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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9896281 No.9896281 [Reply] [Original]

>breakfast is ready!

>> No.9896286

turds and hockey pucks again? come on mum

>> No.9896290

I came in this thread just to make fun of the hockey pucks.

>> No.9896293
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>posting an op so you can immediately samefag a retarded joke

>> No.9896295

Makes me proud to be a BritBong.

>> No.9896297


>> No.9896323

who the fuck eats beans for breakfast?

>> No.9896370

Many people. It’s good carbs

>> No.9896382

I can get down with everything on that plate except the tomatoes. Grilled tomatoes are slimy, disgusting messes.

>> No.9896404

english breakfast is top tier desu lads

>> No.9896415

No one cares

>> No.9896424

I do. They're gross.

>> No.9896430


>> No.9896433

not proper beans either Heinz™ brand Baked Beanz®
bongs have some of the worst food "culture" I've ever seen.

>> No.9896463

Does one person eat all of this or is it like a family thing?

>> No.9896492

That particular one is a fat bastard special. Most "large" breakfast would be 2 sausage, 2 bacon, 1 egg, 1 black pudding. At least that's the average I've come across most of my life.

>> No.9896624

We do that here.
>t. Québécois

>> No.9896666

This. Britbongs.

>> No.9896805

that looks perfect m8
fuck the haters, this is a world-class breakfast

>> No.9896813

>1 egg
if there aren't at least 2 eggs, you shouldn't call it a full english.
in fact, there has to be at least 2 of everything on the plate

>> No.9896825

oooch.. that uhh.. looks amazing.. ...but I am fat as hell and uhh.... on a diet and uhh.. cant eat any of that stuff.. :(

>> No.9896918
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>fungus and dried blood

>> No.9898560

screw you! that plate would probably be my final meal wish

>> No.9898590

>>9896281 (OP)
That will cure any hangover.

>> No.9898606

Does any one know where I can get a full english/Scottish breakfast in Chicago?

>> No.9898619

The best you can do is a full irish (no beans) at various pubs like graftons. A few places like owen & engine do a pretentious take on it but the appeal is lost there imo

>> No.9898629

A man only wants what a man only knows.
And what >>9898560 knows is shit.

>> No.9898638

>this is a world-class breakfast
Third world, maybe.

>> No.9898647

people with taste

>> No.9898651

Thank you anon I have been searching for years! In return heres a good Irish spot especially for shepards pie:
The Atlantic Bar & Grill in Lincon Square
The Irish owners and bartenders are all mad cunts and awesome

>> No.9898676

Yeah, bad taste.

>> No.9898715

Jesus Maureen you're some woman with the fry on

>> No.9898738

Heinz baked beans with ham are the best thing ever.

>> No.9898780
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anon, let me tell you,
this is the breakfast of champions.
the kind of meal that only a supremely prosperous nation could produce.
material and spiritual abundance is a pre-requisite for the conception and appreciation of such a dish
you appear to be utterly lacking in both.

>> No.9899369

What the fuck is with Brits and beans, they put that shit on everything

>> No.9899390


>> No.9899414
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>There are people in this thread who would actually be unhappy with a full english

>> No.9899599

No wonder brits have such bad teeth

>> No.9899641

When the fuck else would you eat baked beans?

>> No.9899649


You would hate it when at scummy places you get tinned tomatoes.

>> No.9899662
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In NZ we sometimes exchange the beans for spaghetti and not many people would have black pudding.

>> No.9899696

why does it have to be heinz beans specifically? that just seems weird to me

>> No.9899719

Must be the plate of a man who eats hearty breakfasts like this fellow

>> No.9899725
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>> No.9899736
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I've had pizza rolls for breakfast 3 days in a row and I want to die.

>> No.9899760

I think that the acidity makes the rest more palatable imo. cuts through the grease really nicely

>> No.9900030

in america we eat them with BBQ

>> No.9900137


>> No.9900163

Baked beans are good anytime if theyre the right flavour.
Tomato sauce, maple, heinz original? Those are never fucking ok

>> No.9900166

I do want to try blood sausage at some point. Sounds like it could be good, or at least unique.

>> No.9900217

Good black pudding is amazing, but bad black pudding is pretty nasty.

