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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 282 KB, 1024x1024, provolone-dolce[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9900874 No.9900874 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, what is the best cheese, and why is it provolone?

>> No.9900879

I think you mean sharp cheddar

>> No.9900961

>texture like rubber
>doesn't melt on my burgers
I hate it, at least American cheese is made to melt now days, that stuff just sits there like a piece of plastic on the meat

>> No.9900989

Put the cheese on sooner
Take the cheese out of the fridge sooner
Stop being a retarded little nigger

>> No.9900993

I hate raw cheese. It’s yucky and smelly, only nasty people eat it.

>> No.9901004

and foot fetishists
if it doesn't contain corn or potato starch it's not cheese.

>> No.9901028

a sharp provolone might be the best for sandwiches, but a sharp cheddar is better straight up

>> No.9901036

Well, since we run the planet you live on, I'm guessing American cheese is the best.

>> No.9901059

And Its because its the cheesiest out of all the cheeses

>> No.9901061

Americans eat more Mozzarella and cheddar than "American" cheese. "American" cheese is just what we give to our poor people

>> No.9901062
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You even need a unitasker to eat it properly

>> No.9901066

Look at Mr. Cheese over here trying to tell me shit I already know. Lighten up, kid. You'll never touch a titty at this rate.

>> No.9901074

Does Japan make any famous domestic cheeses? I would go with that one.

>> No.9901080

Anything Japanese is the best honestly ~

>> No.9901085

is it real mozzarella, or that horrid processed shit?

>> No.9901093

Even most of the chain pizza places use "real cheese" that hasn't been processed.

>> No.9901096
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>> No.9901098

What processed mozzarella?

Most mozzarella goes to pizza, but that alone makes it the most consumed cheese by Americans, Americans eat a lot of pizza

>> No.9901116

If you can grate it, it's not really mozzarella.

>> No.9901157

There is a difference between not being "real" whatever the fuck that means and being processed cheese which is an entirely different thing that involves taking actual cheese and processing it with oil and stuff to give it different physical properties

Pizza tier mozzarella is definitely real cheese (and much better on pizza that than the type of mozzarella you are apparently advocating for)

>> No.9901175

Personally I like fromunda cheese

>> No.9901194

easy answer but europoors won't admit it.

>> No.9901202
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fuck me, forgot the pic

>> No.9901301

good stuff

>> No.9901327

>americucks talking about cheese
>every time

Its literally the most bland cheese there is.
I’m not saying there is one good answer because there are so many awesome cheeses. I would’t be able to give one favorite. But fucking cheddar...

Tête de moine posted above is good.
Mont d’or.
So fucking many.

I’m triggered.

T. French.

>> No.9901339

>Its literally the most bland cheese there is.
um, are you sure you are not confusing cheddar with something else?

>> No.9901341

Mimolette vielle is hands down the best cheese. It even comes with normie repellant.

>> No.9901345
File: 75 KB, 400x300, japanesecheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese cheese is 99% utter shit like とけるチーズ and 1% edible but double the price for what its worth. Cheese is one of the main things I lug back to Japan after visiting abroad

>> No.9901347

I'm pretty into Jarlsburg or however it's spelled. I like hard cheeses. What should I try if that's my current favorite?

>> No.9901357


american cheese has always melted. it's just fucking whey and milk with salt.

some extreme cheapo brands have attempted to replace whey with lecithin and milk for example, which doesn't really melt, but unless you're hyperpoor, you'd be buying deli quality american cheese or kraft singles made with real ingredients.

>> No.9901362

how do i know if a cheese is boneless?

>> No.9901364
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>> No.9901368

Found the stormredditor

>> No.9901370


just make a drier mozzeralle and it can be shredded which is great, and gives it a more pungeant flavor

>> No.9901377

I can't even imagine being too poor for Kraft singles

>> No.9901393

>Tête de moine
>Mont d’or.

shit cheeses, as in, the extreme pungeancy of the fermenting processes LITERALLY produce the same acids in FECES. they're not really good with anything, it's literally like guys who eat super hot hot sauce. it's not pleasant. it's bad food that you force yourself to eat so you can be 'cultured' and 'badass' in your mind.

the eating of this stuff is literally the result of anti-culture.

>> No.9901396

YOU'RE triggered?
Try being an American with an actual palate for cheese. In most cases, unless I'm in an actual cheese shop or tasting room, I'm fucking triggered by people talking about cheese. Probably a good 85% of Americans are totally ignorant about cheese.

