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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 300x450, 1484424086832-VTV02-0016_DELIVERABLES_S2_FTD_SHOW_POSTER_2000X3000_VL-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9855857 No.9855857 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more talented man on the planet? Great chef, great rapper, great TV host. Can talk with anyone and dominate the conversation.

>> No.9855860

> Can talk with anyone and dominate the conversation.

sounds unpleasant

>> No.9855868

Dudes a self important attention whore. Carry on.

>> No.9855901

>fat retard that pretends to be black and his high 24/7

yea no thanks

>> No.9855905

fuck this loser

>> No.9855918

Why does vice keeping pushing this fat fuck everywhere?

>> No.9855982

>great chef
Does he even cook things? I've watched his show and it's always just footage of him stuffing his fat face
>great rapper
His music is awful
>great TV host
All he does is have casual conversation about food while saying fuck every 2 words. For someone that eats 24/7 and loves food that isn't exactly hard to do.

>> No.9856092

! don't know who that fat fuck is but I would love to hold a lighter to his disgusting jihadi beard.

>> No.9856276

i pray it comes out he molests kids

>> No.9856317

>Is there a more talented man on the planet?
moot, michael jackson
>... and dominate the conversation.
is this something desirable?
EVERY conversation?

>> No.9856320

>and dominate the conversation
>thanks to the miracle of TV scripting and editing

>> No.9856558

He has a powerful personality that takes the room over, no editing needed friend

>> No.9856803

yeah he cooks shit now and then
great chef is a bit of a stretch from what I've seen but maybe he's done some impressive shit, I could be wrong. All I've seen is him make a pokebowl and it looked simple as fuck

>> No.9856804

>Can talk with anyone and dominate the conversation
isn't that literally the opposite of what you want a good host/presenter to do in a conversation

>> No.9856809

What a miserable looking piece of shit.

>> No.9856817

"I'm a fat fuck who tries too hard."

Might as well listen to Alex Jones. Inferiority complex males look to these manufactured personalities for leadership.

>> No.9856823

His shit aint funny without body

>> No.9856834

A fat fuck with sleeves and toddler eyes. He looks like a fat baby looking to get back doored.

>> No.9856835

Just another shitty rapper that I only ever heard of because I saw them on ridiculousness

>> No.9856960

>takes the room over
Well yeah, after his fat ass squeezes in there's hardly any room for anyone else.

>> No.9856971

>oversized beard trend
>white person who raps
>foodie who is fat

Nope, not once

>> No.9856972


lets stop bumping 'gibble-face'.

>> No.9856987

He's a narcissistic, elitist, holier-than-thou pothead whose only claim to culinary fame is "I was a linecook in a shitty bistro for awhile"

>> No.9857059
File: 82 KB, 1000x750, Wvun94v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing powerful about him are his farts.

>> No.9857068


Just stop fucking bumping this human mistake. Please. He's come to terms with the fact that his life is a joke, what are we doing talking about it? christ.

>> No.9857412

i cant stand him

>> No.9857498

I love him. He's honest..

>> No.9857504


look at his pretentious cunt face. I could jab a dagger into it without blinking.

>> No.9858483

Why is it that he only wears 4XL plain T shirts.

>> No.9858518
File: 149 KB, 1440x900, Homer-moomoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's either that or a moomoo

>> No.9858613

oh fuck

>> No.9858626

Go to walmart and get a 4XL plain cotton shirt.

It's fuckin comfortable.

>> No.9858629

Wouldn't want to look like a weirdo

>> No.9858645

WHy do you people keep bumping this fast bastard?

>> No.9858648

My sister and I went to a show. She sucked his dick. I watched. Well not watched. Like I saw her kneeled in front of him groin. Most I saw was her panties through her leggings. I was happy to see bambam. I didnt tell him it was my sister. That woulda been awkward. Plus she 16

>> No.9858651

Aka loud and obnoxious

>> No.9858660


you live in louisiana or alabama? what fucked up garbage hole do you exist in? I've never wished a group of people would just evapourate until now. You fuck people need to die.

