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File: 91 KB, 720x960, 1 79 for arizona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9942270 No.9942270 [Reply] [Original]

What did Seattle mean by this?

>> No.9942279

I can't imagine European-origin folks buying those so I am fine with this. I just drink water, and sometimes unsweetened tea. If I want sugar, I will eat a pastry.

>> No.9942294
File: 68 KB, 1200x1000, when you tax sugar to make people less fat and help poor people but you really do it to just pad your pocketbook with stolen money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seattle is run by ass backwards progressives who think they know everything
tacoma seems to be a bit more reasonable

>> No.9942432

they should be more like Florida and just shoot people who buy this

>> No.9942456

Cook County in Chicago implemented a 1 cent on the ounce sugar drink tax. What's Seattle doing?

>> No.9942477

The watermelon ones weren't sold because Seattle has no black people.

>> No.9942513

>drinking anything but water, coffee, tea and booze

>> No.9942529

They got rid of it in December, though.

>> No.9942536

wtf? the tax is almost a whole drink!

>> No.9942540

please go shop somewhere else and put all the local stores out of buisness

>> No.9942546

I fucking hate Americans. Their stupidity makes me despise the human race more than anything niggers and shitskins might do.

>> No.9942577
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lol'ed audibly

>> No.9942579

Sugary drinks have a societal cost (people getting diabeetus, needing insulin, being obese, etc). These are all things you foot the bill for, whether you like it or not. A government "sin-tax" can either offset the costs associated with a particular behavior or it can reduce the attractiveness of that behavior. It makes perfect sense

>> No.9942598

>Sugary drinks have a societal cost
no you retard...fat fucks who cant into self control are the "societal cost"

>> No.9942610

The newest sin tax.

>> No.9942624

You faggots make $15 minimum, stop complaining

>> No.9942631

They don't trust you to not be a fat piece of shit

>> No.9942642

whether you like it or not, what does it say about our society when a 32 ounce can of sugar water (containing well over 60 grams of sugar) costs less than a head of lettuce?

>> No.9942655

The obvious solution here is for the government to stop subsidizing the results of poor life choices rather than making half assed attempts to prevent people from making those choices.

>> No.9942657

It says that corn syrup would be extremely cheap to produce even if there weren't government subsidies making it even cheaper.

>> No.9942658

Making soda is easier and less expensive than growing a head of lettuce. It says our society prices things lower than other things if it takes less to produce them.

>> No.9942672

except that doesn't work. the notion of delayed gratification is important here. the vast majority of people focus on maximizing their short term utility with little to no regard for long term consequences. telling fat poor people once they are sick to go fuck off and die isnt going to prevent the masses from getting fat and poor.

>> No.9942725
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Lol, no it wouldn't. Stop attemting to justify the widespread use of subsidized HFCS in the most obese 1st world country in the world by arguing it would be just as cheap to produce otherwise. Your kind even elected the most obese president since this gentleman, lmao.

>> No.9942738

t. Chink

>> No.9942755

But it WILL cause them to fuck off and die, and if done correctly they'll fuck off and die in such large numbers that the burden no longer becomes one.

>> No.9942756

more sugar in the US comes from beets than from corn. also, sugar is generally pricier in the US than it is in in the rest of the world.

>> No.9942781

or we could just make it more difficult for them to poison themselves and everybody wins xD

>> No.9942782

Nope, bad diet becomes problematic to late in life to cause selection pressure. Dumb poor people breed well before they get their first heart attack. By the time they die from their diet their own spawn is already pregnant.

>> No.9942806


Or maybe we should just kill the retarded and fatties. Eugenics is only evil in the eyes of the genetically unfit, and they're out downfall so...

Really though, it's like cockroaches telling you they'll change. You know they wont so just stomp them out.

>> No.9942812

>and if done correctly
But that is the tricky part. What makes you think the government will suddenly go from being a poorly run gaggle of fuck ups to having their shit together enough to do some thing like this correctly?
Here's a hint, they won't. Because they can't.

>> No.9942815

Fucking collectivists. Taxing stupid shit to pay for minimum wage increases and healthcare for everyone. THATS fair, but a person taking direct responsibility for their health is not their responsibility. Let the tax payers cover that.

>> No.9942833
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>> No.9942834

>he doesn't know about cane sugar quotas
Corn subsidies are not the only thing affecting the relative prices of corn syrup and cane sugar.

