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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9854021 No.9854021 [Reply] [Original]

What's yours?

>> No.9854035

What is your pet peeve?

>> No.9854049

boomers in general. What's yours?

>> No.9854100

>pretty much anybody using the scooters that clearly don't need to, or are using it because they are just morbidly obese.
>pity hire retard baggers trying to make conversation with me, just bag my shit Corky and don't fuck it up

>> No.9854117

>inb4 jesters

>> No.9854132

mainly women and church people who think it's acceptable to stop and have a pop-social in the middle of the stores highest traffic area especially near entrance/exits. If I ever snapped those would be the first people to go.

>> No.9854154

I was writing my pet peeve but it became more of a question.
I know that I shouldn't have to go to the organic food store to get (overpriced) bulk grains, but where else would I go? Do I just order online from a supplier at that point?

>> No.9854166

People who block the aisle and don't get out of the way.

>> No.9854176 [DELETED] 

Every fucking Sunday dude. Get out of boring ass church wanting to go home - but wait! We can't sell you beer until 1PM due to our archaic laws! Go sit your ass on the curb for an hour please.
>1 Hour later
>store filled with church people
>14 conversations going on on 500 square foot floor with three aisles
>can't buy beer in front of church people because it's so fucking hated
>end up taking 45 minutes to buy one beer some days
>NEVER more than one cashier ringing up an estimated 5000 items a day
>lines constantly clogged
>that one cashier that is slow as dogshit but has been working register for at least 20 years
>those fucking assholes wearing god awful perfume that force you to suck it down until you get to check out
>the space invaders that move WAY too close to your ass end while you're in line
>people cutting in line (3x this week, some fucking old dude got his cart in front of me earlier and I pushed it the fuck away)
>cashiers using stink ass perfumed hand sanitizer like germophobes and getting it all over my food and right on the mouth of my beer bottles, causing me to smell their stink for the rest of the day

But people that aisle chat are the clear winners. They should be fucking shot on sight.

>> No.9854184

Then stop going to church you fucking idiot, and order booze online its cheaper anyways

>> No.9854190

yes at least then you have some control over quality. Half the time I get steel cut oats or rice from a co-op they have rock fragments or unhulled grains in them. I'm sure they just get the cheapest possible thing that has organic on the bag the fill the slot.
the best bit is have you ever listened to their conversations? It's always inane shit like the weather this week or geebaws sick cat. This was worth blocking half the store off?

>> No.9854197


>> No.9854198

>He waits until Sunday to get booze for Sunday

>> No.9854205

Going to church has nothing to do with it if the store won't sell until 1PM anyways. You'd still be stuck there waiting.
What I don't understand is why he doesn't fucking stock up in advance. Buy your shit on Saturday. Buy your shit on FRIDAY.

>> No.9854209


>> No.9854221

Im talking about how he says he cant buy it due to the chruch members judging him

>> No.9854227 [DELETED] 

No I don't, I drink beer by the gallon and carry them up hundreds and hundreds of stairs to get home, I just drink them.

>church owns my house
>stop going
Bad decisions like this can't be made until it warms up outside. Seriously 80-100 different people could fuck my life up by telling on me for buying a beer, and I'm a grown ass man. All church people are sketched out buying alcohol, but some absolutely do drink. There's probably 40 year olds in my church being cockblocked like this, it's a different place from where you live, we have 1100 people.

>> No.9854235 [DELETED] 

>church has 100 members
>not one will ever but alcohol in front of another

How am I special? All baptist and even normal churches fling shit about alcohol consumption, and all members refuse to buy in front of each other.
Go back to your discussion, this is not something you'll grasp if you're not a member of a church.

>> No.9854236

Where does he say that? Where are you getting that from? He said he can't buy it because of archaic laws that restrict the sale of alcohol during church hours.

>> No.9854244
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this got out of hand fast

>> No.9854248

I said, let me be clear, I LOSE MY HOME, which the church OWNS, if I am caught buying beer.
I'm not a 21 year old hiding from his parents, I am under strict ass orders not to drink because my landlord says no, and he runs the church.
Get it?

>> No.9854251

I cleaned it up, what a fucking kidfest, it's either argue with kiddos on 4chan or watch clickbait on youtube. Winter is fucking shit, I just want to go scrape around my yard and make a fire.

>> No.9854252

I don't live close to a church, so thank god I avoid most of that crowd.
But what fucking gets me is young children that just run around like they own the place. Like, what are these parents thinking? I've contemplated taking the kid and giving him to child services or putting him another grocery store down the way just to confuse the shit out of them. This one kid just took off his pants and diaper to shit on the floor in full view of me and like 5 people then ran off with his pants around his ankles. I don't even think the mom knew.
Or what about when you're trying to get groceries but there are a gang of kids from like middle or high school who just walk around super slowly for no reason. Everyday a group of like 7 kids from the highschool a block away comes and fucks with everything as I'm stocking. Then they steal sushi or some shit and pay for nothing then leave. My manager is too busy being an egotistical dick to think anything bad could happen in his stores so I just let them do it. Feels bad tho, the sushi women is really nice, she'll give me leftover sushi and tell me my zodiac and shit.

>> No.9854255

there's an old joke about only inviting baptists to go fishing with you in pairs. If you only bring one, he'll drink all your beer.

>> No.9854261

Exactly my point dude, we're all drunks, but only in secret.

>> No.9854281

Holy fuck that sounds illegal, only in America i guess

>> No.9854294

it's not uncommon in southern areas. Churches will exploit their tax status and buy up small areas of houses they'll rent as duplexes. They attach some insane stipulations to the lease and depending on the state/local zoning laws they play tax-exempt or reduced landlord.

>> No.9854337


>> No.9854380

>ask the kid in the vest what aisle the potato pancake mix is on

Uhhh I'm not sure

>> No.9854411

>asking a kid where the potato pancake mix is

>> No.9854416

shit that sounds like a plan brb getting ordained

>> No.9854420

>non-disabled people using scooters

why do people think is is okay? Every time I see someone riding around in these fuckers and then stand up to get oreos off the high shelf I instinctually assume that they're either literally insane or retarded.

>> No.9854431
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>Anon, customer waiting, please pick up on 1401, Anon, pick up on 1401, customer waiting.

>> No.9854449
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I dont have any.

>> No.9854515
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>hey since a you're closing up does that mean i get a discount on this stuff since you're gonna throw it out haha

>> No.9854520

>its not scanning must be free aha.

