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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 137 KB, 1280x720, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9939994 No.9939994 [Reply] [Original]

This is what you get when you order pizza in Nigeria.

>> No.9939997

looks alright. I'd eat it
as long as the fucking animals preparing it washed the shit off their hands before making it

>> No.9940005

I knew a kenyan girl. From the way she acted and her strories it sounded like she grew up in a first world country with an african twist. I don't think africa is these days what the res cross makes it out to be.

>> No.9940010

love me some 'gos 'za. with extra beetles.

>> No.9940013

What all is on this???

>> No.9940020

>first world country with an african twist
So 90% more AIDS, human trafficking and beheadings?

>> No.9940131

It's really not. Two common misconceptions about Africa are 1. It can be generalized as one region (Africa is fucking HUGE) and 2. It's entirely underdeveloped

>> No.9940144

most of those countries have a middle class that live as well as westerners

but there's not as many of them

>> No.9940187

The Sahara Desert is the same size as the Continental United States. Africa is a huge and diverse continent.

>> No.9940191

That doesn't look awful. There's a place for alt pizza just as is there is for regular. Problem is very few places you can get good examples of both.

>> No.9940346 [DELETED] 
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>eating nigger shit
>paying to eat nigger shit

>> No.9940377
File: 17 KB, 230x287, 5DD8D6E9-8037-4497-9F5C-85ADF2316263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets banned from /b/
>posting like you are still on /b/

>> No.9940548
File: 239 KB, 320x179, giphy2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true nigger.

>> No.9940549

Reported. Global rule 2, you stupid fucking child.

>> No.9940550

still better than any American "pizza"

>> No.9940552 [DELETED] 

Reported for announcing reporting. :^)

>> No.9940556



>> No.9940694

Of course they did. Where else did you think they got the water to make the dough?

>> No.9940769

>Safe food practices
pick one

>> No.9941010

Looks better than Amerishart “food” tbqh

>> No.9941039


>> No.9941658


>> No.9941713

looks like lahmacun

>> No.9941731

why would you order a pizza in Nigeria?
Nigerian cuisine isn't just monkey brains and ebola sandwiches, all kinds of barbecued meats would be good

>> No.9941815
File: 1.86 MB, 239x318, your tears are delicious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw europeans can't even use proper parts of speech

>> No.9941872



>> No.9941895
File: 31 KB, 636x358, 157899542563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average Eurotrash dish

>> No.9941904

Kenya is borderline normal.

>> No.9941935

You're a mong for ordering a pizza in Nigeria instead of actual Nigerian cuisine which is actually good.

>> No.9941968

Yeah, like, ebola infected bushmeat and yam flakes, yumm.

>> No.9941974
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>Nigerian cuisine

>> No.9941989
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>> No.9942016

There are some extremely poor parts of Africa where people live in mud houses and walk for hours to get water (makes you wonder why they didn't build their mud houses near the water) but other parts are really civilized

>> No.9942266

It's rat you'll never know

>> No.9942366

Still better than what you get when you order pizza in Sweden.

>French fries

>> No.9943149

Oh yeah for sure especially with the huge population of Somalis, fucking dumbass.

Somalis are the worst of the worst

>> No.9943243

i guess they're making the best of a bad situation

>> No.9943256

>bad situation
>too retarded to breed the chickens for meat and eggs
I guess

>> No.9943258

I thought for a second that was a large slice of butter melting in the centre

>> No.9943295

You can literally see that they have a chicken in the webm, get you eyes checked

>> No.9943299
File: 17 KB, 333x459, when someone says you african american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you forgot your cultural enrichment white boi

>> No.9943314

Hence the part about too retarded to take advantage of it, the entirety of the post you just replied to

>> No.9943612

>makes you wonder why they didn't build their mud houses near the water
Then the houses would get wet and melt whenever the river flooded

>> No.9943758

>sweden muslim population @ 5%
>sweden is muslim
Nice histrionics, 56%er!