A lot of people get put off by the "ew blood" factor but that's kinda sad when you're eating a big plate of meat.

>> No.9900282

>full irish (no beans)
They truly are a despicable peoples

>> No.9900355

I probably know a lot more than you considering that I have lived 20 years all over the world in addition to having professional culinary training. Full English tastes wonderful - enjoy it whilst stil legal in Muslimistan (former England).

>> No.9900365
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The American eats the shit in pic related.

>> No.9900369
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What dirtbag expat bonglords eat after puking their liver out in LKF: the food

>> No.9900374


Nigger do you want me to die? Fucking listen:

>a croissant that's still hot n crispy
>green tea, orange juice & water
>a little Muesli w fresh fruit

That's it, bitch. Fuck outta here with that heart attack shit

>> No.9900383
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No self-respecting adult eats that garbage. Coffee, dippy eggs (any egg really), pepper or apple bacon, and toast. I personally do an omelette with some sort of cheese (prefer gouda), mushrooms, and spinach with dashes of hot sauce & black pepper. Perfect.

>> No.9900384

xpats all go to spain or some shit cheap SEA country. LKF is just a night out when you're waiting for a connecting flight to Australia or you're in HK on buisness.

>> No.9900389

Bruh. There are more bongs in HK than in all of the balearic islands combined. You're talking as though being "on business" is some obscure niche thing.

>> No.9900390

You make that omelet, anon?

That is a 10/10 omelet, bro. Good job. Proud of you.

>> No.9900400

Wtf is a dippy egg? That sounds like a britstania nursery babble food term..

>> No.9900412

It only sounds like babble because you're saying it in your whiny nasally irritating American accent

>> No.9900416

It's a Pennsylvania term for "sunny-side up".

>> No.9900427

I don't believe it, every second person in malaga has a freaking british accent and a sun burn. On a side note last do you know what the cantonese call those pumpkin pancake things?

>> No.9900459

I did and my faggot schoolfriends thought it was weird

Really activated my almonds dealing with plebs

>> No.9900461

This is fucking horrible, fuck your stupid island except for miss alice

>> No.9900473

Ah yes British food, the worst cuisine in the whole world.

>> No.9900479

I feel like I'm back in 2008 reading this

>> No.9900483

It's honestly one of the best things I've ever tasted. A full Irish or English breakfast after a night of drinking is perfect.

>> No.9900517

>no fried oatcake
And you were so close.

>> No.9900911
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there's no reason to be so angry friend

>> No.9901433

Ditch the tomatoes and mushrooms and I'm good. Substitute for more beans or some sauteed potatoes.

>> No.9901511

I could eat maybe a third of that.

>> No.9901519

Everyone does. I can think of countries on every continent and islands as well who eat beans at breakfast, including Americans. What kind of sheltered ass life are you living?

>> No.9901541

Yeah, I don't believe any of that. You're just struggling to justify your poor taste.

>> No.9901563
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Our children may eat sugary oat and wheat bits, but actual grown adults in straya eat literal sugar on bread.

>> No.9901565

Nice but where's the toast?

>> No.9901569

>taking out two of the best things
someone get this literal child out of here

>> No.9901603

that's what my waifu calls any egg with a runny yolk

>> No.9901613

kek. in the netherlands this is literally shown on the packaging for sprinkles

>> No.9901617

top left, moleman

>> No.9901622

Children cartoons for children with childish eating habits ehoa who eouldve thought. Grow up you fucking autist

>> No.9901655
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>gets angry over people's food choices on an anonymous albanian ant-farming forum
>others must 'grow up'
hahaha ok big guy

>> No.9901737

Hahaha this. OP is a faggot and this thread is unfunny and a waste. Saged.

>> No.9901824

>americans eat beans for breakfast
Wtf? No we don't with the exception of some hispanics perhaps. I've literally never heard of or known anyone to eat beans for breakfast here.

>> No.9901930
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it's actually fine dining in the UK

>> No.9901938
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>> No.9902058

>dippy egg

What part of Pennsylvania are you from, anon?

>> No.9902222
File: 29 KB, 263x314, Kone_med_stor_struma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I place the first wager on the western hillbilly area?

