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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9904406 No.9904406 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite vegetables,/ck/?

>> No.9904430

Onions,asparagus, bell peppers, black beans

>> No.9904434

All of them.

>> No.9904440

>in cooking
onion, celery, garlic, cabbage
>for snacking
carrot, jicama, bell peppers

>> No.9904456

Carrot, broccoli, bell pepper, green peas

>> No.9904460

gimme cauliflower, snap peas and carrots

>> No.9904483

Cooking: Onion, Garlic, Ginger (does that count?)
Eating: Steamed Green beans, Broccoli, Carrots

>> No.9904488


Onion, green beans, celery and celery root, cabbage, beets

>> No.9904496

>you must eat every vegetable in existence and love each one
>if you eat only vegetables we hate you
/ck/, everybody

>> No.9904503

>what are favourites?

>> No.9904511

>what are favourites?
A codeword for "picky eater"

>> No.9904552

Essentials (what I crave/need in my life constantly):
Spinach, sweet potato, crimini mushrooms, peas, zucchini, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, carrots, bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, watercress, turnip greens, beets, habanero or serrano peppers, bok choy

On occasion: raddishes, brussel sprouts, eggplant, artichoke, daikon, celery root, horseradish root, swiss chard, kale, mustard greens, red bell pepper, cauliflower, arugula

In the produce aisle/worth mentioning: avocado, ginger root, turmeric root

Don't fuck with: all onions

>> No.9904557

You were doing so well up until the end

>> No.9904645

Sorry holmes, can't get down with onions. I think they're overused anyway. I respect the flavor; just don't like it. In soup stock though...I can hang. Another unpopular opinion would be garlic...garlic powder, used lightly. Never any raw. That's just how I roll; I can see how many would disagree.

>> No.9904660

Obviously it’s subjective but I can’t fathom not liking/using onions and garlic

>> No.9904663

I don't consider myself picky by any means. I'll try eat and appreciate almost anything but I still have my favourites

>> No.9904666

You only THINK you don't like onions and garlic. They're not overused, they're in everything for a reason. Saying you don't like onions and garlic is very nearly saying you don't like food. This is the easiest way to identify a retard tastelet.

>> No.9904668

Onion, green oinion, cabbage

>> No.9904684

Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Spinach, Cabbage

>> No.9904906

Nothing against them, but it's just not my thing. But they also just happen to pop out on the top three of everything...like, cant I just taste spinach? For what it is? And hey...I kind of like it like that...like when we were kids; broccoli had to be doused in cheddar or something. part of cooking to me is enjoying the natural flavor. Sauteed spinach, no seasonings...gives me a stomach boner. Love me some spinach, what can I say? Apply that to the larger conversation.

>> No.9904912

Brussels sprouts, garlic, onion, peas, potatoes, cabbage, collard greens

>> No.9904913
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Onions and hot peppers are also great, but a month without spuds would leave me wanting to sudoku

>> No.9904930

ITT: people who don't know peppers are fruit

>> No.9904942

I just think that those two are way overused. Step away and try a dish without for a change...you're like "oh so thaaat's the taste"...it feels good to know it without all the hub-bub.

>> No.9904949 [DELETED] 

Broccoli, cabbage, potato, carrot.

Peas are a legume not a vegetable.

>> No.9905039

Onions, of course

>> No.9905095
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Fries, but only if they're the regular thin kind with lots of salt, none of that super-thick family owned restaurant fry bullshit where they're basically just giving you mashed potatoes in stick form. Family owned restaurants in general should go away, they don't know what they're doing.

>> No.9905110

fries aren't a vegetable dumbass

>> No.9905111
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raw onions

>> No.9905419
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when broccoli is good, it's really good.

start with a fresh head. cook 50% through, so it still has some crunch.

>> No.9905442

OP <3

>> No.9905506

They definitely are a vegetable, it's not like they're meat or fruit.

>> No.9905571


>> No.9905578
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>> No.9906322

this. plus tomatoes and potatoes if you aren't getting semantic.

>> No.9906332

Under what definition is a potato not a vegetable?
I heard of tomatoes, but what is there to debate about potatoes?

>> No.9906493

I am not a PETA libtard or a white guilt soyboy so my favorite vegetable is steak, blue rare

Triggered much? Good :D

>> No.9906517

I started typing out a list and it kept growing. I love all vegetables.

I go through a couple of bags of frozen mixed vegetables every week. That's on top of all the other vegetables I eat. It's a staple for me. I also mix green peas into macaroni and cheese. I haven't had plain mac and cheese in years.

I love noodle cups just for the ability to toss in whatever I'm in the mood for at the moment and have something pretty decent in just a few minutes.

Cabbage has to be up there, though. Cabbage rolls, kim chi, sauerkraut, as an ingredient in egg rolls and dumplings, cabbage soup, corned beef and cabbage, stir fried cabbage, etc.

>> No.9906562

Broccoli, spinach, and onion. The holy trinity of vegetables.

>> No.9906604

Since congress declared pizza a vegetable, I'll have to go with pizza.

>> No.9906771
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My parents

>> No.9906828
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vegan """"memes""""

>> No.9907135
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I luv red beets
(btw these look a little syphilitic)

>> No.9907873

Aubergine, spinach, pepper, peas, cucumber, artichoke, burdock

>> No.9907881

Also like onions but only when they are still crunchy, good on pizza, in hotdogs, burgers etc., I don't really like them when softened but I tolerate them.

>> No.9907883


>> No.9907951

Plant of eggs

>> No.9908085

Bok choy