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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 611 KB, 849x565, Homeless-Street-People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9881159 No.9881159 [Reply] [Original]

>was homeless last time this year
>feeling a little generous this holiday season
>wanting to make a huge ass pot of something and handing it out to homeless people downtown
>no idea what to make
>bringing about 3 racks of beer

>> No.9881171


Just give them gift cards to denny's

>> No.9881178

As much as id like to do that, I can't. Plus making something just feels more personal you feel me?

>> No.9881192

in my experience, offering food to homeless just gets the incensed and annoyed because it isn’t money they can use to buy drugs.

don’t even bother OP.

>> No.9881204

give them canned yams and cream corned to the qts

>> No.9881219

Beef stew is always good. Hearty comfort food/

>> No.9881224

Just make good sandwiches, dishing out hot food will probably be too difficult.

>> No.9881226

>not lowfat cream of mushroom soup
Why do you hate the homies?

>> No.9881232

Make them some hamhock with greens

>> No.9881249

When I was homeless and cold there was nothing better than a good tomato soup with bread.
Bring a gallon of it and some breadloaves, you will make friends for life.

>> No.9881250

Don't make them shit. You feed the birds, you get more birds. This is why places like Seattle fucking suck now, retards giving homeless people endless handouts.

>> No.9881261

Make them a job application

>> No.9881266

>being able to afford cream of mushroom

you're the normie

>> No.9881277

this is true.

>> No.9881280

Frig off, when it's cold as shit a good warm soup is a godsend and will absolutely be appreciated.

>> No.9881282

This. they aren't hungry.

bottle of grain alcohol is your best bet.

>> No.9881292
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Beef stew. Chili. Sausages and rolls (or pigs in a blanket)...
Maybe some mince pies or something in individual disposable bowls?

If they're actually hungry it doesn't need to be anything fancy. Something portable and easy to eat while standing is most likely a plus.

It's good of you remembering what it was like and wanting to help, anon. Makes me feel a little warm inside.

>> No.9881316

The homeless people aren't going to go away if OP doesn't do this. There's nowhere to go.

>> No.9881318

You are very dim. I have had homeless people with "will work for food" signs yell at me for trying to give them food instead of money.

>> No.9881325

why are homeless people so entitled? its not our fault you're homeless. besides, most of them are niggers so i lose sympathy immediately

>> No.9881334

thats not true. there are more empty beds in the homeless shelters than there are homeless. however, those shelters require you to be sober and not cause trouble with your crazyness in order to stay there.

>> No.9881335

I like how OP was literally homeless, but people in here think they know better than him anyway.

>> No.9881357

Being able to sleep in a homeless shelter isn't going away. Most still make you leave during the day (ideally to job hunt, but that's not what a lot really do).

>> No.9881361

We do. We know enough not to fuck up our lives to the point we have nowhere to live. Did your mom drink and smoke during pregnancy?

>> No.9881368

he was literally homeless and now thinks he has disposable income to spend on worthless bums

we do know better than him

>> No.9881369

I'm talking the posts about what homeless people want and them not wanting food. If you haven't been homeless, it's weird to assume you know more about that than someone who's been homeless.

>> No.9881378

i've known tons of homeless people and they're assholes and they don't deserve shit from me, i'll sell a $5 bag of weed to one of them if i'm waling to the store but i'm sick of these people asking me for beers or cigs because I was drunk/happy one time and was handing beers out.

>> No.9881386

Homeless people can eat all the food restaurants, supermarkets, bakery's, grocery stores, etc discard of so they don't need half your sandwich
Still I bet being able to sit down and get a warm meal and a beer together must feel nicer than fighting for a trashbag

>> No.9881399

You can get a hot plate or if there isn't any electricity just get a tiny gas tank and a burner

>> No.9881408

Its not the same thing to be homeless for a month than to live like that for years

>> No.9881413


>> No.9881829


come to florida. downtown miami is homelesscon 2017 right now

>> No.9881833

you gone get shut down by the health department then jailed for distributing alcohol without a license

>> No.9881872

no food, just give them each a sixer, don't give any indication that you have more or they'll heckle you for more. I fucking hate the homeless.

>> No.9881881

I used to be homeless but did day labor to feed myself and keep me in drink. avoided other homeless like the plague. if they knew you had money they'd constantly hit you up for some or try to fucking jump you

>> No.9882802

Yeah it was going to end up costing me like fort bucks to make a huge batch of chili. I'm just brininging donuts and coffee

>> No.9883026
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If you want to help, go donate to a shelter or church that helps the homeless
Better yet, join a political movement that wants to build more homeless shelters and improve the social safety net. Don't help Salvation Army though.
Making one meal won't make many people's lives better, as heartfelt or well meaning as it may be.
If you already do do that, then make things you can pass out easy or make a big pot of.
Some good ideas would be sandwiches, soup, chili, or tamales.

>> No.9883068

Oh lordy. 40 Dollars! What a fortune.

>> No.9883077

Haha you cheap fuck, I bet you don't even do that

>> No.9883084

>donate to a church
This is the last thing you should do if you actually want to help the needy

>> No.9883089

It is to some people.
How much did you give to the homeless today, Mr. Moneybags?

>> No.9883094

right on. donate to the church if you want to help there legal battles over fucking alterboys.

>> No.9883095

Depends on the church
I know the Catholic church by Olvera street in LA is good, for example.
I'm sure a suburban meme church wouldn't be a good idea

>> No.9883101

I gave one my card and told him to come by for a job when he was sober last week. Seemed like a good guy. What did you do? Donuts?

>> No.9883104
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I've always wondered.
How do you actually make a comeback from being homeless?

>> No.9883140

If you have no family to fall back to or aren't sociable (read: not mentally ill), there's no coming back from that

>> No.9883149

According to this guy it was all thanks to a top hat.
I think he should show a little more gratitude to the fucking shelter that housed and fed him, but that's just me.

>> No.9883205

This is true.

>> No.9883213

Portland has the same issue.

>> No.9883220

Use YMCA for showering and laundry
Get a job
rent a shitty little room

>> No.9883223

who's going to employ a homeless fucker?

>> No.9883227

Have you gone to many job interviews where they asked if you were homeless?

>> No.9883235

I would. I am the business card giving guy. I own a masonry firm. If you show up sober and can learn to work, I have work for you and time to teach a little unless you are annoying.

>> No.9884474

and has for 10+ years

>> No.9884510

Sir my name is Ivan Pajeet would you a website

>> No.9884525
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>There's nowhere to go
Pic related.

>> No.9884532

none because they're going to spend it on heroin

>> No.9884563

>why are homeless people so entitled?
Because half of them aren't actually homeless. They just make more cash begging than they would in a cubicle. Some of these fuckers even bring their kids with them for extra sympathy points. There is this one family that's been begging outside the local Pet Smart for about 8 months now. Everytime I drive by, they're there. I imagine they chose Pet Smart because animal people are usually more sympathetic. They've got it down to a science.

>> No.9884595

I wonder if anyone's ever done that as a prank before, like instead of a soup kitchen they just give all the homeless a big bottle of vodka and watch the hijinks ensue.

>> No.9884648

well... I mostly only hire whites and blacks that act white (in smaller quantities so they do not form a gang), so... no.

>> No.9884762
File: 2.91 MB, 257x212, sandwich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking it's possible for a woman to be homeless
Stop feeding scammers please