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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 812x662, Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 4.19.00 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9953839 No.9953839 [Reply] [Original]

Beep beep, its the future

>> No.9953846
File: 70 KB, 960x729, 1502985466142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw i have to tip the car

>> No.9953855

gas ain't free

>> No.9953867
File: 2 KB, 125x93, doomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have awkward conversation with the vehicle
y-y-you too...

>> No.9953886

Dey took yur jerbs!

>> No.9953993

>order a pizza
>forgot to buy batteries
>can't tip Delivery Bot®
>no pizza no refund
>have to drive to the pizzeria and tip the phone handler for wasting their time

>> No.9954001

Yeah, maybe in another 20 years.

>> No.9954009

christ, this can't come soon enough. my last delivery guy told me my fly was down

>> No.9954021

>Order pizza during snowstorm
>Shit gets stuck
>Raid the truck for free pizza

>> No.9954093

It needs a cyborg tail gunner for deliveries in rough neighbourhoods

>> No.9954108

Looks like the pizza hut marketing team watched the new black memerror season

>> No.9954110

Honestly, they'll let humans do the job in those areas. It'd be cool with a pizza that's being cooked or at least heated on the way to your door, but the novelty will disappear after the first time.

>> No.9954118

>Delivery fee is $15
>company reply to complaints is that you would’ve been tipping that much anyway

>> No.9954130

I would fully welcome automated delivery vehicles if it means I don't have to add 5 dollars onto an already exorbitant 15 bucks for a large pizza and drink

>> No.9954136

That's what the delivery fee is for

>> No.9954343
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I mean sure, it's bad enough pizza that a roving robot could easily be entrusted to bake it. So what the fuck.

It's shit pizza anyways. But I approve shitty pizza at least arriving warm.

>> No.9954355

Haven't you seen Black Mirror Season 4?


>> No.9954360

I used to find the casual resemblance between shitty cyber punk from the 90s and today funny.

>> No.9954369

>still have to leave your house and walk out to the street and pick it up
>I live in an apartment 4 stories off the ground and a winding labyrinth to the street

>> No.9954377


Maybe it'll work like an aircraft carrier that uses a little drone to deposit the pizza your balcony?

>> No.9954398

will these things deliver to the ghetto?

>> No.9954405

Delivery fee for anywhere I've ordered is anywhere from $5-$10 dollars. That's a lot of gas for driving A to B in 20 minutes.

>> No.9954413
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I was hoping the future would be significantly different...

>> No.9954422
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>cosa nostra pizza

>> No.9954423
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>> No.9954452
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Hell yeah, man. At least that VRchat program could work as an early alpha prototype of the Metaverse.

>> No.9954460
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>non-free software web ordering and now non free software delivery drivers
>tfw the botnet truly wants me to starve

>> No.9954477

What if you can order this to things other than your house or even a moving location? Imagine rendezvousing at speed on the drive to the Future VR porno theater like jets refueling mid air?

>> No.9954484

Did.. did he help you.. zip it up?

>> No.9954496

Please tell me you winked and smiled at him afterwards.

>> No.9954510
File: 364 KB, 3840x2160, b01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw pizzabot runs over my family getting shitty pizza to some hamplanets in 30min or less

>> No.9954525

Just what we need, more uneducated people without jobs.

>> No.9954541


What if we went back to most families owning a farm, everyone just taking care of themselves for the most part but with modern medicine and gigabit internet?

>> No.9954561

>human beings in 2018
>taking care of themselves

u aavin a lil giggle there m8

>> No.9954854

>When the apocalíptico comes and manny of us are obligated to survive the wasteland manny will use robotic pizza delivery cars instead of muscle cars and trucks in the MadMax style combat for resources

>> No.9954969

>rugged agrarian individualists but somehow with technology and specialized labor that dense cities facilitate
You're like the mirror image of a limousine liberal

>> No.9954981
File: 26 KB, 600x434, wpb-population-graph-future-timeline-large[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if we went back to most families owning a farm

the wrold's population is now 7.6bn

>> No.9954987

Tip the car over for some pizza.

Who's gonna tell the cops who did it?
Some robit?

>> No.9954993

Not enough arable land in most places for people to do that. There'd be a mass migration problem. Stupid idea.