>Raw cane sugar, refined sugar, sugar syrups, specialty sugars and sugar-containing products enter the United States under a variety of tariff-rate quotas (TRQs). A tariff-rate quota provides for a low tariff on a certain quantity (the quota amount), and a higher tariff on any quantity above the level of the quota.

>> No.9942836
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but if we killed all the retards we wouldn't have posts like yours to chuckle at

>> No.9942947

They are genetically fit though. To be genetically fit is to procreate and have your offspring procreate. Anything else is noise.

In that sense dumb poor people tend to be more fit than highly educated elites because those tend to reproduce below replacement rate.

Of course if you were to prohibit them from procreating and succeed they would no longer be fit, and that's a valid tactic, but not a very realistic one.

>> No.9942961

>Country get a female ruler
>Beers go from 90 cents to $3.50 dollars
Do not make this mistake.

>> No.9942975


>> No.9942988

>Sugar beverage tax
It's only a matter of time before you dipshits leave your metro shitholes and bring your retarded fucking taxes with you

>> No.9942998

>These are all things you foot the bill for
But I don't, because I don't pay for your healthcare.
>It makes perfect sense
Not if I don't want a nanny state it doesn't.

>> No.9943012

It's over. It lasted like 4 months before the Apu Lobby took it down.

>> No.9943027

Puerto Rico, guess that I should had said non-country.

>> No.9943056

not as bad as my state having a sales tax on amazon,newegg etc.
my gpu cost $12 in taxes, the shipping was $8
fuck taxes

>> No.9943081

Did you get fucked by the hurricane? I haven't kept up with the news. I wonder if things are back to normal yet?

>> No.9943114



>> No.9943134

the best part when they tried this in NY was the penalty didn't get applied to any beverages with diary in them
so you couldn't drink a soda but you could drink a double whipped strawberry cocamappafrappo from starcucks which contained more sugar as well as more fat
and of course they wouldn't dare apply this to alcohol which also has more calories than sugar while providing nothing beneficial to your body

its just progressives testing the water to see how far they can push tyranny before feeling push back from the people.
they want the loyalist scum to say "ugh, its just sugar, get over it you fat fuck". Yeah, its just sugar NOW. You need to draw the line in he sand before they go after something important, not after

>> No.9943146

>Did you get fucked by the hurricane?
Yes. I still don't have electrical power. Thing are slowly going back to normal.

>> No.9943156
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>I am disappoint.

>> No.9943888

The tax is only 40 cents, the shop owner is lying to you.

>> No.9943899
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>he thinks they don't tax alcohol

>> No.9943991
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Their alcohol tax is retarded too

>> No.9944000

Remember tax is just institutionalized theft.

>> No.9944005

Is it seriously a 40% tax? thats insane

>> No.9944008

You talk like a fucking 12 year old who watches fatpeoplehate videos on YouTube. Yeah you fucking dumb fucking retard, it would be good if fatties just died right?? But guess what, it's not gonna just happen like that. You fucking stupid think asshole, if I meet you in real life I will actually fucking kill you

>> No.9944009
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>> No.9944040

so is drinking this shit

>> No.9944068

I will not remember that because it's retarded.
Taxes are part of the economic system we have that defines property rights in our society.
The government is the arbiter of property rights.
We choose to recognize limits on ownership of every dollar in your paycheck for example because taxes let our society do lots of shit it otherwise wouldn't be able to. If people had to voluntarily give to the government, no individual would take a macroeconomic perspective in giving. Our infrastructure, systems, and law enforcement would be shittier and weaker. So we write the obligation to pay taxes into our social contract.

>> No.9944095

They didn't choose to make an exception for Starbucks liquid candy. It's just that they didn't want to risk making drinks with nutritional value more expensive.
A tax that contains the cost of a product or service on other people is sensible. If people who tend to consume purple drank later get sick and overutilize social programs to cover healthcare costs that are otherwise meant to help citizens legitimately fallen on hard times, that imposes a cost on everyone else.
Peoples' actions sometimes impose a cost on others. That is why regulation is important to protect freedom. Taxes are one mechanism by which regulation can function.

>> No.9944105

TL;DR I'm a bootlicker

>> No.9944125

t. British redcoat
The founding fathers would've been against federal taxes of any form. It was the reason we had the revolution in the first place. The federal government was never supposed to have social programs, build infrastructure, or have huge overarching bureaucratic systems full of unelected officials. The government is shit at using my money.