Most of the time you can tell they're joking, but once a lady actually asked me this, her face shining with joy at the thought she might be allowed to steal something. Then her face instantly darkening when I said no.

>> No.9854527

Had a guy that made me get the manager because he wanted a deal on pizzas since he was 'ordering in bulk'
He was getting 2

>> No.9854530 [DELETED] 

Guys it's not a cash grab, it's a parsonage, this is why they exist.
Do you pay $150 a month for all your bills and $50 for rent? I do. They lose money if I'm not here though because the heat has to stay moderated so the pipes don't freeze. No renter here and they lose that $150-200 instead of me paying for it, it's valuable to them having me pay the bills and guard the property.

>> No.9854550

>that guy who runs around the store with a cart full of turkeys and hams shouting "Super Market Sweep!"
>doesn't even buy anything, just ditches the cart and runs out the store
Is this the newest hot meme or something? It seems to happen every time I go grocery shopping.

>> No.9854558

What? Take video for us, must be some facebook kid bullshit.

>> No.9854582

He gets paid to stand around the store. He should know where the potato pancakes are

Let me guess: you're a EuroCommie

>> No.9854586

Spanish speaking caravans of mexicans buying up everything on clearance while their loud kids run around and touch everything

>> No.9854588

>Being so retarded you have to ask where something is

>> No.9854589

Niggers that blow their EBT and check out with over flowing shopping carts

>> No.9854601

I feel bad whenever I have more than like 20 items in my cart cause I feel like i'm slowing shit down.

But my biggest pet peeve is people who still pay with checks. That absolutely ruins my day because 90% of the teenagers working as cashiers at fucking walmart have never seen a check, much less know how to verify one, and it's always 30 minutes or more while the manager waddles over to figure it out. That never fails to boil my blood for the rest of the day.

>> No.9854604

I never judge, but the number of people buying mountain dew and doritos with that shit is asinine.

Meanwhile, my food stamps went below the state minimum of $19 with zero income or rent changes for 6 years, but back then I got $150. They were giving me $19 a month all year.
Income is $3500 a year.

And I get to watch these people piss it out when I'm completely eligible for $150 a month but some sort of payment change boned me.
Imagine if you worked 1 hour per day all week and still had rent, bills and basic needs, could you do it?
Autism: God fucking damnit the SSA ruined my life in one visit.

>> No.9854617

>chip cards now mandatory
>no one carries fucking cash, less than 10% have a 20 on them
>one payment takes around three minutes to process
>before chip cards it took 5 seconds and a signature

Really makes you wonder. It's faster to pay with checks now but I HIGHLY recommend if you are standing in a line in a store, USE FUCKING CASH.

That payment might not even post to your account for a week, and by then if you drew your money and the $10 cc charge comes in, bam overdraft fee. Safer to carry a 20 and a knife than it is to carry a big book of "free money" checks and chip cards that no longer require pin numbers.

Also they just want to track you, and you can't use cash without owning a chip. Familiar story? Some dude guessed this would happen 2,000 years ago and lookie lookie.

>> No.9854657

I work customer service and what pisses me off the most is the entitlement some customers have.

The other week we had a sale going on for scallops.I forget the exact price, but they were discounted quite nicely and were flying out of the store.

This older, fat woman comes up to the counter

>Hey, anon, I have a problem
>What's going on today?
>I came in for these scallops and it looks like you're all out
>Oh..Yeah, this was the last day to get them and I guess we must have ran ou--
>Well, I came here because the ad said that you had the scallops, and I'm here because of the ad, and you don't have the scallops, so what are you going to do for me?
>Well, it says on the ad that it's a first come first serve basis, if you come on the last day of the ad there's a chance that we're going to be out of them
>Can I speak to a manager

And then the store manager came over, apologized profusely, gave her a $15 appeasement gift card and found some other higher priced scallops and gave them to her at that price. I fucking hate that shit. People making their problems your problems.

Never would it occur to me that if I fucked up and came on the last day of big sale and missed out on it should I whine and complain until I get what I want. But I guess these people have been playing the system longer and know how to work it.

Customer service is a joke. You think it would be resolving people's problems and finding solutions, etc. But all you end up doing is getting exploited by pushy customers who prey on your generosity and try to see how far they can push it.

>> No.9854675

>black people
>women that use a thousand coupons
Thats pretty much it

>> No.9854680

Supermarket that only sells shitty india rice ......inbf

>Rice cleaned by shit water
>Some factory dont have pipe system and never replace the water (watched a documentary about India's water)
>Rice sorted on bare concrete falling through the cracks of toe jams and street shitters
>Radesh stroking that rice with his filthy hands

Im not a racist trust me, dated a westernized indian qt.

>> No.9854693

rice is one of the few things I just order online. If it's a staple grain and you have a sense of taste you're going to be particular about it. If you're particular about it you're probably going get screwed if you try to buy a quality product retail via small unit sizing with inflated cost per unit. Grocery stores are not made to make money off affluent consumers they're made to make money off people with needs but will settle for cheaper alternatives.

>> No.9854697

They don't sell liquor in grocery stores here

>> No.9854712

Depends on the store and his job. He might not shop there or work in that section.

I gave out small discounts for about 3 months when I first started. Then I realized these people weren't ignorant or mistaken, They are all just trying to take advantage of nice cashiers.
Now if anyone tells me the price was different I tell them too bad it must have been placed in the wrong spot. I refuse to give discounts and if they ask for a price check I get happy thinking about how my csm is gonna take a 5 min break and then come back to tell them no.

Christmas and Halloween are the worst for this. Multiple orders a day for $100's worth of fucking holiday candy.

Debit is easily the fastest as long as it's not some asshole with 4 different cards, none of which have any money in the associated account.

>the young black guy trying to rip off gift cards at self checkout.
Fuck this guy. Self checkout is hectic as shit and now I gotta go inform security about this retard who doesn't understand that his bullshit is never gonna work and that I can see everything he's doing.

>> No.9854717

You can avoid them by shopping at Asian grocery stores :-)

>> No.9854720

I regularly order my Chia online because it's a few cents cheaper than Costco and there's not much else there I get regularly. I use my mom's membership. Quinoa is cheap there. What grains do you buy?

>> No.9854726
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I've had flax shipped to an Amazon locker outside a grocery store where the same brand costs more.

>> No.9854740

Are you fucking retarded or just fucking retardedly poor?

>> No.9854764

What in the fuck...