>> No.9943798

This is the story of every African you'll meet in the US, unless they are literal war refugees. Africa is a big ass place and despite the outdated jokes people say about how a few countries were in the 80s, the cities have all the modern things you'd expect. Africa is the leading continent when it comes to mobile payments, they basically skipped plastic cards

>> No.9943892
File: 313 KB, 600x800, patrick-star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you get when you order a pizza in the middle of taiwan

>> No.9943927

I'm disgusted yet intrigued

>> No.9943935

>little sleeping bags for broccoli
clearly an adorable metaphor for cute ladybois

>> No.9943958

I'm almost afraid to ask, but: what are the orange and yellow things?

>> No.9943981

Idk, an homage to an empreror?

>> No.9943990

maybe they have just the one chicken maybe click clack clickey took there only rooster to the local cock fights and lost when the warlord brought in his champion rooster whos really a tamed cheetah with some feathers glued to it

>> No.9943996

Tomatoes that dried during the cooking
Yellow centerpiece is a cut of lemon

>> No.9944076

Because she was rich. But down the road from her house millions live in slums

>> No.9944203

Which city in which country is a slum to millions of people?

>> No.9944220

Rio, Brazeel

>> No.9944239

maybe people prefer the chicken to give the most eggs it can before eating it?

>> No.9944281

Can you show me where in Africa that place is? Google shows nothing

>> No.9944282

That looks good as fuck desu

>> No.9944318

it wasn't, the dough wasn't bad but the red stuff tasted like meat with generic taco seasoning and the cheese was like non dairy ricotta. was literally called patrick star on the menu.

>> No.9944706

>calls someone a child
>reports them for saying a word that made you cry

>> No.9944772

It is literally more efficient to just eat mosquitoes than to feed them to chickens and waste 90% of the energy as heat.

Also I'm not sure how good chickens are at catching mosquitoes or their larvae

>> No.9945631
File: 42 KB, 540x677, 1491238358427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you're the child here lol

>> No.9945697
File: 1.25 MB, 1270x954, i spy with my little eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sucks rulebook penis
>doesn't realize that you could get reported for vocally reporting someone
How quaint.

>> No.9945703

Read global 7, then go back to your containment site

>> No.9945786

We got a geographical expert here, people.

>> No.9945827

Nairobi, Kenya

>> No.9945840
File: 52 KB, 600x400, addis_ababa02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nairobi is a cager shit hole that's trying it's best to become like the Los Angeles of Africa

Fuck that place, Addis Ababa >>>>> Nairobi

>> No.9945882

i like it

>> No.9945891

>t. someone too stupid to live in Africa

>> No.9945990

Maybe they like the exercise

>> No.9945999

she probably had some serious security at her house. Like a wall with spikes on the top, an electric fence, and bars over all the windows

>> No.9946030
File: 1.94 MB, 480x272, 1505002443474.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw feeling a little peckish

>> No.9946054

Better than eating those mudcakes with zero nutritional value. They just make you a bit more full and force your digestive system to push stuff trough.

>> No.9946113

Let's be honest, it probably taste better than OP's pizza

>> No.9946117

>that hard dry crust to toppings ratio

>> No.9946124

Ass look so good ima eat that booty
Ass on my face today, I look like Mooney
Call me Paul Mooney
50 wouldn't sue me
Fuck what you heard, bitch, I'm still eating the coochie (Coochie!)
Eat the whole booty
Lick her ass for coochie
Lick the whole ass you know what it do-ey
Put my dick on dookie
Get in her booty
Young Based God I had that bitch going kooky

>> No.9946128

Rio is basically Africa

>> No.9946130

cape town and Johannesburg

>> No.9946134
File: 18 KB, 500x507, 1483579048750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes it much worse. Even if the Muslim population is low, the Swedish government bows down to them and ignore their crimes due to White guilt

>> No.9946143

Looks better than "pizza" from Italy tbqh lads

>> No.9946164

Well the fact that he met her in a first world country probably suggests the girl was born into the top 10% socioeconomic bracket. Then again I've been to Tanzania and Ivory Coast. They're not rich by any stretch, but the idea folks get of uniform povery, sickness, general lawlessness is definitely inaccurate.
West Africans are not the friendliest people but in terms of the way they dress and speak they're not much different than folks anywhere. It's not like a civilization of American inner city black gangs. East Africans are often really warm folks and fun to be around.

