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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9942802 No.9942802 [Reply] [Original]

First attempt at Yorkshire putting‘s. What does /ck/ think?

>> No.9942811

Where do you live lad I'll come round and have a bite I'm fuckin starvin

>> No.9942820


>> No.9942821

not enough oil in the tins

>> No.9942827

Well what the fuck are you doing making Yorkshire puddings there lad. Misappropriating my culture that I'll smash you up cunt

>> No.9942828

not bad, OP! i'd eat one for sure. next time use slightly more oil and slightly less batter per tin!

>> No.9942831

Because they look delicious and I’ve always wanted to try one.

>> No.9942840

Thanks for the tip. I also think I could you slightly larger tins. Or are they Supposed to be slightly moist and doughy inside?

>> No.9942859

Why don't you show us what the insides look like

>> No.9942870

They should be a litttttle moist and doughy, but not overly so! Show us the crumb!

>> No.9942878

The only "putting" you need to be doing is putting a 12 gauge in your mouth and pulling the fucking trigger

>> No.9942889
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>> No.9942904

Yeah great photo bud

>> No.9942905

I cooked him for almost 30 minutes. Recipe called for 15 to 20 they look way too moist inside to me.

>> No.9942906

I can only get a boxed frozen version here in Canada and those look way better

>> No.9942910

shut up faggot

>> No.9942917
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I wonder how many americans have done this same thing, lol.

>> No.9942925

Here's the recipe.
>inb4 meme chef

>> No.9942929

Again, not bad! I think some of the issue might have been having too much batter in each little muffin tin.

>> No.9942946
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ok. I'll try them again soon and post results.Here's the meal

>> No.9942949

All of you fucking faggots shut the fuck up. Fucking Canadians and amerimutts you shut your fucking mouths. Don't know fucking shit about Yorkshire puddings. Come see me in Yorkshire I'll break all your fucking jaws off fucking cunts

>> No.9942955
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>> No.9942964

Are you at high altitude?

>> No.9942978

yup. About 6,000 feet. Didn't even think about that

>> No.9942983

Actually 5,300

>> No.9943019


Altitude probably played a factor. Try increasing your oven temp a bit, maybe 25-50 degrees and keeping a close eye on the cooking.

>> No.9943026

not many british meals look appetizing to me, let alone a meal with out meat. but this looks fucking tasty. I do love peas and onions.
the Only time I seen this dish prepared was on the cooking with jack show, maybe you've heard of it. search it on youtube if you haven't. His didn't look this appetizing if I remember correctly

>> No.9943032

will do.

>> No.9943037

nothing that guy cooks looks appetizing

>> No.9943038

can a uk fag correct me but I think they're typically paired with a roast beef?

>> No.9943045

careful with that edge, faggot.

>> No.9943051

Yes, they're a typical accompaniment of the sunday roast. Some actually use beef drippings as the fat for cooking them.

>> No.9943054

so you've heard of him.
I thought it was a comedy channel. I don't expect it to look good
the whole jesus thing gets old though

>> No.9943066

Thought so. I'm sure the fried chicken is good but it just looks off to what I've seen in the past for a Sunday roast

>> No.9943083

I get most of my recipes from Jack. His Party Cheese Salad is a lifesaver in the summer.

>> No.9943113

wait you're at high altitude? that changes it a lot. definitely bump up the oven by 25F

>> No.9943117

yeah, that's just what I had in the freezer. I would definitely like to do the with beef drippings next time

>> No.9943142

Post pics next time I'm just a Canada fag but I grew up with a Scottish nan who would cook stuff for us that was amazing. I wish I had one of her French fry (chip) sandwiches right now. Pork pies, sausage rolls, and Cornish pasties Are amazing too

Really wanna try a scotch egg

>> No.9943164

looks good

>> No.9943173

I don't know if that's "correct" or "proper" but, I would eat that no problem. Looks good imo.

>> No.9943180

OP here, those are all things I want to try as well.

>> No.9943208

I'm lucky enough to have a Scottish and Irish store in my city so I can have those things. Pork pies are my fav - it's kinda wired having a fatty cold pork pie but man it's good

Wonder what haggis is like too

>> No.9943239

>tfw 420blazeit with a friend years ago
>tfw go out for a walk
>tfw get hungry
>tfw "should we go to the bakery?"
>tfw "senpai it's 2:30 in the am"
>tfw "it's cool it's open 24 hours"
>tfw follow him
>tfw go down dingy back lane
>tfw suddenly a tiny brick building with the door open and music on
>tfw walk in
>tfw there's about a dozen people inside baking things
>tfw "can I help you m8?"
>tfw "yeah can I have 3 sausage rolls, 2 pork pies and 2 donuts?"
>tfw takes them fresh off a tray and puts them in a bag (separate bags obviously)
>tfw "70 pence m8"

I'm not sure if it's just because I was high, but it was pretty bizarre, especially for how cheap it was. The sausage rolls weren't even those dinky shitty ones they were like a foot long. Absolute GOAT bakers, I was gutted when I found out they pulled it down. I mean I'm British so it's not that they're hard to get, but the fact it was open all hours and you could probably sample the whole selection for about £3 makes it GOAT.

