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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9895520 No.9895520 [Reply] [Original]

who else here always get one of these to mask the taste of that cheap wine

>> No.9895521

I don't drink alcohol, so no.
I also stopped drinking sugary sodas and energy drinks years ago.

>> No.9895522

May as well drink fucking car battery acid, it'll at least kill you faster

>> No.9895523

>that first sip of the day

>> No.9895524


>> No.9895525
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>I don't drink alcohol

>> No.9895526

beetus ain't sips

>> No.9895527
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sip on this faggots

>> No.9895528

Why not just drink a Four Loko at that point?

>> No.9895529

Going to need to see penis first

>> No.9895530

objectively less expensive

>> No.9895531

only drink them when i need the motivation to clean my flat or when im setting off to the gym

>> No.9895532


>> No.9895533

>wanting to suck up literal toxics
>wanting to ruin the taste of your drinks with toxic shit
>wanting to lose control of your body and thought, only to wake up the next morning hating yourself and life, not sure who you might've boned or killed

>> No.9895534

When you pass the age of 30 getting so drunk you shit yourself stops being funny and starts being sad. If you're an adult and still going to house parties and nightclubs you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.9895535

Just because you can't control yourself when drinking doesn't mean others can't.

>> No.9895536

wtf are you drinking you fucking spaz

>> No.9895537


>> No.9895538

>I don't drink alcohol, so no.
you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.9895539

>I don't drink alcohol
How does it feel to be autistic?

>> No.9895540

That's a really cute girl

>> No.9895541
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>You have to drink to be an adult

>> No.9895542

>if I do le maymay arrow it makes it untrue

>> No.9895543

Dude I drink every now and then, but implying that you're not an adult because you don't imbibe poison is asinine.

>> No.9895544

No, it's accurate.

>> No.9895545


>> No.9895546

It is poison by definition.

>> No.9895547
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>> No.9895548
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So is heavily processed food, but no one complains about it.

>> No.9895549

>litearlly toxic

everything you eat is literally toxic if you have enough of it.

Over drink water and you die. Just dont drink til you are stupid drunk you fucking soyboy

>> No.9895550

I'd fucking chug instead of sip

>> No.9895551

Plenty of people complain about it, Jamie Oliver for example.

>> No.9895552

Alcohol is literal trash. There are way better drugs to use.

>> No.9895553

Isn't Vitamin B-12 pretty harmless regardless of dosage?

>> No.9895554

Literally nothing wrong with being a soygoy

>> No.9895555

Jamie Oliver made it worse by virtue of him being a huge prick.
Now people associate the message with him.

>> No.9895556

I rarely drink alcohol and when I do its only ever 1 or 2 pints. Energy drinks are absolutely foul and extremely bad for you.

>> No.9895557

This guy gets it

>> No.9895558

good, obedient slave. Defend our brands at all cost. You are happy to die for us after all. that's what maturity is, defending companies and the freedom of dying from poisoning. Don't listen to others, they are like your dad.

>> No.9895559

he didn't mention getting super drunk though. sounds like you've got a problem if drinking alcohol only means "house parties and nightclubs" to you

>> No.9895560

Having the odd pint is not "drinking"

>> No.9895561

I don't buy cheap wine

>> No.9895562

there are people who don't drink alcohol posting here
how does it feel to have such a good life free of depression where you don't have to drink just so you can stop thinking about suicide for a few hours?

>> No.9895563

I drink but I'm not depressed, never was and never will be why should I be depressed? It doesn't even make sense, like how can you hate life? If you're posting on here you have a computer or phone so you must have money so what's there to be upset about? You can obviously pay bills and stuff.

>> No.9895564

Feels pretty good, actually.
In all seriousness, though, I hope things get better for you.

>> No.9895565
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i really wish someone would tell me everything is going to be alright

>> No.9895566

Did your mommy ever get you tested for sociopathy?

>> No.9895567

i live with my parents, i have no job, i'm 24 and im a khv. plenty of reasons to hate life

>> No.9895568

Get a job and visit a hooker. Stop being a little bitch.

>> No.9895569

I don't even know what that means
Getting a job is so easy, I don't even need to work but I got bored, I went to lunch with the owner of the company and he asked me to come into work the next day, it's piss easy if you're not retarded. I don't know what a KHV is

>> No.9895570

How did you get herpies from a fish?

>> No.9895571

The inability to empathise is a sign of sociopathy, you not being able to understand that someone might be depressed despite having internet access shows a clear lack of empathy.

>> No.9895572

>if you're not retarded
i'm literally unemployable, i dropped out of school in the 8th grade and became a full blown neet ever since and i'm so socially retarded that i can't look people in the eye or speak with them
i don't have any skills that can be used for any sort of job/trade

>> No.9895573

Have you actually tried to get better in social situations?

>> No.9895583

So I'm a sociopath because I don't understand why someone is depressed despite having a roof over their head and enough disposable income to buy a computer and internet and enough free time to shitpost about how their life sucks? Suck it up baby
I dropped out at grade 11, you have no excuse

>> No.9895586

Never heard of anyone mixing energy drinks with wine.
For red wine if it's rancid I mix it with dandelion and burdock (trust me, it's amazing).
White/rose mix with lemonade.

>> No.9895589

You clearly don't understand how the world works. Parks have wifi these days. Hobos in first world countries have better internet access than middle class people in third world shitholes.

>> No.9895592

I wouldn't know, I don't own a cell phone I don't see the point

>> No.9895593

That shit makes my teeth for several days for some reason.

>> No.9895596

yeah sure let me just magically become a charming, charismatic person loved by all
fuck off

>> No.9895602

This is why it was a mistake closing the asylums, retards shouldn't be on the street

>> No.9895959

But then you'd have to pay for retards as opposed to hoping you're not the one they stab

>> No.9896018

Makes your teeth the entire?

>> No.9896038

I'd rather just casually swing into one of the three liquor stores I pass on the way home from work than have to jump through hoops to get anything else.

>> No.9896046

I decided I can't take it any more, so I'm quitting my job and becoming a dog groomer.

>> No.9896052

What’s the best way to find a sissy/trap irl
I want to be with one so bad

>> No.9896062

You have to go through the internet, and you need to be a top/dom. I regularly erp on f-list and I can get a good three or four new faggots a week throwing themselves at me and taking pictures for me after bullying them a bit. A couple have even offered to pay me, but I always make them buy new clothes and toys for themselves instead.

>> No.9896272

>never will be
lmao how naive

>I don't even need to work
so you're a sheltered silverspoon faggot who thinks he has empathy

>> No.9896276

If your family couldn't afford silverware to pass down to you then I feel sorry for you thankfully my family wasn't lazy.

>> No.9896278

Processed food is fucking garbage and you should feel bad for being that much of amerimutt.

>> No.9896292

no, but you are.

>> No.9896305

I worked 40 hours this month

>> No.9896345

I hope that's a typo or you at least meant 40 hours a week this month.

>> No.9896557

No typo, I worked 40 hours this month.

>> No.9896572

It’s still funny for us when you do it, Jeff.
If anything, it actually makes us look better in comparison so thx :^)

>> No.9896590
File: 102 KB, 995x565, 009-black-books-theredlist[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy cheap wine

>> No.9896648
File: 795 KB, 1538x932, S I P G O Y S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder.