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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9959548 No.9959548 [Reply] [Original]

what is the strangest thing you have eaten? Not a contest, just curious. I used to travel a lot for work, so going to china I ate dog/cat (it was on menus), they sell fried chicken feet in carts like hot dogs, also fish eyeballs - they come in little ramekins. I live in Florida, so I've eaten alligator. Went to Japan last year, ate whale sashimi, they serve it ice cold. It's pretty damn good but when it warms up it's real rubbery and fatty. so let's share interesting food experiences!

>> No.9959648

A headphone earbud

>> No.9959660

Gator tail - it was okay. Deep fried. Tastes like fishy chicken.

Kangaroo burger, ostrich burger, camel burger, and rattlesnake burger - these were all bad because the places serving them were required to cook it well done. Ostrich was probably the best. Camel was definitely the worst. They were all bad though because they were so dry it was difficult to eat.

All-in-all I like to try exotic meat if it's available, but there's a reason chicken, pork, beef, and lamb are so popular.

>> No.9959680

Candied Locusts
Raw, sliced chicken lungs (and other organs, the lungs are by far the best)

>> No.9959692

Gator was alright. They did it up Cajun style with blackening spice.

>> No.9959707

I've only had it once so i'll chalk it up to being a bad restaurant but I had alligator once and it was absolutely disgusting. It was fried and you could tell it was really old, would have liked to try it the way you described though

>> No.9959718


None of those are particularly strange.

>> No.9959728


I had beef tongue sashimi one time and it was served the same way: thinly sliced and ice cold. Once it warmed up it became rubbery and not very good.

>> No.9959760

yeah, gator tail was okay. Cubed, fried, served with some "secret sauce" that tasted like mayo, ketchup, and tatar.

>> No.9959764

which country?

>> No.9959769

I ate a bunch of insects and bugs at purdue

>> No.9959772

I get that. There's just not a huge market for eating kangaroos and camels in the US and Canada. Ausfags probably have it all the time though. I could have added tripe and chicken hearts, but that just seemed too common.

>> No.9959777

Live sea cucumber from a street cart jn korea where theh pulled it from a tank, sliced it up and served with kolchujang. It was still squirming as I ate it. Another thing in korea was bundungi, some kind of hard shelled beetle type insect in a hot sauce. Pretty good with beer.

>> No.9959784


Yakiniku place in Manhattan.


I'll admit camel is pretty rare in North America.

>> No.9959785

yet somehow horse meat is still illegal in the US

>> No.9960694
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Candied crabs, while it wasn't anything special in the mouth, just seeing it surprised me so much I had to try it.

>> No.9960743
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The beating heart of a cobra.
>be ~12yo
>family vacations to Vietnam for some fucking reason
>guide takes us to a food stall outside some temple
>vendor has snakes and lizards and shit in wire cages
>grossed out but mom insists its interesting and I have to look
>vendor and guide exchange gookspeak
>vendor grabs a fucking live cobra, guts it on the spot
>pulls out its heart and shoves his blood-smeared hand in my face
>"heah white boi, eata dis"
>"don't be squeamish, anon!"
>mfw getting peer pressured by two charlies and my own mom
>reluctantly take it
>its fucking beating what the fuck
>swallow heart without chewing
>can feel it spasming in my throat for what felt like hours after

>> No.9960745

Guinea pig is fucking delicious and I recommend anyone and everyone try it. Gator is okay but a bit rubbery. Snake (not sure which species I ate it was in New Mexico) is pretty fucking good. Squirrel is delicious but I hear alot people turn their nose up at eating it. I ate a horse steak in Germany once that was pretty good I think I was pretty drunk that night. Elk tongue is definitely the weirdest thing I ever ate. NOTHING comes close to the tenderness and tastiness of it. I just wish there was a better way to present it cuz it's just like BOOM here's an unmistakable tongue on your plate.

>> No.9960759

Sea turtle

>> No.9960776

Snake, kangaroo steak, ground camel, gator claw,

>> No.9960783

cougar roadkill from a survival school that stuff gets donated to
tasted good, like really greasy turkey

>> No.9960825

Lamb testicles
Ants and grasshopers, not worth it
Spanish blue cheese with free maggots on the rind
Various offals

>> No.9960835

Redpill me on horse meat.

>> No.9960862
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Ants. "Hormigas culonas" to be precise. They're okay but some of them have a bleach-like aftertaste.

>> No.9960883

I was in Hawaii a couple of months back and decided I drunkenly needed a plate lunch and actually ate one of these. Sure it was salty, but I enjoyed the novelty of it.

Anyways, the two strangest things I've eaten are whale and baby giant clam - also in Hawaii. The only reason I trust that I actually was eating what was served is because it was this Japanese sushi chef in a little hole-in-the wall place and it took a while to earn his trust before he offered it to me out of the blue, without charging.

I've also tried gator and most of the game style meats.

I'll try just about anything once, and I actively seek out those experiences, but I've unfortunately got a long way to go. My only real limits are that I won't eat anything that's alive, and I don't like sugar/cake/whatever.

>> No.9960902
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I had the opportunity to try water beetles but they looked so much like roaches that I opted for the silk-worms. Less than impressive, waxy-tasting even when cooked until extra crispy.

Camel, Kangeroo, fertilized Duck and Chicken Eggs (I loved that shit for months), Gator, those Tiny Crabs that grow in some Oysters, Boar, Blue-Fin Tuna Belly, Sea Urchin Roe, Shark, Skate, Silkies, Crawdads, etc.

And those are just the meats.

>> No.9960916

Tastes great but it is very lean so it needs to be cooked with butter. The steak I had was very tender and not at all chewey. Just tastes like good red meat.