>> No.9902285

>any part of Penn not being a dilapidated backwater cousin fucking hellhole
The south of the North. Truly, a land for scum

>> No.9902401

I am used to coffee and bread, but I am switching to miso and rice, with rice cooker it is easy, healthy and easy on the stomach.

>> No.9902425

thx m8, I really feel like dying from a heart attack today

>> No.9902475

Hmm.. remind me again why is this supposed to be a bad thing? Looks tasty as fuck.

>> No.9902582


>> No.9902588

I don't get the meme, this looks fucking delicious

>> No.9902608
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step aside, ladies...here's how you breakfast properly

>> No.9902609
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My breakfast, get rekt amerifats

>> No.9902633

>buttered toast
I came myself

>> No.9902658

There is no steak there's bacon and black pudding

>> No.9902660
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My breakfast this morning, except with some mushrooms and a nicely poached egg added.

>> No.9902670

Kys weeb

>> No.9902775

Tomorrow I think I will try some with gobo, carrots and tofu. Maybe mushrooms and grated daikon for another day. Oh, and I need to try some with a beaten egg instead of a poached one.

>> No.9902801


>> No.9902851

Too much protein, desu

>> No.9903193

You some sorta faggot?

>> No.9903211


There is no such thing as too much protein fagboi

>> No.9903214
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I hate weebs but soy boy is low effort poltard shit

>> No.9903225

>Wtf? No we don't except the ones who do

Ulcered Sphincter of Arserican """education"""

>> No.9903246

that has to be waffle house

>> No.9903257

Those eggs look like they have enough salt to kill a small animal.

>> No.9903266
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>a bean

>> No.9903268

its a meme to shit on british food even though its some of the best in the world

if you ever had a full english or even just beans on toast it sets you up for the whole day

and with a cuppa tea its amazing. nothing better

>> No.9903280
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>> No.9903285

And tonight I'm having couscous with delicious crispy baked tofu that I just made, along with red pepper, chickpeas, daikon, burdock and carrots. Mmm! Tomorrow I think I'll have some salmon pizza to free up the 31 so I can make a nice big dish of rice and lentils with sausages. The tofu isn't gonna eat itself though, I'll put some in my miso soup every morning. Gosh I cannot wait for my rice cooker to arrive.

>> No.9903291

Oh, forgot to mention the olives I threw into the couscous for nice color and sour touch. Mmm! All simmered in chicken bouillon

>> No.9903325

Christ you nursery babbling britbong, how many cask conditioned ales have you had tonight?

>> No.9903341
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You've had training? So has my dog. If you need to be trained you're a complete illiterate fucktard. Try learning something on your own you faggot

>> No.9903460

why does everyone hate kale?

aside from the annoying bullshit about it being a "super food" kale is delicious

>> No.9903487

get rid of the tomatoes and then its perfect!

>> No.9903891

>not mashing them with your fork and mixing with the beans
there are too many, and the wrong type of tomato tbf

>> No.9903980


Just eat a block of lard FFS.

>> No.9904016
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T. Anglo

>> No.9905119

i didn't know pewdipie had brothers

>> No.9905122
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>75% reduced sugar

>> No.9905141

>there are people in this world who actually bought this

>> No.9905220

Having breakfast in a couple hours. Any suggestions?

>> No.9905265

And Forest Nymph too

>> No.9905276
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>> No.9905284

Is it just a quarter filled container or something?

>> No.9905291

>66% less sodium
>quarter filled
Didn't do so great in school didja

>> No.9905322
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>For breakfast

>> No.9907089

I don't get why the beans are there, I've never understood
t. Dumb amerifat

>> No.9907189

Full English is glorious. If you dont believe what I wrote about myself then screw you.

>> No.9907233


Saving all your toast to mop up bean juice and egg yolk.l

>> No.9907274
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>> No.9907316
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>> No.9907332

who hired the ghoul

>> No.9907431

Butter your toast properly you fucking mong

>> No.9907503

birtain that low? nah

>> No.9907621

Two things, we put them on two things.

>> No.9907708

Doesn't mesh with your cereal, faggot?

>> No.9907947


>> No.9908042

Are you having fucking silverskins for breakfast? Boss.