>> No.9944138

>The government is shit at using my money.
The government has done a great deal of good, for all its shortcomings. Medicare is much more popular than private insurance for folks who utilize it.
It also doesn't help that people keep electing folks that vow to destroy the government and then talk about how the government doesn't work.

>> No.9944156

So is the zero calorie arnold palmer one tax free or is this just some bullshit? Also fuck lite and full sugar, I only like the diet.

>> No.9944161

It's .0175 per ounce. .0175 x 23 = .4025

>> No.9944166

Taxes fund our oppressive and evil military industrial complex. Without taxes. there'd be no militaries in the world to genocide each other.

>> No.9944175

Somewhat reasonable, but:
A slight tax will not deter people buying sugary products, at all.

>> No.9944184

how about just changing federal food stamp guidelines to restrict food stamps from being able to pay for sodas?

>> No.9944194

Medicare is shit and is bankrupting our government. Healthcare is not a right and a doctor has every right to insure that they are paid for their work. Anyone who has some semblance of a job has healthcare already through their employer.

>> No.9944197

The vast majority of people do not waste their ebt on buying junk food and ridiculous restrictions usually leads to more people abusing the system. Plus your fat ass requiring ambulances to need sturdier guaranies or subway seats needing to be bigger has nothing to do with the poor

>> No.9944201


There is no choice between whether you have government or not. We have examples of societies without rule of law. The consequence is a feudal society, where there is no single authority with a monopoly on force.

Government is a given; the best we can do is hope that we get to live under a government that is self-sustaining, representative, meritocratic, and recognizes basic human rights.
There aren't many systems humans have devised that check all of those boxes. Constitutional Republic is one of those. You can play around with that to some degree like parliamentary system or federal system but for the most part you need a constitutional republic with separation of powers.

>> No.9944205
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>subsidize the corn industry
>corn industry makes HFCS the main sweetener for sugary drinks
>tax sugary drinks

>> No.9944226

>Doesn't have electric power
>Somehow posts on 4chan
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9945432


>> No.9945448
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>> No.9945556
File: 36 KB, 528x444, 1475219394828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ethical consumption
>big sodies make people fyat and not a substratum of serious cultural problems related to consumerism
>it's like 'gooder' & stuff cause we get xtra money to embezzle :-)

I mean it's mad cool that you roleplay as a mother jones subscriber on 4chan for replies but still

>> No.9945596

Taxation is theft. Taxation is rape. Taxation is genocide.

>> No.9945615

It is actually a problem for people who use the excuse that soda is cheaper than bottled water in areas were the tap taste like piss

>> No.9945635

And you have faggots like these, who are somehow worse at basic economics than communists.

>> No.9945649


>> No.9945651
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>when someone questions the divine right of kings

>> No.9945736

what the fuck

>> No.9945791

>Damn liberal utopians keep on going about "private property" as if serdom isn't transhistorial

>> No.9945839

No one pays healthcare taxes anymore. Other then Medicaid which Is for old people. That needs to go away to.

>> No.9945842
File: 130 KB, 640x480, E66B5BF2-C2AE-4570-ADB7-E4BEF572ADFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, they were against the British, because they paid taxes without representation. With some other minor conflicts like the quartering act. Basically they were treated like a separate territory with all of the negatives, and few of the positives.

>> No.9947417

One production line taking up the space of an average family house can produce 1000+ cans per minute. A head of lettuce can't be made that quickly.

>> No.9947438

i fear you are wasting your time trying to explain things.

>> No.9947798

If he doesn't have Healthcare then yes you do pay for it. Tax payers cover the cost of people who don't pay their hospital bills

>> No.9947917

I saw this today at Safeway. I didn't care cause my Coke Zero and zero calorie Monster wasn't taxed. The government wants the money to pay to have these gross ass refugees in this Seattle.

>> No.9947958

based NH and WY

>> No.9947984

Is this a literal fat tax? I thought that was just a joke.

>> No.9948000

>Tax payers cover the cost of people who don't pay their hospital bills
No, we don't. Hospitals send that shit out to collections, the government doesnt reimburse them.

