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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9867191 No.9867191 [Reply] [Original]

What's the strangest meat you've ever eaten?

>> No.9867236

>eating an apex predator

enjoy your toxic meat idoit

>> No.9867248

fried gator and that one girls pussy that night I got wasted

>> No.9867265

Human has become the apex predator of the entire planet soiboi. I'll eat any animal I goddamn well please and watch you crying while I do it.

>> No.9867266

Deer from Arby's. I don't know why I thought it would be good, I could have gotten better deer at just about any butcher

>> No.9867310

>product of usa
what? is it just old euthanized zoo lions? lions don't grow in the US

>> No.9867311

Shark, octopus and bear. I eat monsters.

>> No.9867326

either bear, python, or whale

>> No.9867340

Human placenta in goulash.

>> No.9867347
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Camel is pretty rare in the US. Those tiny crabs that like to side in oysters. Bluefin tuna belly. Sea urchin roe. Deep-fried bass roe-pouches? That swollen 'V' when you gut the females. Rice custard cooked inside a bamboo tube. Pan-fried silkworms. Freshwater shrimp (horror movie monsters.)

>> No.9867348

Yuck. Goulash.

>> No.9867370

>eating animals that eat other animals
You're fucking stupid OP, the amount of toxins and potential diseases you're eating are very high. Also you're a piece of shit for eating a major predator like the lion.

I've eaten horse. Tastes pretty similar to beef, just a little bit tougher.

>> No.9867381

confit turkey heart was pretty cool.

tasted like turkey.

>> No.9867384

Yacare caiman, my grandpa's ex wife prepared it as a "surprise" in a huge party held at his house. When we saw how white, hard and salty this meat was, we were quite puzzled and kinda afraid to ask, desu.

>> No.9867388

if the lion is shipped into the USA for processing it can be considered a product of the USA... just like olive oil is shipped into italy and then sold from italy so it can be a "product of Italy"

>> No.9867410

>>U.S. retailers that sell lion meat, including ExoticMeatMarket.com, say their meat comes from animals raised on a USDA-inspected lion farm outside Chicago, Gastronomica reported in 2012

>> No.9867456


>> No.9867474

I eat cow heart semi regularly but it's not that strange
My mom ate gator once when she went to Florida on business and she brought back a tiny gator head as a decoration

>> No.9867489


Its more about apex pred meat literally being toxic. Enjoy your poison meat.

>> No.9868169

I had it i told them not to cook it came home and ate it raw best fucking meat i had at a fast food joint

>> No.9868170

Kamchatka crab
tastes gorgeous if fresh

>> No.9868172


>> No.9868174


Had alligator and kangaroo jerky once... shit was pretty good but one of them was really sweet can't remember which though

>> No.9868179

Crocodile = fresh water fish mixed with chicken taste kinda
Ostrich = extremly lean muscle meat, very good
Kangaroo = same as ostrich with a more gamey flavour

>> No.9868184

dogs can eat other animals but the meat aint toxic

>> No.9868200

Had some alligator breaded, fried, and put in a wrap with lettuce, ranch, and buffalo sauce. It was actually amazing.

>> No.9868292

>Too dumb to understand bio magnification

>> No.9868320

Huh. That's pretty neat and I might check out that site. Not too late to ask for a gift card from there for Christmas I think.

>> No.9868347

>>eating animals that eat other animals
>You're fucking stupid OP, the amount of toxins and potential diseases you're eating are very high. Also you're a piece of shit for eating a major predator like the lion.
>I've eaten horse. Tastes pretty similar to beef, just a little bit tougher.
Waaaaaa don't eat the lions because I established a fictional animal hierarchy in my head

>> No.9868365


Yeah because youve eaten fucking wild dog you chink.

>> No.9868373

Lol yeah fuck that guy
>muh "king of the jungle"

>> No.9868414

Different anon here. I assumed it was because apex predators take exponentially more resources to raise than the equivalent calories of lower predators/herbivores. That's why I wouldn't regularly eat any farm raised predators.

>> No.9868420

>fictional heirarchy
It's a very real and objective heirarchy, what are you talking about?

>> No.9868424

Gator tail, kangaroo burger, camel burger, rattlesnake, frog legs. None of those are better than chicken, beef, pork, lamb, or fish.

