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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9912797 No.9912797 [Reply] [Original]

Would you send this back for being burned?

>> No.9912802


>> No.9912812

No, I would send it back for not being what I ordered.

>> No.9912828

It's ruined

>> No.9912856

Absolutely, unless I got it delivered or as take out and didn't check it until I got home, because I'd be too lazy. But yeah, you shouldn't have any qualms about sending that back.

>> No.9912859

I'd just throw it out and cut my losses.

>> No.9912864

you know your replace is going to get spit on or jizzed on or loaded with boogers

>> No.9912874

Yes. Whoever cooked that shit knows it's well beyond burned. They're just hoping they don't have make it again.

>> No.9912883

I pretty much never send anything back, but I make an exception for burnt food. Which that calzone definitely is.

>> No.9912887
File: 38 KB, 569x508, Crazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The front-left is fucked, but the rest is dark but good.

No I'm not going to send back a delivered product because I disliked under 5% of it.

>> No.9912895

That's not truly burned but a bit overbaked

>> No.9912898

No. And I wouldn't throw it out either because I'm not a prissy little bitch.

I'd just go somewhere else next time. The chef doesn't care, they're not gonna care more after you complain, and people that send food back eat spit and pubes daily. Stop thinking people give a fuck about how you feel about your food, and that they don't just think you're a bitch too.

>> No.9912905

For the most part it's not too burnt, depending on my mood and how much of a hassle it is to send/return it, I'd keep it. Plus I'm worried about >>9912864

>> No.9912911

>not covering it in butter and Parmesan before putting in the oven to ensure a golden glossy delicious coat...

that was the first mistake.

>> No.9912925
File: 686 KB, 1958x1102, pastie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because it is burnt. Here's my second ever attempt at shortcrust pastry and my first attempt at a pasty for comparison.

>> No.9912983

spinach calzone best calzone

>> No.9912984

Nah. Looks a little more done than I'd like,but not burnt.

>> No.9912993

The only sensible post in this thread.

>> No.9913020

Is it from Dominos?

I'd drop it on the street and bring it back and they could make me a new one for free thanks to that new policy

>> No.9913025

Nope. Aside from that one burnt bubble, I actually like them when they are that well done.

>> No.9913035

I wish I could understand this gimmick. They must truly despise their employees.

>> No.9913046

No send back, but it is several min overdone. I would't want to wait for a new one + boogers and cum, but I would know the chef fucked up.

>> No.9913051

>thanks to that new policy

What new policy?

>> No.9913052

Nah. Mushroom. Or meatball.

>> No.9913436

how the fuck do you know what's in it

>> No.9913526

Only if I bite into it and find that there isn't enough spit in my food.

>> No.9913581

They call it "carry out insurance". The premise is if your mouth breathing, knuckle dragging dumbass somehow fucks up getting your pizza home in one piece they will remake it for free. I can't see how this is possibly a selling point worthy of making an advertising campaign around. I had the misfortune of working at a pizza chain shop for a couple of years. This issue came up maybe a few times a year, usually someone carrying more than they could handle and a box slipping off. We would generally remake it for free anyway as long as the customer wasn't a douche,it wasn't a big desl. Making it an official policy and advertising is begging unwashed trash to exploit it. It WILL be abused, you would be shocked at the lengths people will go through to get a free shit-tier chain pizza.

>> No.9913946

Never send food back

Just get a refund and leave

>> No.9913960

you can see the spinach in the picture

>> No.9913992

A meal would have to look inedible for me to send it back. Sounds humiliating for all parties involved.

>> No.9914003

>he doesn't eat jizz, booger and spit calzones


>> No.9914007

you literally can't

>> No.9914016

he made us look

>> No.9914018

If I knew they'd cook them like that, I'd specifically request it. I love charred pizza dough.

>> No.9914307

That sounds like a great way to start a lawsuit.

>> No.9914317

You have ingested more disgusting shit in your life and not even known it

>> No.9914320

dang it

>> No.9914356


>> No.9914372


>> No.9914403
File: 32 KB, 289x297, nothing personal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish isn't supposed to look like that.