>> No.9948151

Can confirm. I got a debt collector's bill 2 weeks after I asked the hospital to reevaluate their ludicrous bill that was over 2x what it should have been after they abstained from sending me a bill for a month. Fuck hospitals.

>> No.9948718

Everyone with discipline loses because of the excessive taxation. Nobody cares whether they breed or die or live miserably so long as others aren't forced to pay for it.

>> No.9948732

I would rather take taxes on something I don't even drink over taxing everybody

>> No.9948747

>it's ok because it doesn't affect me
Anon they're using sugary drinks as a stepping stone. Next thing you know they'll impose an unhealthy food tax.

>> No.9948952

And is that really bad? To keep idiots from loading up on junk food all the time? You'd still be able to afford treats, it's only bad when it adds up because you're buying so much.

>> No.9948994

yeah, it is bad. Taxes are already too high, and its none of the governments business what you eat

also these taxes are super regressive, so you would think actual leftist would hate them, but in fact they are the only supporters of them because leftists are hypocrites who don't understand economics

>> No.9949008

t. took econ 1 and learned what externality means

>> No.9949048

Do you really think a small rise in prices would stop fatties from loading up on their sugary addictions? Real change in diet comes from social pressure, not big daddy government telling you what you can and can't eat.

>> No.9949065

>gross ass refugees in this Seattle
Somalis? Syrians?

>> No.9949082

They had the soda tax in Chicago for a while. I drink soda about twice a week and with the soda tax in place I ended up moving it down to once a week and everytime I bought I soda I was annoyed with myself. Its effective but everyone hates it

>> No.9949315

americans have some of the lowest taxes of developed countries, what are you talking about

>> No.9949317

still too high

>> No.9949319

That's because every other developed country went full socialism and needs to hike up their taxes to pay for everything. US Corporate taxes are still one of the highest in the world.

>> No.9949328

8 replies and all of them are just whining/stamping their feet

>> No.9949347

The government does not have the right to socially engineer our diet. Nowhere in our constitution is this allowed

>> No.9949353


Only reason there are so many obese people is because they can depend on Medicare/Medicaid

zoning laws are also to blame

>> No.9949359

Some people like being told what they can and can't do by big daddy government.

>> No.9949403

i feel like you/many others in the thread complaining about the tax are also the same type of people who would complain about having to pay for others' healthcare, ironically. how do you square that? raising the prices for this poison is the one quick thing that will have a tangible effect on the consumption. "social pressure" give me a break; that will absolutely not work for the majority of obese people with these ingrained habits; they have no shame to put it plainly

>> No.9949436

>that will absolutely not work for the majority of obese people with these ingrained habits
With that attitude it won't. Smoking used to be socially acceptable and a workplace necessity until they launched the campaign against smoking. We'd save more money in the long run by promoting societal change.

>> No.9949440

Regardless of whether this will have a net good on society, the government does not and should not have the right to engineer us like this

>> No.9949458

Being someone who lives in Washington it is fucking bullshit to even live comfortably you need to make around 200,000-300,000 a year

>> No.9949479
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Yes keep paying your taxes. We're hiking them up next year so we can pay for another Amtrak rail that no one will use.

>> No.9949501

>US Corporate taxes are still one of the highest in the world.
You're an idiot. In the 50's the corporate tax rate was 50% and it funded the greatest spurt of growth in US history. Ironically, the 50's is what you tard garglers want to go back to, conveniently ignoring why the US prospered. Good luck, the failure of the current tardation will show in the polls and the hammering will resound like Wotan's son, Donner's hammer.

>> No.9949512

>And is that really bad?
>Please Daddy Government, tell me how to live my life!

>> No.9949527

>funding growth spurts
Ireland used to have a sub-50% corporate tax rate but they cut it to the teens in the 90's. Their economy went from recession to massive growth. I'll be laughing all the way to the bank while the S&P continues to make record highs.

>> No.9949533
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>> No.9949542

Seattle has the highest concentration of black people in all of Washington State.

>> No.9949556

i wish my city had functioning public transport. maybe next century

>> No.9949562

So seattle has like, five black people?

>> No.9949564

The 99 cent Arizona Iced Tee for 1.79 or the sugar tax?

>> No.9949567

Jokes is that they built an Amtrak rail but the train crashed and killed almost a dozen on its first go around because it went 80+ mph on a 30 mph stretch.

