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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 600x600, Valhalla_Java-ground-12oz-front_3qtrR_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9896628 No.9896628 [Reply] [Original]

old one hitting bump limit

anyone try this coffee before? I got it for christmas and am waiting until my old coffee runs out

>> No.9896969


>> No.9896988

monitoring this thread for pictures of hot black chicks

>> No.9897001
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>> No.9897015
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Why doesn't anyone here like dark roast?

>> No.9897031

Less caffeine, so the benefits kind of lacking.
The darker, the more bitter and repulsive the personality
Blonde is the way to go for me, it’s soft and nice, but high in caffeine, therefore useful.

>> No.9897089

I'm finishing a bag currently. Extremely mediocre. I've been brewing it with kratom for an extra kick

>> No.9897101

I prefer dark, but I recognize that it's mostly burnt out the unique flavors individual beans have

>> No.9897193

Have any of you used the Kuissential Evengrind? Is it good for french press grinds? For $20 I'm tempted to get it.

>> No.9897204

Reminder that if you don't drink your coffee boiling hot in shots like a South American you're doing it wrong

>> No.9897225


>> No.9897244

I have a nice french press, but never really got into coffee. wife always gets starbucks grounds, not really a fan of it when I try it. Are there any high quality grounds I should try? Like good grounds you’ve found from trial and error? Really sick of Starbucks overpriced liquid shit

>> No.9897259

If you want really good coffee you need to buy whole beans and a grinder.

>> No.9897275

>whole beans and a grinder
So much this. Besides the difference in flavor, pre-ground coffee contains so many particles of roaches it actually causes immune reactions in entomologists who develop roach sensitivity from prolonged exposure to the little bastards.

>> No.9897292

Thanks anons, glad I’m not using grounds. I’ll look into a grinder, probably a cheap one that gets the job done just for a first-timer thing, get a longer lasting one if coffee is my thing. Any beans you prefer then?

>> No.9897497

I buy my beans at Costco, just take the roast that you like.
I honestly prefer my coffee black and the consistency of 80w90 oil.
I do it in a Italian press.

>> No.9897608

Alright moka head motherfuckers, here's a tip for yall. Before I would have told you you're just making the coffee wrong, but I moved to Europe and couldn't make moka pot coffee to save my life. Here is something I learned the hard way.

Temperature control is crucial and nothing will give you that temperature control like an electric stove, not induction, a regular hot plate type stove, low temperature is key, your pot should take at least ten to twelve minutes before coffee spews out to the upper chamber, as much as I tried on a gas stove, the lowest heat I could get would make the water too hot and burn the coffee before it ever spewed out, same thing for induction. But electric allows for the water temp to slowly rise and not reach 100 celcius because youre boiling water in a pressure cooker.

Anyways, use a hot plate for your moka pot, thank me later.

>> No.9897645

I have some frothy white cream for those chocolate coffee muffins, actually the cream is sort of off-white but I'd like to get some of it into that hot dark mocha frappuchino

>> No.9897843

Anyone here make blends of different single origins/roasts?
I usually go by the rule of 2 parts south american (brazil bourbon or some colombian), 2 parts fruity african (etheope) and one part Viet seems to work magic

>> No.9897872

If I have less than 25g of the last bag, it gets mixed with some of the new bag.

>> No.9898217

I really like it. I do prefer their Death Wish brand but still not bad at all. Plus its the life imitating art version of the Duncan Hills coffee from Metalocalypse. Complete with metal god endorsement from Zakk Wylde.

>> No.9898276

What're good flavors to add to coffee? I currently add cocoa powder or saigon cinnamon, depending on my mood

>> No.9898825

Best high end coffee grinder for V60? Budget $3000.

>> No.9898852

Are you planning to get into espresso?

>> No.9898883

No, but i want best grind distribution.

>> No.9898926

Weren't Death Wish coffees recalled for containing fatal toxins?

>> No.9899024

Just the nitro cold brew

>> No.9899027

mahlkonig ek43

or just the new baratza sette

>> No.9899045

For a meme blend it's okay. I got some for Christmas too. Probably won't order more, but it's alright when made in a french press.

I like the art more than the coffee and they included a sticker of the art, so that's a positive.

>> No.9899057

If you just want to dip your toes into the fresh brewed world try a Hario hand grinder as your first one. I don't know what size french press you have, but I have a 1 liter/~4 cups press and I use 25g of coffee for a full press brewed at 5 minutes.

>> No.9899464

25g for 1L is not enough you should be using around ~64g at 4 min

>> No.9899519

Yeah, fuck that. That's well over double the amount of coffee I'm use to using and I'd run though a pound of coffee in a week.