>> No.9901408


you're a massive faggot triggered by your inadequacy, not by irrelevant, meaningless, pointless shit like what kind of cheese people eat, the kind of irrelevant, meaningless, pointless shit that you base your personality on, making you an irrelevant, meaningless, pointless human.

>> No.9901416

If you like that sort of slightly nutty, semi-hard cheese, you might try Comte, Imperial Appenzeller, Iberico, Chaumes, or even Cantalet.

>> No.9901421

Are you triggered by your woeful inadequacy, anon?

>> No.9901424


i am completely unfazed by my woeful inadequacy.

>> No.9901444

>Im a massive dick to people instead of trying to teach people about my hobby

Thats why you're still a virgin btw

>> No.9901450

Best sandwich cheese at least.

>> No.9901451

People's passions for certain things is what moves society forward. Whether it's cheese, or wine, or movies, or building your own electronics, or trying to make your own building materials, or fucking buying and fixing broken watches, or perfecting every kind of roast beef dish imaginable. All those things collectively make for a better future. What do you do, besides sit on your ass complaining about other people's interests on the internet?

>> No.9901453


>he said, complaining about other peoples interests on the internet

>> No.9901456

Stop projecting.

>> No.9901461

Thanks, I'll head to the sure and use new years as an excuse to give a few of those a try and eat nothing but bread, cheese, and wine this weekend.

>> No.9901463

You're an idiot. Your "hobby" isn't a positive one that collectively works towards a better future. It's a negative that drags society down.

>> No.9901470

What if that's my hobby?

>> No.9901473

You're very welcome!

See, I AM helping people with my passion.

>> No.9901476
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>> No.9901481

This isn't a hobby, dummy, it's a time waster.

>> No.9901490

Halloumi is the best cheese.

I'd also recommend Stilton with a bit of port and Epoisses de Bourgogne with a nice Trappist beer.

>> No.9901498
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It's not exactly Japanese cheese but there's a Japanese woman in central Paris who owns a cheese shop and blends french cheeses with traditional japanese flavors. I've not been there yet but it sounds interesting.

>> No.9901501
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I'm eating this right now and it is excellent

>> No.9901509

give them time, the Japs already make better whiskey, automobiles and beef than the countries that originally became famed for those things, it's a certainty that if they applied themselves, Japanese cheese would be the best in the world.

>> No.9901515


Aren't Orientals lactose intolerant?

>> No.9901535

yes, which is pretty much why they haven't been working on conquering the French at the art of cheese

>> No.9901537

Gouda is best.
It melts the way i like it and goes exelent with oregano.
Its bad for deep frying tho
i have to get the meadow cheese, but i hate the way it smells

>> No.9901551

Who the fuck says orientals?

>> No.9901849
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We (the people firing the cannons) do.

>> No.9901881


WTF is the point of that? Instant death is not at all fear inducing and you waste a shit load of gunpowder and a cannonball for one guy.

Just go muslim on them and stone them to death. It's cheap and far more fear inducing than quick/instant death.

>> No.9901894

melted roquefort on a piece of baguette is literally the most delicious thing in the world.

>> No.9902266

Provolone is great for going on things but doesn't have much flavor when eaten by itself

>> No.9902289

I have always liked Emmental as it's incredibly inoffensive, slightly sweet and nutty, excellent at melting, and just so damn tasty.

>> No.9902292

>WTF is the point of that? Instant death is not at all fear inducing

It isn't instant, though. You have to go through a relatively long period of each individual being ceremoniously strapped to the cannon while involuntarily evacuating their bowels and bladder from sheer terror and the delay while the commander reads the lawful order of execution and the band plays "god save the queen" or some shit.

>> No.9902301 [DELETED] 
File: 3.48 MB, 3648x2736, Cheddar_cave_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally fpbp. I opened a thread with an intent to post cheddar. It is a perfect all around cheese, like a standard. All the other cheeses are variations.

>> No.9902336

>raw cheese

It's called milk anon.

>> No.9902341
File: 23 KB, 361x500, Putin-Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we run the planet you live on

>> No.9902356

Nigga, you got shit taste
Never post again on /ck/

>> No.9902361

PROTIP: Just because Americans use the word "cheddar" to refer to their terrible plastic blocks made with a process that vaguely refers to the cheddaring process, that doesn't mean it's anything like proper Cheddar.