>> No.9949575

There's a few more than that. I sometimes see more than one at a time on the streets of Seattle and I've had to work with several of them back when I had a shitty call center job in Seattle.

>> No.9949582

i thought those arizona teas weren't allowed to be sold for more than 99 c

>> No.9949597

They're not, they're sold at $0.99, and then taxed to make them more expensive.

It's fucking stupid and I don't think the city should be doing it like this. I'm glad I don't live in the city proper.

>> No.9949608

>It's fucking stupid and I don't think the city should be doing it like this

basically anyone with any knowledge of public health would say you're wrong

this is one of the things america desperately needs becuase every single person who is poor is fat and they are all fat because of sugar drinks

>> No.9949622

>and they are all fat because of sugar drinks
No, they're all fat because they make poor choices in what to eat and they don't exercise. Taxing them for drinks might help them loose 10 pounds, but it's not going to make fat people thin.

>> No.9949625

The US grew because it embraced capitalism while Europe literally destroyed itself

>> No.9949631

public transport is a complete waste of money unless you live in a super densely populated city, of which there are very few in America

>> No.9949633

Yes, it will, in fact, make fat people thin. We had to do the same thing to stop them from smoking.

Your input/viewpoint aren't really cared for as you don't understand the issue and aren't involved in public health. Having a "voice" on here does not mean your words are worth anything. Young people really don't get that.

>> No.9949648

You're an idiot.

>> No.9949668

>public transport is a complete waste of money

is being "too american" a legitimate mental issue

>> No.9949718

you seem to not understand america

it isnt supposed to be a collectivist group. The country was founded on a simple ideal "fuck off, I'll do what I want and it's not your problem so don't make it your problem"

if you want to get diabetes and lose a foot because your drank coke, that's all the more reason why we shouldn't socialize healthcare

>> No.9949750

In super densely populated Euro cities it often isn't, but in the vast majority of American cities it is not worth the resources put into it

>> No.9949847

You, like every other European, literally cannot comprehend that America is significantly larger than Europe

All of your cities are 5 minutes away from each other and have 20 million people. For me to drive across North Carolina is probably a longer distance than you have traveled in your life. Why can't Europeans understand this?

Literally incapable of understanding. Sad

>> No.9949868
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>> No.9949871

Yes thanks that's what I said

>> No.9949890

Somalians, Iraqis, those brown Asians I'm not sure what country they're from. I'm sure that isn't all of them.

>> No.9950292

who cares stop buying soda...not that difficult

>> No.9950306

If you can has more than 5 grams of sugar than it should be banned.

>> No.9950956

There are thousands of welfare leeching niggers hanging around downtown Seattle selling drugs. Go around the King County Courthouse (big surprise) and you'll find them on the streets all around it.

>> No.9950958

Why are they using baseball bats? All they have to do to break those scales is to step on them.

>> No.9950979

Australian government is debating on introducing this tax. The beverage industry said no (obv.), that the tax won't assist with decreasing obesity. Has it made a difference in your state? Has it affected they way you buy soda?

This is coming from a country where a pack of cigarettes is $40 and our government purposefully fucked up our $100bn fiber-optic internet installation so an old man could secure screening rights to Game of Thrones.

>> No.9951038

So you're against tobacco taxes too?

>> No.9951171

The interesting thing in Aus is that the tax on cigarettes makes smokers have a net benefit.
The tax is so large that the total smoking tax the average smoker pays in their life exceeds the cost to the government from smoking related medical care.
I guess I am I'm support of that because the majority of the enjoyment from smoking comes from the addictive properties of tobacco.

With sugar I am torn. Sugar is enjoyable without being addicted.
High sugar products can benefit all consumers, where as the health care costs are only result from the addicted consumers.
(This is different from cigarettes where addicted smokers make up almost all smokers.)
And so it does not seem appropriate to apply additional costs to all sugar consumers when only a portion of them have a negative externality.

Another issue I have with sugar tax. Sugar (in beverages) is not solely responsible for trash health, there's fastfood, candy, people's sedentary lifestyles and hatred for vegetables and many other things. This wont be solved by taxing one thing.

>> No.9951448

fun fact: Arizona tea will stop supplying to places that dont sell it for 99 cents.

>> No.9951458

I'm ok with this
that's 4chan for "about twelve"

I remember my first trip to europe I legitimately expected the place to be full of burqas and minarets

imagine my surprise when it was whiter than the US

>> No.9951463

Fucking stupid, everyone knows its the HFCS that's making people fat.