>> No.9858661


>> No.9858665

New york

>> No.9858669


I love how you dogshit people just double down in looking like human filth.

>> No.9858679

Um ok nigger?

>> No.9858682


say nigger again. You fucking fuck up. Keep saying nigger because it validates you. I would fucking stab your ass if you were anywhere near me. I'm not kidding.

>> No.9858687


You ever dodge a blade? It's impossible within 5 feet. You'll end up stuck.

>> No.9858689

I was going to ask that was he ever actually a chef like did he manage a kitchen or just work in one?

>> No.9858723

You are so obsessed. Are you gay?
Dont go bananas on me, monkey boy

>> No.9858730


>> No.9858732


I'm a gay monkeys banana boy. You're just a stupid cunt. You're in love with a face fucked, gimpy human being for some reason. He's a human disgrace and you love him. WHY?

>> No.9858734


This entire board is just poverty central. You're all so poor and angry.

>> No.9858742

You are seething aren't you.
Why are you so mad that you shit up this thread? God blacks are so stupid. Even beaners are firebombing them out of the neighborhoods. Just have to start fighting. Cant be happy. Never satisfied. Go back to the congo

>> No.9858747


You have no idea how upset I am. Let me tell you.. OOOOOh so upset bro. Get your racist shitgasm out now so you can stop being a fuck up.

Remember, I'm SOoooo upset. Sorry, I'm in the middle of "A few good men". I can't really guage your fuckedness, I'm sorry.

>> No.9858755


You realize everyone knows you're a stupid asshole, right? You literally played yourself in front of everyone. I don't know where you actually live, but no one does that.

>> No.9858759

That's such a gay movie. Are you like stupid or something that you cant watch good movies? Gosh thats sad af dude
Post your location since you are gonna stab me. Like literally stab me. Youre just mad im rich and dress better than you. Prolly cook better too. Youre just here looking for recipes that require bananas, mud and food stamps

>> No.9858761

Uh they do it in cali dumbass lol get with it

>> No.9858770


You're boring human garbage and you wish you weren't.

This is what you worthless children aren't.


>> No.9858781


Everyone knows you're some confused fuck up. Just own it, talk about bananas for some reason and then pass out drunk from whatever drug you're on.

You'll never garner respect in life, get used to that.

>> No.9858920

>getting this upset.

You need to be 18+ to post on this site, kiddo.

>> No.9858942

his raps barely make sense

just rando words that he combines using a rhyming dictionary

dude food
drop ludes
skid the saab
I'm a tard
lather sauce
medium raw
cp on tor
larp from compton
albanian nigger
action bronson
rhyme theif
hood robin
can't tell the diff between
aged cheese and
rotten beef
my palate has the taste
of underage feet
my raps allude to deets
and a hidden deep
but all you see is
all it's seeming
I'm fake deep
I'm a dish rapper
but dirty
I aint a fish slapper
I'm the burley
I'm a fat cunt
who rhymes slurry
larp as effay
saabs and triple XL
my career is just the fell
no rise
hasbeen that never
I'm (a)ction (b)ronson
AB brotherhood reppin
e34 nu-steppin
meal preppin
crack steppin
rat weddin
*inserts rando food references and big body bes rages*

>> No.9858979

Are those really his lyrics?

>> No.9859087

This fat fuck is so full of himself ever since he got some traction with his food stuff.
He seems to be a fun guy and just a guy from the corner to hang out with but man he is turning really arrogant lately.
Mayhem is the best guy out of all the fuck thats delicious guys, the episode somewhere in alaska where its just mayhem and alchemist is fun as fuck.

>> No.9859129
File: 33 KB, 500x354, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat obnoxious wigger

>> No.9859155
File: 96 KB, 215x210, Unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would fucking stab your ass if you were anywhere near me

>> No.9859159

>Great chef
Absolutely debatable and hasn't proven himself to be great

>Great rapper
Lol kys faggot

>great TV host
Saying fuck every 5 minutes while your retard friends laugh isn't being a good host

Go smoke weed elsewhere vicefag

>> No.9859881


>> No.9859904
File: 3.65 MB, 286x225, Z3vPny3[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link me up to an episode which is good.

