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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9911620 No.9911620 [Reply] [Original]

>had to move into this shitty apartment in upper west side
>only $7,000 to spend on food until February

How do I survive, /ck/?

>> No.9911628

mcd every day you will spend roughly $200 for 2 months

>> No.9911635

>only $7000

I could eat for a fucking year on that.

>> No.9911751

nobody can eat on $583 a month

>> No.9911763 [DELETED] 
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Try to stick to the 1 star joints

>> No.9911810

>nobody can eat on $583 a month
Objectively wrong.
$2.72 for over 2000 calories worth of potatoes * 30 days + $0 tap water = $81.60

>> No.9911826


uhhh... I only spend like $125 on groceries a month.

Cause I... you know... actually cook...

>> No.9911835
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$142.65 for an entire year's worth of food, and you can use any leftover cash you have to buy some multivitamins if you're concerned about scurvy.

>> No.9911846

>you could compromise your health with scurvy and other third world diseases for only $142!

>> No.9911853

Excellent trolling thread, OP.

>> No.9911854

I spend about $100-200/week on groceries and I actually cook.

$125/month seems very low unless all you're eating is rice and beans and some eggs.

>> No.9911855

you could get a month's worth of rice and beans for a third of that or less.

>> No.9911860

sorry to hear you live in los angeles/san francisco/miami/new york, anon

>> No.9911869

Since no one else seems to understand what you're asking, here are some tips:
Get choice rather than prime grade steaks
Try 10-16 count shrimp rather than 6-8 for your shrimp cocktail
Only get caviar on the weekends
Ahi rather than toro for your sashimi...I know, this one is tough
Lay off the gold flaking for your confections, no matter what you've been told it is just decorative
Try some wines that are less than ten years old

>> No.9911872

You fucking eating steak every day?

>> No.9911874
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>m-muh nutrition
Checkmate, dummy.

>> No.9911877

I don't live in any of those places, I just choose to use good quality ingredients instead of eating as cheaply as possible.

>> No.9911964

nigga, op wants to budget his spending, not live like a fucking animal, what you are suggesting is akin to dumpster diving

>> No.9911993

Are Americans really this fat? Does that include tipping your cashier?

>> No.9911996

>implying its even possible to survive on less than 900 a month on food
I guess you could REALLY rough it and fast for 5 days and pass it off as a spiritual thing...
this is at least practical. I started going with smoked salmon and crackers instead of sushi every other week. Also, buy mineral water in bulk, it wont go bad.

>> No.9912057

>a sub poverty budget
>are americans this fat?
what? which 3rd world country are you in where you can live off of 583 USD a MONTH? Do you live in one of those countries that eats dog and black birds?

>> No.9912445

what. i spend about £140 a month ($190) on food. and i'm not even skinny really.

>> No.9912559


>> No.9912653

I live off of 700 a month, give or take, for a family of five. Three kids, ages 2, 6, and 9. Me and my wife.
We don’t really budget. We eat organ meats, which is cheaper. Our meals aren’t always massive and filling, but the kids like to snack throughout the day anyways. If money is tight near the end of the month, we primarily eat top ramens, rice, or canned food I try to keep stocked.

>> No.9912662

>he doesnt cook with saffron

>> No.9912668

At least it's not the Upper East Side.

>no reaction image for how dreadful this would be

>> No.9912671

You're going to have to cut back on the caviar, unfortunately. It'll be tough but you'll make it.

>> No.9912674
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>Get choice rather than prime grade steaks
For gods sake man have some self respect

>> No.9912705

>enormous bag of rice
>enormous bag of potatoes
>enormous bag of beans
>large amount of chicken
You can survive on this in perpetua, and if you buy a huge fucking bag of each then you'd have enough for multiple months. Throw in some wheat bread, milk, other meats, and some berries/other veggiesand this is a decent war chest that you can make specialty meals fit for /ck/ with.

>> No.9912753

what the fuck are you eating???? I don't even spend that much and I eat out a bunch

>> No.9912854


I love this thread.

>> No.9912892

That place is gaudy as fuck. If I had $7000 to spare I'd hire an assassin to fucking murder whoever is responsible for that.

>> No.9912915
File: 130 KB, 1200x1500, opti-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking the king's multivitamin

>> No.9912918

I was just talking to a lady at my grocery store that said she feeds 14 mouths and we were talking about the awesomeness of digital couponing these days. Play the grocery game and it can actually be entertaining as well as cost saving.

>> No.9912945

What the fuck are you niggers eating where you spend anything over $600 a month on food. If I lived by myself I'd probably spend like $200-300 a month on myself for food, easy. I feed myself, my wife, and our kids spending about $600 a month on food at absolute tops. We eat pretty much whatever the fuck we want too. We're not exactly bargain shopping for meat or spices or anything.

None of us are really fat fucks or anything either tho.

>> No.9912962
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>> No.9912989
File: 48 KB, 456x393, rs-ft3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just tell OP to kill himself now instead of slowly starving himself to death? Drinking bleach is a preferable alternative.

>> No.9913018

I was in a similar situation. What I did was start networking and see which of my friend's friends were having an art exhibition each week.