>> No.9900376

You should try it at least once, m8. 16:1 is the standard ratio.

Also, drink less.
Quality > Quantity

>> No.9900544

I make coffee once a day and it lasts me from about 7 am, till 1 pm.

I'll try it once this weekend.

>> No.9900578

they had the potential to develop fatal toxins so they recalled everything from the batch to be sure.

>> No.9900581
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Cupping new Onyx blends

>> No.9900587
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2.5 gallons of cold brew ready to sell

>> No.9900589
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and here it is in the cup

>> No.9900696

It's better than your average crap coffee most people drink, but it's not great. It's a very coarse grind, too, so it's limited right out of the bag. The caffeine is noticeably strong, making my armpits sweat when I'm sitting at my desk (and I'm not a fatty).

>> No.9900731

>It's a very coarse grind, too, so it's limited right out of the bag
Please tell me you didn't actually pay $20/lb for pre-ground

>> No.9900855

>Please tell me you didn't actually pay $20/lb for pre-ground
Please tell me you didn't actually pay $50 for a metal burr grinder or $15 for a plastic grinder that will break

>> No.9900894

I paid $180 for a LIDO 3

>> No.9900915

why not make it on site? how much per cup? and who would buy it when they can literally go anywhere to get it?

>> No.9900998

>why not make it on site?
We are a mobile vendor, and it takes 16 hours to make. We have a commissary kitchen we prepare drinks at then take them to events to sell
>how much per cup
$4 + tax for nitro cold brew. Matcha and other specialty drinks can cost more
>who would buy it when they can literally go anywhere to get it?
millenial women with money mostly. We have a bike so we go to places you wouldn't normally find coffee. We were just in a fashion boutique and an expensive furniture store last week.

>> No.9901015

Is there a generally accepted ratio and time for an average French press coffee cup? Preferably in grams and milliliters, the box my press came in said 2 tablespoons per 200ml of water and 3 minutes of steeping time, but tablespoons can be so different

>> No.9901042

>when your eggs convert to islam

>> No.9901065
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16:1 water:coffee. The only way to do it correctly is weight. Brew time is completely dependent on grind. If you're using coffee preground for drip or similar, you'd probably want around 3 minutes.

If you don't have a scale yet, you're just going to have to experiment to find what you like

>> No.9901244
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How do I into choosing beans when grinding coffee?
Been drinking filter all my life but my family got a grinder for Christmas and I don't know the beans to choose. I like a dark/strong coffee, is that what dark roast beans are?

>> No.9901291

Start trying single origins. It's the best part of coffee. Central America is a good place to start. Most will probably be light or medium roast as roasting more than that kills the flavor of the beans and you just end up tasting the "roast". I.e. they all taste burnt.

Strength is determined by the amount of coffee used and don't mistake bitter coffee for strong coffee. Please see the coffee compass posted above.

>> No.9901596
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Holy fuck 64 grams is a whole kids cup of coffee. This better be worth it.

>> No.9901639

>millenial women
>buying bitter brews

hard to believe you dont put half milk and sugar in it.

>> No.9901723
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Here we go, 64g, 1L water, four minutes extract

>> No.9901762

Nice Brazil. The plunge should have some resistance to it now

>> No.9901816

Awaiting updates.

>> No.9901831
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Yup, hard to compress. Made me worry about the strain on the plastic parts.

But holy shit, this brew is like jumper cables to your heart. It's a special kind of strong. Seems like it would go sour if you don't drink it fast.

>> No.9901855

Just go very slow (start 30 sec before the end of your brew time) and press as straight down as you can in order to not put lateral pressure on the lid

>> No.9901865
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Trying to drink this before it goes sour, fuckin sweating over here. This is what disarming a bomb must feel like

>> No.9901884

It's not going to go sour, weirdo

>> No.9901928

Joking aside, it's really not far off from drinking straight espresso shots. The beans might be a bit too sharp of a flavor for this ratio too. Needs to be toned down a bit.

>> No.9902043

they go for the matcha/chai more than coffee but we do have a good amount of regular chicks that drink nitro straight black.

>> No.9902053

Espresso is 2:1, that was 16:1. It's how coffee is supposed to be

>> No.9902062

I do 3 heaping tablespoons for ~20oz of water, brewed for 5 minutes in my French press

>> No.9902819

how do I get into coffee
I'm looking for something to drink other than water that doesn't make me look like a manchild and I just could not get into teas no matter how hard I tried

>> No.9902834

Buy coffee
Brew coffee
Drink coffee
Now you are into coffee

>> No.9902842

How much are you willing to spend?

