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9915426 No.9915426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true what they say about tortilleras?

>> No.9915454


>> No.9915505


>> No.9915510
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What do they say?

>> No.9915523

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.9915528

Yup 100%

>> No.9915529

No es bueno para juego de jotos, guey.

>> No.9915566

I love watching tortillera documentaries before I go to bed each night

>> No.9915675

lol you use a spatula for flipping pancakes you dumb spic she's probably sad because her fingers are burned

>> No.9915693

Is it just me or is she prepping to wipe her crotch with that thing?

>> No.9915703

speak english faggot

>> No.9915815

>he doesn’t even understand spanish, babby’s first foreign language
How dumb are millennials

>> No.9915823

millennial don't conform to political correctness and take it up the ass from mexicans like you do, grandpa bitch

>> No.9915828

>babbys first foreign language
yeah except they only do that in the USA because they're so cucked by mexicans they require all children to learn it

unironically hilarious that you think the fact americans can speak spanish is any different than government issued wife fuckers you sad cucked nation

>> No.9915853

what is it with the right's obsession with cuckolding in the last few years? is it because freaking out about homosexuals is no longer PC?

>> No.9915858

>USA because they're so cucked by mexicans
Good chunks of the country used to be Mexico until we took them by force. Those lands came with Spanish speaking people. It's not like we've been invaded by them. In many instances we took them.

>> No.9915859

sorry for going to college and being employable, but I'm not going to stop enjoying tacos just because paco stole your job as shopping cart monkey at safeway

>> No.9915903

>what is it with the right's obsession with cuckolding in the last few years?
It's about seven years old at this point. The idea is very simple - paint anything you want to disparage as willingly emasculated because it's associated with the wrong ideology. The soyboy thing is the same shit. It casts conservatives, racists and guys who feel threatened by feminism as the guardians of true masculinity. While it seems immature it also resonates very strongly among less educated angry white guys who actually feel like their masculinity is under some kind of threat. So it's a very effective way to bond these guys together and allow them to recognize each other while attracting like minds to them simply through how the use language.

>> No.9915913
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>when you go to ck expecting mcchickens but get woke instead

>> No.9915914

>hot and flat
reported for lolishit

>> No.9916337

who the fuck wants to speak spic? i dont peddle drugs or eat tacos faggot

>> No.9916351
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>> No.9916353

>who actually feel like their masculinity is under some kind of threat
>Implying on a national scale it isn't
I found the soyboy

>> No.9916408
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Idk what "they say" means to you, but if you mean that they're the fucking best tortillas aside from making your own, you're right. I used to live close to two, and they were the only tortillas I would buy. Now I have to make my own because I moved, and I refuse to buy supermarket shit tier tortillas.
Pic related, if I could, I'd start my own.

>> No.9916416

I have never felt any attack on my masculinity. I've played in rock bands, never had trouble getting laid, never had trouble finding work and making money... Wife gave me a BJ this morning. Maybe some guys out there have it tougher, but I suspect that has more to do with them being poor examples of masculinity than some attack on the concept itself. If you're some beta who wishes he was John Wayne that's your problem, not mine.

>> No.9916440
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>I've played in rock bands
I actually can't stop laughing

>> No.9916448
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I don't get it. I've never been in one myself but isn't that supposed to be how douchey guys get laid a lot? Like, cheaper than a boat and stuff

>> No.9916459

What, not enough autotune and dubstep drops to keep you entertained longer than 20 seconds?

>> No.9916460

I don't eat wall food

>> No.9916469
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Jesus.....this post is riduculous.

>> No.9916487

No, I'm not attacking rock music or musicians. It's just that when you typed;
>I have never felt any attack on my masculinity
I never would have imagined the next sentence would start with "I've played in rock bands"

>> No.9916493

I'm not him. I still don't see what's "funny" about playing in rock bands, though. I guess compared to dubstep and vaporwave the underage might find it dated now.

>> No.9916501

Stop speaking illegal english

>> No.9916518

But it's not rock bands that are funny. It's funny to me that it was the first thing he brought up in a discussion about masculinity.

I'm 33 and don't know what vaporwave means

>> No.9916530

when is Christmas break over

>> No.9916548

There are definitely more men in rock bands than woman. Also rock bands didn't always used to be composed of faggy numales sampling from their laptops like they are today.

>> No.9916554

Masculinity is diminishing in the west but the problem isn't a jewish conspiracy or food like the loony alt-right AM talk shows argue and /pol/tards believe. It's the supremacy of automation and technology, both of which are championed by the loony right, that have made masculinity an obsolete and in fact unattractive trait since the few masculine males left tend to be uneducated troglodytes and are relegated to low paying manual labor. As technology continues it's exponential growth, ultimately the sexes will be indistinguishable except for reproductive organs.

>> No.9916626

I can tell you from experience that walking onstage to applause, picking up an electric guitar, moving a lot of air with it in an aggressive way, then walking off to applause and having female members of the audience wanting to have sex with you (and it actually happening sometimes) is really affirming to your masculinity. Feels good man.
I think you're only half right. Masculinity hasn't gone anywhere. It's just that some expressions of it have fallen out of fashion. It's hard to read Hemingway today without thinking the guy was probably a repressed homo, the same way it's hard not to question the motivations of guys who are really into bodybuilding. But if you're talking about the narrow American blue collar concept of masculinity I'm happy to see that go - the mentality that thought Elvis was sissy for wearing pink shirts - it was total bullshit anyways.

>> No.9916665

found the woman studies major.
the good'ol boy system is alive and well in the highest paying jobs of the world and the most powerful positions in the land.

white rich old sexist racist closeted faggots are running everything and will leave a legacy of degenerates to follow.

realize that pol is full of young professionals and their views are only presented as ironic as a survival mechanisms. if you worked a real job and stoped listening to npr you would see this

tortillas ate great and USA has no official language
chupame el pito guey.

>> No.9916680
File: 262 KB, 1620x1215, rHo2NkA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol is full of young professionals

/pol/ is full of sweaty neckbeards who think the jewish conspiracy is why they aren't game developers at EA. if you interacted with the employed, and stopped getting your news from "the daily redpill", you would see this

>> No.9916698

>pol is full of young professionals
>/pol/ is full of sweaty neckbeards
You're both right. Poe's Law in action. You can't tell the difference between the retards and those pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9916707
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>pol is full of Russians and other assholes in general

>> No.9916721

That's not about masculinity, you nincompoop, that's about EGO. Anyone who works onstage successfully experiences those feelings and "perks", and gets a a literal ego boost from it. It has nothing to do with your masculinity at all, that's just how you want to interpret it. Your psychological state is as easy to read as a cereal box.

>> No.9916724

Imagine being this insecure.
Obsessing over muh masculinity isn't going to make you less repulsive to women or more successful at large. It's just weird and embarrassing.