You live right next door to the UK. You can get proper Cheddar. An aged Cheddar that's growing lactate crystals is stronger than the average French hard cheese.

>> No.9902367

>Probably a good 85% of Americans are totally ignorant about cheese.

lol you wish.

Try 100%. The rest are a rounding error.

>> No.9902374

but America makes the best cheddar. Not all cheddar is good, plenty of American and UK cheddar is bad and plenty is good, but the best is largely American

>> No.9902377

>An aged Cheddar that's growing lactate crystals
Um, do you seriously think America doesn't have this?

>> No.9902378

>WTF is the point of that?

The people being blow apart are Muslim. Islam requires that the body is bathed, shrouded and buried within 24 hours: which is a bit hard to do when you have to scrape up the bits.

We probably greased the cannon balls in lard for good measure.

>> No.9902383

Sure but you ruin it by making millions of tons of shite and giving it the same name. Sucks to be you.

>> No.9902385

eh, its pretty easy to tell apart

>> No.9902391
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We have cheddars with that but they are quite rare and only found in the Northeast.

The horrible wisconsin "cheddar" is simply a highly advanced thermoplastic with some dairy precursors. In the WIDF, strong flavors and smells are considered a manufacturing defect, let alone lactate crystals, molds, etc. So you simply will not find anything resembling cheese in the midwest. If one were to offer some to a midwesterner they would shriek in horror and make loud gagging noises and then call the health department.

>> No.9902395

The poster in >>9901327 suggest otherwise.

Outside of the USA American cheese has the most awful reputation possible. Even the Dutch wont eat it. Asia as a whole laugh at it.

All because you insist on producing yellow partially hydrogenated fat with flavoring and calling it "Cheddar" because you lack the imagination to distinguish between them. How do you think the UK & France have hundreds of different types of Cheese?

>> No.9902417
File: 43 KB, 240x330, BlushChablis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you lack the imagination to distinguish between them
It's also because it's illegal to label food accurately in this country. so we end up with shit like "blush chablis" whatever the fuck that is.

and as a result millions grow up feeling that words don't really mean anything. I mean this parmagiano-reggiano stuff tastes like sawdust, I know because I had some, from Kraft brand, it came from a green cylinder with holes poked in the top. why would anyone spend money on it? I know it's the same because it has the same name and the WIDF taught us that no one food can really be any better or worse than any other food. if you suggest otherwise you're just putting on airs.

>> No.9902421

they make dog cheese

>> No.9902426

>blush chablis

I am so sorry anon.

>> No.9902476

Literally none of that is true. Most of the good cheddar is made in Wisconsin and nearby regions (though Vermont and and Inland New York has some ok stuff). I was just eating some excellent Wisconsin made Hooks 12 year cheddar yesterday.

Now most of the mediocre cheddar is made there too, but thats just how it works, when an industry sets up somewhere the infrastructure encourages all tiers of production

and good cheddar is rare? Go to literally any super market and you will be able to find some nice cheddar, at least in the Midwest/Northeast. Is your whole post just some fantasy you made up to try and troll people in Wisconsin?

>> No.9902480

>All because you insist on producing yellow partially hydrogenated fat with flavoring and calling it "Cheddar"
Even mediocre American cheddar is not the same as "American Cheese" to which you seem to be referring

>> No.9902483

>I mean this parmagiano-reggiano stuff tastes like sawdust, I know because I had some, from Kraft brand
This is not a thing. The Kraft stuff can only be labelled as 'Parmesan'

>> No.9902487
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the existence of blush chablis is not even enough. what makes it worse is that normal chablis wine is now stigmatized. I brought some to a party once with people who were supposedly "wine drinkers" and the polite horror that this triggered made me realize the california wine industry needs to be eradicated for the good of humankind

>> No.9902492

maybe because it is shit?

>> No.9902494

>Most of the good cheddar is made in Wisconsin
this is what wisconsinites actually believe

>> No.9902500

>raw cheese

>> No.9902503

>not liking chablis
have you ever considered suicide?

>> No.9902526

parmesan is a synonym for parmigiano-reggiano, the wild lies of the WIDF notwithstanding

>> No.9902566

Get the fuck out of here. The best hard cheese is a nice, sharp cheddar. The more aged the better.