>> No.9902864
File: 158 KB, 800x566, Ruslavery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nord viking coffee
>coffee most likely from saudi arabia/south america

how's the caliphate coming along?

>> No.9902879

>in plastic
enjoy your bpa "cold brew"

get a fucking aluminum drum, you hillbilly

>> No.9902934

1. Go to Target right now and get a Bodum Brazil french press
2. Get a bag of pre-ground (inb4) Caribou Blend
3. Get some water boiling
4. Put three scoops (7g scoop comes with the press) of grounds in the press
5. Once water boils, wait a minute or so for it to cool down (we want 195-205F)
6. Start 3 minute timer and begin pouring water in filling the press up about a third
6.5. Put lid on and leave screen above the coffee
7. Plunge when 3 minutes is almost up
8. Pour all of it into mug immediately
9. Wait to cool and enjoy your first cup of decent coffee
10. Now order a scale and decide on how much you're willing to spend on a grinder
11. Order freshly roasted beans
12. Be blown away by actual fresh coffee
13. Become autist and collect all different brew devices and fill a notebook with your experiments and tasting notes
14. Return to shitposting

I think I covered the basics

>> No.9903185

I've been thinking about using whole beans and getting a grinder, does anyone have any recommendations or a nice guide on getting one? Could see myself getting something in the $50 range, or up to $100 if it REALLY makes a big difference.

>> No.9903239

If you can't put forth at least $1000 for a budget grinder then don't even bother

>> No.9903253

Baratza Encore ($130) is the minimum electric grinder. Hario Skerton ($35) or a clone is the minimum hand grinder

>> No.9903569

p. sure this is the same concept as Deathwish coffee. Just loaded with caffeine. If that's what you drink coffee for then this is good, but for people who enjoy coffee for the taste I would imagine this tastes like gasoline.

I've had deathwish and it's pretty bad.

>> No.9903585

It is Deathwish coffee

>> No.9903638

I know that Deathwish makes it, which is why I was comparing it to Deathwish original brew.

>> No.9903773

What ratios of coffee to water do you use?

I just did my first batch of cold brew yesterday and used around 1L of water to 125g of ground coffee. Havent tasted it yet - not really sure if those measurements mean I should add more ice and water to it when I drink it, or if I should go for a glass of that.

>> No.9904518
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Is it worth it trying to go for a home espresso machine? This is apparently the best reviewed machine under $100. Also considering getting it because my kid really likes hot coco w/ steamed milk.

>> No.9904634
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>love coffee
>get nauseous when i drink a cup, sometime to the point of puking out breakfast
>happened this morning

life is suffering

>> No.9904667

Get a reverse osmosis system or at least buy similarly demineralized water or the pump will fail.

>> No.9905250
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I just ordered myself a hand grinder, but where do I start with trying different kinds of beans? I signed up for the Blue Bottle free trial. Is this a good place to start, or is it a meme?

>> No.9905259

I had that machine. Got daily use out of it for around 4 years and really liked it - but it depends what youre looking for.

If you are hoping to make barista style cappuccino or latte then its not a good option as the milk steamer isnt great. It heats the milk and somewhat foams it, but its not a silky smooth foam, it has lots of big bubbles.

However, if youre looking for a perfectly acceptable espresso then I'd say go for it. Obviously not the worlds best, but you pay for what you get. It used to give me nice espresso with a good crema at a nice temperature for most of its life.

>> No.9905543

Any start is a good start. I just looked at their free trial and it's 2oz which is like 2 mugs worth. I'd recommend searching The Google maps for "coffee roaster" and finding a local place to start.

Also, Blue Bottle is owned by Nestle now, so I'm just going to assume they're shit, but I don't really know. Maybe you'll like it. The main thing when ordering online is to make sure that it's roasted to order. Coffee sold without a roast date is 99% going to be stale.

>> No.9905553

There is a shutload of café where I live that sell their own coffee. This is nice because you can taste the coffee before buying it instead of being stuck with a coffee you hate.
It'`s mainly full of students and hipsters but there are qt 3.14 that worth the stay.

>> No.9905666

get a moka pot

>> No.9905692

Do some research and find either local roasters that sell direct or sell to local stores/cafes/restaurants who resell.

Freshly roasted beans and grinding just before you brew are by far the best way to improve the flavor of your coffee.

>> No.9905790
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Working an event now

we start at a gallon per lb of coffee but it does vary with different roasts. we also do some drinks with a coffee concentrate so that ratio is much higher.