>> No.9951540

Dude sugar is more addicting than tobacco
Have you tried to cut sugar out completley?
I mean fuck . You ever see /fit/ on a cheat day?

But anyways if people wanted to loose weight we whould just start putting caffeine and cocaine in our drinks instead of sweeteners and sugars.
Or maybe we should subsidize appetite supressants?

I feel this tax in america is to push out sugar for the more carcinogenic, more unhealthy for you and almost completley undisgestable "sweeteners" like aspertame, stevia and sweet n low.

Some people think they are working towards a "caloric luxury tax" but they aint taxing fast food or fat or salt. They are taxing drinks.
Which the end of the slippery slope will be a water tax becuase the amount of potable water is dwindling quick.
Read: nestle buying up water rights, flint michigan.
If you a portland newfag the tap water you drink or shower in contains about 2% shit and urine becuase of old infracstructure and hobos shitting and pissing everywhere esp in the reservoirs.

>> No.9951544
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Forgot my pic

>> No.9951575

>Soon after Coca-Cola hit the market, Pemberton fell ill and nearly bankrupt. Sick and desperate, he began selling rights to his formula to his business partners in Atlanta. Part of his motivation to sell actually derived from his expensive continuing morphine addiction

>> No.9951581

>Have you tried to cut sugar out completley?
Yeah, I was a fatfuck through my childhood and then I found /fit/.
I went all of 2015 with no sugar except for special occasions. It really wasn't hard to quit. Exercising regularly was more difficult.
I have sugar more frequently now, but still at healthy levels.
Which is one factor into why I don't like sugar tax. I think there are quite a lot of people like me.

>push out sugar for the more carcinogenic
Why do you think they want to push something carcinogenic in?

Also, there is no good research suggesting they are carcinogenic.

>> No.9951650

Thats disgusting. Good thing no sales tax here and I work under the table basically only to not pay income tax

>> No.9951661

>If you a portland newfag the tap water you drink or shower in contains about 2% shit
Fuck. Is this true?

>> No.9951686

literally nobody on planet earth has 100% self control over everything

oh but you do, right? prove it then. leave 4chan and never come back. it should be easy right? i mean you just have to into self control as you say.

>> No.9951705

The artificial sweetners are more akin to plastic than sugar.
They slow down metabolic processes so any carbs and calories you got while eating regular sugar would be stored as fat instead.

Dont know much on stevia since it recently hit the market.

Licorache is sweeter than sugar and also helps digestion.

>> No.9951712

True facts portland and surrounding areas used to have days and weeks were you had to boil your water.
If you didnt watch news or radio you were fucked.

>> No.9951853

someone against taxes is a NEET?

>> No.9951863

usually NEET, sometimes just poorly educated blue collar scum with zero understanding of how the developed world actually works

>> No.9951868

I fail to see how a NEET would be against taxes.

>> No.9951874

NEETs don't pay any taxes you stupid eurocuck.

>> No.9951881

NEETs love to LARP as productive people. their idea of "productive" comes largely from angsty randroid type fanfic
I'm American, next

>> No.9951883

if anything they take taxes.
you sound incredibly delusional and mentally ill.

>> No.9951887

you'd be surprised by how many NEETs on SSDI are right wing fuckwads, or at least pretend to be on the internet

>> No.9951889

that's hilarious.
do you know of any? what are they like?

>> No.9951892

Poor people also don't pay any taxes. In fact, most of them get more money back after filing because of all the tax credits.
T. Someone who volunteered to do taxes at their local tax place for a few years

>> No.9951893

no U
correct. the far-right narrative validates their sense of persecution and alienation

>> No.9951896

Anon can just get ban if he wanted to do that. >>9942598 post a shit ton of titties right now.

>> No.9951900

right, working poor are more likely to grasp the concept of a progressive tax code, EITC, and so on, compared to hikki NEET alex jones types

but working poor are also less educated and thus more susceptible to propaganda about how if we could only abolish gubmint and have security guards instead of cops, anime would be real also muh gold standard

>> No.9951910

No the poor have very little knowledge of the tax code other than 'if I have more babies I get more child tax credits'. I've seen a mother and a grandmother fight over who got to claim a child on their tax return.