>> No.9902594

>parmesan is a synonym for parmigiano-reggiano
not on American labels it isn't

>> No.9902613
File: 65 KB, 638x479, gmo-labeling-other-organisms-9-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's kind of the point. see >>9902417

American hostility to labeling is due to aggressive lobbying by corrupt business interests who rightly understand that informed consumers aren't going to put up with their shit

>> No.9902618

clearly you have never eaten proper cheddar

>> No.9902625

At some point the EU is going to insist that the USA recognises PDO labelling to protect imports, and all hell will break loose.

>> No.9902626

You obviously don't know much about cheddar, or cheese in general. Good cheesemakers are way more common in Wisconsin than anywhere else in America. Cheap cheesemakers are also more common there, Wisconsin has to import milk for the cheap stuff because more cheese is produced there than there is land available for dairy farming. Wisconsin just has a stronger and longer cheesemaking tradition than the rest of the country, and the university of Wisconsin essentially invented dairy science as a field of study, and still runs the most important dairy school in the country. Turns out having a place littered with most of the country's best educated individuals on cheese along with all the required cheesemaking infrastructure results in a lot of people who make really good cheese, regardless of how mediocre the big factory cheese is

>> No.9902644

fuck me, now you are going to say the GMOs are magically bad and should be called out on labels?

The only reason Europe has GMO labeling laws is as a form of economic protectionism, it has nothing to do with food safety and especially not with science (being a product of politics rather than research)

In America parmigiano-reggiano is a specific type of parmesan, and the cheap stuff cannot be labeled as such. Not sure what else you want?

>> No.9902647

Canada extorted us using tariffs to get meat origin labels removed recently.

>> No.9902656

most PDO labels are complete bullshit. Products should be labels based on what they are, with a note of where they are from, not labeled entirely based on simply what local government and trade group paid to have the rights for specific label

>> No.9902664
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>Good cheesemakers are way more common in Wisconsin than anywhere else in America
if you ever get outside of your reality distortion field you'll find that most people do not share your opinions

>> No.9902665


>> No.9902671

surely most Americans associate Wisconsin with good cheese more than any other state regardless of your personal vendetta against them

>> No.9902673

>with a note of where they are from
are WIDF members aware that the letters "PDO" actually stand for something?

>> No.9902679

Depends. PDO started to protect things like Champagne, where "where they are from" is kind of important.

At the same time if Stilton cheese & Cornish Pasties can't get PDO status then it's a flawed system.

Anyway, doesn't really matter: once the EU insists on it during the next trade negotiations, shit will hit the fan in America. Then everyone will start doing it.

>> No.9902683

no, they don't. and it's just a statement of fact. but trying to explain this to a wisconsinite is like trying to explain how satellites work to a flat earther

>> No.9902694

>Unedible if not grilled
Stop this meme

>> No.9902698

i like baby swiss on my sandwiches, it goes lovely with turkey or ham

>> No.9902729


>> No.9902769

PDO is much more specific than a note of where it is from. It is protecting the entire name of a product for only makers in a certain region, America has laws that food and manufactured goods must be marked with the place of origin

>> No.9902791

I'm not even from Wisconsin, though I have actually been there

If you ask random Americans which state makes the best cheese 9/10 would say Wisconsin. Vermont is the only other state with any association to cheese. No other state besides possibly upstate New York has any reputation at all when it comes to cheese, there just isn't an association since there are so few noteworthy cheesemakers there

>> No.9902816

except you can make a cornish style pastry anywhere. PDOs only have any legitimate use if the place itself contributes to the substance of the product. They really only belong with raw agricultural products (such as san marzano) and wine, but eve in wine it is mostly bullshit having more to do with traditions that were common in a region than any non-replicable qualitative factor about the region's geography contributing to the character of the final product

>> No.9902830

>except you can make a cornish style pastry anywhere

Well, yeah. And until it got a PDO, you could make Champagne anywhere.

>> No.9902850

and to that point, if you can make a wine that tastes like champagne, you should be able to call it such. Names of products should be based on the characteristics of the products, not what government the person who made the product pays taxes to

>> No.9902962

> It is protecting the entire name of a product for only makers in a certain region

You say that like it's only about the makers. It also allows makers in that region to establish permitted methods and standards. So for instance the animals for the cheese must graze on this kind of field because it gives a certain taste to the milk, or some wine must have the grapes crushed as whole clusters because it makes the juice have a certain characteristic. By maintaining a consistent style over the years, consumers know what to expect if it has a place name. And allowing other people to use that place name not only causes confusion but can sometimes cause damage to the brand, because those other people have no vested interest in protecting the reputation nor reinforcing people's understanding of the style

I have no problem if people want to call it "wine fermented with the techniques of champagne", I think they go a little overboard by banning that. To say "champagne style" is getting more questionable as that's too all-encompassing. To call it just "champange" is a certain lie and should be illegal.

