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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9917710 No.9917710 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people who spend more than $5 on coffee every single day

>> No.9917772

Sucks to be poor, don't it ?

>> No.9917905
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>Caffeine addicts

>> No.9918223


>> No.9918258

who cares? if someone is dumb enough to spend that much on coffee then let them

>> No.9918276
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>there are people who spend up to $5 on coffee a day

>> No.9918280

>Spends less than $5 on coffee
Hope you like grain build up fucker. That low quality shit will fuck up your intestines.

>> No.9918310

sips shills

>> No.9918380

>he spends money on coffee outside of his home

>> No.9918392

>not getting your coffee exclusively from your office job completely free

>> No.9918413

>not working in a coffee roasting factory and eating the beans when nobody is looking

>> No.9918424

>eating the beans
>not grinding them up then filling up a bathtub with water and the ground beans then getting in it and absorbing your caffeine by osmosis

pleb as fuck

>> No.9918604

Wouldn't this pretty much kill you from overdose

>> No.9918617

You can't overdose on hygiene dumbass.

>> No.9918704

Just brew your own?

>> No.9918801

how much does a single k-cup cost?

that's how much I spend

>> No.9918831

are you fucking retarded? you're not decarbing the fucking beans youre soakin in a bath full fo em. you know concentrated mashed coffee beans are used for all sorts of skin shit?

how fucking stupid are you? who the fuck thinks you can OD on caffiene from sitting in a fucking tub of them? fuck you stupid sack of shit

>> No.9918838
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>he doesn't work in a culture that frowns upon not providing free coffee

>> No.9918849

there is nothing more pleb than casual "don't talk to me before i've had my morning coffee" drinkers whose only knowledge of coffee is brand names and cafe cup sizes.

>> No.9918868


>> No.9918869

what the fuck are you talking about nigga
I just like something warm to drink in the morning

>> No.9918944
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I know a guy who goes to his favorite coffee place and spend $7 and change on a large coffee drink at least 3-4 times a week. It's crazy.
I mean, spend your money how you like, but I'd rather buy something tangible and lasting. Sure, I go and buy myself a nice coffee or tea every once in awhile, and sometimes I'll even pay for full cart tea or coffee service in hotels, but those are niceties I treat myself with, to savor. If I have enough money to spend on that much expensive coffee drinks like he does (and I do), I'd rather have quality equipment at home so I can have a nice coffee or tea every morning, midday, and evening (and I do). It's not about affordability, it's more about lifestyle choices.

>> No.9919188

>Being rich means being a pleb with no taste or consumer sense

>> No.9919193

>Drinking from that industrial sized vat of shitty mud water in the break room

>> No.9919309

>being able to functuin at home if you don't keep drinking two cups an hour

Pls halp

>> No.9919312

Not having at least a nespresso machine...

Im slightly jelly of the bean grinding machine on the fifth floor though, but that thing is nasty because nobody wants to clean it daily

>> No.9919337

Some of us aren't dependent on caffeine at all

>> No.9919491

Starbucks fetishist should be gathered around in a stake and burned

>> No.9919494

That meme was dated before tower seven was bombed

>> No.9919724

It's a gay bondage website, for males.

>> No.9919745

im laughing so hard

>> No.9920302
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