>> No.9954996

Also dooooooooooom

>> No.9955031

This but with spike strips and a snow plow.

>> No.9955039

Because superfarms have been a more economic and growth-sustaining practice for hundreds of years, you dingus.

>> No.9955059

contrary to everyone in this thread saying "it isn't possible", it's actually extremely possible. The problem is shifting to it- day to day forces don't encourage society to move into this direction. It would be quite a few more steps past "modern medicine and gigabit internet", you don't achieve a realistic high quality of life and self-sustenance ratio on the individual level- would take very large families/extended families to make it happen.

I'm actually a believer in neo-fuedalism for this very reason, there are quite a few humans that simply couldn't maintain and operate their own farm, even more humans that could maintain it only for a few generations, and a limited few that would be able to manage to support continued improvements in technology for the welfare and quality of life of everybody involved.

>> No.9955063

>implying this thing won't be loaded with cameras

>> No.9955067

>order online after this happens
>one medium pizza 2 topping $7.99
>plus tax $8.96
>plus delivery fee $10.34
>plus maintenance fee $13.55
>plus gas surcharge (based on distance from store) $16.04

and there will still be a little tip jar attached to the thing with a little camera bolted above it.

>> No.9955117

3rd and fuck my life

>> No.9955440

the pizza you're ordering is also proprietary, non-free and closed source.

>> No.9955506


Fair critique, its an idealist take on what mass automation is bringing us.


Best case scenario baring miracle tech like cheap cold fusion or some other horseshit, the bottom economic half of humanity right now are straight fucked in the medium to long term. Probably bottom 75% or possibly even more. When I said we though I suppose I'm betraying my burgerness and that our population density is still low enough that this could actually be feasible with less painful population contractions than most other countries.

Those super farms only remain viable on incredibly unsustainble use of water, phosphorous, power, and probably other resources. At current rates I'd wager we overdraw those resources in roughly that order.

I'm certainly open to argument though on why we need to sustain current population levels, or to the topic of this board how the fuck we're going to keep feeding everyone.

>> No.9955560

>I'm certainly open to argument though on why we need to sustain current population levels, or to the topic of this board how the fuck we're going to keep feeding everyone.

The only limit we're at with our current population is logistics and motivation. We have more than enough energy, land, water, and even food, no new technology required. It just doesn't get to where it needs to go and gets vacuumed up into wasteful cycles. We could keep feeding everyone IF enough people wanted to. I don't really care.

>> No.9955732


Even if you can eliminate all waste, or more realistically maybe somewhat reduce it how do you address

1. We're already overexploiting some sources of fresh water and damaging others.

2. Our supplies of phosphorous for artificial fertilizers are, baring novel means of productions and or recycling, becoming significantly harder to access for both engineering and human reasons.

3. Access and deployment of both of the above rely on enormous consumption of fossil fuels. Nevermind powering machinery used on farms directly, and energy cost of transit.

4. I forgot in the post you're referencing that the impact of mass monoculture on the environment, its vulnerability to mass spread of diseases, and overuse of chemical pesticides and antibiotics it depends on leading to the rise of resistant vermin and diseases.

Even if we feed everybody right now, we'd be no less rapidly depleting finite resources and relying on techniques that the overuse of is destroying the future efficacy of. We'd likely deplete them even faster with the linked rise in population growth accelerating all of those problems and the eventual significant loss of crop/life stock yields each one will lead to.

We can probably stave off food supply shocks by changing what we're raising and eating for at least some significant time into the future even as the onset of the listed issues begin, but the big question I think is why? Why accelerate the degradation of quality of life the world over for the sake of more people. What good will 8 billion do us that 7 billion did not? I'd much rather live relatively well under some kind of heavy economic incentive to waste less and have fewer children, than eat insects and live in a massive filthy urban sprawl with so many other equally poor off persons.

I enjoy this optimism.

>> No.9955736

>Those super farms only remain viable on incredibly unsustainble use of water, phosphorous, power, and probably other resources
You can't possibly be this stupid.
Superfarms have been around for HUNDREDS of years, without all the modern infrastructure that you're proposing allows them to exist. A superfarm is just a regular sized farm that exclusively produces on kind of product, which is infinitely more sustainable.