>> No.9902965

It's Cambozola

>> No.9902968

>If you ask random Americans which state makes the best cheese 9/10 would say Wisconsin

And if you ask random American what restaurant is their favorite 9/10 will say Olive Garden or Cheesecake Factory or Cracker Barrel, what's your point? Nobody who actually cares about cheese or has knowledge of the subject has a high opinion of Wisconsin cheese. It's associated with those nasty Hickory Farms gift boxes and pre-shredded stuff in a ziploc bag.

>> No.9902973

>It also allows makers in that region to establish permitted methods and standards
Such standards should be set up without regard to region. PDO is all about economic protectionism, quality and stylistic standards for a product can be set without regard to location

>> No.9902987

>consumers know what to expect if it has a place name
This is the real issue. If collectively consumers perceive a product to be something, it should be allowed to call itself as such. They shouldn't have to go through some mental gymnastics to call them something that they aren't or make up another word for the same thing

Names should be based on what the thing actually is, not politics

>> No.9902994

You are the one who brought up "most American's" stop backpeddaling

Regarldess of any mediocre cheese Wisconsin makes, no other state has more association with good cheese, the vast majority of them having no association with cheese in any way.
You say Georgia Cheese, or Montana Cheese, or California Cheese, or Maryland Cheese and most people think literally nothing at all

>> No.9903007


>> No.9903024
File: 69 KB, 500x382, fake_ssd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PDO is all about economic protectionism
The way you use that word it's like someone told you it was a bad word and you're just repeating it without understanding it, like it will ward off the evil ghosts. Free trade is good, but what you are basically arguing for is counterfeit products - buyer beware. This has nothing to do with free trade, it's just rationalizing mislabeling because some people want to cash in on someone else's good reputation.

>quality and stylistic standards for a product can be set without regard to location
Yes, of course they can. And they can also be set in relation to location, which is what they're doing. Why do you feel the need to use the name of a place you have no connection to, in order to sell your shitty fake food? Why can't it sell on its own merits?

>> No.9903055
File: 32 KB, 600x900, 019c45389ecef63f6de370302c549d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consumers can only avoid mental gymnastics if they haven't been exposed to a lifetime of absolutely crazy nonsense like "burgundy" that tastes nothing like any burgundy wine. If someone wants to say "I made this wine hoping to make it taste like a côte de nuits" then fine. But notice how anyone who actually *succeeds* in making a wine that tastes like a côte de nuits is probably damm proud of their work, and wants to sell it under their own name instead of using a shady knockoff practice like those fake Paul Smith boutiques you see in Bali
>georgia or montana
I like your cherry picking, this is like the WIDF version of "at least we're not the south" or as southerners might say "thank god for mississippi"

Ask anyone who actually cares about cheese where the good stuff comes from domestically, and they will say the northeast

>> No.9903818

Are you kidding? California has a huge cheese industry, which is growing ever bigger, and several worldwide award winning cheeses. California also produces more dairy in general than Wisconsin. Wisconsin does make more cheese, but not all of that is quality cheese. You can always tell someone who's from Wisconsin, they have no inkling of any other cheese besides what their state makes. That's sad.

>> No.9903821

>Most Americans live in flyover land.

2/3rd of people in the US live on the east coast and west coast.

>> No.9903887

Economic protectionism is bad. PDOs as they are currently used in the EU are primarily designed to stop other people from making products that politically well connected groups make. Its anti-consumer and anti-trade and bad

Quality control is good, and these trade groups should have an internal body with quality standards that things must meet, Companies should want to fight for the perception of their product, but doing it in anti-consumer ways like stopping any competitor who is not geographically close is a net loss for all of us

> Why do you feel the need to use the name of a place you have no connection to
When people here words that have general english use people have no assumption that they are actually from the place. Calling your cheese simply 'cheddar' does not make any think it was from the literal caves of cheddar. I think laws requiring products to state their place of origin are more than sufficient to deal with any potential confusion you are having with these products. Like if I see a place selling "Chicago Deep Dish Pizza" I do not expect that the pizza was literally made in Chicago and shipped to the restaurant, that is absurd and not how our language works