>> No.9960920

How was the maggot cheese, did you eat them? I've heard they can survive in your intestines sometimes.

>> No.9961014
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deepfried lamb brain in barcelona
apparently they like it
it tasted like liver whipped cream
not great. and i very much enjoy liver.

>> No.9961041

Deer heart, bear, elk, and some other exotic game meats. Nothing too exciting. Tried straight fish sauce once because I like to know what individual ingredients taste like before i cook with them.

>> No.9961049

Goat head soup

It was good.

>> No.9961056

oh shit son mcdontalds spam breakfast takes me back to childhood

>> No.9961085

Before saying anything I just want to say that I did that as a kid but:


I actually have a tape from summer vacations as a kid where I started eating a wooden bench in a park. Thank god I'm better now.

>> No.9961229

thats fucking cool you faggot

>> No.9961420

But was it superfast?

>> No.9961433

one time, i had sex with some random slut in a wendys restroom. i ate her ass and pussy. she freaked out when my tongue lashed her pooper and i had to calm her down.

>> No.9961583 [DELETED] 

>being THIS American

>> No.9961590 [DELETED] 

Did she let you eat her ass once she had relaxed?

>> No.9961594

>girl is willing to fuck a stranger in a dirty bathroom stall
>freaks out over her balloon knot getting some tongue action
Sluts, man.

>> No.9961610

Bro, don't ask that. That's like rooting through someone else's trash can just to open dirty diapers. Guarantee this guy went full human centipede when he licked that morning's sausage mcmuffin off her crusty shitter.

>> No.9961613 [DELETED] 

No homo but... are you trying to arouse me?

>> No.9961625

honestly that's pretty cool to me, but fuck those guys, and fuck your mother, I bet that bitch wouldn't have done it if they were offering it to her

>> No.9961651
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Let me rewrite that story as if you were not a huge fucking puss.
>be ~12yo
>My family knows to raise their child with worldly experience so they take me to far away lands to learn new things
>A wise and powerful (possibly wizard) ancient Vietnamese man sells the souls of dangerous creatures so that you may possess their power
>I tug my incredibly hot mom towards this source of power
>After brief negotiation I convince the man to work his oriental magic and slaughter a predator for my pleasure
>He hands me the still beating heart of this creature and without a second thought I consume the essence of it's very soul
>The power of that Cobra burn within me today both mine and it's heart beat as one.

>> No.9961658

That's cool as fuck, desu.

>> No.9961702

If that story doesn't earn you permanent no bully status through out your school years i dont know what will.

>> No.9961711

You're all disgusting

>> No.9961719

Given your tone, I guess that makes you the odd man out, here. So how about you go fuck off and shit up another thread instead?

>> No.9961729

>Guinea pig is fucking delicious
Yeah, I think you could pretty much serve cuy to anybody in North America and Europe and they wouldn't bat an eye as long as they didn't know what they were eating.

>> No.9961761

It's pretty lean but it's so fucking tasty. I got some once and after marinating the fuck out of it and frying with some butter it was fucking great. I recommend horseradish.

>> No.9961763

One time I was eating some Pollo Loco and I cracked open the chicken's spine and ate the spine noodle inside. There's also this little brain-looking thing on the chicken sometimes (could be the breast or thigh, idk). I love that thing. Does anyone know what that is?

As for more exotic stuff, I've had large and small ox intestines. The small intestines were delicious, like tender calamari. Large intestines were too chewy. Also had Korean spicy fish intestine stew when I was a weird little kid. Tasted great and made for a cool story to gross out my friends.

>> No.9961765

Chicken Sashimi and Horse sashimi, I ate it just so I could say I did. It's funny how people react even though it's a thing you can get fairly easily over there.

Chicken was kinda tasteless and the texture was a bit gross. Horse was actually pretty good.

>> No.9961769

>Complaining about being made into a chad at 12

>> No.9962271

On paper thats supposed to be pretty fucking cool but yeah i think eating pulsating meat would be pretty offputting

>> No.9962299

chicken liver i think it's on underside of the thigh i eat that too

had gator cooked in coconut cream it had so much cartilage

>> No.9962310

>horse is exotic

what the fuck

>> No.9962397

>having the cobra slaughtered for you like a cowardly tourist
>not engaging in a fair fight and killing it with your own bare hands, thus gaining the right to consume its power and wisdom

>> No.9962410

>Fried frog legs
They actually taste like chicken

>Rattlesnake/Rabbit sausage
tough skin, tasted like lamb. didnt like

>> No.9962464

that nigga gave you magic powers, cuz

>> No.9962469


doesnt have much flavor, kinda taste like horse but milder

>> No.9962477

Chips made from cow skin. My indonesian neighbour gave it to me. I ate one and threw the rest away. It was vile.

>> No.9962479


To my knowledge, I had no idea I ate armadillo until after I was served otherwise I would have never touched the filthy thing. As the list might show, I’ve spent plenty of time in backwards bumfuck nowhere Central American jungles.

>> No.9962580

People like you are always too few

>> No.9962621

i bet that bigger red meat is spam

>> No.9962632
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>> No.9962638

poor snek :(

>> No.9962879
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>> No.9962901

made this myself after getting my hands on some brains. the meat itself was way too rich for my stomach even if i enjoyed the taste

I need to travel more the weirdest stuff i've had is various beef offal, fried crickets and kangaroo (though that's sold in supermarkets next to the other meat here so it doesn't count)

>> No.9962957

You eat everything
The cheese was great, a bit too strong. I'm used to very strong cheese but this one was a bit unnecessary bragging