Honestly I am kind of a hillbilly especially compared to our customers. Do they make aluminum drums this size? I would totally switch this is just something we got from a supplier

>> No.9905797

meant to tag you in >>9905790 instead of my own post

>> No.9905824

Best coffee roasters in Seattle?

>> No.9905844

This is the most restarted advice I've ever heard.

Moka pots are supposed to emulate an espresso. You pre boil the water then assemble the pot and let the water simmer. Should take less than a minute to brew a cup with pre boiled water.

You can adjust the heat for a stronger or weaker brew to your taste but if you aren't using pre boiled water you are 100% burning the coffee in the top of the pot before the water hits it.

>> No.9905858

Just made my morning cup. I put in vanilla almond milk, cinnamon, and a heaping tablespoon of habanero pepper sauce.

>> No.9905875

>Just made my morning cup
Of vomit

>> No.9905911

come to me

>> No.9906341

>heaping tablespoon of habanero pepper sauce.
Did you eat too much cheese last night or something?

>> No.9906720

>dirty looking plastiv container
I wouldn't go near your coffee with a ten foot pole.

>> No.9906724

>in aluminum
enjoy your Alzheimer cold brew.

>> No.9906740
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Starbucks has some pretty decent beans I got this with a gift card I got for Christmas. I make cold brews most of the time since it hits me quicker.

>> No.9906758
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I prefer Raven's Brew (this blend especially) over most chain store coffees, but their coffee is hard as balls to find here in SoCal.

>> No.9906808

I really like steamed milk but hate paying two bucks at the numale store for it. Is there a machine just for steaming milk? Pls recommend

>> No.9907166

If you are in socal check out Pollys Coffee in Long Beach. Fresh coffee roasted in the store. It's a local shop that has managed to survive with 2 Starbucks and a coffee bean and tea leaf in the same neighborhood.

>> No.9908562

I prefer their medium kenyan 2bh

>> No.9908569
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I get this by me, I live 20 mins away from where it's roasted, it's beautiful

>> No.9908595

And for 1 gallon per lb, you serve that without any further dilution?

>> No.9908632
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Got a severe caffeine allergy. Sucks because I love coffee. I drink coffee despite the allergy but pay a terrible price each and every time. Decaffeinated coffee tastes awful. So my choice of coffee is pretty much any organic brand. I boil water and toss the ground coffee straight into the boiling hot water. I steer a little then strain the coffee after roughly 2-3 minutes. I love latte so I add roughly half en half with organic whole-milk and a dash of organic heavy cream. Could have used a french press but i prefer the simplest solution possible. Pic is the brand I use. Its far from the best coffee I have tried but its organic.

>> No.9908653

prove it nigger

>> No.9908692

Look at a Javapresse Manual Burr grinder. In the $20 range and works well.

>> No.9909176

I'm honestly really surprised by how decent starbucks beans are. Their store coffee ranges from tolerable to awful but their beans have been consistently nice. Their colombia marino is doing pretty well for me so far.

>> No.9909528

that's a piece of shit. you'd be better off getting a moka pot and hario hand grinder

>> No.9909530

starcucks viral marketers spotted. their burnt to fuck stale beans are consistently SHIT, if anything. avoid like the plague

>> No.9909784
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I've tried starbucks whole bean 3 times and I've returned the bag 3 times.

>dark roast
>it's super greasy charcoal
>coffee crema has a really unappealing dark color
>smells absolutely awful when ground
>smells even worse when boiling water was poured over it
>coffee has a nasty charcoaly aftertaste

>medium roast
>it's almost the same color as the dark
>somehow even greasier
>tastes just as awful
>winced every time I took a sip

they can go fuck themselves

>> No.9909803

>French Press grind
Bitch, don't you mean 'coarse?'

>> No.9909836

My SO hooked me up with a new set up for pour overs. The grinder will need to swapped out, since now I'm a picky bitch about consistency of grinds.
I'm lucky to live in a city with a ton of craft roasters, minutes from my house even.

>> No.9910734

Post pics

>> No.9910762


>> No.9910843
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>> No.9910866
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Have you used it or not faggot? I bought it anyway.

>> No.9910887

It's just a Hario Skerton clone with a lower burr stabilizer. Grind is not great, but it's OK for a beginner. They are a lot of work, though. Like 2 minutes of grinding for 25g of beans (one 12oz mug)

>> No.9910950
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Lads I wanna gift my parents some coffee bean tasting thing with a few different beans. Any good European shops that you can recommend?