>> No.9903911

>absolutely crazy nonsense like "burgundy" that tastes nothing like any burgundy wine
>that tastes nothing like any burgundy wine
Congrats man, you finally got to the real issue. This shit has to do with taste, thats what I was saying the entire time, that food style descriptions should be based on the taste and style, not marginally relevant things like where it happened to be made
>But notice how anyone who actually *succeeds* in making a wine that tastes like a côte de nuits is probably damm proud of their work, and wants to sell it under their own name
This is a super specific example. I am talking about more general style names

>> No.9903921

>California has a huge cheese industry
yeah, mostly Kraft process cheese. There are definitely some good cheese makers there too, its a fucking huge place there is a lot of everything there, but the state is not nationally renowned or even really associated with cheese

and given all of the Kraft presence in California, their ration of good to bad cheese is probably much lower than Wisconsin despite all of Wisconsin's pizza tier mozzarella that dominates its large factories

>> No.9904168

> Wisconsin just has a stronger and longer cheesemaking tradition than the rest of the country
not when new england exists

>> No.9904192

Keep in mind that Wisconsin's population did not spontaneously arise. Much of the origins of Wisconsin's cheese industry came from Swiss immigrants in the 1800s

Now New England has been settled longer than Wisconsin of course, and some people were making cheese there during that time, but remember these were mostly northern English protestants, not exactly top cheese making people

>> No.9904391

Those are all assumptions. You've never been there, nor have done any real research on the subject (Other than to look up Kraft apparently, just so you feel justified in your baseless shit talk).
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9904395

Does the fucking word Cheddar or Stilton mean anything to you? Dolt.

>> No.9904420

Okay everyone, I'm French and I'm closing this thread, none of you are ready to talk about cheese.

Come on everyone scatter at once, and work on your raw milk and cheese cutting étiquette and remember that the rind is the best part.

>> No.9904432

Google it you fucking brainlet.

>> No.9904442

I've never been to California? and you say I am just making assumptions?

>> No.9904446

'Best cheese' for what purpose?
Stop being a pleb

>> No.9904449

French people are naturally tastelets, fuck off french boy

>> No.9904453

Is that the processed looking orange stuff I seen when I visited Vegas?
I've never seen cheese that colour anywhere else in the world

>> No.9904454

>northern England

>> No.9904458

actually, the dye is traditionally applied to cheddar, which is how it came to be added to "american" cheese

>> No.9904476

>His palate is burnt by bacon fat, folgers coffee, high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated dairies.
>Calls a Frenchman tastelet
I'm saving half of those lels for later it's too much

>> No.9904492

>burnt by bacon fat
lol yeah because french cuisine has so little animal fat in it

>> No.9904500

That is a beautiful loaf

>> No.9904514

Are you comparing Oscar mayer's industrial waste with goose or duck fat from the south west of France or normandy butter? Shiggydoo

>> No.9904536

lel the amerimutt tongue is a disgusting thing, no?

>> No.9904664

>Even the Dutch won't eat it

That's because we're already the gods if cheese making on earth

>> No.9904670

Can't vouch for Americans but we have some fantastic aged Cheddar's here in NZ, coming from small artisan producers

>> No.9904672

The best Dutch cheese is unironically the tinned turkish cheese that is manufactured there

>> No.9904681

Calm down muhammy

>> No.9904702
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who /gouda/ here?

>> No.9904725
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Nobody can deny pic related has the best texture and flavours of all cheese.
The problem is it's so strong it's only good in small doses

>> No.9904749

you're literally a fucking toddler

>> No.9904759

Slightly butter your bread senpai

>> No.9904830

I tried a blue cheese bacon dip before and it was one of the most awful things I've put in my mouth in recent memory. The aftertaste was pretty bad too

>> No.9904863


>> No.9904875

>bacon dip
You have to dip your amerifat bacon into stuff? Or is this some chip dip you're talking?

It's strong as fuck and not for everyone

>> No.9904890
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This one.

>> No.9904920

Chip dip although there are probably people who do the former

>> No.9904932

I can imagine

>> No.9905018
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Hey /ck/ rate my drunken late night snack

>> No.9905022


>> No.9905032

>best cheese
pick one

I bought a package of that shit from Costco. It stinks so badly that the odor contaminates anything in the fridge that I put near it. Even though it's in a plastic bag.