>> No.9955792


There's an enormous difference in yield between a specialized pre-industrial farm and post industrial one is what I'm trying to argue. I think maybe that's been lost and I misunderstood your use of super farm in this context

Also perhaps I shouldn't have said "take care of oneself". I'd certainly expect local and some long distance trade to remain common practice. Just something closer to how towns and farms worked before the mid 20th century with hopefully some capacity to maintain some of the technological advancements we've made. I guess that depends on whether we can really automate as much as we think we can right now.

>> No.9955820

Returning to that level of decentralized agricultural lifestyle would starve billions of people and send us back the to 1500s, and modern technology would stagnate and crumble because we'd all be busy tending our shitty fields for significantly less food than we have one.

>> No.9955862


Well, yeah. I'm not trying to pitch this as a genuine improvement. I love the convenience of individually plastic wrapped snacks and that I can order toys from literally the other side of the globe. I'm just trying to think through what happens when the malthusian bomb finally hits a failure point that more technology can't solve, and that maybe starting this shift voluntarily with as best ordered of a drawdown of population as we can managed might stabilize us at a better plateau. shit maybe we can even get this to kinda synchronize with the predicted loss of jobs to automation so we don't end up with 90% of the population sitting around thumbing its own ass and plotting revolution against the the elite? That ain't gonna stabilize shit.

>> No.9955871

that will be $9.99 plus tip, you have 10 seconds to comply

>> No.9955907

lol absolute madman

>> No.9955910

how old are you

>> No.9956025

>be American pizza delivery robot
>get shot

>> No.9956047

The cosmos is proprietary

>> No.9956093

there is no contraction of population that is stable

>> No.9956170

putting a few 12ga sabot rounds into the engine would be pretty satisfying

>> No.9956244
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So is it going to have a built-in pizza oven to cook your order on the way to delivery?

A+ for effort.

>> No.9956251

>it’s an electric car

>> No.9956666
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>that will be $9.99 plus tip, you have 10 seconds to comply

>> No.9956862

but why that toaster has four toast darkness setting knobs?

>> No.9956882
File: 1.25 MB, 458x250, WTHIWWYP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pizza Hut
>Ever again
>Instead of GODLIKE PERFECTION that is Papa John's

>> No.9956908

Bitches, leave.

>> No.9956943
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>You can pick what kind of voice/hologram delivers your pizza.

>> No.9956954


Technological preservation doesn't necessarily mean it has to be in the hands of every human being on earth. I feel that if this proposed Agrarian, neo-feudal society were to come into existence there should be a dedicated group devoted to technological advance and regulation, with the rest of humanity being left to a simpler lifestyle. A group drawn from the population early on, properly trained and educated in the sciences, but with the strong family background that extended families in agrarian societies giving them a sense of connection with the people they're supposed to be watching over.

I highly value things like computing, the internet, and global transportation, but I feel like most people use these irresponsibly (To be honest, ourselves included.) On top of this, technological advance and application is too controlled by economics. Real development only happens where there's money to be made, and the results tend to fuel self degradation and the pursuit of satisfying narcissism and greed. This says nothing of the massive resource cost that goes into sustaining a world where everyone goes through a new batch of electronics each year, and constantly need to consume mass produce products that are thrown away within a year.

Putting controls on what technology is freely available and giving people what they need instead of what they want might lead to an improvement in how people utilize tech, as well as preventing the rise of another wasteful consumer society. Is it really such a bad thing if people are living productive, satisfying lives, but don't have access to internet/social media, shitty one-use appliances, and the latest automobiles?

>> No.9957111

>not anting to deliver pizzas to scruffy neckbeards with their dicks flopping out

The sheer audacity.

>> No.9957119

I wish I could order movies and music delivered to my computer over the internet, just like pizzas can be delivered to my home.

>> No.9957122

Damn that aint no good gonna be movin to the dominoes.
Cant rely on no gook shit to deliver in 30 minutes if it be breaking down every time it passes a puddle banzai
Now a FORD. That is an American car. Reliable.
Cant support no border hopping industry.
Only order pizzas that support Americans, American vehicles and the fresh toppings ok bitch

>> No.9957148

If that stupid faggot didn't jaywalk there wouldn't have been a problem

>> No.9957166

I'm pretty sure theres already science fiction based on this and it don't end well

>> No.9958108
File: 594 KB, 871x746, pizza delivery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting delivery drivers out of the job
Are you bullies, /ck/?