>> No.9911604
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Is the moccamaster coffee maker worth it? I drink 3-4 cups of coffee per day

Also what are the pros and cons of grinding coffee versus buying it preground.

>> No.9911643

>beans stay fresher for longer if properly stored
>freshly ground beans will taste better than preground

>have to grind beans
that's it

>> No.9911744

>Is the moccamaster coffee maker worth it?
Not if you're using pre-ground

>> No.9911951
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>Also what are the pros and cons of grinding coffee versus buying it preground.
Preground is often inferior quality beans that have been stored to the point where they lose essential oils, and what few oils remain can go rancid over the years. Much like dried ground spices, they have inferior quality from excessive age and poor start to begin with.

>> No.9912004

If you're not drinking african light roast, you're doing it wrong.
The acidity and fruitiness can't be beat.

>> No.9912023

The bright citrusy taste of something like Ethiopian Yirgacheffe is quite the experience, but I wouldn't enjoy it every day. I prefer chocolatey Central American for that

>> No.9912064

>avoid like the plague
Recommend me some good coffee beans then man.

>> No.9912917

I got it. I actually really enjoyed it with my aeropress, but I think it's a bit expensive. Really nice chocolate notes, not too dark at all.

>> No.9913899

They're fine out of the bag compared to any other coffee you can find in any grocery store, but always god awful from the store, always burnt.

>> No.9914908

Stay away from the skerton, its so poorly designed its not even worth its low price.

>> No.9915174

Recommend alternatives

>> No.9915212

What do you guys think of South Indian styled coffee? I had it yesterday and desu, it's nice as an after meal dessert.

>> No.9915222
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I want some of her nice thicc milk ;)

>> No.9915234
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>liking mudslimes

>> No.9915242 [DELETED] 

It's alright for some substandard coffees, particularly sumatran beans and any robusta. If you have a batch of burundian or rwandan coffee with a lot of antestia damage you might be able to salvage it by going french roast

But gone are the days when normal people thought dark was a sign of high quality coffee

>> No.9915244

That's the Indian "filter kaapi"
There's also a kind made with instant coffee.

>> No.9915248 [DELETED] 

I enjoy it, I almost always get it after dosai. Like most older style indigenous coffee brewing methods, you don't need to sperg so hard about quality ingredients.

>> No.9915320

>posting anime

>> No.9915941

There's nothing wrong with the Skerton for its price. Its only flaw is that it has a slightly inconsistent grind, which is in no way a deal breaker considering the cost.

>> No.9915949

she's hindu or sikh you tit

>> No.9915954

Burger education everyone

>> No.9916051

There's a lot of muslims in India.

>> No.9916573
File: 44 KB, 574x574, aeropress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got one of these for holidays

>> No.9916606

Send it to me

>> No.9916617

its only 30 dollars tho

>> No.9916681

I love a good aeropresso, but you gotta grind the beans yourself to get the best out of it. Preground coffee is typically ground for french press, aeropress is best done with a grind just slightly coarser than espresso.

>> No.9916691
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perhaps i should get one of these?

>> No.9916772

An adjustable grinder in general, absolutely. I can't speak for that specific brand though.

>> No.9916862

would you care to offer an opinion on a brand/model?

>> No.9916903

I own a hario skerton, which I know has been criticized by other anons, but I've never had an issue with it. It's adjustable, although it doesn't have clear markings for how to set it to the best grind for what you're after. It's not that big a dealbreaker, there's a little notched washer you adjust it by and there's a dozen different instructions online for how to set it for different grinds.

It's not top end gear but it does the job perfectly well for its price if you're just after a good coffee.

>> No.9917145

Shit you literally stole my post

>> No.9917441

>ground coffee

>> No.9917581

Do I trust the grinder setting on my grinder, and does it matter?
When I set it to "filter" it gets way coarser than regular filter coffee. If I want that I have to set it to "aeropress". Is this normal?

>> No.9917604

Settings don't matter. Taste does

>> No.9917624

Sumatra is good for a dark roast. If you like especially dark, get a Columbia Especial.

Personally I need a lot of caffeine so I grab light roasted Peruvian beans.

>> No.9917635

64 is what I use in my 35 oz press. It makes a good consistent cup.

>> No.9917682

64 is what I use in my 35 oz press. It makes a good consistent cup.

>> No.9917799


>> No.9918027

No. Shit grinder.

Yes, Aergrind.

The Skerton this idiot has is even worse than the one you linked. Completely incapable of making good coffee.

>> No.9918107

I have one of these and prefer it greatly to french press.

>> No.9918149

What's so terrible about the skerton? Thorough explanation please.

