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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9861618 No.9861618 [Reply] [Original]

Any good fast food in NYC? Already planning on going to Shake Shack, Chick-Fil-A, and Fuku.


>> No.9861736

Where are you from? Why just fast food?

>> No.9861749

>Fuck u

>> No.9861939

mahmoud's falafel on st mark's place

>> No.9861945

What a faggot you are. I hope when you ask directions on the subway when you're pale and shaking with fear about which station to get off on they send you on a train change to East NY.

>> No.9861956

>$8 chicken sandwich
>$5 for a fucking tecate
>$9 for a gin and tonic
Fuck me am I glad I don't live in that shithole of a city

>> No.9861972

there's plenty of great, cheap, grub in nyc.

>> No.9861976

Oh you're right I forgot you can get two tacos for $6 in the shitty immigrant neighborhoods. What a steal!

>> No.9861987

You'd fit right in since you're obviously Jewish

>> No.9861988
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>> No.9861990

lol not even but ok. just stray away from tourist traps and you're golden.

>> No.9861992


not jewish... guy seems poor. easy to mistake for a jew, but no claws or gelt bag around the neck.

>> No.9861994

>not even
My mistake, $8 for two tacos and a small water.

>> No.9862003
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you don't always have to act like there's a stick lodged up your butt just to fit in my man.

>> No.9862204

Why is there always this one guy who gets super angry any time NYC is brought up? I guess not just New York, but any big city in general, it's like he went to a big city once on vacation away from suburbia and a homeless guy heckled him a bit too hard.

There's a shit ton of great pizza places where you just go in and get a slice or two and eat it outside while walking or whatever. Pommes Frites is a pretty cheap place to get a bunch of fries near the comedy circuit in the Village, tons of French patisseries, Wah Fung Fast Food in Chinatown for cheap meat takeout, get a cannoli at Ferrara, any Halal Guys cart, Donut Pub on 14th is a great 24hr old school coffee diner, get a hotdog at any place that has 'Papaya' in its name, Amy's Bread, Go Go Curry is straight up Japanese fast food, Otafukux Medetai is decent Japanese street food, tons of options. Shake Shack is good, but go on an off hour or be prepared for shit lines.

Avoid generic chain crap, why the fuck would you go eat at Chick-Fil-A when there's so many other options that are harder to find outside of the city? You wouldn't go to Paris and eat at McDonald's right?

>> No.9862220

It's because coastie roasties do nothing but shit on flyovers all day long, and then have the gaul to say "$13 for a burrito isnt too expensive!".

>> No.9862248

I grew up in 'flyover' land and now live in Manhattan. For a few years I was really scrimping my money and I discovered that yeah, there are $13 burritos, but there are also $5 burritos. There's so many options out there that you just have to put in the effort to go look for yourself and not be scared of 'immigrants' or 'Jews' or 'black peepo' just because 4chan told you those things were scary and bad.

At my college apartment in the Midwest, the only places that delivered to me were Dominos and a crappy Chinese place. I'm a 'coastie roastie' who actually deserves to be able to shit on flyovers, but I'm the last person to do so, because I'm from there and I get why people wanna live there. Fuckin pisses me when the kids that live here who only know the city asks me where Ohio or Nevada is, and act like everything interesting only came from NYC. Bitchboy over here whining about the big scary city is just as bad.

>> No.9862250


I had to cut back how often I got lunch at Fuku because I was gaining weight. Though their spicy chicken isn't nearly as spicy as I was hoping for.

They have an "Extremely" spicy one through the winter that I haven't tried yet, because it has cheese on it.

>> No.9862356

Although you sound slightly assflamed, I can tell you were probably a flyover at one time and recognize the benefits and of course the detractions. But more than anything you sound like the kind of east coaster that we believe suck melanin enhanced appendages.

>> No.9862530

Yeah, you got me dude. I'm gay/a cuck because I live in New York.

>> No.9863455

Damn that's good

>> No.9863466

I've lived here my entire life and I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to move here.

>> No.9863468

How about this - don't go to NYC, go somewhere that has some unique scenery. Go to the grand canyon, go to yosemite, go anywhere that isn't a big city. Fuck food, USA is a massive country, visit places that you will remember instead of going to "wow NYC has a lot of big builtings". Fuck big cities, they're just tourist traps for people like you.


>> No.9863474

>grand canyon, go to yosemite
Are you seriously suggesting those aren't fucking tourist traps either?

>> No.9863476

Okay so they might be, but they're a hell of a lot better than going to fucking NYC or LA. At least go see some fucking beautiful nature instead of coming to the US for FAST FOOD.

>> No.9863487

>You wouldn't go to Paris and eat at McDonald's right?
Are you kidding me, I wouldn't go to Paris and pass up the chance to try a Royale with Cheese.

>> No.9863497

New Orleans, anon. The best food, lots of music, bare tits everywhere, and the bars never close. I wandered into some stupid pirate-themed bar at 7:00 am and got a three-for-one bourbon and coke. Only in New Orleans can walk into a bar and be hammered drunk by 10:00 am.>>9863468

>> No.9863507

I dunno, I was walking around lower Manhattan mid morning, had some business at one of the buildings, and it was extremely comfy, I thought "man it would be really comfy to live here."
Of course living around Times Square or anything like that must probably suck, but I have a friend who lives near Canal St and another on the east side of 52nd and they both live in nice locations.
You'd have to be pretty rich to live in any of these locations though, unless you were grandfathered in.
And the amount of cute girls in Manhattan there definitely does not compare to flyover spots or anywhere else in the city.

I live in Brooklyn almost to East New York.
Anyway if I ever become rich or have a nice job in Manhattan I'd like to live in the nice parts of it.