>> No.9958147

Why is that young lady not wearing any pants?

>> No.9958159

Request an anime gril hologram and molest it in the street

>> No.9958204

>Shorts are a garment worn by all genders over their pelvic area, circling the waist and splitting to cover the upper part of the legs, sometimes extending down to the knees but not covering the entire length of the leg. They are called "shorts" because they are a shortened version of trousers, which cover the entire leg, but not the foot. Shorts are typically worn in warm weather or in an environment where comfort and air flow are more important than the protection of the legs.

>> No.9958305

>phone dings
>pizza's here!
>go outside to get pizza
>pizza truck makes pleasant ding
>"thank you for choosing pizza hut!"
>take pizza
>send bitcoins on phone
>"is everything to your liking?"
>check pizza
>pool of grease on big burnt wafer
>yes it's perfect
>"thank you for your order, have a nice day goodbye!"
>o-okay thanks bye i love you
>pizza truck just sits there in awkward silence for a few moments
>slowly starts to drive away
>neighbors are all looking at me
Why the fuck is it so hard to order pizza?

>> No.9958317
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What are we going to do with all the taxi/uber/delivery/truck drivers when automatous cars and trucks catch hold? And when robots do fast food work?

We just going to have a bigger welfare program?

>> No.9958324

I can't wait to not have to deal with anyone to order my food.

>> No.9958373
File: 220 KB, 560x420, shebao02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One step closer to reality.

>> No.9958374
File: 75 KB, 350x443, soylent green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know the answer, anon.

>> No.9958394

Never watched that.

I have a decent job so I picture in twenty years me driving home and getting kidnapped. America will become Brazil-tier.

>> No.9958407

Looks like one of those future trucks filled with robos from I Robot.

>> No.9958413

>look for money in wallet
>realize there's no cash in it
>try to run away
>Pizza Hut Tip Enforcer Bot™ comes out of truck
>get tazed and dragged into holding cell
>forced to spend 3 months in the breadstick mines for not tipping

>> No.9958426

>Watching future VR porno
>Automomous pizza truck arrives with delivery
>Hotty answers the door in just a see through night gown and starts groping the truck
>She puts her penis in the truck

>> No.9958438

Either >>9958374 or UBI (Universal Basic Income).
We're either going to become a cyberpunk dystopia of squalor ghettos built in the shadows of giant glistening skyscrapers that block out the sun (sort of like Shanghai or Taipei), or the futuristic 1950s utopia that the Jetson's had always portrayed would exist. There are no middle grounds honestly. Or the Terminator movie series becomes real, that's always a possibility I guess if they can pass the Turing Test and the singularity occurs.

>> No.9958447

I cannot wait until somebody uses one of these to blow up a nursery

>> No.9958460

why should you wait? get started today

>> No.9958468


Welp, Allahu Snackbar!

>> No.9958475

What about the people who make money? Will crime go way up and we'll get robbed all the time?

I wonder what happens when a bunch of people have nothing to do all day. I mean right now it seems like you are more likely to commit crime when you have no job.

>> No.9958484
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>>forced to spend 3 months in the breadstick mines for not tipping

>> No.9958486


All three of your cases assume advanced organized society will persists through all possible upheavals. Bronze Age Collapse 2.0 is frankly more plausible than a utopia that relies on people being remotely rational actors.

>> No.9958497

Would make for a good animation.
>order pizza with the intent to steal said pizza
>delivery vehicle pulls up, little robot hops out with your za
>hovers up to your door, you open it and start smacking it with a bat
>yfw free pizza
>yfw ancap robo mercs jump out and obliterate your you and your house
>yfw you still have to tip
Something something cringe etc.

>> No.9958513

Well, you non-tipping neckbeards must be happy that you won't have to tip the robot.

It'll just be a $10 delivery charge

>> No.9958539

I imagine robbing someone of their money will be harder for the average street thug once cash is gone entirely and it's all electronic.
They'll still take your phone, though.

People who make money are already being robbed by the State of course.

>> No.9958544
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>> No.9958561

Wasn't this in Black Mirror

>> No.9958640
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Pizza Hut's behind the curve on that one.