You want "best"? Cave-aged gruyere, sharp cheddar, and gorgonzola are all contenders. Even the humble pepperjack beats provolone.

>> No.9905034
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I concur

>> No.9905566

>Its literally the most bland cheese there is.
Did your mother drop you on your head when you were a baby?

Fresh mozzarella tastes like nothing whatsoever, unless it's been sitting out too long and then it tastes like nutsack sweat.

>> No.9905583

Whatever you think, Jan.

>> No.9905588

It's not the preferred nomenclature, dude.

Patent/IP attorney here. The EU can fuck right off about that.

>> No.9905612

>not wanting shady hucksters to be allowed to continue literally lying to people = anti-consumer
What color is the sky in your world?

Nobody in boston thinks the corner deep dish pizza shop is serving pizza baked in chicago just because it says "chicago style", it's understood that pizza is baked on the spot. It's also understood that many other food products, particularly the ones where PDO/AOC/IGP whatever may apply, can be bottled, packed, and shipped anywhere in the world. It makes no sense to call something by a name that it isn't, other than to fool people into buying a low quality product. The reason you are defending this kind of behavior is that you're in the wisconsin reality distortion field, where sargento brand fake parmesan is indistinguishible from Parmigiano-Reggiano DOP because muh feelings

>This is a super specific example.
I'm not sure why you think specificity is a problem here. Of course it's specific, that's how geographic designations work. It's maybe a problem because you had to google "côte de nuits"? Sorry for being such a high-falutin' puttin-on-airs coastie roastie, Wisconsin-kun, I guess I forgot that if someone eats, drinks, talks, looks, or thinks different that means it's pretentious and the entire thing is an act to make you feel uncultured. Do you also have to google "burgundy" or "champagne"? No? Good. The point is, no wine maker of any real status attempts to pass off their wine as being from somewhere that it isn't. This is the domain of low-tier to bum-tier wine.\

>> No.9905731

>The EU can fuck right off about that.

Yeah, god forbid the US consumer is informed that the sawdust cheese style product labeled parmigiano-reggiano manufactured in the US isn't the same thing as the rest of the world formally recognizes.

>> No.9905877

you should add blue cheese to guacamole

>> No.9905886

Jesus christ man, you really like drawing strange conclusions from what you read. Where are you getting any of this?

>> No.9905895

US cheese producers already do not use the term parmigiano-reggiano. The shit stuff is always simply labeled parmesan

>> No.9905946
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Wisconsinite here:

This thread is hilarious.

>> No.9905958

Is this actually good?

>> No.9905966

>world cheese awards
lmao, let me guess, like the «world series» of base ball

>> No.9905976

>Nobody in boston thinks the corner deep dish pizza shop is serving pizza baked in chicago just because it says "chicago style",
Yeah, that was precisely the point. We shouldn't allow politicians to steal commonly understood words from small and distant businesses that don't have the money to buy off those politicians. No one is advocating what you seem to be advocating, only that labels should reflect the quality and substance of the product, not the political connections of the region where it was produced.

Any time you have a government saying "only these specific people can do this thing" it is bad for the people, on the other hand no one is saying you should be able to sell shit quality things and portray them as something else, a statement you constantly return to trying to portray that as though it is even related to this discussion

>> No.9905984

I've only had it once, with a smoked blue cheese and it was pretty good. It was at a beer and cheese pairing at a local brewery and the person representing the cheese company brought it

>> No.9905996

>Any time you have a government saying "only these specific people can do this thing" it is bad for the people

Properly rights are bad, yes. You can’t like, own things, maaaaan!

>> No.9906003
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You can't if you're a penniless hippie. Unless this is a nude love-in, get the hell of my lawn.

>> No.9906008

for me it's cream cheese.

delicious on a cracker
delicious in a cheesecake
delicious when combined with bacon/smoked salmon
delicious combined with most fruits
good for dipping veg into for a healthy treat

it is the most versatile cheese.

>> No.9906009

>the status quo in America is proof that words don’t mean things
Just because you say “axe” instead of “ask” doesn’t make it right

>> No.9906014

Tell that to the clappyfat arguing that my rights end where his feelings begin

>> No.9906073

Look it up. It's kind of a thing. Not many US cheeses win or place. I'll grant, most Americans don't know or give 2 fucks about cheese, but some do. I can go and buy world class stuff any time. Not from the roadside tourist traps, but there are real importers and fromageries around.

>> No.9906084
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>no fontina
This board is full of homosexuals