>> No.9859908

I'll just wear a bedsheet like a normal person.

>> No.9859914

he's their dope hook up.

>> No.9859927

ugly fat moo moo wearing neo-nazi hipster tub of lard
with wine glass for muh sophistication
typeface on cover isn't even properly fucking centered

>> No.9859935

oddly enough, he is an albanian muslim retard.
now, now. the smell from him being so fat, that he has to be bathed at a car wash is pretty powerful too.
>action bronson
>4xl shirts
he wishes he was that small. he's like 400lbs and 5'4.
he wants desperately to be Ghostface Killa, but has none of the delivery or vocabulary of Ghost.

>> No.9860301

>Can talk with anyone and dominate the conversation

That's not something to be proud or admirable of. It's a sign of boorishness. Being a good listener is as socially important as being able to master a conversation.

>> No.9860424

hes a white rapper who has held a job before, so that means he has crossover appeal.

>> No.9860642

>nobody mentioning this
I actually like Action still but I can't stand to watch you guys drop the ball this hard

>> No.9860645

Calling people nazis for no reason makes you cringier than any food entertainer though

>> No.9860708

Gay. The same "ghostface killa rip" arguement thats been put the rest. He naturally sounds that way you dumb mong. Bet you dont even listen to rap. You just looked him up and saw a gfk comment. Dumb obsessed nigger

>> No.9860853
File: 11 KB, 396x304, 1311493375665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you a cold as ice nigga lol

>> No.9860862
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>> No.9860890
File: 14 KB, 126x122, 1312696937494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9860901


>> No.9860916


He's secretly self conscious of his weight. If you put him in a room with 12 hot French bikini models there is no amount of "charisma" that will make the situation go well for him. It will be awkward, he'll begin to swear spaghetti and they will be repulsed by his gut and attempt to be gansta. Money can buy a lot of things but it can't buy dignity.

>> No.9860922


sweat* oops

>> No.9860946

gonna act like a nigger if someone calls you nigger?

>> No.9860954


>> No.9860961
File: 1.31 MB, 480x270, 1507527936791.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9860997

>nigger threatens to act like a nigger if he's called a nigger
typical nigger

>> No.9861693

>dominate the conversation

Why do fat people feel a need to be loud and obnoxious all the time? Is it because they're insecure?

>> No.9862181

We really don't, but like any demographic you want to hate, you pick a few examples that fit your narrative, then convince yourself that's how they all are. Most of us are just normal people that grew up eating like our grandparents who worked manual labor, but don't have to do such things, so we got fat. And a majority are insecure so they just keep quiet, and the second most populous group is just a normal part of the conversation.

>> No.9862191

>Violence is acceptable when somebody says something I don't like
Okay Mao

>> No.9862706


Who are you quoting?

>> No.9862709

Who are you asking?

>> No.9862726

Fat people are stupid
People with shitloads of ugly tattoos are stupid
People with ugly bears who aren't old rustic day laborers are stupid

Fuck this worthless piece of shit and fuck vice

>> No.9862745



>> No.9862753


>> No.9864346

is this like thug kitchen

>> No.9864575

Johnny Blaze on the mic here

>> No.9864742

Are you some kind of cunt?

>> No.9864757

Smooooth criminal in da house

>> No.9864796

Ooooga booooga

>> No.9864805

Kekked and wreckt

>> No.9864816


>Fat wannabe sophisticate 3rd rate rapper with middle school joke bars says fuck a lot and doesn’t really cook anything smokes weed and eats: the career

Fuck off Bronson.

>> No.9864878


he has links to bigger names, so can acquire good contacts for vice so vice can make itself look bigger.

>> No.9864898

i think matty is better for tv/youtube shows. he's my choice for fat tatted up chefs.

the other guy can rap tho

>> No.9865791

Dude wtf

>> No.9865854

>Saw his video on the perfect burger
>Says not to burn them
>Proceeds to burn them

>> No.9866017