>> No.9868429

Anybody ever eaten wolf? I heard that they supposedly taste delicious.

>> No.9868431

there's too many in our country this year so I could probably score some of a hunter

>> No.9868881

uma delicia

>> No.9868938

Oooh I know about this. I used to live in the area. There was a little burger shop outside Chicago where I'd buy all kinds of meats every year for my sister's birthday. Google got me this http://money.cnn.com/2010/06/23/smallbusiness/world_cup_lion_burger/index.htm

Guy was caught selling tigers as lion meat. Guess it's more shadowy a business than you'd think. The animals are from a skinning operation. It is not known how the animals are procured.

>> No.9868943

They tried to open an ostrich farm when I was living in Illinois. Didn't last long. The meat was fantastic though. Even got to try some of an egg. I wish it'd catch on. They're better for the environment than cows. People always ask if it tastes like chicken, then they're puzzled when youI tell them it tastes like beef.

>> No.9868951

They also accumulate more toxins, like apex sea fish. Heavy metals and other environmental hazards like pesticides accumulate in them. You know heavy metals are stored in your fat, right? Animals can't process them.

>> No.9868962

Deez nuts

>> No.9869331

mmmmm love prions

>> No.9869347

Shark and alligator.
I guess I'm pretty vanilla.

>> No.9869360

I guess reindeer would be exotic to you

>> No.9869476

Shark, octopus, and lobster. Never got a chance to eat more exotic meats.

>> No.9869496

deep fried frogs
both were quite good 2bh

>> No.9869515

I'm not that adventurous with meats. The strangest meat for me was duck. It's very tender with a strong flavour. I'm not a fan.

>> No.9869520

I ate some sort of dog at a shady kabob place in Istanbul way back in 1992 or 93. Tasted like lamb dipped in shit.
>Friend bought a dog leather jacket on the same trip.

>> No.9869521


>> No.9869528

So what does Lion taste like?

>> No.9869532

Grizzly and seal

>> No.9869535

Why seal :(. The good boys of the sea are not for consumption.

>> No.9869536

was at an buffet. Very salty meat

>> No.9869552
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Shot and roasted a gull on a camping trip.
It tasted of the fishwaste it had fed on. Absolutely disgusting.
Haven't had anything really exotic.
Used to eat a lot of horse back in the 80s but I never see it for sale anymore. It's a bit like beef but maybe sweeter in the taste. And very lean so easy to overcook.

>> No.9869555

Jellyfish, it tasted like wasabi cardboard jelly if that makes any sense. It was truly putrid.

>> No.9869556

ostrich, probably?

>> No.9869576

I see the heavy metals have already started to deposit in your brain.

>> No.9869596

Cow intestines, chicken feet and stingray probably.

>> No.9869610

>fried gator
I guess it's all relative, but gator is incredibly common here.
Every seafood restaurant serves it.

The good ones will even do whole smoked gators for special events.

>> No.9869613
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Pic related. Tasted like freedom.

>> No.9869637
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Got some ostrich jerky from an outdoors show one time. It was pretty good.

>> No.9869665

Among others, I had armadillo in the jungle in Central America, and that’s the only animal on that list I would not have eaten beforehand, had I been told what the fuck it actually was. Thank Christ I’m not a leper. Jungle people have been doing it for millennia though, so I guess they know how to cook it without getting diseased. It tasted ok.

>> No.9869700


>> No.9869722

a vegetarian place opened up near my house last year and they only had two meat options on the menu, ground buffalo burger and ground ostrich burger. the ground ostrich was delicious but idk if it was genuine ostrich because thats pretty weird

>> No.9869725

What did the toucan and the macaw taste like? I've been searching on google for ages and had no result. Do they have dark or white meat?
I'm guessing the toucan tasted a bit spicy because they eat peppers a lot, right?

>> No.9869736

I ate armadillo one time also. It was trying to dig under my foundation and wouldn't stop even after I hit it with a big stick so I shot it. I used the recipe for roasting it from a 70's edition Joy of Cooking. Tasted like a gamey pork to me. Dressing it was pig ass disgusting because they're filthy fuckers and it was crawling with lice and assorted vermin.

