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9891668 No.9891668 [Reply] [Original]

I come to this burger place quite often (kind of my country's equivalent of McDonald's). And I've noticed that whenever this one guy takes my order he acts kind of cold and almost looks like he's angry at me for coming so often. He seems much nicer to other customers. Can it be, or is it all in my mind?

>> No.9891669

he probably just doesnt like his job
but it's also possible he hates you in particular, if someone were to stay all day looking at how i interact with customers it would be simple to realize i like some more than others

>> No.9891693

It could be whatever you think. That guy has some chip on his shoulder, or maybe you need to brush up a bit on your interactions with good social skills. Could there be something offensive or demands judgement about how you present yourself? Maybe you don't smile or have something evil going on in your eyes.

Treat the dude nicer like a project, like everyday is Groundhog Day with a do over for you. Greet them with eye contact, begin your order with please and end with thank you, and anything special in orders, that you perceive as some favor.

>> No.9891719

It might be because youre ugly?

>> No.9891786

Probably because you're uggo, bro. No one likes an uggo.

>> No.9891813
File: 24 KB, 320x265, 1494844346955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, this might be it.

>> No.9892000

You need to learn not to care about such shit.

And be nice.

>> No.9892131

are you ugly?

>> No.9892137

Does he go outside and watch you eat in your car?

>> No.9892145
File: 150 KB, 277x385, 1508691832637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same problem with an elderly Asian woman in my local store. She's nice to everyone in front of me but when it's me,she avoids eye contact and hardly speaks.

I thought it had something to do with when I dropped a can of soda and it was leaking and I just put it back on the shelf but the rest of the staff are nice to me. I don't know dude.

>> No.9892498

how warm and approachable are you? perhaps he acts that way in retaliation because actually youre quite rude and cold

>> No.9892520

Flirt with him for shits and giggles

>> No.9892527

I like ugly people. Most of em are more friendly than the average guy. Except the ones that became so bitter they turned into absolute cunts.
Not that i am blaming them.

>> No.9893244
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, fat creeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm picturing OP now intently staring in this dudes eyes with a weird creepy smile trying to make polite conversation that now just comes off even creepier.

>> No.9893283

it's a symptom of schizophrenia to believe that strangers hate you, want to persecute you or otherwise don't like you.
As long as you aren't a fulminating asshole, he probably doesn't even care about you. I also know from working fastfood that eventually you learn to stop even noticing the customers faces, they just come and i do my robotic job of pushing buttons.
remember, fast food workers have to deal with niggers/gypsies/other scum constantly, if you don't act like a dick, they won't be a dick to you

>> No.9893285

that's the beginning, then they become clingy as fuck and come 3 times a day since you are the only one treating them like humans, and some even try to get in your life
uggos are disgusting in so many ways

>> No.9893291

She wants your dong m8

>> No.9893380

The problem isn't so much the uggos themselves it's the fact that if you're out in public with them your own looks are degraded several notches by virtue of association and women who might have been interested in you will automatically cold shoulder. The reverse is true too. An average looking guy is pulled up several notches by hanging with a good looking guy. Really just proves wenches are shallow blank slates for marketers to literally have their way with.

>> No.9893446

People that work in fast food here in California (mainly just the guys) all act like they are hot shit for some reason. It's kind of funny and sad. They are so insecure that they try to act all hard and stare you down.

>> No.9893463

If you're fat and order a lot it could be that. I was a line cook at a restaurant once and whenever we saw a fat person come up to the cash and they ordered a lot we'd sigh and say "of COURSE they ordered twice as much as everyone else".

>> No.9893469

>tfw no cute elderly tsundere grandma who works in a grocery store

>> No.9893522

>or have something evil going on in your eyes.

How do I know what the fuck this is and how can I correct this?

>> No.9893655

She's not cute. She's one of those dirty ass Malaysian bitches who always look angry.

>> No.9893739

i worked at a five guys for 4 years. the only customers i would scowl at were those would ask questions about the menu when its right in front of them. and customers who would come in with their friends late at night and leave a mess. It went from 0 customers to 9 fucking arab kids who all want 3 sides of mayonnaise each. we'd be lucky to have 4 employees most nights. and then there were the fucking soccer coaches who always liked to show up with 20+ kids to feed randomly without calling ahead and not tipping, those assholes were the worst.

>> No.9893756

Only time I have a problem with a customer is if they don't bathe, being forced to stand there and smell some disgusting pig that doesn't know how to clean themselves tends to put me in a foul mood while dealing with them

>> No.9893766

Jesus fucking christ this

What is with all the stinky people just walking around in public? I had no idea this was actually a thing until I started working customer service.