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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, rich mans chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9909142 No.9909142 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Food that makes you feel sorry for poor people who can't afford it.

>> No.9909156

>Falling for the solid Nutella meme

>> No.9909160
File: 24 KB, 180x308, fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working in burgerking

>> No.9909501

I don't find these too expensive. However I don't understand why some would find this to be some high-end stuff. Hazelnuts are probably the most disliked nuts in mixed nuts after Peanuts. They're also called filberts.

>> No.9909522

My parents always get me these when I visit for holidays. They're the only candy I like and I always end up eating the whole box in like a day.

>> No.9909523
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>> No.9909526

>being so poor that you feel 'classy' buying mass produced branded chocolate covered nuts


>> No.9909535

Do you even know how expensive Rocher is? Get the fuck out of here poorfag, don't talk shit about stuff you can't even afford.

>> No.9909537

That's the joke. Ferrero Rochers are the olive garden of candy.

>> No.9909544

>Hazelnuts are probably the most disliked nuts in mixed nuts after Peanuts
did you forget brazil nuts?

I don't really want to eat a bowl full of hazelnuts, but they pair really well with chocolate in desserts. Gianduja is one of my favorite things. Ground hazelnuts in dacquoise or praline paste are also excellent. They are an important ingredient in the French baking tradition, so I grew to love them. Those candies in the OP pic are a really shit example of the hazelnut and chocolate combo though. Nutella is even worse.

>> No.9909562

I never feel sorry for poorfags. Fuck em, I got mine.

>> No.9909565

I like those more than hazelnuts because they are also called nigger toes

>> No.9909585

t. Poorfag who buys cheap 10$ chocolate nuts

>> No.9909587

I found these in the office kitchen one day and really liked them.

>> No.9909589
File: 53 KB, 475x475, 36pc-signature-chocolate-truffles-gift-box-classic__78335-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try poorfags

>> No.9909595
File: 31 KB, 430x430, expensive tastes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*blocks your path*

>> No.9909596

>american "kobe"
youve been jewed

>> No.9909597

Now I'm the poorfag

>> No.9909625

damn, hoisted by your own petard

>> No.9909633

'hoist' is its own past participle

>> No.9909643

Thanks for looking out for me anon.

>> No.9909662
File: 50 KB, 500x332, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hol up

>> No.9909686

>macadamia nuts
>smoked salmon
>those Harry and David pears
>pirouette cookies
>Whole vanilla beans

>> No.9909711
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>smoked salmon
>whole vanilla beans

>> No.9909755
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I saw 3 packs of Ferrero rocher at Walmart for $1 each. That's even less than the shitty impulse buy chocolate at the till.

Also what the fuck kind of ripoff is this? Just the shell and no filling? The filling is the best part. Why the fuck would people want to spend $8 for more of the worst part?

>> No.9909771

I love ferrero rocher, but they're certainly not very fancy

>> No.9909777
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>> No.9909782
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>> No.9909870

That's low middle class fancy.

>> No.9909890

>ferrero rocher
>not premium mediocre

>> No.9909894
File: 123 KB, 856x804, IMG_0959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor but mum buys them for me every birthday and Christmas.

They also get a nice discount right after Easter.

>> No.9909901
File: 84 KB, 1500x1500, guylian-sea-shells-original-praline-500g-packshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guylian seashells.

>> No.9909910

ferrero rocher - the rolex of chocolate

>> No.9909917

secret hyde meme go away not funny racist antifeminist notfunny loser

>> No.9909940

I almost thought you were 10 inches soft, but those weak nostrils don't look right.

>> No.9909945


>> No.9909965
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>American Kobe
Does not compute.

>> No.9909968

10 inches soft?

>> No.9909970

Hit the bricks and take your garbage chocolate with you.

>> No.9909987

Tripfag from /k/, pls keep up.

>> No.9909997
File: 23 KB, 218x290, IMG_0074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga that shit is .99 at the checkout line at HEB. You truly need to get out of your trailer more often.

>> No.9910012

Thats brazil nuts you dumbfuck.