>> No.9869941

>crawling with lice and assorted vermin
why the FUCK would you eat it?

>> No.9870081

Zebra or kangaroo

>> No.9870089

Prove to me factually what animals I should eat and not eat without mentioning toxins. People think certain animals are more important than other based on which ones they like more.

>> No.9870118

Flyovers are trash, that's why.

>> No.9870122

Dog .. I have a taste for it now...

>> No.9870131


The toucan I had in a stew with plenty of peppers tossed in with it, so there was plenty of spice in general so I wouldn’t be able to gauge what the base flavour of the bird was. Keep in mind, these a jungle people throwing whatever the fuck they found today into a big cooking pot on the fire in the middle of their dirt floor. The texture and consistency I would say is very similar something like pheasant.

Macaw was interesting. It’s a very stringy bird. Not a lot of fat like poultry and wate foul. However, it was neutral enough that it tasted amazing served barbecue style on a wood fire grill and marinaded in all sorts of exotic local spices and herbs.

>> No.9870175
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Fish eat other fish and we get them.

>> No.9870234

rattle snake nuggets

>> No.9870237

turtle soup. tasted greasy and plasticky.

was offered raw whale, but declined, kind of regret not trying it.

>> No.9870252

That only applies to seafood, brainlet.

>> No.9870261

Gator and stingray

>> No.9870368

Beg pardon? I dressed and ate an animal I killed. How does that work out, in the slow grinding wheels of your minuscule brain, to being disgusting? Are you a vegan homeschooled by evangelicals or something?

>> No.9870380

Live octopus. Had in it Seoul, they brought it out on a plate and lopped off its tentacles, washed them in a bowl in front of us, nipped off the end bits, and then served them up in a bowl.
Was still squirmin all around.
Tasted like rubber covered in slime, honestly.

>> No.9870424

Had a shark vindaloo at Rick Stein's restaurant in Cornwall, was so fucking good.

>> No.9871165
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publix used to sell ostrich burgers and my mom would buy them when i was a kid and wed have them all the time. havent had it in probably 20 years though.

>pig brain

pretty normal stuff t b h. i do have an unnatural obsession with pork cracklings and eat them all the time whenever i can find them. a lot of people are actually kind of turned off when you describe what it actually is.

>> No.9871172

>t b h

Stop that.

>> No.9871186

Eating predators isn't a good idea, they're full of parasites. At least that's frozen.

>> No.9871198

baka no way desu senpaitachi

>> No.9871203
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I've had a lot of weird stuff, but probably pic related.

It's pretty good, like pork but without the strong pork flavour.

>> No.9871206

not until gook moot turns those stupid filters off.

ive also tried jelly fish which was disgusting.

>smoked tongue
>chopped liver
>chicken hearts

organ meat is fucking nasty. chitlin literally tastes like youre eating poop. oxtail is good though and so is the tongue if its sliced thin.

chopped liver is good if its really creamed well and there arent any chunks and its on another thing like a pastrami sandwich or something. by itself its vile.

>> No.9871215
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These little guys are also popular in South America, but they taste like crap to me.

>> No.9871223

What retard at Arby's sold you raw meat?

>> No.9871224
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I had cod liver for the first time recently it's great; looks weird but tastes like delicious pate.

>> No.9871226

they're so cute though
like bigger versions of my American Crested, but I've heard cuy are more aggressive/less friendly.

>> No.9871228

Vegan pussy

>> No.9871243

Isopod or snake
Both shit.

Circada, surprisingly nice.

>> No.9871248

moose. my brother made it into tacos, but it was so unrelentingly gamey, I couldn't handle it.

>> No.9871254

>caught selling tigers as lion meat
It's fucking rawr!

>> No.9871673

what country?

>> No.9871675

is that your fb account chop?

>> No.9871677

how fat was she?

