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9898450 No.9898450 [Reply] [Original]

so people keep saying that pussy tastes like fish.

WHAT kind of fish? tinned tuna, mackerel, salmon, smoked haddock ...... halibut?

lets get specific .

>> No.9898453

How's highschool going?

>> No.9898454
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>> No.9898470
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The joke is that STD ridden vagina smells like fish. As in rotting fish. As in disgusting vagina smells like rotten fish.

What are you fucking 12?

>> No.9898507

I ate my gfs pussy last week. Tasted nothing like fish. American pie either lied to us or i got lucky

>> No.9898516

rusty fish and bags of sand

>> No.9898523

protip: if your girl's snatch tastes like fish or metal then guess what? Your girl is a filthy outdoor animal. That metallic taste and fishy smell would be old blood. You're literally tasting period that was never washed out.

>> No.9898530

Tuna/salmon, it really depends on the girl. Some have no smell and some are really bad, something with their PH levels and what not.

>> No.9898536
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>> No.9898542
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>> No.9898548

squirt is pee. scientifically proven

>> No.9898552

if it smells bad its prolly std ridden. I took one for the team and hit a smelly pussy once, girl was super nice etc. Got the clap from it. Im clean now but it sucked for a while. 6/10 might do it again who knows.

>> No.9898555

as someone who has eaten a fair amount of both, I can say with some surety that decently cared for vagina often smells like canned tuna, but not much for taste. The taste is mostly just... skin. Now, UNcared for... well, it aint roses and wine, thats for sure.

>> No.9898564

pussy does not smell if its upkept. end of story.

>> No.9898571

If too upkept it can actually make it smell more by removing natural liquids and whatever that drips out of the flesh cavern

>> No.9898668
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Christ, don't even talk to me until you got your redwings. You smear, I hear!

>> No.9898675

I dont even eat pussy i just eat ass so whatever i dont care

>> No.9898698

it's the generic "fishy" taste. I can't say it tastes like any particular fish, it just tastes like all of them.

>> No.9898700

My ex's pussy always smelled like raspberries. I unironically loved the smell of her pussy. It was great.

>> No.9898714

uh, that is one of the side effects of the cunt shunt they put in a post op transsexual.

>> No.9899500

Bbbbbut she told me she was a virgin :(

>> No.9899516

if its recently clean it smells like whatever they washed it with

sometimes it's sweaty/tangy, not in a bad way

and if it's unwashed it smells like prawn cocktail

>> No.9899594

raw fresh whitefish if its clean. It's different for everyone though. Some smell kind of like a freshly cut raw potato

>> No.9900157

what is uncared for pussy like in odour and flavour?

>if I rub olive oil on my penis it smells like bottom-tier ham that has been left out of the fridge too long

>> No.9900315

If a guy doesn't wash his dick gets the same taste/smell after a while. Try it.

>> No.9900509

This was discussing in my organic chemistry class, but i'm lazy so i'll just copy and paste from wikipedia

>Putrescine, or tetramethylenediamine, is a foul-smelling[1] organic chemical compound NH2(CH2)4NH2 (1,4-diaminobutane or butanediamine) that is related to cadaverine; both are produced by the breakdown of amino acids in living and dead organisms and both are toxic in large doses.[2][3] The two compounds are largely responsible for the foul odor of putrefying flesh, but also contribute to the odor of such processes as bad breath and bacterial vaginosis.[4] They are also found in semen and some microalgae, together with related molecules like spermine and spermidine.

People put acids like lemon juice on fish to turn these volatile chemicals into a salt form which is less violate, not going into the air and thus smelling less.

>> No.9900555

Couldn't care less

>> No.9900558

My ex's tasted like nothing really. It was great

>> No.9900582

Like salty fermented fish

>> No.9900590

I've eaten a fair amount of pussy and it's generally just a kind of salty tanginess. Only one time I started to go down on a chubby fat chick and stopped because it smelled like asian shrimp paste.

>> No.9900608

She could be metallic tasting if she is around her period. I can usually tell my wife that she is going to start flowing if I go down on her the day before.