>> No.9910023 [DELETED] 

Which is the best chocolate
And I only want chocolate nothing else I don't want any nuts cream/caramel filling I just want plain chocolate

>> No.9910025 [DELETED] 

What not which

>> No.9910114

That's 16 chocolates, mine doesn't have them that cheap. Where the fuck in Texas are you?

>> No.9910164
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>> No.9910202

This looks incredibly gay.

>> No.9910214
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Hahahahaha panjeet you dun goofed

>> No.9910215

These don't really taste anything too special.
I think they're overpriced.

>> No.9910234

>American Kobe
You got jew'd hard Pablo

>> No.9910236


it's like, four dollars.

>> No.9910240


imagine how much anti-culture has to accumulate in one location to find actual reasons to put eight pieces of candy in a box the size of a fucking shoe.

it's just a piece of fucking sugar.

>> No.9910249

What is official chocolate shape tier list?

>the rest

>> No.9910254

>Light coloured
>Dark coloured
The light ones have a more creamy taste

>> No.9910265

What's the best chocolate that doesn't have any filling or nuts or special bullshit
Just plain normal chocolate

>> No.9910273
File: 451 KB, 736x1789, good shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your jam right here homie.

>> No.9910278
File: 44 KB, 520x520, raffaello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again.

>> No.9910288

It looks nice
Plus it's not that expensive
Thanks dude

>> No.9910292
File: 226 KB, 623x467, large_e6ca22eeaf0fcbe75a9ad2f7aaf2a97e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep giving me fancy-ass praline for Christmas but what I prefer are these.

>> No.9910296
File: 218 KB, 1024x919, rococo-chester-logo_2012_small_cmyk-1024x919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9910299

in what world are macadamia nuts expensive

>> No.9910342

These are good.

These are complete trash.

>> No.9910349
File: 25 KB, 680x680, 1512726974957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is candy regarded as "childish," yet alcohol is not even though it makes you piss and shit yourself like a child?
Can opinions be changed?

>> No.9910356

>not $20 for six single origin craft chocolate truffles sourced directly from the chocolatier


>> No.9910357

>not the highest grade of Japanese Kobe for hundreds of dollars a plate plus the flight to Japan

>> No.9910360

>tfw no ambassador to spoil you with this Ferrero Rocher

>> No.9910368

Something like: https://www.fevechocolates.com/shop/9-piece-single-origin-dark-chocolate-truffles

This isn't the exact ones I buy (I don't want to give away my location with my local artisan chocolate place), but it's a very similar item.

>> No.9910369

>hmmm all other flavors and ingredients contained within this are now invalid because there is SUGAR IN IT

>> No.9910374
File: 341 KB, 3160x3160, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating candy
sugar is peasant food

>> No.9910377
File: 119 KB, 828x846, high society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor people will never have this
>they'll never know how it feels to attend a black tie event and eat the worlds greatest chocolate free of charge

>> No.9910380

Generally true, yes. Refined sugar easily overpowers subtle flavors and reduces complexity in almost all usages. The advantage of this to the producer is that it also eliminates unpleasant flavors, but it tends to also make food less interesting.

This is also often true of salt.

>> No.9910417

The sad thing is, it's in Texas.

>> No.9910470

ITT bait post OP

>> No.9910481
File: 31 KB, 111x121, 1511766559358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9910515 [DELETED] 

>I don't understand why some would find this to be some high-end stuff.
Same reason "some people" would find axe body spray to be effective at attracting women. They're dumb, just like you

>Hazelnuts are probably the most disliked nuts in mixed nuts after Peanuts
You're dumb

>> No.9910539
File: 34 KB, 355x355, 51LI8o5pR7L._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9910556

Not him, but actually you're dumb. Hazelnuts are garbage tier. Pistachios are objectively better in every way.

>> No.9910566

To be clear, peanuts aren't actually nuts so can't be rated amongst nuts. You knew that, didn't you?

>> No.9910570 [DELETED] 

You're garbage tier.

>> No.9910597

Your face is garbage tier.

>> No.9910602 [DELETED] 

Only because it's covered in ur mom's BRRAAAAAAP

>> No.9910621

My mother is dead asshole.