>> No.9871678

I ate reindeer in Finland and it was really great

>> No.9871697

>nanobots become a thing
>to give them metals apex predators become top tier food
I can't wait

>> No.9871700
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As far as 'exotic' meats, I've had
>Cat. Dog. Macaw (one of my ex's was a vet and used to cook up her pets when they died)
>Llama, Alpaca (trip to S America)
>Buffalo (craving beef in India, actually did get beef there but to get it smuggled into the compound)
>Eel (trip to China)
>Bear, Eik (trip to Alaska)
>Reindeer (trip to Finland)
>Gator, Emu (trip to Northern Territory)
>Kangaroo (assuming that's exotic to non-aussies)
>Moreton Bay Bugs (again, common in Aus but probably uncommon overseas)
>Bunch of insects and things (trip to Cambodia)
>Bulls testicles (S. America again. The only one on this list I wouldn't eat again - fuck I wish I translated the menu before ordering)
>And all the kinda unusual but not really exotic stuff - rabbit, venison, chicken hearts, kidney, oxtail, beef tongue, etc

>> No.9871701

Yeah, and its common knowledge eating too much fish is bad for you

>> No.9871813

seahorse if it counts

relatively sure i've had dog as well but it was like dog-jerky so im not sure if it was legit

>> No.9871871

Que delícia?

>> No.9871882

Eat anything that eats plants. Don't eat carnivores especially apex like sharks, lions, wolves, etc. They absorb all the toxins their prey took a lifetime to accumulate. You're basically eating hundreds of years worth of heavy metal accumulation if you eat a carnivore that's had hundreds of kills.

>> No.9871899

Correct, but eating land predators, especially big cats, is retarded for a different reason, that reason being their scent marking glands that taint the meat and make it taste like shit.

>> No.9872162

Emu and wombat.

>> No.9872304


>> No.9872330

Sea cucumber here. Highly overrated, like most other Asian delicacies.

Fermented duck is prolly the second strangest meat I've eaten, fucking delicious.

>> No.9872343

Kangaroo probably

>> No.9872365

Canned horse. It was horrible to look at, like chunks of meat from old horror movies, but real. I finished without looking at it.

>> No.9872383

No. Sorry to disappoint.
What would you even do if you did dox me? You can't even send people a pizza these days, what with computers and all that.

>> No.9872461

sea turtle in the Cayman Islands
Minke whale in Norway

Neither were spectacular

>> No.9874053

Where in the fuck do you live?

>> No.9874105

Not him, but almost every seafood place in Florida, Houston, Louisiana, or on the Gulf Coast serves it. I've lived mainly in Florida and Louisiana and it's incredibly common.

>> No.9874163

I had horse.

Last year my neighbors horse got hit by a car and messed up pretty badly, She knows I have a personal gun range behind my house and asked If I could quickly put down her horse.

I put him down humanely with a 7mm and offered to bury him for her. It took about 5 hours of digging to get a hole big enough. By then it was dark and she had gone indoors, I cut some ribs out and froze them.

Had them about 3 months later, Were 8/10.

Slow and low and they just fall off the bone

>> No.9874188

i sucked a girls dick once

>> No.9874220

Cats typically tatse like pork to me. Ive had bobcat and mountain lion and would eat them again. I can see why people say they serve cat in Chinese shops as pork fried rice. You would never be able to tell the difference.

Would not pay $50k for lion.

>> No.9874232
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>Lions are the Apex predator

>> No.9874246

"Apex predator" actually has an ecological meaning, it's not code for "the strongest animal in the world" or something. Lions are apex predators because they eat a bunch of stuff that eats other things, and nothing else eats them. Predator meat is pretty bad in general, and as has already been pointed out several times in this thread, toxins become increasingly concentrated in their meat compared to grazers.

>> No.9874255

>And nothing else eats them
Except humans, genius

>> No.9874262

People don't eat lion because it's good.
They eat it so they can make threads about it on /ck/.

>> No.9874372
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>> No.9874429
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>nothing else eats them

Ahem, vulture checking in. We eat them if the insect larvae and bacteria haven't already polished them off. Who's apex again, you hairless ape?

>> No.9874487

“Eats them” as in “hunts down and kills them for consumption” you birdbrained fool

>> No.9874495

>eating too much fish is bad for you
Maybe for your weak pussy ass stomach

>> No.9874496

Coyotee steaks
It was like biting into a piece of leather. It wasnt good but it wasnt bad eaither.

>> No.9874499

It tasted like chewed up beef

>> No.9874501

Does sea cucumber count as meat or is it seafood? Apart from that, bee meat.