>> No.9900624

Are you suggesting we put lemon juice on her vagina before eating out?

>> No.9900628

well that might for her but i'm not saying it wouldn't work

>> No.9900632

*might hurt

>> No.9900636

It is piss. Vaginas don't squirt.

t. vagina haver

>> No.9900641

t. dracula

>> No.9900650

>he doesn't squirt lemon juice on his bird's oyster

>> No.9900655

Like fresh, high-quality tuna.

i.e., not fishy at all, maybe a little savory.

>> No.9900675

Actually its seems to me that vagina smells like steamed cabbage

>> No.9900677

My girlfriend's tastes like potatoes, very starchy

>> No.9900679

How much was the surgery? If you don't mind me asking.

>> No.9900688

It doesn't taste like fish, it smells like fish. Only if you have a shit diet and bad hygiene though.

>> No.9900694

Approximately 0 dollars.

>> No.9900700

Things sure have changed since Obamacare.

>> No.9900719

Just lick a pussy, then you know.

>> No.9900778

I remember grapping some pH test strips from chemistry class once and used them on my ex’s pussy juice sheet stains. Those strips turned completely red

>> No.9900962

Mudcat no shit. Especially a good steam plant bank where everyone just guts on the banks.

>> No.9900983


Washed up rotting whale corpses is probably what a puss oozing tranny pussy tastes like.

>> No.9901012


All vaginas smell at least a little like fish unless they put perfume or some shit down there. The unwashed ones have a stronger smell, but the cleaner ones still smell a little.

>> No.9901029

>All vaginas smell at least a little like fish

That's because you only sleep with filthy skanks

>> No.9901038

Funny, because the biggest skank I have fucked also had the least smelly pussy

>> No.9901043


its old sperm that smells like fish

clean pussy doesnt

>> No.9901068

Pussy does not taste like fish. It tastes a bit like sweat, but less salty and more acidic.

If it smells its because its not clean. Anyone who goes down on a stinky vagina needs to take a good long look in the morror bc that is foul

>> No.9901070
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>tfw you’re drunk and hook up with a girl with the disco pussy

>> No.9901083
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I once fucked a girl with a pussy so foul my dick smelled well into the next day and i had to wash all.my bedding.

The worst sti king pussy ive had has been from blacks and jews. And no im not a /pol/tard

>> No.9901090

I had one with the most rancid metally tuna pussy ever, made my dick swell up and sting for a couple of days and turn red. Thought the little pecker would fall off

>> No.9901103

your senses are broken m8

>> No.9901109

It's not really fishy unless it's unclean. Sometimes it doesn't smell at all. The taste is almost always the same though. It's more... metallic with bit of salt.

>> No.9901118

Yeah no. My vagina definitely does not smell of fish. Stop fucking stanky ass hoes.

>> No.9901137

Pussy tastes more like an armpit than fish. Bretty gud

>> No.9901139

... No. You are a woman. I do not need to listen to you.

>> No.9901146

I would think I have more experience on the subject. Just sayin'.

>> No.9901149

Doesn't taste like fish. Sometimes smells vaguely like it, but not always.
You smell sweat more when you're anywhere near it.

>> No.9901161

Pussy has its own flavor but varies upon race and diet

>> No.9901171

you eat a lot of gash?

>> No.9901174

Different guy here. Smelling your own cunt is like smelling your own house. You don't realize all the other subtle scents coming through that another person does. Your snatch may not smell like a fish bit it does have a distinct and probably somewhat pungent scent that isn't exactly perfume grade. Get what I'm saying?

>> No.9901187

My boyfriend tells me I taste and smell of nothing. Maybe a bit musky if anything I guess if I haven't showered. I keep pretty clean though. Dirty pussy is gross.

>> No.9901320

>my boyfriend tells me
Yeah and my girl tells me my dick is the biggest she's ever had. You really think your bf is going to tell you your snatch doesn't taste like rose water?