>> No.9914418
File: 10 KB, 242x170, MonsterGnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf did you do to that salmon
Like how can you even possibly fuck it up so bad

>> No.9914423

That's what pizza is supposed to look like, but people on this board are retarded, so good thread OP.

>> No.9914429


>> No.9914431

Nah fampai that seems perfect

>> No.9914438

No looks fine.

>> No.9914502
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That'a a god damn calzone you fucking liberal

>> No.9914542

Why is gnome and watermelon related?

>> No.9914546
File: 100 KB, 900x675, SmallGnomesFeasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9914548

Nope, looks well-cooked and crispy. I'd take it.

>> No.9914549

You're never going to know if they do it right.

>> No.9914555

Why is gnome and watermelon related?

>> No.9914560

oh you dont want to know
and checked btw

>> No.9914564

I do though.

>> No.9915590

What restaurant doesn't have cameras everywhere?

>> No.9915651

What restaurant monitors them all the time?

>> No.9915653

No, that's just right.

>> No.9915656

All of them that get inspected from what I understand. Aside from the bathrooms of course, but if you take a customers food into the bathroom you're going to get fired anyways.

>> No.9915662

most businesses only ever check a cam if they already know something is wrong. The video is for evidence, not discovery... way too time consuming to go over for no reason. Most cameras are decoys as well.

>> No.9915664

Yeah you're right, I misunderstood what you were asking for a second.

>> No.9915737

no, i like burned food.

>> No.9915742

>orders a tiddy oggy
>doesn't get chips and baked beans to moisten the pastry

>> No.9915753

Is this redit humor or something? I don't get it. Is that what passes for wit these days?

>> No.9916022

Calzone = folded pizza

>> No.9916136

Why would i have a disgusting british pastry taco when i can have a superior mexican tortilla one?

>> No.9916348
File: 123 KB, 292x389, 1481393882386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything Mexican

>> No.9917172
File: 79 KB, 1000x746, new haven pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. I like a little char.

>> No.9917176

fuck. no. Momma. Did. Not. Raise. A. Picky. Eating. Bitch.

>> No.9917886

well mexican cuisine, as in whats actually south of the border and not taco bell, is superior to "American" cuisine, whatever that may be, so yeah...

>> No.9917925

Ain't nothin wrong with a little crisp on a calzone

>> No.9918620

no i'd take it and want a discount or refund

>> No.9918649
File: 53 KB, 550x796, 2534b2d4406730a19cce557f8e634ed0--disney-mickey-disney-parks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not eating a delicious wood-fired calzone

>> No.9918685

What are you, 8? Char's another flavor dude, that looks pretty good honestly.

>> No.9918710

no because im not a nigger and it will taste perfectly fine

>> No.9918725

found the niggers

>> No.9918729


I would eat this happily as long as it were vegetarian. People who send this back deserve death.

>> No.9918757

It looks perfectly done.

>> No.9918778

I'd send it back but get it comped so I can eat somewhere else where I don't get boogers, jizz, etc. in my food for having standards. It's not my fault the kitchen doesn't have standards or competent cooks. Part of the experience of going out to eat is getting cooked, edible food. If any part of it is burnt or incorrect, I'm not eating it. I want to enjoy my food, not eat around overcooked and burnt bits while grinning and bearing it.

>> No.9918784

He said Mexican food, not the trash you eat from a taco truck, cooked by wh*te people, or a restaurant where 90% of the staff is the owner's illegal family + friends who can't cook for shit.
If you want REAL Mexican food, go to Mexico (or California/Texas/etc. since they are basically Mexico 2.0 at this point) made by REAL Mexican chefs. You wouldn't eat at a "french" restaurant in bumfuck Missouri made by a guy called Billy Bob, would you?

>> No.9918941

No, I would complain and demand a new one without giving them first one, that way I'll end up with two calzones

>> No.9918952

I'll take one order of 'za with cha'

>> No.9918959
File: 51 KB, 496x469, 16998962637191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finding faces in original content for making reaction images? No, shit's been around for a while.
'Member Jesus in that piece of toast? iSpy books? C'mon Anon... We're trying to help you out here. Wanna get high?
Your opinion=deez nuts