>> No.9910638

I know she came so hard it was impossible to survive.

>> No.9910650


>> No.9910673

>Thinking £6 is expensive for a box of chocolates
best chocolates
Fucking great chocolate but it's from aldi and it's cheap as shit
Hot garbage
Hello sir well come to this very fancy place where you can eat chocolate that cost £6 for 24 for free, this is truly the meaning of class

>> No.9910680

Which chocolate brand is the worst and why is it Lindt

>> No.9910692

I hope you catch a fast spreading flesh eating disease.

>> No.9910694

>Hazelnuts are probably the most disliked nuts in mixed nuts after Peanuts. They're also called filberts.

>> No.9910701 [DELETED] 

He's not wrong though
Americans know better because Americans are familiar with brazil nuts aka NIGGER TOES which are clearly the worst. Next to that even peanuts are like ambrosia from the gods

>> No.9910702

>a cheap cut of milk cow meat with a biig ass chunk of fat in the middle

>> No.9910706

Lindt is genuinely bad, deal with it. I live in a nation with hundreds of brands and Lindt is fucking garbage that people buy when they have no idea what to gift. The only “good” Lindt candy is the red one with the caramel cream filling (Lindor was it called?).

>> No.9910709

Europe at least. Can't be grown locally, unlike hazelnuts, amonds or chestnuts.

>> No.9910712 [DELETED] 

US too. And not only are they expensive they start going rancid seconds after the harvest.

>> No.9910716
File: 56 KB, 640x426, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when year was so good you can get both red and black at the same time.

>> No.9910732

you should have gotten more of the black one, red caviar is shit anyway

>> No.9910735
File: 73 KB, 875x875, hotel-chocolat-signature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotel Chocolat aren't quite as upmarket as in some previous years, when they used to do a few of these in oak boxes with fancy marquetry.

But it's still good, and they make reasonably good gifts for those that like chocolate.

>> No.9910751

Gotta eat the bad to try let enjoy the good.

>> No.9910839

I'm 12, and what is this?

>> No.9910931

this butter be bait

>> No.9911419

That's a giant ferrero rocher filled with normal ones you retard.

>> No.9911754

They sell FR at my local dollar store

>> No.9911756

Yeah maybe a dollar for a trial of one, and one per customer. You can't just get your hands on Rocher easily if you don't come from money.

>> No.9911775

It was like $1 for 3, next to all the other candy bars

I like them but it's not what rich people eat. It's what poor people eat to feel rich.

Upper class parties usually serve fruit and nuts and trendy health-food

Middle class parties have the best spreads because they're much more materialistic.

>> No.9911804

Eh, if i'm splashing out on chocolate i usually go for Hotel Chocolat or Charbonnel et Walker. typically i'd just get some boring old Lindt chocolates though.

I mean theres pricier stuff, but the next tier of chocolate is out of my usual budget.

>> No.9911812

>Great Taste
>paddymick brandname

>> No.9911839

Movenpick ice cream
Cailler chocolate
Blue bottle coffee

>> No.9912021

>t. 3 months on HRT

>> No.9912292

Holy shit I've been looking for the name of these things since i got them for christmas like 10 years ago. Thank you anon.

>> No.9912439

What are some upscale chocolate brands? Wanna take advantage of some christmas sales.

>> No.9912467

for that box its just 6€ though

>> No.9912478

>poorfags think Ferrero is expensive

>> No.9912513

I put a box of these in the cart last time me and mommy went to Costco and she made me put it back

>> No.9912523


a piece of candy is a piece of candy. the bar is very, very low. the best piece of candy in the world is a little better than anything you find in a checkout line.

>> No.9912594

Stop ruining the joke you autist.

>> No.9912781

it's the manipulation of textures and flavours and how you compile something together is what makes a good candy bar, look at aero/kitkat/reese they are not just standard boiled sweet or slab of chocolate, it's the way how it's put together and tastes, there's thought put into it.

>> No.9912907

That's a lot in Australian dollar

>> No.9912930


>> No.9913268

Fuck I wish they still made that. I have to settle for Cadbury Bubbly

>> No.9913284

People who just can't afford enough food in general to be honest.