You can use them to have some complimentary deconstructed meals during the week

>> No.9913047

>nobody can eat for $20 a day
My monthly budget for all groceries and household items is about $150-200, and that's living fairly comfortably eating meats more or less daily.

I can get by with a lot less simply substituting the meat for lentils and beans if I really want the money for something else.

>> No.9913062

Yeah, it's a shithole. I'm toying with the idea of ordering a drone strike on that dump from my 5th Avenue penthouse.

>> No.9913172

>upper west side.

upper west of what?

>> No.9913381

of ur mum

>> No.9913558

Bruh I got 2 kids and a wife. Only spend $300/mo. I too want to eat lobster and steak 3 times a day. Gimme some cash.

>> No.9913586

Bleach is mostly water and I am mostly water therefore I am bleach.

>> No.9915126

Shittiest interior decoration I have ever seen
>that random blue worm on the ceiling

>> No.9915385

The painted ceiling isn't too bad. It's all the other artwork crammed in the room without any rhyme or reason that's making it look way overloaded.

>> No.9915390

This is terrible bait, what the fuck, why are you all responding seriously, you know that isn't OP's apartment

>> No.9915395 [DELETED] 

Citation needed

>> No.9915399

spend that money to improve your taste in art

>> No.9915802

I'm in a flyover, but, I live on like $550 a month, rent and utilities are like $300 I spend about $300 on food an the $50 on entertainment.

>> No.9915809

I meant I spend $200 a month on food

>> No.9915837

>Global Rules
>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.9915877


>> No.9915902

Wow, it's like a dollar where I live. NYC sux sometimes

>> No.9915918
File: 29 KB, 250x333, 1498847519109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you make your wife get a fucking job so that you don't have to live off of chicken hearts and pork bung? I never understood why people are okay with having a parasitic stay-at-home spouse. Once the kids are in school or old enough to be in daycare keeping a home takes almost zero effort, especially if you're a flyover povvo living in a tiny shack or apartment.

>> No.9916256


if you trash your health eating salted cardboard all day you arent going to save any money.

Stick to the staples of rice, flour, beans, onions, vegetables.

>> No.9916298

Is this a troll thread? I can't tell who's serious anymore.

>> No.9916358

I live on £40-£50 a week in uni. You're full of shit.

>> No.9916365

I meant to say a month, not a week. It is possible.

>> No.9916394

I'm jelly of that pic. I wish I actually owned furniture or cared about stuff like that. All I got is my desk, music equipment, and recording gear. Who honestly has the money for a couch, dog, or paintings? Is that a cardboard bike?

>> No.9916432 [DELETED] 

I dunno, I have a feeling if I had piles of cash I wouldn't think about whether I need a wooden bicycle on my fireplace. Every time I think about buying stuff to decorate my place I get tired and bored almost instantly.

>> No.9916909

Daycare for three kids would be about $1200 a month.

>> No.9917240

If you're going to let uneducated immigrants watch your kids you don't belong in this thread.

>> No.9917404

Why would school-age children need daycare? Only one of them is too young for school.

>> No.9918343

>rent and utilities are like $300
how in the actual fuck is this possible I spend 800 on rent and this is cheap

>> No.9918372

OP just suck it up and fire your footman and live like a bohemian for 2 months. Serve your guests yourself at the table with your sleeves rolled up; I guarantee you they will find it charming.

>Is that a cardboard bike
it's a woodcarving of a bike because actual bikes are fucking pedestrian

>> No.9919004

I was eating on about $1.50 a day when I was penny pinching, git fucking gud.

>> No.9919009

i could eat on 583$ a month very easily. Also very good eating too.

>> No.9919011

Wow, it's like different places have different costs of living.
Just like memelords say that Japan is expensive but I literally have a 4 bedroom house to myself for $100/month. Just try not living in the most expensive part of any given country, it's not hard.

>> No.9919028

OP is trolling, let's turn this into a budget eating thread.

Go to a Vietnamese or an Indian market and buy
>cheap cuts of meat and fish and beef bones
>olive oil and vegetable oil
>onion, garlic, shallots, and whatever vegetables are on sale
>coconut milk
>canned beans
>canned tomatoes
>corn tortillas

There, get a good cookbook and eat like a king. Huevos rancheros, curry, soup, tacos and rice dishes for days. American supermarkets are the worst for penny pinching

>> No.9919055

>Wanting to eat like an actual rodent
How vile

>> No.9919061

Poverty food is great when you know what you're doing.

>> No.9919063

Sorry, no it isn't. Have some self respect.

>> No.9919070

What, do you really want to eat shit like oatmeal and spam when you're poor? I'd rather have a rice bowl.

>> No.9919075
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>when you're poor?
I don't understand the question

>> No.9919081

Well if you aren't poor then none of this applies to you in the first place.

>> No.9919090

At least he inverted the usual deal, I'm more used to seeing the opposite. You know the, "how do I eat on 20 bucks for next 3 months?" type.

>> No.9919110

If you can't live on $50/day you're a an idiot.


>> No.9921352

you can eat on $583 a month but you'd probably get fat and waste food

>> No.9921440

This is actually a very high quality thread. It's been a while since something on /ck/ could make me laugh. Would you rather another thread about:
>halp i got first apartment i spented all my moneys on ligger and marijajoojoos how i cuuk :(( so hungary nowwwwww