>> No.9901330

Yes, we're pretty damn open and honest with one another. I'm not a little bitch who gets upset at the smallest comment.

>> No.9901367

you seem mildly peeved that we men may know a bit more about good and bad pussy than a straight woman.

>> No.9901369

Not at all, I'm just trying to have a conversation. You seem more upset about women being on your 4chins.

>> No.9901395

nah, I really like women. I just do not listen to them very closely or put much value in what they say. Their perspective is warped by being strangely privilaged and willfully self absorbed.

>> No.9901405

Well I'm sorry you've had those experiences. Trust me, I know a lot of women who are shit. I dated a girl for a couple years too and she ended up in that category.

>> No.9901422

>roastie fullfledged ragging

Looks like your bf might get his redwings this weekend ;)

>> No.9901431

Nah, but he definitely did last month.

>> No.9901439

I am nice to them, but very rarely do I chose to absorb much of what they say. Experience has been my teacher in this decision.

>> No.9901440
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Keked and checked

>> No.9901452

I feel you. I've been screwed over by more women than men. You really need to pick and choose what women you interact with, because we can be fucking nasty people.

>> No.9901469

I like you. Hit me up if your bf fails.

>> No.9901487
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It doesn't taste like fish. My ex's smelled faintly yet precisely like fish sauce. The only way I can describe the taste is like, that taste and feeling you get on your tongue if you've ever bitten the side of your mouth or lip enough for it to start tasting faintly metallic, but not like actual blood. Also a bit like sweat, depending on atmosphere and circumstance.

>> No.9901528

if you've ever woken up in the morning after a night of drinking without having brushed your teeth before bed, your mouth will have a pretty similar taste. the bacteria that live in the mouth and vagina aren't very different, in either case, a good cleaning will mostly eliminate it.

>> No.9901582

look at pussy mouth over here.

>> No.9901619

shut up and post pussy cunt bitch
at least we wont be able to smell it through the computer screen

>> No.9901634

What upset you?

>> No.9901647

not seeing pictures your smelly pussy

>> No.9901659

oooh! can I evaluate him?

He is very upset with his life because he is too lazy to have one, feels oppressed by his mom, but still won't move out and be a man out of fear.

How close am I?

>> No.9901705

you're close enough to win the grand prize of showing me your pussy

>> No.9901719

Mate, the only way you're seeing vagina is by paying mommy's money for it.

>> No.9901734

I am the misogynists posting that does not listen to women at all... every one of the women in here would rather show me their pussy than they would you. You are not funny or insightful in any way. In fact, your stink of fear and failure is so potent, I almost do not want to piss on your head.

>> No.9901738

Shut the fuck up already. You're not funny at all.

t. penis user

>> No.9901761
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The white knight patrol has arrived m’lady

>> No.9901765
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>Shut the fuck up already. You're not funny at all.

>> No.9901777

He's not wrong.

>> No.9901783

Boogie usually only posts on /fit/.

>> No.9901800

/fit/ where everyone treats their body like a temple of doom.

I have never gone there, but heard stories while at a for real gym lifting actual weight. Worth checking out, or will it just make me rage?

>> No.9901811

>eating pussy

Sure is low test in here. You boys got your chinstrap dildos, too?

>> No.9901815


I actually know a white knight weeb that's married to a purple haired banchee.

It's hillarious how miserable he is and just hates his life. lol

But the poor loser is too scared to bump the sjw cunt, so he suffers in silence like an abused woman. lol Guess the cycle has come full circle.

>> No.9902039

Depends on your expectation going in. If you don't take it seriously, it's pretty good gym related fun.

>> No.9902059

God damn it! I actually thought that I was going to see a girls pussy by calling her a bitch and demanding to see it and saying that it's stinky.

Looks like all I accomplished was making some roasties and white knights angry! Damn it!

>> No.9902071

thanks for the spot. i will look into it.

>> No.9902074

You can't just mention the fish, you also have to mention the cooking method

>> No.9902086

I never understood the "pussy smells like fish" thing, yeast infection pussy smells more like rotten flesh to me which is worse than fish.