>> No.9854823

>pay with your card and get x discount!
>buy and use OUR card, get 2x discount!
>we are not able to process cash at this time
>we are not able to process checks at this time
>cards with chip only please!
I’m not even that guy, but it’s obvious that (((someone))) is trying to phase out cash in favor of something that can be tracked and messed with.

>> No.9854830

If I'm to be totally honest, I don't really care whether the Jews know I'm buying sausage or not.

>> No.9854831

>I have nothing to hide, so I don’t need privacy and neither should anyone else
Oh boy.

>> No.9854837

Did you just admit you're a janitor? You can't do that. Goodbye!

>> No.9854839

dafuq? seek help
literally everything you do on the internet is already tracked, you're shitposting on a cambodian vomit porn forum and redtube knows exactly which videos you watched and where you paused. you walk around all day with a geolocation device that listens to everything going on at all times, and you're worried about the Man knowing what food you like? get a grip. privacy is a legit worry but what you're doing is like trying to patch a gunshot wound with a band-aid.

>> No.9854840

Jesus, how does your church own your own house?
>hey guys I joined the church of Satan for top keks :DDDDDDDDD

>> No.9854843

A band aid is a good place to start if there’s not much else you can do.

>> No.9854851

The church probably owns quite a few houses. I'm guessing they allow long time members to buy or rent at VERY cheap prices.
My stepmother is in a similar situation. She was able to outright buy a house (built by the church) for $14k.

>> No.9854858

>I don't need privacy xDD
>look at all this cheap tech being sold to me I wonder why people want me to have it so much???
>ok now let me work a dead-end job and reproduce in this box while I spend all day looking at another box
>stop caring about things you fucking autist just have nothing to hide and let everyone spy on you like I do

Can mankind even be saved? You willingly betray anyone and everyone for gibs and half a chance at pussy.

>> No.9854865

People who stand at the back of the checkout and prevent me from putting my shit on the conveyor.

>> No.9854867

no. it creates a false sense of "doing something about it" when you aren't doing shit. you could redirect that energy to something actually useful, either for the cause you care about, or something unrelated but still useful to you

donate to the EFF or ACLU, work on some kind of anti-tracking browser plugins, advocate for people to ditch their smart phones, do something about it.

hiding your sausages, jesus christ people. "waah muh dead end job", says a lot about your approach to life >>9854858

>> No.9854870

You are so nu-male it hurts. Fuck you, you worthless traitor. You'll do ANYTHING for cash.

>> No.9854874

the insult of choice for ineffectual, poor, unhealthy underachievers

>> No.9854878

Why are you being passive-aggressive on the internet you stupid faggot

>> No.9854881

why are you so obsessed with jewish people and having your pee-pee spied on?

>> No.9854882
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I hope insurance companies start monitoring individual grocery purchases. Cultural inertia won't get in the way of them pressuring customers to eat objectively well :-)

>> No.9854888


>> No.9854892

Some bitch came in and paid for like $40 worth of shit in quarters. I wanted to tear my hair out

>> No.9854896

they've been compromised for years. I know you think you're "doing the right thing" by attempting to be some anon's parent but you're as uninformed as you claim he is.

>> No.9854898

>well not allowing your spending habits to be tracked isn’t enough, so you might as well not do anything.
Lol keep going, I can do this all day

>> No.9854900

nihilism in defense of nihilism is still nihilism, anon
your words, not mine. you know you can just give those store card people a fake number, right? no? never even occurred to you? I guess you were too busy focusing your intense privacy advocacy efforts towards shitposting on a cambodian vomit porn forum

>> No.9854901

>tfw super healthy
>tfw my health insurance offers me free money for doing what I already do
>tfw future cardiac patients get mad at people like me for subsidizing their health care
keep being fat, you fat fuck

>> No.9854902
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>carries curly parsley
>but not flat-leaf parsley

>> No.9854906
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>he doesn't want to walk
>decides to use scooter to conserve energy
Wtf? Is this guy retarded or what!?

>> No.9854912

It's not nihilism; it's me expressing my second hand embarrassment reading your posts. Whatever man, you sure showed us how cool you are. nice

>> No.9854916

it's nihilism, but hey if you want to make this an e-peen effort at who can seem more aloof, go for it, I know for a fact you have all day

>> No.9854923

Not so much a peeve, but I really wish people would consider their grocery shopping schedules better. You don't HAVE to go right after work or Sunday afternoon just because that's when it's traditionally done. If you wait until 8:00 or 8:30, the store will be nearly empty by comparison and it will be much more pleasant. I do my shopping on Tuesday at 11:00pm. It's like having my own private grocery store.

Also, buy your alcohol on Saturday. Honestly, people, how hard is that.

>> No.9854927


is there a more reddit opinion than "WAHH PEOPLE UNDER 70 ARE USING SCOOTERS"

Do you retards realize anyone who actually needs a scooter has someone buy their food for them ( family members usually or a nurse ).

>> No.9854936

The system is pretty messed up. For example, if I got $800 a month in Supplemental Security Income (SSA), and decided I wanted to work part time, my SSA payment would go down by a dollar for every dollar I earned actually working. So, in essence, I'm working 20 hours a week but only actually profiting by $10 as opposed to not working at all and just sponging off the government.

Why the fuck would I ever get a job? What idiot came up with this? I should get full sustained SSA benefits for at least 6 months after becoming employed to motivate me to find work. Most of these saps don't last 6 months at a job anyway.

>> No.9854952

>Im not a racist trust me, dated a westernized indian qt.

No one actually cares if you're a racist. Everyone knows deep down that they are racist against some group of people because it's human nature. They just like to virtue signal and use racism as a tool. Don't worry about it. My mother in law hates indians. I hate blacks. My wife hates men. My dad hates blacks. My mom hates russians. My sister hates mexicans and koreans for some reason. Hell, I have 2 dogs that hate black people. Whatever. Doesn't matter as long as they don't put on white hoods and run their mouths in public.

>> No.9854971
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>> No.9854973

Fucks that use coupons. The 13c you're saving isn't worth it now move the fuck on

>> No.9854974

>$250 for a retarded toy dog

Really? This reminds me of my initial prep material for fostering dogs that insists we (the keepers) are doing adopters a favor by even allowing their filthy asses to consider adopting our precious precious princesses ... which are all abandoned rescues with health or behavior problems ... and we should scrutinize the hell out of potential adopters and charge them hundreds of dollars. Even the humane society only charges like $60 for a slightly used cat.