For some, it's either you have food for the week, or your water gets shut off

>> No.9913287


>> No.9913361
File: 243 KB, 1200x1600, Ritter Sport Biscuit (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside all other candy bars

>> No.9914572

ITT: Poorfag who thinks fucking ferrero rocher, which is literally in Walmart checkout lines, is a luxury food

>> No.9914583

It feels like respondents to this didn't actually catch the reference. Is modern culture really so deficient in Ferrero Rocher lore?

>> No.9914624
File: 61 KB, 720x960, 1502292714908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. piss poor faggot who can't afford ferrero rocher
Just because you pass the BMW dealership every day on the way to work doesn't mean you can afford a BMW.

>> No.9914671

please stop referring to any sort of chocolates as CANDY. bloody yanks.

>> No.9914692

post penis

>> No.9914753

This is what poorfags think expensive chocolate looks like. Lmaoing at your life.

>> No.9914761

>t. piss poor faggot
I still have six Rocher left, how does that make you feel? I think I'll eat the lot while I wait for your response.

>> No.9914779

>Being so poor that you pretend to be so rich that prestige chocolate looks worthless to you

Is there a term for this? It seems like passive aggressiveness, but I don't think that's what it is.

>> No.9914797

>being so poor that you attack people based on their ability to afford expensive chocolate
Is there a term for this? It seems like passive aggressiveness, but I don't think that's what it is.


>reddit spacing

>> No.9914828


Richfag here, I hate Ferrero Rocher and fags like op wont stay rich for long if that's what they believe. That hard plastic shell is clearly the biggest cost in manufacturing and a gigantic waste of resources and currency. That is what you're paying for when you spend money on Ferrero Rocher. Here's your (You).

>> No.9914841

>That hard plastic shell
I use it for storing earphones in baka desu, probably the best part of the whole deal.

>> No.9914866


It's almost as if you're not paying for anything except its brand and packaging. Actual rich people will hire chefs to make this shit handmade on their yachts and at their champagne conferences, not buy mass produced wasteful shite like in ops pic

>> No.9914871

b-but the ambassador told me it was quality chocolate!?

Jokes aside Rocher is actually really nice despite the retarded "it's for rich people" marketing.

>> No.9914942

I don't recall one product I don't like from ferrero.

>> No.9915394

I don't get the "it's for rich people" vibe, it's sold in every single store.
It's more of a "I have no idea what to gift for Christmas" type of chocolate.

>> No.9915401

I fucking love Ferrero Rocher. The ambassador always gets it in at his receptions. Dude has exquisite taste.

>> No.9915403 [DELETED] 

in my country of brasil there is a series of television adverts that show a festival at the embassy and the rich people are eating ferrero rocher. it's a popular thing to joke of because ferrero is considered crap food for american yankees, no rich people eat ferrero rocher here, except in shit places like belém where the rich are from drugs traffic and they have no culture. maybe it is like your version of «fly over land», is that what you say?

I do not know if this is a shared advert in all countries, have you not seen this?

>> No.9915414

I'm in Europe and everybody receives these for Chritsmas. I honestly cannot recall any advert, I just remember one with a woman in a golden dress. But still, it's about 5-6 euros for a whole box of it and I get them all the time from people (ironically enough poorfags) who have no clue what to give to me.

>> No.9915490

i really don't see adverts for ferrero rocher, but its by no means high class or anything like that
they're rather cheap around the holiday's and presumable the rest of the yearwhen i don't have any real desire to buy them

>> No.9915515

probably the only post truly reflecting what OP was looking for. Everything else is cheap or terrible tasting or both

>> No.9915525


>> No.9915535

>Guy buying $10 chocolate trying to convince everyone hes patrician

>> No.9915557

Obvious counterfeits. Please state your location, I must report this to Mr. Rocher immediately.

>> No.9915560

Black caviar but ONLY because people sometimes buy that weird salty imitation black caviar at super markets and think it's the real thing.

As for the real stuff, it's okay, but it seems like truffles have taken over the true test of delicacy.