>> No.9902093

infection smells of death because that is what it is. fun fact, if your girl gets them a lot, dump the bitch for cheating.

>> No.9902107

You're really naive and retarded and this is why nobody listens to anything women say when it comes to relationships or the smell of rank muff. If you seriously think your boyfriend treats you like "just one of the guys" because you're a chan-browsing tomboy who shits on him gratuitously, trust me, you're wrong. You're not one of the guys and he doesn't banter with you in that manner. No sane man would tell his woman her pussy has a stench to it unless it was overwhelming to the point of not being able to be in the same room as her, the same way we lie when you ask us if you look fat. You seriously need to grow up and stop having the mind of a 9 year old.

>> No.9902123


stop trying to educate women. you are part of the problem.

>> No.9902125

Or diabetes, but still dump her.

>> No.9902347

You are the problem

>> No.9902359

for who? you? no one cares.

>> No.9902371


To be honest if you take away all the factors like cleanliness and shit like that pussy just straight up tastes like metal, it's like licking a sheet of copper or some shit.

>> No.9902418

Clean pussy doesn't smell the same way fresh fish doesn't smell.

>> No.9902544

Do I even want to know how/why you have smelled rotted flesh? I suppose you didn’t say human...

>> No.9902637

Ring a ding ding

My gfs snatch gets smelly the next day after I fill up her minge.

>> No.9902705

Ring a ding ding

My gfs snatch gets smelly the next day after I fill up her minge.

If youre so concerned about hormones suck dick to boost your testosterome faggot.

>> No.9902766
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I've always thought dried up semen smelled more like mushrooms.

>> No.9902786

what if fish pussy smelled like human

>> No.9902803


>> No.9902836

Depends on pH when it comes to taste. I'm not a fan of the acidic metallic taste neither.

>> No.9902839

I hear fucking dolphins is great they have like muscles in their vaginas they can use to manipulate a penis for maximum pleasure, kinda like getting your dick sucked by a guy, they know what to do

>> No.9902875

Must suck that youve never gotten a proper blowjob so you think guys are better at it.

>> No.9902886
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If you haven't been blown by at least 100 men and women you don't really have the authority to comment on this.

>> No.9902920

or, maybe he just knows for an absolute fact that he gives unsatisfying blowjobs. Don't pick on him. You know he tries.

>> No.9902930

Ive had several, best one had me bust in a minute. Thats how I gauge it. Dont need to think about dudes being better just cause they have a dick anon.

>> No.9902941

Yeah, youre right anon. Never had a dick in my mouth and I'm not prancing at the opportunity to do it either faggot.

>> No.9902946
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I'm just giving you a hard time, I'm a kissless virgin who can barely last 30 seconds while jacking off. That being said I don't see any reason why men or women would be inherently better at it beyond simple experience.

>> No.9902955

so you just rub it all over your face? I understand your opinion now.

I am not gay by the way, so please stop flirting.

>> No.9903528
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> if your girl's snatch tastes like
>tastes like

Performing oral is subhuman tier.
Who in their right mind would find it normal to stick their mouth in anyone's genitalia? Absolutely vile. And no I'm not gay, just repulsed by gross stuff

>> No.9903548

Such a bad post
Rethink your life

>> No.9903549

t. virgin

>> No.9903594

I'm not a virgin but I do wish I had waited until marriage since sex is soo overrated.
I just feel bad for men indulging in oral. I personally have to keep my bf from going down on me because it feels awfully awkward and filthy

>> No.9903653

You have never been aroused in your entire life.

>> No.9903661

thats fine and I agree vagina is gross but you had better still be sucking his dick

>> No.9903807

>my dick is so small I never felt the vaginal contractions of my partner's orgasm milking my cock

I really pity you.

>> No.9904018

He does force me once in a while

>> No.9904656

You have yet to be loved properly

>> No.9904679

Sorry for the childhood trauma anon.

>> No.9905131

It shouldn't smell or taste of any kind of fish it should smell and taste like girl juice