Nigga, just take the damn dog. It's lucky it's not dead. I don't care if it doesn't have its own bedroom and you feed it cheap dog food. As long as you don't hit it and make sure it has water, we're cool.

>> No.9854979
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*turns cart in whatever direction she's facing*
*slowly zig zags down your aisle*

>> No.9854995

When i see a teenage girl in booty shorts with her mother. Can you like leave you old hag? Or just offer me her so her slutnesd is put to use. Seriously. Just offer your whore daughters ppl. That way less kids with single mommy's. Visit this site

>> No.9855003
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fucking kys

>> No.9855018

>just generally oblivious people who stand around blocking the way

>> No.9855030

The fuck is wrong with your ankles?

>> No.9855040

>$15 coupon
>on top of the discount

What the actual fuck

>> No.9855043
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When I get erections from looking at the giant pictures of ladies holding fruit so I have to stand there with my cart until it goes away and employees start asking me if I need help with anything.

>> No.9855099

Is he forcing you to live there? Is it in the lease? Then you knew ahead of time and stop bitching. Don't like it, move.

>> No.9855133

>find something you actually like
>start buying it regularly
>store stops stocking it completely

Story of my life. Now, every store here no longer sells beer batter cod. It is all Parmesan breaded cod. Literally the worst thing ever. List of other things the stores here stopped stocking once I started buying it:

vanilla yogurt
caramel popcorn
split top submarine sandwich buns
yukon gold potatoes

lol! we did that in the 1990s at walmart all the time. best fun ever at a store

>> No.9855222

>Donating to the ACLU
Yeah, not when their official stance is that only militias should have guns and that private citizens don't have a right to bear arms.

>> No.9855263

>Where does he say that?
>can't buy beer in front of church people because it's so fucking hated
that was hard

>> No.9855270

get a job loser

>> No.9855277

>only armed groups loosely regulated by the state should have guns

Are they really this stupid?

>> No.9855319

>...the ACLU has long taken the position that the Second Amendment protects a collective right rather than an individual right.
>In striking down Washington D.C.'s handgun ban by a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court's decision in D.C. v. Heller held for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, whether or not associated with a state militia. The ACLU disagrees with the Supreme Court's conclusion about the nature of the right protected by the Second Amendment.
Granted, they do a great deal of good as well. I won't be donating to them any time soon, but I'm not going to campaign against them, just make people aware of their stances.

>> No.9855457

Wait what? What grocery store doesn't stock vanilla yoghurt or yukon golds?

>> No.9855507

Hamplanets who ride the mobility scooters around the store and block off entire aisles with their asses alone. Why the fuck are they even ar a grocery store the last thing they need is more food.

I avoid boomers by only shopping after 10pm when they’re all asleep. Kinda relies on me living nearby a 24-hour grocery though.

>> No.9855510

>go at 7am on Sunday morning
>no problems

>> No.9855515

That sounds like a perfectly reasonable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment to me. Wonder why I’ve never heard of it before? Neat.

>> No.9855523
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>Wonder why I’ve never heard of it before?
Because you're a low information voter.

>> No.9855544

That's not a good breakfast. It's cancer fuel.

>> No.9855563

Us boomers thank you. No one wants to see trannys, gay faggots, stick arm weaklings, sushi eaters and mudbloods when we are shopping for food

>> No.9855594

Old people stopping to chat in the aisles.

I mean if you're old and therefor slow, I get that. I can have sympathy for that. I can be patient. But if you're blocking the fucking aisle with your carts because you happened to run into your neighbor and you just have to stop right fucking there to have a half-hour gossiping session that couldn't wait 20 seconds until you shuffled off to a more convenient location, fuck you. That has nothing to do with being old and everything with being a piece of shit.

>> No.9855606

Be can't legally evict you for drinking alcohol during church hours unless you live outside America in which case maybe?

>> No.9855625

Wat? I was saying it's slow to spend my money because of chip card delays causing 3 minute waits per customer.

Three retail stores exist here and I can't work with or around people who wear perfume or perfumed objects, the chances that you ever find an applicable non-landscaping job with a perfume allergy are fucking zero. Your coworkers do not bend to your will and will wear whatever poison they please. Not to mention I can't go near bleach or other chemicals to clean, air fresheners are nearly standard in restaraunts, and customers will constantly pass me by causing seizures and asthma attacks. It's fucking asinine to consider working 8 hours a day alongside thousands of chemicals that will kill you. No one can manage the stipulations of asthma, if you can't breathe perfume or chemicals, you can't breathe them.
Pls shit on my chest because was born with asthma though. Enjoy your lungs if they work, mine don't.

>> No.9855632

It's a private rental agreement, they can take me out of their parsonage for whatever the fuck they please, we are not dealing with the government or the law. This is reasonable to me, please no more questions, I pay $200 a month and am fucking thrilled to have this life.

>> No.9855649

Velvetta not shelved somewhere where it makes sense.

such as
>next to the kraft mac and cheese and other boxed mac and cheeses
>next to the cheese
>next to the rotel

instead it is always on some stand alone display. that changes location every week.

>> No.9855653

It's because if they don't get their gimmiedats they go on Yelp or some shit and write fake reviews about how awful the place is or call district managers and make shit up.

>> No.9855655

I noticed this shit in wal mart, had to ask 4 employees last run my grandma wanted some.
It was in with canned collard greens and soup mixes. Fuck.

>> No.9855700

Quit buying fake cheese you fat piece of shit

>> No.9855725

It doesn't pretend to be cheese you millennial retard

>> No.9855730

>slightly used cat
anon, explain

>> No.9855747

Hey if it's a decent place I would take that deal. And you should look up your rights they may not be able to do all that they claim as if you pay rent you are a leasee and have law's protecting you although if your name isn't on any paperwork they can give you 1 months notice to GTFO

>> No.9855754

>The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Since the 2nd ammendment specifically qualifies the right to bear arms with "well regulated militia," the ACLU is clearly correct.

>> No.9855763

see >>9855523
This point has been debated for decades and the supreme court and the rest of the government almost always side with the fact that your interpretation is wrong.

>> No.9855791

2 bedrooms, 1 large bathroom, kitchen with dishwasher and gas stove, quarter acre yard, basement, washer, gas dryer, modern central air unit ($50 for gas a month in winter,) three large garden plots, fire pit (I made,) charcoal grill, working fireplace, huge porch, gigantic living room and dining room.
$200? Yeah you guys wonder why I'm sketched to buy alcohol. No law protects this private agreement and they can give me one day to get out if they want.