>> No.9958648

>Millions of neets now how to go out to their driveway to get their pizza
>Have to tip the autonomous car now
>[text to speech voice] here is your order sir
>neets: 'y-you too'

>> No.9958653
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>Will soon be able to buy pizza and have it delivered without having to tip the driver

>> No.9958656


>> No.9958722
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>> No.9958743

If international trade collapses then that's pretty much whatwe can expect

>> No.9958780

what if phone but too much?

>> No.9958818

Your body is closed source. Humans have been trying to reverse engineer it for thousands of years.

>> No.9959133

>and 50.cal machine guns

>> No.9959209

the source code is free and readable to anyone who can read dna. people have been copying and modifying it forever, just not in a very refined or deliberate way.

>> No.9959214

after reverse engineering. It did not come with documentation.

>> No.9959234
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> Self driving vehicle with food

Good luck trying that shit in the ghetto.

That van's going to need some pepper spray and some self defense capabilities.

>> No.9959384

>What if we went back to most families owning a farm, everyone just taking care of themselves for the most part but with modern medicine and gigabit internet?

>Inventing things without the vehicle of civilization that is urban culture

Not gonna happen bro. Every country, every decade, has always had the standing offer to just stop - step aside, say "enough is enough, we're good" and rest on their laurels, building a happier society that is satisfied and doesn't want more. Your ancestors decided against this malaise and slow death so you could have gigabit internet, and you owe it to your children to decide against this so they can have terabit internet.

>> No.9959389

>current rates I'd wager we overdraw those resources in roughly that order.

Shit son if you're so smart buy some phosphor futures and make it rich.

>> No.9959399

>that will be $9.99 plus tip, you have 10 seconds to comply

>Exposing their customer to these terms and conditions

I think you'll find I'm ordering from the Dominos Dominator next time! I bet the DominatorBots are more courteous!

>> No.9959417

Ghetto does not compute... niggers do not tip. OUTSIDE RANGE. DELIVERY DENIED.

>> No.9959431

Is this real life?
I’m serious, is this timeline a parody of the real timeline?

>> No.9959439

Cue The Terminator theme

>> No.9959441

>I wonder what happens when a bunch of people have nothing to do all day. I mean right now it seems like you are more likely to commit crime when you have no job.

Right now they have nothing to do because

A: It is illegal to hire them at the low wages they're worth

B: Even if you do hire them at more than they're worth, they're taxed at close to effectively 100% on the first dollars because making money loses them access to food stamps and other social programs. If you tell somebody "You can get $X in food stamps and welfare for sitting on your ass, or $X+1 in wages for working all day," no shit they're gonna sit on their ass. Or work black market work that won't reduce their welfare.

C: And even if they do decide that they're willing to work all day for just one dollar extra, often work that they're qualified for is illegal to perform - for example. some states require you to have a "medallion" to drive a taxi, a license that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy.

So yeah, no shit, today they sit around doing nothing or do black market work like drug running or similar. If you institute a UBI, you get rid of B, but you'll still have A and C around.

Getting rid of B will probably be enough to get *some* of them into real work - if they can't lose UBI by making money, they'll find a way to make money without running into A and C - furry inflation artist or something.

>> No.9959447


yeah i'm baka desu senpai

>> No.9959455

the driving toaster

>> No.9959469

Imagine getting run over and killed by one of these things.

>> No.9959479

Oh, it's just a manchild doll. I thought it was going to be a robot that could actually walk around. And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.9959500


>> No.9959529


Who says I don't have plans?

"Ninety percent of the phosphate rock reserves are located in just five countries: Morocco, China, South Africa, Jordan and the United States. The U.S., which has 25 years of phosphate rock reserves left, imports a substantial amount of phosphate rock from Morocco, which controls up to 85 percent of the remaining phosphate rock reserves. However, many of Morocco’s mines are located in Western Sahara, which Morocco has occupied against international law."

I mean that sounds like a stable sustainable source of resources for the indefinite future right?

>> No.9959579

kek then it still delivers the pizza with your mangled corpse dragged behind

>> No.9959763

He then had the nerve to comment on my classy choice of headgear! What insolence, what arrogance!

>> No.9959766

Kek. Good call.