>> No.9946263

Detroit, US

>> No.9946321

I live in Liberia and in the capital you can buy 'American Food' which includes pizza like substances. It's not pizza but it's the only place in the country you can get cheese so fuck it, I'll pay 20 usd for a small 'pizza'.

I've been around to a few other west African countries and in general in the big cities you can find good enough proxies of western food because NGO workers with big fat wallets live there and pay for it. Everyone wants to live in the city but all these fucking westerners drive the prices super high.

Also foreign aid is a JOKE and actively hurts many communities but Ayy lmao whatever gotta get my good white man points and feed them hungry children FUCK YOU I'm supposed to be teaching farming techniques to people who live in the jungle but all they do is ask me for money or if I'll take them to America. Three fucking years of my life wasted in this shithole and still nobody understands what the fuck compost is.

>> No.9946349
File: 54 KB, 630x420, nitrogen.big_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do we use it at home? no of course not we use petroleum derived ammonium nitrate to fertilize our roundup ready Bt-toxin corns, why would we use fertilizer? anyway use fertilizer, trust me. am I a farmer? no I just joined the peace corps to waive my student loans. but it says in the handbook, Squanto gave the pilgrims a fat herring to plant in each corn stalk, it's why we're free and you're black. money? no I will not give you money if it doesn't work

I wonder they aren't receptive

>> No.9946350
File: 2.24 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_3644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you get when your order a pizza in Australia

>> No.9946376

I was about to say the same. Lahmacun is fucking delicious, and I bet OP's pic is too. Nice touch, with the butter melting on top.

>> No.9946406
File: 22 KB, 752x188, Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 1.42.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bermudians eat this and enjoy it because Bermudians eat like shit.

They also eat fish sandwiches on raisin bread, which I actually do like.

>> No.9946415

It's a fucking continant you brainlet. Parts of Kenya are fine but that doesn't mean you can just go for a midnight stroll through Somalia and come out fine.

>> No.9946416

>I'm supposed to be teaching farming techniques to people who live in the jungle but all they do is ask me for money or if I'll take them to America. Three fucking years of my life wasted in this shithole and still nobody understands what the fuck compost is.
Soy literally getting culturally enriched

>> No.9946434
File: 108 KB, 821x1001, x4mZskN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get when you order pizza in Spain

>> No.9946449

This desu. Actual Africans can be quite friendly and warm toward people. It's the people who are 3rd+ generation transplants that are the insufferable cunts you see in cities and such.

There are parts of Africa that are absolutely horrible, sure. But all in all, there are many parts (especially those benefiting from tourism) that are doing quite well.

>> No.9946460

Looks good

>> No.9946464

Take a closer look. That's a lemon.

>> No.9946475

I know, I was making a joke because someone else thought it was butter.

>> No.9946515


>> No.9946724

Looks like shit

>> No.9946772

Köln Porz

>> No.9946784

What do you call a Nigerian pizza place?

A niggeria


>> No.9946812

I'd try it

>> No.9946818

Would devour, but I’m sure that’s not thr best Spain has to offer. Bet there’s all kinds of pizzas with those incredible Spanish pork products on them. Fuck now I want to make a Spanish chorizo pizza.

>> No.9946846
File: 47 KB, 540x960, 10698469_794678577261387_1084326023720670695_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farmer here, you don't understand farming a literal state dedicated to growing grains vs teaching a tribe of 50 people how to plant seeds. Not the same thing, but, you knew that didn't you?

>> No.9946937
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>> No.9946994


>> No.9947249

This was out of necessity as there is no infrastructure to support card transactions

>> No.9947253

I like how you act like you can tell the entirety of their life situation by a simple webm about insect burgers. Truly a sign of intelligence.

>> No.9947255

Could be pretty good with some seasoning, maybe as a sandwich. Just plain mosquitoes though?

>> No.9947504

fuck that tram, it's crowded as fuck

>> No.9947619

>I don't think africa is these days what the res cross makes it out to be.