I'm still fucking poor off rent though. Can you believe NY/LAfags pay $1400 a month for a literal box? Enjoy not having 1200 square feet and being an isolated neet for $6 a day, cry if you want, I buy all the alcohol I want out of sight of snitches.

>> No.9855838

I work at a local grocery store and our produce department is fucking insane. We have multiple people placing orders and we always end up with way too much and we either toss it or sell it at a loss, or we sell out of ad items in the first two days. I've had customers come up to me and mention that they never buy our bagged salads anywhere else because we always have them reduced to 99 cents (we buy them at two bucks a bag). Our manager is going to get fired if we have a bad quarter again and I'll probably be the one who takes the job.

>> No.9855851
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>> No.9855887

read the 1793 militia act. fighting age men called up for militia duty, were required by law to own the same equipment the regular army used.

"well regulated" in usage of the time. meant that the militia was properly equipped, trained, and lead. Not that the government had power to restrict access to firearms.

>> No.9855889

>see a bunch of normies getting their rocks off discussing some inane shit
>realize this is the normal person, they're happy with their inane bullshit
what went so wrong

>> No.9855899

>he doesn't rent 1200 square feet and a quarter acre for $6 a day

Well, I understand your sentiment, but I live like the nobleman you posted dirt cheap sir.

I mean you guys still think I don't drink 1.7 gallons of beer a day? I don't follow the rules, heh heh.
>unsheathes katana
>"Not allowed" You say?

>> No.9855903

This is one of the funniest posts I've seen on /ck/ in ages

>> No.9855987

>my wife hates men
Must suck anon

>> No.9856008

Hating culture and hating race are two different things. Its just easier to categorize by looks. But you could be both, its cool : { ]

>> No.9856014

I wasn't lying. This is called "southern baptist" where you do as many drugs and drink as much as you want until someone catches you. It's ridiculous. That pastor is a "former" alcoholic. I drank 350 gallons of beer this year, the funny part is where these guys think I follow absurd baptist laws.
The Bible is good and all, but tamping people's daily activities is all they talk about, imaginary lines are meant to be crossed.

If I burn in hell for relieving my own joint/muscle pain, seizures, asthma and mental disturbances, then fuck whoever put me there for using medicines I found on earth.

Book is so fucking archaic and specific about what you can/can't do that you'd think it's still 100ad. How can you neglect ALL of Moses's laws except for the sabbath and then nitpick the new testament for references about not drinking and smoking cigarettes and decide those are the ones that apply?

It's a joke. I know it's a joke but I'm comfy and still do whatever the fuck I please.

>> No.9856063
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Christ, exactly this.
>work meat counter
>our prep room gets closed down and thoroughly cleaned every night
>This process takes several hours
>some fat fuck waddles up to the counter at 9:30pm, half an hour before we close completely for the night
>sorry, sir, but our meat saws are already taken down for the night
>THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS (he then storms off)
>moments later get a call from the service desk manager
>we get bitched out because he told them he had to wait to be helped for 10 minutes (he didn't) and that we refused to help him
>explain that the meat saws are already soaked with sanitizer and need to be air dried before they are usable, as per health department rules
>the customer bitches so much that the manager makes us reassemble the saw, break heath code and use the saw for his 1 steak and then have to re clean and sanitize it
>end up having to stay over since this cut into our closing down time
>get yelled at for getting overtime
Just another day in retail.

>> No.9856231

>get yelled at for getting overtime

Here they just put up weekly hours charts and passively aggressively circle your hour count five or six times if you're over/under 40.

>> No.9856240

Edema.I'm diabetic.

>> No.9856249

>get double overtime regularly because I'm the only competent employee in my department
>manager just lets it happen because cutting my workload would only highlight his incompetence as a manager
it's real frustrating kind of "okay" with the overtime pay grade I make almost as much as an manager anyways still I don't want the hours

>> No.9856253

>well balanced breakfast
>2 high-fat meats, 3 eggs and 2 heavy carbs with more fat on top

>> No.9856271
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>> No.9856303

depends on quantity. if you're buying massive amounts the shipping cost might be higher if you order online.

>> No.9856319

I was hoping for more Jester stories...

>> No.9856359

How much do you make normally? I know the cashiers here get paid shit but I'm not sure about other departments besides mine.

>> No.9856361

>slightly used cat.

Reminded me of this:
" In his shack was an old beaten-up armchair, an old scratched table, an old mattress, some cushions and a stove that was small but warm.

There was also an old and slightly weatherbeaten cat, and this was currently the focus of the man's attention. He bent his shambling form over it.

``Pussy, pussy, pussy,'' he said, ``coochicoochicoochicoo ... pussy want his fish? Nice piece of fish ... pussy want it?''

The cat seemed undecided on the matter. It pawed rather condescendingly at the piece of fish the man was holding out, and then got distracted by a piece of dust on the floor. "
- Douglas Adams. Always relevant.

>> No.9856367

$8.50/hour (min wage)
after it's about $12/hour

>> No.9856368

what is a boomer? it sounds like Australian slang.

>> No.9856371
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Especially when one person will be stopped on one side of the aisle, keeping enough room to let others pass

>> No.9856378

Sounds about right. I started at 8 bucks but moved to 10 when I went full time and now I make 12 as assistant produce manager. My "boss" makes 15 bucks an hour so I'm hoping I get their job if/when they get cut.

>> No.9856381

I use the cart as a spacer so people like you don't grind all over my back, fuck off, I need my personal space.

>> No.9856388

I pay $250 for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1700 sq ft home.
Because I bought it.
And I can drink beer all I want.

I'd never live somewhere that dictated how I got to live my life, even if the rent was fucking free.

>> No.9856389

*blocks an entire aisle because her and her friend are having a chat*

nothing personnel

>> No.9856407

>self checkouts
>some old geezer can barely figure out how to scan and bag their own groceries
>takes them like 10 min to checkout with their 5 items
>finally my turn
>the guy behind me gets literally RIGHT BEHIND me as I'm scanning my stuff
>can practically hear him breathing into my ears
>get done quick and leave
I fucking hate grocery stores

>> No.9856409

Im fucking disgusted by genetic mutants like you.

>> No.9856413

>Not going to the grocery store shortly after they open so you can get the reduced meat

lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.9856418

or managers are salaried but if you to say divide that salary by 50 hours a week you'd end up at around 13-14 dollars an hour. I put in about 60 hours a week (probably more like 65 when you count all "just one more thing before you leave" shit that happens when I'm clocked out) so I make more in terms of net per period than most of them.

