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File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, DBC87C4D-5C2E-4557-AC3D-760D932BD79E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9848748 No.9848748 [Reply] [Original]

Scallops, risotto and spinach Meg and I just made.

>> No.9848770

mush on mush with a side of mush/10

>> No.9849682

looks great. i'd enjoy that.

>> No.9849686

>btw I'm a lesbian xd

>> No.9849687

Anything on your scallops and what were they cooked in? What's in your risotto?

>> No.9849690


>> No.9849691

Additionally what's the transparent liquid on the risotto?

>> No.9849694

so wet its borderline goop
and the scallops are overcooked your only meant to sear them
presentation is atrocious
you cant do anything right

>> No.9849717

>not wet
Where do you get your risotto from, anon?

>> No.9849725

Three scallops is the right amount for one person, fatty.

>> No.9849734
File: 224 KB, 1600x1066, 1505569197228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two is the correct amount in normal countries, three for Americans.

>> No.9849768

Looks about right for a starter but why does that rice look so undercooked?

>> No.9849782

Squid ink, microgreens, not enough scallops. These are several reasons I eschew culinary pretension.

>> No.9849786

who's Meg?

>> No.9850278

meg? meg where are you?

>> No.9852025
File: 88 KB, 630x630, 48B5DA89-FE44-4503-A45C-43FECD3DDDB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9852207
File: 378 KB, 2016x1512, Italian Sausage & Hard Boiled Egg Risotto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually hard to rate your risotto because of the sauce on top of it.
however let me say this. Shake the plate and flatten out your risotto then put the spinach and scallops on for better presentation

>> No.9852224

>I eschew culinary pretension
Yet you use words like "eschew". You're a monster faggot that doesn't know jack-shit about working in a professional kitchen.

>> No.9852226

General rule is odd numbers for presentation.

>> No.9852229

post Meg's feet

>> No.9852304

Risotto looks dry or presented wrong. It should spread out across the plate not be clumped up in the middle. Scallops don't look seared properly, and next time mix in the spinach with the risotto not like a side dish.

4/10 would eat but it doesn't look right or presented correctly

>> No.9852334

Not a risotto

>> No.9852356

Die in a grease fire

>> No.9852377

I had 5 scallops and a 4oz fillet mignon at dinner...

Am i fat?

>> No.9853126

probably. Everyone on this board that eats more than 50 calories per day is a hamplanet.

>> No.9854605

you wouldn't know a risotto if it crept into your mouth at night and pooped porcini into it.

>> No.9854627

Poraccio faccio risotti da prima che tua madre si facesse ingravidare da un negro
Translation: i know how a risotto looks like and thats not it

>> No.9854652

You need a hotter pan on those scallops.

The rice isn't risotto. You need way more liquid in there for that to even come close.

>> No.9854801

So you think it should be all dry and heaped up like in OP's pic?

>> No.9855964

Ew hell no i didnt even reply to op, that dish is to be served only to a dog that you dislike
But if theres no creamyness and if the rice can stand on itself its not risotto, also hard boiled egg and this "italian sausage" people insist to mention make me wanna puke

>> No.9856066

>Pretending to be a girl on 4chan

>> No.9857002
File: 242 KB, 960x540, Aglio e Olio Risotto B4 THE SHAKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh so you decided to not be a faggot. i dont care if you speak italian. risotto can stand on it's own.
you think it's supposed to be wet to the point where it has no form.
No, there's a middle ground you idiot. Allonda isn't porridge

pic related. it's "Standing". but it is still loose enough to spread evenly.

>> No.9857008
File: 180 KB, 960x540, Aglio e Olio Risotto After the Shake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're fluent in italian and you still dont understand the middle ground.
this is the same risotto as pic related>>9857002
it's tight enough to stand and it's loose enough to spread evenly.

sounds like you've been eating porridge

>> No.9857045

nice mapazzone you got there buddy
mapazzone = really nice cagata fatta da americani del cazzo
keep up the good job

>> No.9857071

Enjoy your porridge.
if you can come up with an elegant way to plate an aglio e olio flavored risotto pls do tell.

>> No.9857103

Holy shit, he's back. Dude we're happy you can sell your risotto under the table to your friends and family because they pity you, but at least show some new pics for cred, you know?

>> No.9857117

Nice risotto, bruh. Would definitely nom.

>> No.9857125

im making peposo and risotto tonight. u will get new pics whether u want them or not.

>> No.9857132

thank you, i dont know why people detest it so much.
egg in risotto isn't really that weird.

