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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 783x487, 2399960030_868f3ed9f2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9857970 No.9857970 [Reply] [Original]

What empowers these to be so awful?

>> No.9858191

Black people

>> No.9858750

White people

>> No.9858913

o im laffin

>> No.9859115

i remember these as bertie bott's beans and how in the fuck do you get a vomit flavor so accurate and for what purpose
pencil shavings sounds great though

>> No.9859134

I bought a tub of these are they are fucking disgusting. I thought it'd be 1 in 10 which was bad but I've had about 10 and all of them were like dogshit. I can't even enjoy them REEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9859660

Only because this pic reminded me of it.


>> No.9859675
File: 88 KB, 783x590, BA0228A4-DB1F-48F0-8244-267D4303B2CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried another edition of them and I would get nasty ones all the time, it made feel pretty sick. Some of them are really horrible tasting.

>> No.9859700

Wow a prosuct designed to taste like literal shit tastes like shit holw wow what a fucking surprise.

>> No.9859707

>buying a tub of a candy the sole gimmick of which is to taste terrible

>> No.9859912

Lawn clippings and toothpaste are actually really good flavors

>> No.9859936

Baby wipes is fine too, tastes kinda fresh.

>> No.9860319

That rotten egg is so far the only thing ever to enter my mouth that has actually made me yak, it was awful

>> No.9860367

can confirm
got tricked into eating these once and i wasn't even upset because i only grabbed those two

>> No.9860386

Does the "Moldy cheese" one taste like blue cheese or normal moldy cheese?

>> No.9860408

Honestly tastes like artificial dick cheese from not having showered for a week

>> No.9860412

the vomit flavor is one of the most vile things i've ever smelled
a buddy ate one by mistake and immediately threw up because of it

>> No.9860429
File: 311 KB, 598x714, E7F27C9A-FA4E-4918-9A51-1D10241735B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canned dog food
That shit tastes like literal dog shit and will make you puke

>> No.9860532

Lawn Trimmings and Toothpaste is tolerably, verging on good if you're a weird retard

Baby wipes is just weird but not really the "worst", not close

Canned Dog Food, Skunk Spray, Barf are genuinely terrible

>> No.9860912
File: 88 KB, 432x500, BeanBoozled-Flavors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the version with the spoiled milk bean.

It is the most revolting candy I have ever put in my mouth. Had to spit it out and rinse out my mouth.
It legitimately tasted like barfed up milk. I wonder if a kid would legitimately get ill from consuming these.

>> No.9860930

>Pencil shavings sounds great though

That's what I was thinking. I wanna try it.

>> No.9860938

toothpaste >>>> berry blue

>> No.9860958

I got spoiled milk back to back with rotten egg
and then got lawn clippings
I no longer wish to play this game

>> No.9860959

extract the chemical that makes that smell and mix it into sugar and gelatin.

you never noticed that pre-grated Parmesan "cheese" has that same vomit smell to it? Vomit doesn't have the monopoly on smelling ilke vomit.

>> No.9860994

How can I do that at home?

>> No.9861016

Barf and dog food have legit made me throw up. And the worst is that the ratio of shit to good ones is so not even. I swear I've never even tasted chocolate pudding.

>> No.9861048

Me and a friend tested it once, there are indeed more shitty flavored ones than the normal ones in a batch

>> No.9861055

Awful in what way? The flavors themselves, or the concept?

>> No.9861078

Oh shit I had these too

I was naive thinking theyd just taste sort of off but still sweet. I think I got booger, I spat it out and threw up into the toilet. Well memed.

>> No.9861115

the flavors, somehow they manage to taste exactly as they describe.

>> No.9861136

It's called butyric acid, they put it in Hershey's chocolate bars which is why when a non-american tastes it they say it tastes like vommit.

>> No.9861142

For what reason would they put that in then?

>> No.9861176

Butyric acid is the chemical you're looking for.

>> No.9861219

But real boogers are really good

>> No.9861226

>t. 7 year old

>> No.9861238
File: 147 KB, 550x369, DBE5CBA7-0765-4A2D-B1B3-2575273EC8E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you pull out and consume a huge coke booger the day after a rough night out

>> No.9861266

No really, thy have that slightly salty taste, and that soft and juicy texture. Literally better than most poorfag foods.

>> No.9861307

I watched a documentary on the history channel about sweets and candy a long time ago. They had a segment on jellybeans and talked about this.
For the taste of vomit they had a pizza that was terrible a long time ago and figured it was as close as they could get to vomit

>> No.9861319

yeah, i heard that too
went on a tour of the factory in california, the vomit bean was originally meant to be pepperoni pizza. couldn't get it right though so they shelved the idea until they started making these beanboozled things

>> No.9863093

They literally extract the smells, it's like eating condensed asshole with glucose.

>> No.9863127

but did you get the earwax one?

>> No.9863414

Why the fuck is everyone pretending these are so bad? I shared a pack with my gf a year ago, we both tried every single flavour, some were unpleasant tasting but my gf is a picky eater and even she managed to eat all of them. If they actually made you gag or throw up, you are the biggest pussy I have ever met.

>> No.9863420

Americans have unhealthy diets and acid reflux is a common thing, so Americans don't mind the taste of vomit because they're so used to it. You guys never thought about how they don't have commercials for heartburn medicine outside of the states? It's just not a thing in the rest of the world.

>> No.9863429

This is the most try-hard example of bragging about having a girlfriend that I've ever seen on this board. Congratulations and commiserations.

>> No.9863450

Why would you buy these?

>> No.9863459

>Americans don't mind the taste of vomit because they're so used to it.
Your mother don't mind the taste of my cock because she's so used to it. I've been fucking her ass so hard with my big American cock that she needs adult diapers. Talk about being in continent, am I right?

>> No.9863463

This guy gets it

>> No.9863485

I'm curious about the black pepper one.

>> No.9863490

I'm a supertaster, so I find these repulsive.

>> No.9863500

Imagine being one of the taste testers for that.

>> No.9863546

My nephew gave me a white one I ate it and spat it out. He thought it was baby wipes but actually was coconut think I would have preferred baby wipes. Fuck coconut flavoured thjngs

>> No.9863572
File: 31 KB, 598x379, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vomit flavored candy makes you vomit

>> No.9863737

I wouldn’t mind that if it’s a qt girl’s condensed asshole

>> No.9863744

Which continent is she in?
Lolis 743186

>> No.9863764



>> No.9863776

No you're just a super faggot.

>> No.9863791

The original process of making the chocolate produced butyric acid because it changed the milk in it somehow. After they came up with a way to make it that didn't produce the butyric acid, a lot of people actually complained because they didn't like the new flavor so they added it back in.

I guess some people don't associate that flavor with vomit, or maybe they don't taste it the same way that some people think cilantro tastes like soap. I use Romano cheese instead of Parmesan because it doesn't have that taste in it.

>> No.9863807

How many dicks did you have to taste to acquire that title?

>> No.9864199

The dirty sock ones will fuck up your day, son.

>> No.9865116
File: 138 KB, 375x375, 1510678483870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not supposed to gobble them down alone you stupid fat fuck. They're a novelty gift, or something you can play a game with. The idea of you sitting alone choking these things down despite the shitty taste is fucking hilarious to me.

>> No.9865891
File: 70 KB, 307x315, 1347237879455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking idiot