>> No.9918161

Do you actually have one

>> No.9918351
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The Kalita is a dream
Having a severe caffiene addiction equals good impetus to practice.
At this point I need a better grind so I'm not wasting coffee.
I want to get a Baratza Encore on recommendation from one of my favorite baristas
...but I have a dinky budget

Can I get some suggestions for a burr grinder under 100?

>> No.9918425

Just wait til you can afford the Encore

>> No.9918538

Encore is around $130 so that's not bad.

On that note, why the hell are grinders so damn expensive? It's just a steel burr and a motor. A nice power drill costs less with a far more powerful motor.

>> No.9918707
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Few things.

Biggest one is the grind is wildly inconsistent. The coffee will always and without exception overextract and underextract. This happens because of piss poor alignment, almost no stabilization, dull burrs, and subpar burr design.

It's also incredibly slow compared to quality hand grinders like Aergrind, Lido, Kinu, etc. Another effect of dull burrs and poor burr design.

I could go more into detail. I fucking hate these things and think less of Hario as a company for even selling that absolute trash. They're horrid toys that have no place for anyone in any use case.

Yes. Can vouch for its quality. Decently designed sharp burrs (they're no Ditting/Mahlkonig or SSP, but good enough for most people) with pretty good alignment and stabilization. Doesn't begin to compare to large flate like my EG-1 or Bunnzilla, but it's easily the most competent grinder I've seen in the price range. It's at least on par with anything below $600 or so for right around $100. I'm happy with it for travel, and most sane people would be happy with it as a travel grinder.

>> No.9919449

How do you rate the kinu? I'm considering taking plunge. I have an autism boner for those close tolerances.

Oh and what are your thoughts on lever operated espresso machines?

>> No.9919581

Kinu is good stuff. Probably not worth the extra expense over the other premium hand grinders, but as long as you're ok with paying for extra nice construction and finish it's a good product. But don't go into it expecting much better grind quality than say a Lido or Feldgrind.

Lever espresso is a mixed bag for me. In that, I think it's great, but with some stipulations. I absolutely adore my Strietman CT1, for example, but don't like machines like the La Pavoni at all.

Levers really need one of three things: open boiler for temperature monitoring (Strietman, Caravel, etc), lots and lots of mass (most commercial spring levers) or a PID (like Profitec Pro 800. Or some mods for other machines, which is only really an option if you're good at that sort of thing. Not simple mods on these machines.). The way they work just results in way too finnicky temperature with a normal closed boiler home lever like a Pavoni. Some people do learn to dance around the mess of temperature changes, but I think it's best to get something where you don't have to focus on temperature. I'd say Caravel is a good budget starter option, but is a bit of work to get.

With temperature under control I think the variable pressure can be hugely beneficial, especially for lighter, less soluable, coffees. Having a pressure gauge (I have a mod kit for one on my Strietman) is useful here to actually be doing the same thing each time.

There are also machines with live pump pressure control like the LM Strada or Synesso MVY Hydra, but they're VERY expensive. Think around 10k.

>> No.9919623

bro 25 g is like 300 ml

>> No.9919633

Just fucking add less water to your press. Keep your 25g beans but only make 400ml of coffee.

>> No.9919786

Thanks mate, your wealth of knowledge make these threads worthwhile.

>> No.9920275
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either of you have or use an electric kettle?
if so care to share which one?
is pic related ok?

>> No.9920696
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>living in Delaware
>the only while bean coffee in stores is fucking Dunkin
>no roasters with 40 minutes
>town goes crazy when they announce they are opening the first Starbucks soon

Kill me

>> No.9920748

Sorry m8 I only have a stovetop kettle

>> No.9920752

Are you me? Best coffee there is.

>> No.9920758

That's what the internet is for

>> No.9920767

what is your method for ensuring a good temp?

>> No.9920854

I've had that kettle for a few years and use it all the time. It works well.

The handground you were asking about earlier has a very inconsistent coarse grind, btw

>> No.9921190

i think ill try the kettle then
i was also thinking of giving the aergrind a try

>> No.9921226

Too light for my taste, at least in the k-cup variety.

>> No.9921232

What's nigger-tier coffe? 8 O'Clock Coffee?

>> No.9921493

great value, folgers, maxwell house

>> No.9921800

I just use my keurig

>> No.9921816


>> No.9921819

That coffee they sell at Dollar Tree

>> No.9921927

Dunkin coffee

>> No.9922069

don't buy shit grocery store coffee
don't buy internet meme coffee
take a fucking walk and go support your local roaster
>b-but I live in bumfuck nowhere
roast your own beans then

>> No.9922096

people hate it because 95% of the time you drink dark roast, you get something that tastes like burn toast.

most people here even think that's what dark roast is supposed to taste like, and they're dumb memers.

it's just not very easy to find/do right.