>> No.9857144

Rice looks overcooked and far too dry to be risotto.
Scallops look like they could be overcooked and they have barely any sear on them. Use a hotter pan and fewer scallops.
It's hard to judge the spinach, but generally serving it in a separate pile will result in a horrible texture.
The unknown globs of pale and brown goo make the whole dish even less appetizing.

>> No.9857178

i think that risotto wasn't made with arborio rice. it was probably a risotto made out of some weird impractical rice.

>> No.9857191

Looks pretty good but not creamy enough.
When you finish it, try removing it from the heat when there are still a couple of tablespoons of extra stock left in the pan, use butter from the freezer and agitate the shit out of the rice until the butter has been fully emulsified.

>> No.9857203
File: 240 KB, 960x540, Porcini Risotto 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll try toasting it less as well.
i make creamy ass risotto.
pic related.

>> No.9858549

Yes thats not a risotto. And all'onda isnt that, Sorry to hurt your feelings

Im fluent in italian because im fucking italian testadicazzo, also do you think that chopped parsley on top makes you some sort of elite chef? Give that to your dog and say sorry to him for animal abuse

>> No.9859366
File: 444 KB, 2016x1512, peposo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please post one thing you make that looks better than this.

>> No.9859368

Dont talk down to somebody better than you.

>> No.9859374
File: 463 KB, 2016x1512, peposo 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly what all'onda is and i probably can cook better than you can.
pic related.

if it's any wetter than that, it's wrong.

>> No.9859376
File: 549 KB, 2016x1512, peposo tender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opening it up to give you a better idea of the tenderness of it.
>also do you think that chopped parsley on top makes you some sort of elite chef?
No me being better than you does.

>> No.9859379

shut up, meg

>> No.9859519

ciccio, lascia stare, va'
punto primo non puoi metterci merda sopra e chiamarlo risotto, trovata americana?
punto secondo, basta co sto cazzo di prezzemolo, spring onion ed erbette varie, non siamo soyboy giapponesi o pretend-chef di sta minchia, non fa altro che rimanere fra i denti, finocchio

enjoy your mapazzone buddy, but dont call it risotto

>> No.9859545

thats perfectly made risotto, with good presentation.

>> No.9859583

This is why everyone hates italians nowadays

>> No.9859650

I'm not an italian. or have any italian heritage.

>> No.9859753

so you know better than italians about italian food

>> No.9859780

yes, i know much better than the italian claiming risotto is supposed to be incapable of standing on a plate.

what he's eating is practically porridge.
Risotto should be tight enough to stand, but loose enough to relax on the plate if shaken evenly.

>> No.9859812

Nobody claimed that. You made it up in your head.

>> No.9859824

>nobody claimed that>>9855964
>But if theres no creamyness and if the rice can stand on itself its not risotto

>> No.9860182

>I know exactly what all'onda is
yeah and you learned to spell it correctly today thanks to me, you are welcome
literally all italians are saying he's shit
as long as you are happy that's fine
i dont take pics of my food because im not an insecure samefagging little bitch

>> No.9860208


>> No.9860440

>risottofag is back
can you please leave again and never come back

>> No.9860477

this. pig disgusting

>> No.9860633
File: 127 KB, 1040x780, IMG_20171217_205630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotdog in paprika-bun, with jalapenos, feta and fried onions
low carb, baby!

>> No.9860752

>Implying the food looks bad.
You guys are so blatantly insecure
How can you even say it looks bad?
This looks fucking delicious>>9859366

>> No.9860880

Somebody overcooked his scallops... Are you from middle America by any chance?

>> No.9861326

go crawl back in your hole and enjoy your watery risotto, fag

>> No.9861344

Someone in this exact thread criticized my risotto for not being watery enough.
You people are a joke.

Produce better looking food

>> No.9861348

I'm a sous-chef with 12 years of professional kitchen experience. Dick.

>> No.9861554

You didnt learn much

>> No.9861568

looks nice

love me some scallops

>> No.9861601

I wont put meat on risotto... they seem to separate dishes

>> No.9861610
File: 232 KB, 1600x1062, OSB WM TS 062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga has never heard of osso bucco.
meat on risotto works very well

>> No.9861625

Cojone, che c entra l ossobuco col risotto?

>> No.9861626
File: 795 KB, 2048x1152, 20170731_185016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never made shrimp risotto

Were you home schooled by evangelicals?