Depends on where you go, obviously, urban areas like Nairobi, Lagos, and Johanesburg tend to be developed, but the majority of Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africa is still highly impoverished and anarchic.

>> No.9947871

Eh, I'd eat it.
It's more of a meat-flatbread type thing but could be included under a loose definition of "pizza" given the inherent variety and customization of modern pizza.

Without bothering to look it up, it looks like a ground spiced meat with some onions and herbs, slices of tomato or maybe pepper, maybe some kind of thin sauce underneath probably tomato, and a wedge of citrus to squeeze over it all, which I rather like since a good acid helps balance a meat-heavy meal by cutting through the heavy minerally fattiness.

>> No.9947899
File: 234 KB, 763x656, elon-musk-main3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>empty tram
Trains suck, see? Nobody uses them!
>full tram
Trams suck, see? Everybody uses them!

>> No.9948800
File: 52 KB, 778x512, 1504012668229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do an ama on /int/, pls.

>> No.9948913

so besides "western" food, what do people actually eat in Liberia?

>> No.9948981

Looks like someone blasted diarrhea all over it. Are you sure it's not from India?

>> No.9949492

That's basically the same as Turkish pizza the only problem I see is your narrow world view

>> No.9950841
File: 241 KB, 1600x1200, 102_1224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I raise you a challenger from the north. You know nothing.

>> No.9950883 [DELETED] 

Serious question, where buy? I'm in Taipei but get around the island a bit.

>> No.9950914

You're right, eating insects is sustainable and everyone should do it instead of murdering intelligent and loving creatures like chickens. Because global warming!

>> No.9950915

Why would I ever be in Africa?

>> No.9951049

You are the type of person who I'd love to talk to because you are clearly full of bullshit and haven't experienced the nightmare of foreign assistance, but you at least have an understanding about how it should work. I'm an agricultural engineer with 6 years of experience farming back in the States, but I was hired to teach subsistence farmers how to ensure food security because the civil war here destroyed a lot of their food capacity. We were INVITED and ASKED to come and give trainings, but in the end all they want is money. Every single workshop I do I get asked 'how do I get my own?' IE when do you give me money

Also NEVER SEND MONEY. HOLY SHIT. I'm not going to say money wouldn't fix some problems but the money NEVER gets where it needs to go. I have seen families with literal fat bellied starving children waste money on the most frivolous shit. 'Oh you don't understand the culture they need those expensive wigs and weaves because they would look bad to the community without them'. Well then FUCK them, they deserve to rot for having such a shitty ass culture.

Then the mother fucking UN WFP fucks drive in with their giant trucks full of imported rice and beans and everyone cheers because now they don't have to farm or manage their budget for another year. FUCK YOU.

They eat a lot of rice and oil here. The most popular dishes are called palm butter and topagee. Palm butter is okay, topagee is some of the foulest garbage I've ever eaten. Anyway I'm gonna try to avoid blogging here, just wanted to reaffirm that pizza exists in some parts of Africa. I only lurk on /ck/ to look at and fantasize about food.

>> No.9951099

it is anon

>> No.9951113

Insects aren't intelligent?
Do vegetarians eat insects?

>> No.9951186

>Every single workshop I do I get asked 'how do I get my own?' IE when do you give me money
That sounds like you guys aren't doing a good job of communicating the agenda in your workshop invites. You should talk to your communications people about that. And maybe add it to the start of every presentation: "we're not here to give money, if you came for money, you should leave, because the next 6 hours are going to be a waste of your time", something like that
> I have seen families with literal fat bellied starving children waste money on the most frivolous shit.
I don't know anything about Liberia culture but maybe the dumb wigs are like a status symbol? In America the way you get a job interview is you get a suit. Nobody wants to hire someone who looks like they need the money, it's sad but that's how life works. So yeah if a homeless guy spends his last $550 at SuitSupply instead of baby formula, you can judge and judge, but he's probably thinking his baby is dying either way so maybe he'd better at least ace that interview. I imagine you can't directly apply that concept to Liberians because they probably don't have like, HR departments and stuff, but what I'm saying is, "looking bad to the community" is probably about more than just feeling "cool"

>> No.9951203

>2. It's entirely underdeveloped
It literally is.