>> No.9959839

It's a shitty job desu. There are much better and nicer jobs out there than pizza delivery.

>> No.9959845

But the actual sum of available jobs will shrink to the point that it will have profound effects on the economy and society as a whole.

>> No.9959861 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9959872


what a surprise, a jojo poster who is fucking retarded

>> No.9959880

JoJo is pretty good
But some of the fanbase became horrible after the part 3 anime
Alot of them don't even read or watch JoJo they just like jojo memes

>> No.9959887
File: 614 KB, 1439x1151, DEXATI20180109181145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9960031

>insert my neural net buttplug
>an array of sensors activate along the nerve bundles of my boipucci
>jack in to cyberspace
>there's a queue for p4p4 j0hn5
>activate my latest black market rom
>front of the line
>'one papa nagasaki special'
>wait outside with the vietmanese electrobike gang
>i hope they don't talk to me
>finally my jay zeroes arrives
>'hello i am papa ENFORCER serial X19CB230
>fuck these models are always a bit sketchy
>'please remain still for retinal scan'
>try not to blink so hopefully i don't get splattered
>'identity confirmed please enjoy your za'
>okay thanks for the pizza bye i love you
>so not schway
>the vietmanese fucking shits are all fucking laughing at me
god ordering a pizza is impossible

>> No.9960196
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>> No.9960259
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>See one driving by
>Walk in front of it and get hit
>Get millions of dollars from insurance company

hehe, hopefully no one will murder their ex bf on a hotel near the accident and then looks out the window and sees that it was faked and then she has her memories read by a cute Indian insurance broker and they see that I faked it so I don't get my money. But that will never happen.

>> No.9960366

I don't recall it being faked. I thought he legitimately got hit.

>> No.9960438

You think you're criminal act of fraud is going to get past P4P4-209?

>> No.9960543

I know, but I was sure that it was going to be insurance fraud, but then they didn't do shit with it.

>> No.9960567

>have to walk to the car at the curb
fuck off

>> No.9960760

pizza hut takes half or more of the fee for themselves

>> No.9960945

>Watching Black Mirror after season 1

>> No.9962424
File: 17 KB, 200x200, Tay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the future here?

>> No.9962435

the security cameras attached to the vehicle i'd imagine?

>> No.9962439

Tech really is killing jobs.

>> No.9962443

This thing looks like it's going to freaking cook your pizza.

>> No.9962446

What about in countries without a big tipping culture?

>> No.9962449

>eagle boys makes the bestt pizza in australia
>they are going under
It's not fair.

>> No.9962452

I was thinking it would have a little robot on wheels but I guess a flying drone would make more sense.

>> No.9962453

With a few more advancements in robotics it probably could. But I would think it's more efficient as a simple delivery vehicle. Having to store all those ingredients and the cooking tools would be insanely heavy and I would think energy intensive.

>> No.9962455

Oh boy that sounds great.

>> No.9962456

It is going to cook you're pizza that is the entire point. Pizza arrives literally just out of the oven.

>> No.9962459

Sounds great.

>> No.9962468

>"medallion" to drive a taxi, a license that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy.
We had a problem here in Australia with Uber because uber drivers didn't have to pay for an absurdly expensive licence.

>> No.9962473

Was the remake of this movie any good?

>> No.9962476

I figure they would prepare it at the store then put it in an oven on the vehicle.
Still pretty heavy though.

>> No.9962483
File: 68 KB, 547x800, wtf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait all those are trash what do you mean?!

>> No.9962577

Some people just have shit taste.

>> No.9962619

I'm a pizza dilevery guy and this pissed me off

>> No.9962629

>movie remake
>any good
Oh, yeah, definitely 10/10 ***** Best Picture

>> No.9962633

No, it was ghastly.

If you enjoyed the original, steer well clear.

>> No.9962800

no u

>> No.9962873

>My job was stolen by a robot recently
>At first I was pretty bummed about it
>Then I realized that the robot that stole my job is incapable of emotion
>So the total happiness in the world decreased

>> No.9962943

It's basically just the original but less violent. It's not a horrible movie I guess but it brings nothing new to the table. Stick to the original.

>> No.9963040

Literally the most retarded system.