>> No.9861638

speak english fool, stop bragging about knowing italian when you dont even know what proper consistency on a risotto looks like

>> No.9861651

Why people ask for rating, but then not accept critics? Better write "flatter my pic"

>> No.9861659

It looks diagusting, and not like a risotto

>> No.9861665

Calm down, idiot. There is clearly more than one italian on this thread

>> No.9861698

How can you tell Italians are here without the sense of smell and the ability to see how hair covered the women are?

>> No.9861753

You are funny cause you are idiot

>> No.9861762

I can tell it 'cause I hear your mother's screamin orgasm

>> No.9861766

is Meg your onahole's name OP?

>> No.9861779

The same way I can tell the majority of posters are burgers, I dont need you to display your lard-arse and sharted pants to know that

>> No.9861815

I can see this meat dish with some mashed potatoes or a nice polenta but risotto is overkill.

>> No.9861819

Nope. South African. Seems to me you are a bit dim.

>> No.9861844

Don t be so rough.. he never had a public health care, and now he lost also net neutrality.

>> No.9861854

You are southafrican and you talk about smell? Daaamn!

>> No.9861861

execution of risotto is weak, same for the spinach. also somehing's wrong with the scallops

>> No.9861952

looks kinda like a elementary school risotto, in other words, too dry

>> No.9862257

Can we stop pretending that being a native of a place automatically means they're an expert in cooking the food of their country?

>> No.9862377

Post pics of your feet as proof

>> No.9863330

>Can we stop pretending that people who invented a dish and eat it multiple times a week since when they are kids in a large varieties of places actually know anything about that dish? Instead lets be logic and trust ME who did things wrong for so long that now even considering the possibility of not being the best turns me into a buttblasted raging autist

>> No.9863359

Never go full mushaud OP

>> No.9863878
File: 236 KB, 580x563, 13976528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another "Americans argue with Italians that the garbage they ate at Olive Garden is authentic italian food" episode

>> No.9863884

Heh, idiots.
I bet they don't even cover their pizza in ranch dressing.
You know, the way it's MEANT to be eaten.

>> No.9863893

wait why are you posting soup in a risotto thread?

>> No.9863900

>it's another "2nd/3rd/4th generation immigrants bitch about Olive Garden being not authentic and try to pretend it isn't fucking delicious" episode

>> No.9863907

American immigrants are just as ignorant of actual italian food as any other American.

I just find it hilarious that when faced with people who know better than them how to make a dish they've made and eaten the right way thousand of times, some Americans scream and shout that they're wrong and that THEY are making it the right way.

I don't care if you like the American version of a recipe better, that's fine. It was literally made to cater to your taste more than the original did, it only makes sense that you'd like it.

But don't look like a fucking retard "correcting" people who know better than you what a certain recipe looks like when done right. A risotto that leaks water and can't stand up on its own was either undercooked or someone added too much broth.

That's a simple objective truth that OP somehow thinks he can refute.

>> No.9863923

Italians should not be allowed to talk about their food. They can cook it one way very well but they cannot conceive of anyone doing it differently, despite the fact that some nonna two doors down from them makes it with butter instead of olive oil, doesn’t salt the aubergines and swears on her life that this is the one true way while condemning you as an idolatrous heretic.

This little Italian bitch I know is constantly busting chops for using cream in carbonara and shit, but if you asked her to cook pasta she’d start cutting up an onion with a serrated knife, fry it in too little oil to keep her waistline, dump in some canned tomatoes then abruptly panic and throw in curry powder, precooked mussels and a white wine that turns out to be a syrupy dessert wine. The motherfuckers are just footsoldiers in their grandmothers’ cultural crusade, they can’t create, only propagate and denigrate,

>> No.9863955

>bitch i wanted to fuck turned me down so now i have to generalize her poor cooking skills to an entire country
cream has no place in carbonara, if you need cream to make it creamy you shouldnt be allowed near a kitchen, not even yours
i know you people get jelly because you have no identity and have to shit on anyone who tries to preserve theirs, but come on

>> No.9863978

l'ossobuco col risotto alla milanese è un classico, ma solo un imbecille lo mette sopra il risotto, così non puoi tagliare la carne senza spappolare il risotto

>> No.9864120

And then you have cavalieri bianchi like this motherfucker who feel the need to project their neophytic insecurities onto others. I know what a ‘real’ carbonara is and why a cream based one is different, and I also know that if you jerk off over that knowledge you’re a tryhard piece of shit. Doesn’t matter if you’re Italian or Eskimo, cream is delicious and if you put it in my food I’m not going to complain like a little bitch.

>> No.9864126

whiter than you, indeed
of course you like cream, you are 5yo so that's just normal
you should get over it anyway, you will find someone else (not really considering your situation but that's what polite people say)

>> No.9864238

Could there be a cringier attempt at a devastating put down than this?