>> No.9943253

Canada fag here. I don't even know what a pence is but all that sounds amazing. If I weren't so drunk I'd go to the store and grab some sausage rolls

>> No.9943277

>no golf ball's in sight

>> No.9943287

Pence is Britspeak for Pennies or Cents.

Anon got his late night snack for nearly nothing.

>> No.9943294

i admit I was phoneposting for the pic. voice to text fucked that up

>> No.9943313

>phoneposting for the pic
enjoy your ban

>> No.9943324

Ooh that's what a pence is. Lucky you man. We don't have pennies/cents here anymore

A Fkn pork pie is over five bugs here. Sausage rolls (like little dinky ones) are 3.99

Well done

>> No.9943333
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>banned for phoneposting.
Site traffic would drop 50%

>> No.9943337
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A man can dream.

>> No.9943341

wait...leafs don't have pennies anymore?

>> No.9943348

those are clearly muffins

>> No.9943353

Not for a couple years

>> No.9943384
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>tfw no more it's the McChicken posts

>> No.9943515

If you have spare Yorkshires after the meal they're very good with butter, cream and Jam.

>> No.9943522

Thanks. That sounds like a very good Sunday morning .

>> No.9944829

>Yorkshire putting‘s
Yorkshire puddings.

You need a tin with wider holes, and to not put so much batter in each hole. They're meant to be able to hold gravy.

Definitely too much batter.

They're not for americans. They're not independently delicious, but soak up the flavours of the meat-grease and gravy they're sat in in the plate.

They're meant to be eaten with roast beef and trimmings. Maybe other roasts as well.
Traditionally, you use the dripping to make the gravy, which then soaks into the puddings.
At least, that's how my mother was taught to do it by her mother, and she's from Yorkshire.

>> No.9944844

>If you have spare Yorkshires after the meal
You're doing sunday dinner wrong.

You finish the damn yorkshires, dammit. You get seconds of the meat, more potatoes/veg, more gravy, and you keep going until you physically cannot eat more.
Sunday lunch is meant to top you up on calories for the week, and store enough fat on your bones that you can make it through the working week of manual labour.

Work with your hands in the cold, keep warm by working harder, eat hearty to get the calories back. That's what traditional british food is portioned for. You're meant to be pretty damn hungry by the time you hit mealtime.

>> No.9944854

>so you've heard of him.
...do you know where you are?

>> No.9944855

heres a smug britfag who has to talk with his head tilted back...he will show you how to make PROPAH YORKSHIYAH PUTTINS

>> No.9944967
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Look kind of odd

Maybe too much batter and potentially oven too low, and use a tin with sloped sides rather than vertical desu

As much as I loathe him, Jamie Oliver's recipe is best desu

>> No.9944975
File: 189 KB, 1366x768, BEAUTIFUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is a proper yorkshire puddin'

>> No.9945142

As a yorkshireman I would they look pretty good but might have been in a little too long you don't want them getting too hard.

>> No.9945150

It was probably catmeat

>> No.9945159

Those are popovers

>> No.9945241


Be quiet, Hull.

>> No.9945781

Sugar and lemon juice. They're just confused pancakes really.

>> No.9946501
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you forgot the curds and gravy, buddy

>> No.9946507
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x720, AuthenticYorkshirePudding.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get better

>> No.9946517
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I would never be that lucky.

>> No.9948019

pass the onion gravy.

>> No.9949974

they look great.
i usually get 12 from the batter i make
they come out a little smaller
and i just use bacon grease
yorkies are a great featured side for roast & poultry
if there’s gravy, you’re good to go

>> No.9950311


>> No.9950329
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Inferior looking but acceptable. I'd love to have them in the morning but fuck doing anything for at least an hour or two.

You give me something like that 30 minutes from waking up and I'll give you a reach-around. Throw in some good beer or mead and we'll discuss further terms.

>> No.9950357

>yorkies in the morning
Bitch what?

>> No.9950386
File: 44 KB, 641x476, Come At Me Brah 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not consuming calories, nutrients, and brotein in the morning
Enjoy your husked grain cereal with skim "milk".