It's right up there with hair cutting licenses or that case where monks weren't allowed to sell hand-crafted caskets without a years-long morticians education.

It's just some industry going "We're too lazy to provide a good product that people want to buy, let's instead just get a law passed so it's illegal to compete with us."

Hang them all imo.

>> No.9963045


Probably camera everywhere. And you would need a good group to tip this thing likely. Also its fucking pizza hut if you working this hard why dont you get some good pizza.

>> No.9963080

>you can't let everyone drive a taxi! the scum, uneducated, alcoholics and criminals would abuse such systems!
>proceed to create an internal license market and end up only employing scum, undeducated alcoholics and criminals as drivers because gives better margins on the license leasing business
the taxi community needs to burn

>> No.9963122

I will ask for a good looking young man with nerdy fashion

>> No.9963138

Anon those are hot pants

>> No.9963196

How can you not watched this? I watched as a 10 yo kid in open TV

>> No.9963227

Actually the fee is considered the restaurant's. It's usually in fine print that the fee is not a tip. Learned that when I was a driver for a short time.

>> No.9963235

dumping a couple loads in your moms ass would be even more satisfying

>> No.9963446
File: 115 KB, 1080x1440, ancup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually have a whole day of public transport tomorrow. Maybe I should read Snow Crash again to pass the time.
Also looking through Igor Sobolevsky's other work now.

>> No.9963525

>be 2023
>3 feet of snow outside
>power has been out for days
>only the richest have access to food
>Hear a sound outside
>"please remain where you are, this pizza is reserved for a higher social class"
>Fucking pizza bot patrols in their robo truck
>a few starving bums run out at the truck hoping for some free za'
>"step away from the vehicle, you have 10 seconds to comply"
>they keep running at it
>"Activating security protocal 3"
>Pizza Bots open the windows of the car
>gun down the bums until they're but a fine paste
>Pizza Bots vacuum up the remains of the bums for layer use in papa's hot and ready soylent greenza'

>> No.9963530

>tax dollars
Remove that line, man.

>> No.9963537

Sorry pal.

>> No.9963547

>libertarian hasn't seen soylent green

>> No.9963576

>this pissed me off
>I refuse to develop real skills in this world

>> No.9963590

>look down people for being unemployed
>look down on people for working shit jobs
Not him but what the fuck is he supposed to do at the thought of being replaced by a machine? Jump for joy?

>> No.9963623

pls no bully satan

>> No.9963685

Madness is like gravity....

>> No.9963712

Take all my money NOW

>> No.9963982


>> No.9964201

He should probably learn a skill that not everyone has

>> No.9964227

This shit gave me the creeps... it's about 4 seconds from apocalypse and about 12 years into the future. I like the rat-things though.

>> No.9964247


Is that the hitchiking peace ambassador robot that got gang raped in Pittsburg? lol Not sure what else they expected our of that 'experiement'...

>> No.9964254
File: 423 KB, 840x560, 'Mericans Protesting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This shit gave me the creeps... it's about 4 seconds from apocalypse and about 12 years into the future.

That overarmored cop car is simply a evolution of 'Merican society.

>> No.9964388

>what the fuck is he supposed to do
Firstly, I never posted about unemployment. Take your projections elsewhere.
Secondly, being a delivery driver is not sustainable. Vehicle repairs negate any monetary gains you could make in the long term. It's constant hand to mouth as a result. I worked as a delivery driver for years, I am speaking from experience. You wear out vehicles fast driving food for a living. The few "lifers" in the delivery world have *at least* one other side gig, and those that didn't sponged off their parents or went to school (or both).
>"At least I'm not unemployed, don't judge my choice of career!"
If you think being a pizza delivery driver absolves you of further personal growth automating the service industry is the least of your worries.

>> No.9965239
File: 24 KB, 317x432, businesspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you fucking get for promoting your shit tipping custom.

>> No.9965271

Retard hasn't realizing this is a Snow Crash thread AND he thinks ancaps are the same as lolberts.

>> No.9965280

>Niggers Protesting.jpg

>> No.9965312
File: 7 KB, 259x194, Picard Is Tired Of This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>police vehicle
Unless we're talking about light tanks or above you might actually be retarded, or a troll.