>> No.9856451

really. never heard of baby boomers fuck you must be dumb

>> No.9856469

I'm right there with you with the fatties on scooters, but just remember there are disabilities that aren't visible so maybe that healthy looking person on the scooter really does need it

>> No.9856918

Sounds pretty stressful.GL anon.

>> No.9856934

Fresh spice section is just cilantro, parsley, and rosemary.

>> No.9856939

maybe raise the price on salad dressing?

>> No.9857073

Trump will help you out, there's lost of good welfare reform to come don't worry my friend

>> No.9857081


>> No.9857185
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The midterm will be blue because we're not going to stay home to play Overwatch like last time.

>> No.9857228

>thread turns into a bunch of bullshit that i cant even be arsed reading but clearly not being the topic of the thread

you people in here, you fucking suck. save for a few of you

>> No.9857247

People with poor spatial awareness who take up entire isles and won't let other people pass.

>> No.9857264

Did you seriously walk into a Wal-Mart and expect expert service from minimum wage highschoolers, blacks, and spics?

>> No.9857324

Is this what you boomers think happens when you don't grocery shop the exact instant you punch your time card for the coal mine at 5PM?

>> No.9857389


>> No.9857557

lul fat ass

>> No.9857637

You're a bitch. Any reasonable place allows you to bring medical excuse for those situations. Of course, Im sure its a real condition and not just from you being so out of shape you cant get up a flight of stairs

>> No.9857711

There's some kinds of manufacturing facilities for medical devices and stuff where not even deodorant is allowed. Also nuclear subs but I don't think the navy is an option.

>> No.9857887


>> No.9858007
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its because of /fit/ I dont even use scooters even though I'm currently on crutches. All the hambeast posts made feel funny about riding in them.
All I can do now is carry around a little shopping bag and get "maybe" $30 of groceries.

>> No.9858012


If by "the rest of the government," you mean Obama and Clinton appointed representatives and the ATF, then yeah. However, literally fucking google D.C. v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago. The definitions and usages of the words in the 2nd Amendment, all surrounding papers, letters, and documents by the Founders, and the entire atmosphere of the country up until the end of slavery was completely in favor of this interpretation.

Regardless of whether or not it should be the law, you truly have to be ignorant or facetious to imply that the Founders weren't in favor of gun rights for the everyman.

>> No.9858060

>ruined my life in one visit.
W-what happened

>> No.9858091

>he doesn't have a parsley straightener

>> No.9858095

No. A cat is fine too.

>> No.9858104

The comma usage in various drafts and signed documents varies, your point is irrelevant.

>> No.9858122

People who hold up the line arguing over an extra 30 cent discount, then leaving the line to go the aisle they got it from and look for the sale sign. 9 times out of 10 the sale sign was for something completely unrelated and they were too fucking stupid to read it

>> No.9858130

I once rode a scooter someone left out in the parking lot back into the store

>> No.9858143
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>going down an aisle
>someone is checking out some shit I want
>it's ok, I'll get it on the way back
>loop back to that aisle on the way to the cash
>the person is still standing there
It's fucking soy sauce. I know it's Asian and foreign but Jesus Christ man, just buy some and go.

>> No.9858167

fucking kek

>> No.9858363

I was referring to the odd positioning of your feet. Just doesn't seem natural nor comfortable

>> No.9858494

Why not say excusez-moi and grab your sauce?

>> No.9858501

It's because of /fit/ that I always use the scooters. I don't want to burn unecessary bloatmaxxing calories.

>> No.9858955


>> No.9859223

>inb4 mayo goblins

>> No.9859563

if you wear a tutu you don't need a cart to hide it :)

>> No.9859599
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>tfw work as a janitor in a grocery store

Just about everything about that place fucking pisses me off.

>> No.9859610

Pugs are all retarded inbred abominations by default and purebreds are still sold for hundreds depending on who's hustling them.

>> No.9859657

I this an American thing? I'm British and work in customer service and our job is to give fair, friendly service, not to give into demands.

>> No.9859687

Why keep the counter open?

>> No.9859882

Every pug I've met has been an idiot. They just aren't very smart dogs which makes them hard to adapt to your lifestyle.

I paid $800 and $750 for my 2 purebred Great Pyrenees. I have a purebred rescue from the same breeder I paid $150 rehoming fee for (long story, but it shares the same parents as on I already had). My sister has a purebred Great Dane she paid $1,800 for. I don't think it's right to call that market a hustle. You get a dog with a known lineage, health, and temperament history with full medical care and early socialization (which is critical in the first 8 weeks) done by the breeder instead of a random dog you don't really know anything about. I wouldn't pay $1800 like my sister did (especially for a dog with an average lifespan of 6 years), but I still think it's a valuable resource for those looking from really good pets.

It's especially important not to shelter-shop for dog breeds/mixes that are prone to behavior issues, such as pit bulls or dobermans unless you are pretty up to snuff on dog training. Even Labradoodles are risky because of the Poodle in them (Poodles are absolute asshles). You can get a purebred Labrador for like $300. MUCH better for a first-time dog owner. Labs are very forgiving of mistakes when being raised.

>> No.9860075

I'll put your dick in a parsley straightener.

>> No.9860126

The people make up the militia

>> No.9860172

>people standing around blocking the aisles when the wide area in front of the aisles has benches and is clearly oversized for just this purpose
>people walking 3 or 4 abreast at a snail's pace blocking the aisles

>> No.9860198

Well, technically the counter WAS closed. We were just wrapping up the stuff so we could clean the counter then leave. We can still get things for people if it doesn't require a saw or grinder since we always had tons of stuff that was already cut and just needed to be wrapped. He's the same kind of customer that slips in the door of a restaurant 5 minutes before close then orders a bunch of food.

>> No.9860218

This. It really confuses me how the system seems to actively disincentivize getting a job.

>> No.9860644


They found out his disability was fake

>> No.9862118

I made friends with the butcher at my Giant down the road. I go at nights and anything that will go bad soon, he'll mark WAYYYY under the "manager's special!" they usually put on it for the next day, and give it to me.

For christmas he gave me a 6 pound boneless leg of lamb for 3 dollars. He told me if anyone at self-checkout questions the price (lol) tell them it's pork shoulder

>> No.9863488

pretty much the people in that photo.

