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9915171 No.9915171 [Reply] [Original]

>fat doesn’t make you fat, carbs make you fat
What other lies do fattys in denial tell themselves to justify their gluttony?

>> No.9915179

Do you really think the fat you eat goes directly to fat deposits in your ass?

>> No.9915185
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Where does it go?

>> No.9915190

>t. Fatty in denial

>> No.9915192 [DELETED] 

I'm a cyclist with 12% body fat and for me, of all the macros, carbs are the easiest to lose track of owing to different form factors. Tracking how much you've eaten kinda matters, contrary to popular belief.

But I've never been fat and I would guess maybe a fat person trying to lose weight is different from an endurance athlete trying to maintain weight. Op sounds mad and bitter, so I'm guessing he's either fat himself, or an ex-fat.

>> No.9915456

Carbs don't make you fat.
Excess caloric intake above caloric expenditure makes you fat.

>> No.9915464

Also the reason why keto is bullshit.

>> No.9915475

But muh sweet smelling peepee

>> No.9915524

Well the science behind Keto in terms of GI and all that is true, and it is also true that such a dramatic arbitrary dietary restricting will force pretty much anyone to undereat and lose weight simply due to how hard it is to find food that meets its qualifications. Whatever people need to tell themselves, at the end of the day.

>> No.9915537

fat as a macro nutrient is still typically broken down and burned for energy before its ever stored

Fat and Protein are more satiating than carbs have and take more energy to use.
Thus its easier to eat 2000 calories of carbs throughout a day and feel less full than the equivalent caloric amount of Fat and protein

>> No.9915538

>Issued by the Lard Information Council

>> No.9915563

Over eating is what you makes you fat and there's no difference in weight gain if you Over eat with fats or carbs in fact it's about the same. So stop justifying your cookie and soda addiction you fat piece of shit.

>> No.9915654

calories make you fat.

>> No.9915665

Yes but it's still a case of calories in, calories out.
The laws of thermodynamics apply to the body too.

The point is that people who go anti on one macro for some stupid fad diet are retarded.

>> No.9915676

i'm not saying that carbs are necessarily bad, its just that high protein diets are good way of cutting calories consumed

>> No.9915680

Eating less is even more effective

>> No.9915689

but that's the point, eating less Carbs means having macros that are either more satiating or have a lower thermal efficiently
meaning that you generally eat less per

>> No.9915694
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I’ve been fat and thin back and forth most of my life. I tried the original Atkins back in the ‘90s and weight flew off of me and actually stayed off for years.
After divorce I got fat from beer & Chinese take out. Met a hot Pilates instructor who asked me out but then freaked because she’d only been with super in shape guys. I got on a strict diet exercise regiment and lost 100lbs in a totally healthy way.
Everything came down to calorie intake. For me holding off on carbs keeps me fuller so I eat less, but if I insisted on daily pasta and kept the portions small I’m sure I’d maintain.
Chinese take out is my weakness. NYC.

>> No.9915707

This is wrong though. calori intake means nothing when your body can process 1 KG of sugar cube, but will shit out any excess fat after the first spoon.
Fiber and alcohol at high in calories but you will die if you eat them to get your nutrients.
biology != mechanics, you can't compare your body to an engine and fuel.

>> No.9915718


>> No.9915728

so it teleports to a different galaxy

>> No.9915751

This is definitely a myth regarding keto, if you aren't a fat shit there are literally a billion different things you can eat and prepare (inb4 cretins) that aren't loaded with simple carbs and contain wayyyy more nutrients.

>> No.9915762

Right, and eating primarily proteins and fats staves off hunger responses through the day, and you will feel like you have more energy. The point is with a 2000 calorie in fat and protein, you won't have much desire to consume more.

>> No.9915764

Calories in and out would be true (and much easier) if different food sources all acted the same when eaten, but they don't. Macros work when you do the research and figure out what's best for your own body, but definitely a majority do not understand or use dieting correctly or effectively in the long term.

>> No.9915766

I am very strict keto. I have found that I stopped snacks and adopted much larger meals. It has become one huge meal a day as a matter of fact. Everyone is different. I have been doing this for 2 years. This works for me.

>> No.9915776

eating too many calories makes you fat, but it is certainly true that calories from carbs are at least somewhat worse in the respect than calories from fat

>> No.9915800

This, though it depends on the patterns within your diet. It's pretty easy to be skinny on a high carb, low fat diet as long as you avoid sugar and eat a decent amount of fiber.

>> No.9915974

Fiber effectively has no valories because your body cannot digest it, that's why it isn't counted on calorie labels.

The calories in alcohol actually can sustain you, as long you don't get killed by alcohol poisoning.

>> No.9916012
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