>> No.9951209
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>> No.9951224
File: 511 KB, 1238x2513, 1515019380309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, nah.

>> No.9951299

This, Zandspruit is a sad example of this

>> No.9951303

You do not live in Liberia

>> No.9951467

holy fucking shit what the fuck

>> No.9951542

It's lemon

>> No.9951549
File: 248 KB, 1845x957, pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the other pizza thread?

>> No.9951909

It's more than likely stuffed you fucking spastic

>> No.9952670

Depends on the person's reason for going vegetarian, just like how there are some "vegetarians" that eat fish. Spell check doesn't even recognize the word pescatarian so get the fuck out of here with that noise.

>> No.9954239
File: 59 KB, 1000x666, IMG_3067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get when you order a 'za in 'go.

>> No.9954321

Amerilard spotted

>> No.9954670

that kind of reddit name use needs to stay on reddit
I bet you have a PM_YOUR account

>> No.9954691

a true amerilard would love a nice big pizza with nothing but mozzarella and pepperoni on it. I'm not sure what you think amerilards are but we do like food, that's what makes us so fat.

>> No.9954725
File: 22 KB, 540x849, 1512334315479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...what the actual fuck?

>> No.9954731


we're on 4chan, we do not forgive, we do not forget!

>> No.9954738

I'm not smart enough or retarded enough to know what you intended with this post.

>> No.9954742
File: 45 KB, 193x250, 1514753843951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9955570

what do you get when you order a royale with cheese

>> No.9955978
File: 19 KB, 430x340, 1512917637444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lecturing a professional in the field actually working in a foreign country giving aid about how they should give aid.

Dunning-Kruger effect - In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude; without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.[1]

>> No.9956072

I wanna see a burger made with that

>> No.9956137

Eating insects probably is more sustainable. If there were restaurants near me that made appetizing insect dishes, I'd try it. I hear it tastes like shrimp

>> No.9956183

the end always gets me, dude puts the burger in his mouth and immediately spits it out right before the camera cuts

>> No.9956185

Source: LiveJournal

Cool story tho, I was on the edge of my seat

>> No.9957087
File: 81 KB, 625x773, 1512412828452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one privileged person lives a privileged life
>duhhh they all must live like this

>> No.9959489

Sweet child. It's not "lecturing", it's asking very reasonable questions.

Here's a super secret grownup pro-tip: many "professionals" are either bullshitting or doing stuff by the seat of their pants a significant percent of the time. The larger the organization and the more abstract the product, the higher that percent. A competent professional knows when and how to call out other professionals in a way that doesn't cause anyone to lose face, while also preventing oneself from losing face.

>> No.9961272


>> No.9961999
File: 2.95 MB, 3040x4096, IMG_20150728_213206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More swedish za

>> No.9962948


>> No.9962983

Just take Italian and French cooking alone and it's already fucking the entire USA "gastronomy".

>> No.9963039


Its not underdeveloped. Small parts were developed, and the natives are living in their ruins. Its undeveloped.

>> No.9963046

looks good desu

>> No.9963073

It literally is a New York inspired pizza. Stay fucking obsessed.


>> No.9963077


>> No.9963088

what is this called?

>> No.9963212


>> No.9963300

He fell for the ass meme

>> No.9963728

Like, is this an actual thing on the menu? A pizza with french fries and a garden salad dumped on top of it?

>> No.9963777

ye its usually called speciality + name of pizzeria

>> No.9963797
File: 692 KB, 1440x2560, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my pies anons?

>> No.9963799

have u ever been to Africa m8

>> No.9963801

Los Angeles


>> No.9963804
File: 113 KB, 736x960, 091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we call this the "standard works" here. pepperoni (or another meat) mushroom, onion, and green pepper. I often include some olives

>> No.9963816
File: 1.47 MB, 2576x1932, 220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a triple. yeah there is flour on the counter

>> No.9963822
File: 115 KB, 640x360, image1473974306132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shot with potato camera

>> No.9963832

Looks OK. I'd eat it.

>> No.9963837

Addis has godawful smog and shitty food but is pretty good, low crime, so I have to agree