>> No.9863636
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>6 pound boneless leg of lamb for 3 dollars
fuck I'm jealous

>> No.9863780

Extreme couponing. Remarkably some people still do this and don't care if it holds up the line.
"The customer is always right" is a motto no actual customer was ever supposed to know about.

>> No.9864042

Dude I would walk miles upon miles to get that kind of steal-deal
>6 pounds! of lamb
>3$ dollarybucks

>> No.9864062

White middle-class women who insist they have a RIGHT to get in the way, demand attention, make a scene, or verbally abuse staff.

>I said, let me be clear, I LOSE MY HOME, which the church OWNS, if I am caught buying beer.
So move out or don't buy booze.

>> No.9864216
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I'm genuinely sorry to hear that, church-cuck

>> No.9864239

>Jesus literally has the symbol of his blood be wine
>churches are against drinking
Idiots make me laugh.

>> No.9864258

My local grocery store got rid of self-checkout because of shoplifting faggots and I find trash on shelves all the time from people walking through the store eating. Also those services that do your grocery shopping for you have filled every store in my area with dumb faggots who place their carts in the worst possible place before checking their list. Also fatties who block off an entire aisle with their scooters because they can't be bothered to pull all the way to one side.

>> No.9864270
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The fact that I have to go to the second store in the "black" part of town(their words) to buy peppers/hot sauce that actually has a kick

>> No.9864301

Go eat some more soy bacon soyboi

>> No.9864328

people ditching items near the checkout

bonus points if the item requires refrigeration and is clearly spoiling

>> No.9864332

Re-read the post you're replying to you dumbass.

>> No.9864451

today I had a women talk down on me:
>You have x Beer in discount, right?
>Well, There is none.
There should be some, but the discount started monday. might be empty.
>No, It's Today. you should have it! if you don't have it, don't print it in your ad!

refiled beer late on, there were 2 cases left.
...btw we don't print the adds of our national grocery change.
>customer next in line, after checking out
>Oh, since no one is here right now I would like to tell you:
>It's not nice that you smell unwashed. Yespecially when working with customers.
...I smelled completely fine, I even asked a coworker. fucking hags.
old women are the most entitled pices of shit, that have never worked in their whole life.
They even order me to do my job slower, because they can't keep up with me.
bitch, your groceries don't vanish, they stay here. My time is beeing measured.

the nerves with those people...

>> No.9864496

it's against the law, just tell your manager you won't do it. stand up for yourself.
If I have to work in a different branch and the store doesn't look good, I will go up to the manager and tell them the store looks like shit aswell.

>> No.9864587

Do you not keep a 2k pad in you account in case your bills hit at the same time?

>> No.9864616
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>> No.9864698

Ah, america. Here in the UK, she'd have taken the 'out of stock' answer, or a manager would have explained that 'out of stock' means 'out of stock'.

Land of the 'free', huh?

>trying to phase out cash in favor of something that can be tracked and messed with
Or something that can't be stolen from the till/lax security guard.
>>>/pol/ is thataway, conspiracyfag.

Being fat IS a disability in america.

>> No.9864717

Short for "baby boomer," the generation of people born in the 50s. Common scapegoat millennials cite as the source of all the wrongs in the world, as if people in their 60s are to blame for effeminate metrosexuals being unable to make ends meet with a gender studies degree.

>> No.9864722

>three minutes to process
>payment might not even post to your account for a week
>no longer require pin numbers
What hellhole do you live in?

>> No.9864791

>asking for help at a grocery store
you had better be a woman

>> No.9864850
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>mfw people don't do their shopping on Friday nights to avoid the queues

>> No.9864929

This image is wierdly nostalgic

>> No.9865003

oh boy.
>he doesn't know churches invest in real estate
do you think they don't invest their gibs or something? I have had a church swoop in and practically steal our property because we couldn't afford to lawyer up like they could.

>> No.9865044

People who stack their shit like jenga on the lanes and get mad when it falls off.

>> No.9865124

>The baby boomers who scream about stuff they heard on fox in the middle of the isles
>The "gangsters" who walk around scream about how cops profile them while sticking boxes of cereal in their pants
>The SJW parents who refuse to punish their kids and will blame you if you tell their kid to get away from your cart or get out of the way and yell about how you shouldn't tell them how to raise their kids
>Those assholes who stop in the middle of the isle

>> No.9865244

it's almost as if........ you're using grocery shopping............ as an excuse............ to whine about politics.......... whoa...............................

>> No.9865253
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>Whine about politics
>only political thing said was fox news and SJW

>> No.9865289

you type like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.9865353

U fucking wot, mate?

>> No.9865638

Not him, but here in the land of corporate dictatorship, churches don't have to pay income taxes or property tax so they take their brainwashed sheep's donations and buy up property and establish archaic sharia style rules on what tenants can and can't do. Evangelicals, literally satan's spawn, are the worst offenders and that's what he has to put up with. I'm surprised they don't have cameras installed all over the house to make sure he doesn't masturbate.

>> No.9865668

>What's yours?
People who can't mind their fucking business and complain about what everyone else is doing in the store.

>> No.9865676

boomer women. they think the grocery store is their own personal little palace
I shop at 11 pm to avoid them

>> No.9865715
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probably was described in the thread and salty bout it

>> No.9865764
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>This cat looks more than slightly used, the best I can do is $20

>> No.9865889

Im a supervisor at Walmart. These are the things that customer piss me off about.
Kids, teens, and retarded young adults that ride around on bikes, scooters, skate boards, and pogo sticks.
People think that you have it stock in the backroom. And think you are liar when you tell them you dont.
People think that your store sells everything.
People say that its sold on your website so it must be in store when 90% its sold by a third party vendor.
Whales on the scooters.
Customers that think they know more then you.
When you have to repeat yourself to a customer and they still ask questions about it when you answer that question when you described it.
>The chromecast has a built in hdmi cable and comes with a usb cable and power plug.
>Do i need a hdmi cable? Do i need a usb cable?
India people buying the Google Home ($80) just for the online $25 dollars to use on an order from walmart.com
Customers asking for zip drives and telling them that we dont sell them but you mean a flash drive and they say yes thats a zip drive.

>> No.9865898

Never understood people who legitimately rage over shit that doesn't affect their lives whatsoever.

Like the 40 year old soccer moms blocking the aisles to talk with baby finster in tow gets no mention? How? How do things that legitimately impact your shopping experience somehow get no mention except the poor baggers and a fat person on a scooter???