>> No.9915568

My grandfather was in the caviar business before he passed away. It's generally something people try to convince themselves it is great, just because poor people can't afford it. Very very overrated

>> No.9915580

top breech

>> No.9915589

They fool you with the fancy logo and foil embossed and package but this not high quality stuff, ok? This is shit. You don't want that, it sends a signal, tells people you don't understand class and style.

>> No.9915602

i love this stuff

>> No.9915645

Did you have your tastebuds removed immediately after birth or something?

>> No.9915725


>> No.9915759

Damnit now I'm craving Anton Berg chocolate covered marzipans with the liquid centres.

>> No.9915960

>not celebrating your knightly jousting rituals while consuming a nice bar of Ritter Sport

>> No.9915982
File: 224 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Foie_gras_en_cocotte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.9916014

It's load of sugar with no specific properties. You're the one who should learn more about chocolate.

>> No.9916019

agreed, brazil nuts are trash.

>> No.9916170

meh, making truffles is easy its 2 ingredients

>> No.9916349
File: 282 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-1776873500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not having the delightful trifecta at your fingertips

>> No.9916523

learn to read, you fucking half-wit

>> No.9916533

niggertoes are the worst

>> No.9916675

I use cooking chocolate for this (Nestle is common and cheap enough here). It's meant to be melted and used for baking, but it's good on it's own.

It's not bad. There are many chocolates that are truly disgusting, Lindt is at least almost good.
It's expensive as fuck for its quality though.

You didn't saw their ads on TV as a kid then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMlP_Moo0bE (it's an international campaign)

Nouveau riche is the term you're looking for.

>> No.9917411

Does anybody know what the most upscale brands of chocolate are without memeing?
>not taking every effort to boycott nestle

>> No.9917426

there aren't really any foods that poor people can't afford except some dishes and of course incorporating those things into daily usage

poor people and wealthy people can eat just as expensive candy or chocolate all they want, its what they cook that distinguishes their taste

>> No.9917461

Alright /ck/ what website is the best place to buy imported chocolate

>> No.9917462

You gonna post them or?

>> No.9917494


>> No.9917544

Enjoy your shitty 10 chocolate

>> No.9917618
File: 115 KB, 1024x601, Blog_-_Mozart_Kugeln_chart_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they so expensive in Canada

>> No.9917975

What? They sell them at every paki shop in Peckham.

>> No.9917982

Why are those so fucking tasty and yet so expensive? GOAT chocolate and yes, I've bought meme artisanal chocolate truffles

>> No.9918405
File: 930 KB, 448x252, 1386828385658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can literally find macadamia nuts on the ground in Aus.

>> No.9918578

However women will not be able to find nuts in your pants you virgin weeabo.

>> No.9918670
File: 10 KB, 261x179, 1514042242833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a roasted hazelnut, dip it in nutella chocolate spread, insert into to haves of a circle made of waffer, dip it in melted milk.chocolate, then roll in crushed nuts.

>> No.9919838

what you mean nutella

>> No.9919846

nice beard, uour voice wont fool anybody either

>> No.9919876
File: 133 KB, 640x290, Sportjacket-640x290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9919903

Used to work at Godiva. Loved it. Wildly upcharged from the actual production cost tho. AMA

>> No.9920009
File: 144 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Sachertorte_DSC03027_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this again for my birthday.

>> No.9920012

It's good, but you can buy it when you're poor.

>> No.9920035

I dont feel bad about poor stupid people

>> No.9920551
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20170128_145854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not buying handcrafted and painted bonbons

>> No.9920570

Easy Valentine's gift for those in NYC

>> No.9920591

What the fuck? Those are like the most cheap-ass filled chocolates you can get

>> No.9920595

Ritter sport is fucking DRECK

>> No.9920599
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>> No.9920606

>make chocolate cake
>ruin it with jam


>> No.9920609

>tfw putting fresh mozzarella and prosciutto di parma on your homemade pizza

>> No.9921207
File: 2.42 MB, 4517x2716, Foie_gras_IMGP2349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know about the criticism but GOD DAMN it's so good.