>> No.9864249

Where's the rest of it

>> No.9864290

Yes, your ass would certainly be creamy after eat that sludge

>> No.9864297

Why'd you let your dog shit on that perfectly good risotto?

>> No.9864589
File: 425 KB, 2016x1512, peposo 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A risotto that leaks water and can't stand up on its own was either undercooked or someone added too much broth.
You realize you agree with me, and not with the italian right?

>> No.9864607

if you take a photobook of your risotto it will be overcooked by the time you eat it

>> No.9864617

complete myth.
Risotto isn't as delicate as an egg it wont cook on the plate

this risotto sat for 2 minutes in a pan resting. it would have overcooked then if what you're saying was true.

>> No.9864620
File: 83 KB, 960x582, dontmindme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont mind me, im an actual good risotto

>> No.9864624

funny how my risotto>>9864589 resembles the consistency of that the most.
Also post your own food, faggoli.

>> No.9864628

maybe you are unable to notice it, risotto IS very easy to mess up if you dont pay attention to cooking times

>> No.9864640

what i look for in a risotto is for the grain can be as delicate as can be while still holding a firmness and bite too it.
Some places serve risotto i'd consider undercooked because they took the term "al dente" too extremely. If it's that firm it's not as enjoyable imo.

However it still needs to have a strong enough bite and texture to enjoy.

>> No.9864732

if it can be eaten by a teethless granny then it's overcooked imo but the line is thin, that's why i say it's easy to mess up, i always use a timer to be sure i dont overcook but sometimes even a minute of delay can make a substantial difference, especially if you leave it in the pan
i dont really appreciate the plating with meat on it, because you will have to crush the risotto to cut the meat, or finish the risotto before being allowed to cut it. may look fancy, i give you that, but after all you have to eat it

>> No.9864756

the texture and bite of the rice should be noticeable. but i shouldn't be chalky or feel like it's an effort to chew.
I dont use a timer, i use my mouth and eyes to decide whether it's done. I look for a soft yet firm grain of rice. and I see if there is still a white dot in the center of the grain.

Well to be fair the risotto i made was simply done with beef stock, Pecorino Romano and Parmigianno Reggiano, i dont mind serving meat on top of it because of how simple it was.
It's delicious of course but it's not something i'd consider worthy as being it's own dish.

>> No.9864767

I appreciate your effort, but you have a lot of learner to do when it comes to making authentic risotto.

>> No.9864788

The scallops are unevenly seared and the plating could use some work, but otherwise it looks delicious.

I'm making a shrimp risotto tomorrow, which will also include saffron, fresh peas, and chives, topped with a chiffonade of shiso/perilla and accented with a light lemon-parsley emulsion; and a side of sauteed snow pea leaves with garlic. (I have some random bits of ingredients I need to use up). I'll try and remember to take a pic.

>> No.9864793

Best kind of dumbass, right here.

>> No.9864810

You have a lot of teaching to do, because i've researched risotto, done a ton of experimenting with recipes. Have tried different methods of toasting the rice, sweating the onions, etc.

If you cant tell me how my risotto is inauthentic then your comment here is useless.
I simply wont believe you, unless you give me solid reasons.


>> No.9864821

>Well to be fair the risotto i made was simply done with beef stock, Pecorino Romano and Parmigianno Reggiano
that's totally fine, few ingredients doesnt mean simple or shitty
not a fan of pecorino in risotto tho and by look i still consider yours overcooked (cant say it without an actual tasting anyway so yeah)
what kind of rice(s) do you use?

>> No.9864841

I used arborio on this dish, an i've used Carnaroli on previous dishes.
I dont think it's overcooked, it's still firm enough.
And the white grain in the center is actually quite hard to spot on camera.

Pecorino and parmigianno in risotto was sort of inspired by taking the flavors of Cacio e Pepe and putting that into a risotto.

The idea would be for the risotto to be cheesy, and the meat to provide the pepper flavor.

>> No.9864974

sounds nice idea, but then the risotto is all cacio and no pepe, so if i pick a fork of it i wont recognize the cacio pepe combo, since the pepper is all on the meat, and maybe the strong and complex flavour of the meat (which i guess is an ossobuco wannabe) will overshadow everything, making the risotto nothing more than a side

>> No.9865307

Well the risotto is only similar to cacio e pepe.
And the meat is peposo.

What .the risotto does is provide a rich creaminess to the dark savoriness of red wine and pepper sauce.

It actually works very well as both flavors are a counter balance to eachother.