>> No.9922318

I have a Bonavita and a Monarch Methods MK500. Not a fan of the Bonavita's ergonomics. Not a fan of the fact the MK can't pour at 212. I'll probably get a Stagg EKG eventually.

>> No.9922643

It's a decent kick, it has 3x the caffeine of a regular coffee, I thing 700mg for 20oz or something like that but it's not really that special as far as flavor goes

>> No.9923224

sanitized food safe plastic? That is what the roaster gave us.

Generally we try and stick to the 1lb/gallon ratio though even if it is overkill. Thinking about dialing it back though because our biggest competitor serves stuff that looks like sweet tea and people love it.

>> No.9923590

Bodum Bistro burr grinder. $100 on amazon right now. Kinda of the basement for ACTUAL burr grinders.

>> No.9923616

>currently living with parents for budget reasons
>be coffee snob
>have french press, a moka pot and a minipresso because too poor to get espresso machine and it's my parents house
>mom hates all my coffee equipment and says they take up space
>"anon, we have a keurig, just use that"
>mom loves to go to flea markets where she gets keurig cups for super cheap, so we have an endless supply of keurig cups overflowing the cupboards and pantry
>says bags of coffee take up space
>I just think the million keurig cups take up space

If you want to cringe even more, my dad will reuse an already used keurig cup. My dad thinks it tastes good, but he pours a shitload of sugar free creamer in there, so you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between good or bad coffee with that crap in there

>> No.9923628

>tfw you are a coffee snob but still buy lattes and cappuccinos at DD

It's cheap and convenient. Sometimes even free.

>> No.9923677
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>Say "concoction" again
coffee looks good though I'd like to try that

>> No.9923949

>tfw coffee snob but still like to indulge in a cheeky preground flavored coffee once in a while
I'm a naughty boy.

>> No.9923966
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The best coffee.

>> No.9924004

Anybody else brew their coffee one cup at a time using a ball tea infuser?

>> No.9924403

Aside from falling into the hario meme will this be enough for pour over?


>> No.9924468

The Stagg looks nice, I don't think I like the Bluetooth option though, seems ... Hmm

>> No.9925263
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I know this is a le epic troll but my stomach turns when I think about how cloyingly sweet this is.

>> No.9925269
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Anon why did you have to post this. I just moved out of my in-laws' place and they do crap like this all the time.

>> No.9925281

Alright /ceekay/ I just moved into my own place and want to buy some good coffee. What are some recommended sites to buy beans in bulk from? Pls no flavored pre-ground crap

>> No.9925294

just find a local roaster and buy it from them. Unless you are in the middle of nowhere there will be one

>> No.9925311
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>unless you're in the middle of nowhere
>mfw in the mountains of West Virginia

>> No.9925317

I've been buying a lot from Fresh Roasted Coffee LLC on Amazon. Just make sure you get the option shipped by them, not Amazon, or else it'll be stale. I prefer the 3 - 12oz bag option rather than one big 2lb bag

>> No.9925325

Happy Mug Coffee is where I get most of mine from. Decent selection, quality's good, shipping is cheap and fast.

>> No.9925357

there has to be a dude hanging out in the mountains roasting but if you can't find him order from Lineage or Onyx Coffee Lab. Or any of the other million brands those two are just the ones I use.

>> No.9925915

Australian prices are crazy. Most of those items are roughly double what I'd expect.

I'd get a kettle with a temperature control.

>> No.9926658

What's that on the left, behind the goose neck?

>> No.9926773

Looks like another kettle

>> No.9927023

yeah it's kinda fucked the prices here. But at least we earn more on average. what about sticking a thermo in the kettle?

>> No.9927098

The last place I worked had this really neat espresso machine with a built in grinder and some buttons on the front, and you would just press it and it would grind the beans and make good espresso. Does anyone know anything like that? I am currently using a Moka pot, which is nice, but I drink a lot of coffee, so setting that up every few hours can get annoying.

>> No.9927100

It has less caffeine, bean per bean, but the beans are more dehydrated and thus weigh less so if you're measuring by weight then it won't make as much a difference.

>> No.9927426

I got a french press for christmas. How do I use it? I only want to make enough for one cup usually.

