverse lox.

>> No.9961935
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>Fish are hard to preserve

>> No.9961941


>inb4 this kind of fish has less mercury

why don't you just chug a bottle filled with quicksilver

>> No.9961976

Who is this? Post her animated pussy lips

>> No.9961977

Fried walleye and poutine is one of the best things I've had. Cheese and fish is not that bad of a combo.

>> No.9961995

>Why isn't fish more popular than chicken?
It is in high-quality-of-life countries: Japan, Italy, Canada. Russia also consumes more fish than animal meat, but only in far eastern and southern (Crimea, for one) regions, for obvious reasons (only places to have open/closest access to sea and ocean).

>> No.9962188

Chicken doesn't go with waffles you fucking mouthbreather. This whole post is retarded

>> No.9962194
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Elle, she's a gun

>> No.9962215
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She's a useless shitstain.

>> No.9962235
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no bully

>> No.9962251
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Nigger, what?

>> No.9962255
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>> No.9962260

Mostly the ,gut, mouth and head. The fillet is clean if you cook it

>> No.9962266
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Useless piece of shit. Had to be whored out to the Krauts before she was anything remotely useful.

>> No.9962390

Underrated post, fucking L O L.

>> No.9962597

because fish tastes like shit, chicken is healthier and more abundant across an entire country. Chicken eggs also don't cost $500

>> No.9962652

>chicken is healthier
You can't say something is healthier than the other.

>> No.9962692
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>letting the servants boss you around

european confirmed

>> No.9962720
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>> No.9962795

I do, I got my own recreational fishing boat and a fishing kayak for hard to reach areas.

>> No.9962799

im retarded: the post

>> No.9962801

bullshit, you see those lines running through your leafy greens? those are nerves. Ever see a venus fly trap? Plants are alive. Just because they don't have eyes don't mean they can't feel pain.

>> No.9962834

>americans don't know

>> No.9962877

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This so much

Time and fishing permit costs. I also tried to kill a fish once and apologized the entire time because I did it poorly. It was a slow and painful death for it.

>> No.9963057

>Implying I'm not R1 master race and can't handle a little quicksilver

>> No.9963214
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people are intimidated by fish

>> No.9963562

Stop posting undyne.

>> No.9963596

God I want to fug that gun

>> No.9963597

Because most of the west is land locked and America was literally built on beef

>> No.9963626

I prefer bitch lasagna

>> No.9963758

She'd break as soon as you inserted your round into her chamber

>> No.9964805

Please refrain from making any and all comments towards my wife, thank you very much. And beore any of you ask yes we were married I have a notarized legally-binding certificate as well as a signed document from the attending priest. God Bless.

>> No.9964809

Your wife is a retarded britbong

>> No.9964835

Again, friend, Implore you to reconsider your opinion as the later models are not as bad and, in-fact, better than some of its equals at the time after fixing some of the earlier feed and durability issues.

>> No.9964841

Elle is an A1

>> No.9965818

An A1 for my dick

>> No.9966072

holy shit women are fucking animals

>> No.9966148

We're all animals, anon.

>> No.9966269

I just remembered that I fucking hated this anime. I expected it to be a fun SOL/CGDCT Saki or GuP-style anime, but it ended up being an anime about girls (who are actually guns) shooting guns at each other. I wish I'd been warned about this previously.
In regards to the fish/chicken issue, fish is popular in places along/near coastlines, and chicken is popular further inland.

>> No.9966284

This crappie's cod to stop.

>> No.9966511

fish is fucking nasty and isn't worth it