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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9873802 No.9873802 [Reply] [Original]

>2017, the year of our Lord
>we’re progressive as ever before

On a date, should the man still pay for the dining tab?

>> No.9873827

No. You are going to be accused of rape either way. Better to save up.

>> No.9873836

Just split the bill
Sometimes girls really dont like you paying for everything

>> No.9873843

>not cooking her food and eating in
its like you dont want to get laid

>> No.9873846

Do normal people still go out on dinner dates? I know couples go out to dinner together, but as a first date would you go to a restaurant?

>> No.9873910

It isn't the main event anymore, but it's mandatory.
Tinder has made it so free dinner is the main appeal for hookups though.

>> No.9874083

Women only want "equality" when it benefits them.

>> No.9874104

>incel alone on 4chan on a friday night
color me shocked

>> No.9874334

If he asked her out then yes. After that it's up to the people to decide. My gf and I split the bill almost all the time. On our first date I paid for everything though because im the one who invited her.

>> No.9874348

t. virgin

>> No.9874363

>incel alone on 4chan on a friday night
color me shocked

>> No.9874370

There are some literal whores who troll dating sites for free meals, but most ordinary women these days actually prefer to split the check. I'd say it's about 50/50 between "split the check" and "whoever initiated the date pays." I know this is not the kind of thing people on 4chan get to talk about with women very much, but I have learned a lot about this by reading women's forums and discussion sites populated mostly by women. It makes sense from their perspective--if they expected the man to pay for their meal every time, they would be suspicious that he feels entitled to something (i.e., sex) in return, which is a thought that scares most women!

>> No.9874379

Enjoy your prison sentence.

>> No.9874393

This. It's not chivalry, it's fair. First dates are where you show yourself off. In my experience they start forcing their card by the 2nd

>> No.9874406

>not paying for anything

I wouldn’t be a gentleman, then.

>> No.9874419
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>> No.9874425

I always pay on the first date or three. After that, it's anything goes.

>> No.9874458
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Tfw not a socially retarded fuck ugly autist so have no reason for a woman to falsely accuse me of rape.

>> No.9874465

Are you male?

That's her excuse.

>> No.9874476
File: 83 KB, 594x1176, faceofpol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say perma virgin

go back to your containment board

>> No.9874485

I don’t think I’ve paid for a date in ten years. When you’re confident, funny, and attractive when you’re hiding your power level, they pay YOU to dick them.

>> No.9874508

Uhuh. When military officers and government officials are being briefed to videotape a statement of consent and are advised this may not protect you, shit is getting out of hand.

>> No.9874524

>get called out for being a poltard
>confirms it


autists make it too easy

>> No.9874566

Split or bust honestly.

It was nice to go out with a girl and have her actually insist on splitting.

>> No.9874658

im not paying shit

>> No.9874671

> Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-4chan) raids is also not permitted.

>> No.9874813

only if the woman is a gold digging whore who can't manage to get a job. Which almost all are

>> No.9875836 [DELETED] 

Using stupid nigger acting like a nigger

>> No.9876058

General rule I was taught is that whoever asked the other person out is the one who pays. Usually that will be the guy. But if the girl asked the guy out, then she should expect to pay. That doesn't mean you /will/ or /must/ pay the full bill if you ask someone out -- just that you should be prepared to, since that's polite.

In either case, it's good manners for the person who was asked out to assume that the bill will be split and to be prepared to pay their own half. The person "expected" to pay can either accept the bill-splitting or insist on paying, depending on their preferences.

>> No.9876080

Kindly do the world a favor and kill yourself poltard.

>> No.9876083

depends if you want to have sex or not

>> No.9876099


this p much sums it up in my view

>> No.9876101

I quite like this little system-- if the date doesn't go great and I don't plan to see him again, I will pay for my portion of the meal. And if the date was a success and I plan to see him again, I'll let him pick up the tab and then I can offer to pay next time.

>> No.9876103

Global rule three, retard. Reported.

>> No.9876129

>should the man still pay for the dining tab?
Did you just assume somebodys gender? Ugh.

>> No.9876135


>> No.9876140


>> No.9876507

>everything I don’t like is /pol/


>> No.9876519

Nigga where are those girls?
I never met one.

>> No.9876561

I don't date.

But if I did, I would offer to pay and just let her be the one to either accept me paying, or say she wants to go halvsies.

But again, I don't date.

>> No.9876580

>2017, the year of our Lord
>we’re progressive as ever before

>Having a different opinion means you're raiding

>> No.9876743

>I never met one.

>> No.9876744

That's also what normal adults do in non-dating situations. Everyone offers to pay and then you end up shoving all the cards into the bill folder together.

>> No.9876766

Technically no.

But what I do is offer to pay. When she says "I can pay." I tell her that the problem with the double standard is that men fail to live up to their end of the double standard. Women get paid less than men, the least I can do to make reparations to this is to pay for dinner.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not. Women like to appear progressive, but they don't actually want to BE progressive.

>> No.9876777

The virgin is strong with this one

>> No.9876809

Y’all are a bunch of broke ass, virgin ass faggots. Always pay for the first date. Look at it this way: you’re physically attracted enough to go in a day dinner date with the bitch. Now you’re just investing 40-50 bucks to see if you even have chemistry with the hoe. My god you faggots are cringey

>> No.9876812

Every. Fucking. Time. And no one buys it.

>> No.9877053

Roastie is toasty. Lol stfu

>> No.9877060

go back to plebit faggot.

>> No.9877082

virgin dateless and also poltards opinions doesn't count.
bonus if you are racist and hate woman

>> No.9877083

I would say first one, yeah just to make a good impression. If she doesn't at least offer to split by 3rd date you drop that gold digger or demand a blow job and take your chances

>> No.9877089

why are you afraid of woman