>> No.9927433

Because most places just roast the shit out of it. Mixed bean master race is the best, I usually use something like 80/20 light to dark

>> No.9927454

Chop the beans
Is the French press
Heat the water
Pour in the press
Put a lid on the press
French piston
So enjoy

>> No.9927489

Do you have pre-ground coffee

>> No.9927586

Only EKG+ has that, it's optional. Just get the regular EKG without it.

>> No.9927613
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How do you even use these? I fill it up to the bottom of the air thingy on the bottom chamber. Fill the middle chamber with moccona instant coffee or fine grinded coffee beans and out it on high heat and then in a couple second BAM coffee splattered all over my stove. Ive tried taking it off as soon as I hear sound but then the coffee dosent come out of the chute thing and it still ends up tasting nice tho lol. Just sick of cleaning it all up after.
Also can I use less coffee to produce a less strong coffee? Or will this ruin the process of it

>> No.9927633

do you have a security valve? sounds like you put to much coffee in it and the pressure gets to high.

>> No.9927635

How come I can't drink coffee with any sort of milk? I can drink it black, have no acid reflux or stomach cramps. But I use whole milk, skim milk, soy milk, lactose free milk, almond milk and I'm in pain and quickly need to go to the bathroom and I can hear my stomach making very weird noises

>> No.9927638

>instant coffee
>high heat
Are you retarded

>> No.9927652
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You have evolved.

>> No.9927653
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Yah. The coffee is very thicc desu. But will also happen with very fine coffee as I said. I'll try use less of it next time. I don't fill it too high. Just to the top like it says. And then I brush it down

>> No.9927757

That's instant coffee. You can't use that in a Moka pot.

>> No.9927814
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Well, he clearly has been

>> No.9927895

It works fine. Tastes much better than using hot water. Same spurting thing will happen for any grinded coffee. As I said 2 times retard. I even repeated myself in that post because someone replied
>instant coffee

>> No.9928183

I just bought an expensive machine that maintains the water tank at exactly 200 degrees 24/7 instead. Makes the best coffee I've ever had was worth every cent.

>> No.9928383

who /chemex/ here?

>> No.9928707

instead of getting a temp controlled kettle how would normal pour over kettle and a thermometer go?

instead of those coffee scales how about this app? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=luupapps.brewbrewbrew

>> No.9929327

It's the room temp to FECKINHOT in 90 seconds electric kettle I got last year.
It's got no brakes but in the time it transfers from that pot to the goose neck it's already cooled just enough to be the right temp.

>> No.9929457

You can in the same way you can try to heat your house by setting off a hand grenade in the living room. It won't do the thing you expect very well, and is overall pretty dangerous. But it's still physically possible.

Stop using instant coffee in a Moka pot. Either dissolve instant in a cup normally or use ground coffee.

>> No.9929458

It's a nice enough app for brewing guides. You still need a scale though.

>> No.9929518


>> No.9929526

I have seen it. It still isn't changing anything from adding instant to a cup besides adding a pretty large risk of it exploding and injuring or killing you. Stop.

>> No.9929677

someone will probably shit on me because I have no idea about your press, but try a finer grind, stir for 10 seconds or so, decrease extraction time accordingly, then taste
I use a very fine grind in a french press and don't let it sit more than a minute or so before transferring to a carafe or thermos

>> No.9930063

It all explodes.
Try it out yourself. It works if you do it right. Which I can't do every time

>> No.9930125


>> No.9930142
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Got one of these for Christmas, pretty great desu.

>> No.9930210

And will eventually explode not out the top. This isn't just "you're making coffee in a bad way" (which you are), but also "you will almost certainly be injured or die if you continue this".

Do not use high pressure devices outside designed parameters.

>> No.9930300
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If this were the case then I'm sure they wouldn't be very common

>> No.9930332

They're not dangerous when used properly with ground coffee. Instant coffee is outside what they're designed for, and WILL eventually result in a clogged valve followed by an entire device explosion.

>> No.9930339

instant coffee completely disolves. that's kinda the point. it's freeze dried to instantly disolve in hot water.

>> No.9930349

And this dissolving is what's going to lead it to clogging the valve. Regular coffee isn't going to seep down into the bottom chamber and fuck up the emergency pressure release like instant will.

>> No.9930395
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Nothing online proves what you are saying is correct. Every answer says otherwise

>> No.9930413

if any coffee water seeps back down the pipe it would happen at the end of the 'extraction' phase when there's only steam coming up that pipe (ie. reduced pressure). though i think that's extremely unlikely.
however, if by some miracle that that did happen then the water level in the tank would be lower than the valve so any coffee in the tank wouldn't touch the valve.