Armor protects the peace-officers, and allows them to protect others by providing an effective barricade for themselves and people around them.
>car is dented, shredded and shattered
Over-armored my ass. I've been repeatedly exposed to officers in body-armor responding to mild disturbances. They have always been professional and polite; I'd rather deal with them than the swarm around that car.

>> No.9965337


>> No.9965343

All I'm saying is there's no reason you should be an asshole to him just because he was upset at the idea of losing his job.

>> No.9965379

He's talking about the car in >>9954413 I think. Although that is a privately owned pizza delivery vehicle and not a police car.

It is specifically a pizza delivery vehicle from the novel Snow Crash, which portrays an almost completely anarcho-capitalist society rather than simply a libertarian one. As I recall there was still a tiny remnant of the Govt. left but they were pretty much just a joke.
Very different setting from Soylent Green anyhow.

>> No.9965430

Just imagine all the people jumping in front of those things just because of black mirror.

>> No.9966877

lmao okay grandpa

>> No.9967267
File: 610 KB, 2048x1360, caltrops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would Pizza Hut prevent their competitive local italian pizza joints from using stolen credit cards bought from the dark web to order a bunch of pizzas to an abandoned house then laying a bunch of these in front of the self-driving delivery car's path before it leaves?

Business idea: sell this service to rival pizza companies.

>> No.9967273

>Refuse to tip
>Car starts doing donuts on your lawn until you comply

>> No.9967310

Can't wait to be convicted of a crime by a guinea pig's memory as a result of a self-driving pizza delivery vehicle accident.

>> No.9967317

>wait until dinner rush
>watch pizza hut employees load up delivery-mobile with a stack of hot pizzas
>hop in car and wait for it to pull out
>catch it 2 blocks down at a stop sign and put chock in front of tires

Your move, technology.

>> No.9967337

>swerves into my house because it decided a bird is more important than my living area
>still have to tip

>> No.9967350

>silicone Valley still trying to push the self driving cars meme

>> No.9967378

they can do all the donuts they want, I live in a fucking apartment complex

>> No.9967410

I imagine that would fall under all sorts of corporate espionage and destruction of property laws, you'd be lucky if they didn't jail you rather than just paying a fine.

>> No.9967475

it would probably be hard to get caught doing that IMO

>> No.9967488

If it were so simple they could do that to regular delivery drivers right now, how does the self-driving thing change the situation much?

>> No.9967502

An actual driver would be able to see the caltrops on the road so they would be able to dodge them, and delivery drivers are replaceable with cheap cars, the self-driving delivery vehicle getting taken out of service on a regular basis would probably be an expensive hit to the company.

>> No.9967521

You can distinguish tiny pieces of litter on the road? A camera sensor couldn't? You can't paint those little fuckers?
Your expectation is retarded, the self driving car would have the exact same issues, including just needing run-flat tires or a quick change.
If you want to keep thinking up stupid ideas go to /o/ and see if they don't laugh at you.

>> No.9967534

What's a self driving car going to do even if it can distinguish them littered across the road? Just spread them across both lanes so it can't get around, there's no driver in the car to move them.
If the sensors aren't advanced enough to detect them then the company would also have to pay for damages, whereas large pizza companies like pizza hut and dominos don't cover delivery driver's cars under their own insurance - it's entirely up to the delivery driver to make sure his vehicle is covered by commercial insurance which is usually prohibitively expensive so many of them drive around uninsured.

You clearly aren't thinking these arguments through, you're just trying to be contrarian.

>> No.9967542

It stops and finds another route, or reports back that there's a problem with the path, are you intentionally retarded? There are cars right now that will come to a full stop if an obstruction is in the way, a fully autonomous car would have even more sensors and communication systems.
But if you like go and test your theory and see how much trouble you get into.

>> No.9967655

Yeah if the camera sensors can detect them then the business idea isn't nearly as good, and finding a more effective way to disable them would probably be more worth someone's while.

>> No.9967850

This is a stupid idea, people don't want to walk to the car. Drones would be so much better.

>> No.9968800

>What are cameras
>What are "dash cams"

>> No.9969212

They use this shit in Mexico to rob cars (specially in Puebla and Mexico City)

>> No.9969267

I just think with drones it wouldn't keep it warm, flying through the air like that, especially in the winter or if it rains