>> No.9865903

If that cunt is blocking what I want to buy, I wish her cancer. That's how it is bothersome. I should not have to talk to her to get my hemeroid cream. Fucking move and chat on your phone.

>> No.9865926

>you're out of x, what will you do for me?
>here's a raincheck, ma'am
Why doesn't your store just write rainchecks so they can bypass having to appease anyone with extra credit giveaways? Sounds like your management is retarded.
>I need to speak to a manager
That's a fucking gift. Are you telling me you'd rather this lady had chewed your ear off arguing about that for another ten minutes, forcing you to cite policies over and over? I loved it when customers asked for a manager because it meant it's not longer my problem.

>> No.9865990

Seeing poor people buying low quality food for their ugly family and giving me the general feel of the tepid, unfulfilled life that they’re blissfully unaware that they’re living

>> No.9866036

I used to be an assistant manager, stepped down to our Frozen department manager
I feel your pain so hard

>> No.9866065
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thanks anon, I needed that

now I want to watch it again but don't because I've already seen it 1,734,212 times and don't want to ruin it for myself

>> No.9866141
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 1486946616068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying D44M on release date
>no copies left on display
>ask neckbeard cashier if they have any more
>"I mean I COULD go check the back room, but I seriously doubt we have any more"
>dude clearly hates his job, I ask(politely) that he goes and check
>audibly sighs and shuffles to the back room
>then why the fuck did you mention the back room in the first place
>turns out they did have more copies

if you're here mr. neckbeard I'm sorry your job sucks

>> No.9866152

*BURRRRPPP* g-god isn't real m-m-morty *BURRRP*

>> No.9866171

this pain persists
i can't resist

>> No.9866199

Im double jointed. I can point my feet backwards. It allows me some options when Im lounging.

>> No.9866990

If this isn't bait, then I sincerely don't think you deserve better. If this is bait, then layers

>> No.9866992

slow walkers

>> No.9867042

I often ask employees to repeat themselves multiple times because people often make mistakes, especially low-level employees such as yourself. Not that I personally do my grocery shopping but I'm sure the idea trickles down

>> No.9867053

You're one of them

>> No.9867064

you look and dress like a faggot

>> No.9867761

A good majority of boomers are total assholes. Not pieces of shit, but still assholes.

>> No.9867826

Cardio kills gains, fag

>> No.9867859
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Ill tell my wife to buy me less faggy clothes in the future.

>> No.9867891

>boomers are millenials strawman
>le millenial metrosexual with gender studies degree is redpill's strawman

>> No.9868033

How the heck can you construe this as saying a healthy breakfast has rights to food? I'm struggling with the pedantism here.

>> No.9868124

Have a hug, anon

>> No.9868129

thanks anon :^)

>> No.9868131

I worked part time at a grocery store. My job was to unload trucks and stock the bb freezer only. Occasionally I would push carts, I had people ask me where the shit was when I had no idea. I worked in the freezer how am I supposed to know? Then they get attitudes when I tell them I work in the back.

>> No.9868262

Plug City

>> No.9868519


They stopped carrying the 18 pack of Justin's almond butters because of me

>> No.9868541

your manager actually did that? , nah dude you gotta complain to hr.
thats not ok
but i understand you wanna keep your head low in retail and not stand out.
i work meat counter as well. you Kgr?
The place always takes me like 20 minutes of prepping everyhing then 3 -4hours to clean the whole place / dishes /etc
meat counter job sucks dick and pays fucking minimum

>> No.9868544

wait im also fairly certain meat counter people arent even supposed to really cut meat. especially straight off the primal. We can cube / cut stuff in half but nothing with machines etc that is outside of most meat counter contract

>> No.9868553

That's a really clean break room. When I worked at Walmart the break room was fucking gross.

>> No.9868674

The only correct answer in this whole whiny ass low test fucking thread

>> No.9868696

Its always fucking boomers that whip out the checkbook

>> No.9868715

I'm blind af so I have to stand near things just to be able to read them, my pet peeve is people that don't say excuse me if they want to grab something that I'm looking at. I get it, I might be blocking their way but honestly I'm just trying to read whatever the fuck I'm looking at so is it really that hard to just say excuse me? Have we all evolved into passive agressive betas that would rather fume at someone being in their way rather than just politely ask them to move?

>> No.9868832
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>Customers that think they know more then you.
>know more then you

They probably know more THAN you, you retarded retail wagecuck. Now get back to work.

>> No.9868906

>Poodles are absolute asshles
I grew up with poodles. They're fine dogs and really smart.

>> No.9868913

Overnight restock/facing crewman here, if you cashier cucks think you have to deal with the worst that shoppers have to offer, just imagine picking up the store after they've made their mess.

>mysterious smell coming from the tortillas
>I do a cursory check, but have to unload 2500+ boxes onto shelves (it's pre-thanksgiving) so I ignore it for now
>day by day, smell grows fouler
>I pinpoint the odor to one shelf, remove all of the merchandise, and spot nothing
>one day, on the rare occasion one of the managers has been working late, I badger him into checking it out with me
>we remove EVERYTHING and shine a flashlight into it
>someone decided the walk to the meat cooler was too far (right at the end of the ethnic aisle)
>folded and shoved a 3-pack of pork chops between the shelving unit and the support beam
>the color was an arrogant shade of green, slick and reflective like the ferrule on a Ticonderoga
>the smell was otherworldly
>manager leaves the store without clocking out, my guess is to vomit
>I braced myself for the smell but had to remove it and clean it
>manager slipped me a $20 next time he saw me

This is on top of finding chicken wing bones EVERYWHERE, keys removed from cans of meat, opened packages of cookies and candy, dented and destroyed packaging, and items far, far from where they're located.

Customers are animals.

>> No.9869033

Been thinking about joining the overnight stocking hellhole. Any tips on the interviewing process and what to say?

>> No.9869065

Had a customer come into my walmart and asked for a usb cable to connect his wii to his lcd tv because it didn't have the composite video and audio ports on it.

Where the fuck do customers come up with this shit?

>> No.9869070

ah ahh look at you pointing out using correct spelling of words. Go piss off.

>> No.9869072

Just say you don't do heroin and can read at a 3rd grade level.

>> No.9869084

Na not me, have no prob going in the back and looking. Just ticks when customers think that we do have it in the back when we don't. Some will go and ask one or two more people to go and look and then get mad when you say we don't have it after looking.

>> No.9869099
File: 247 KB, 1920x947, Screenshot-2017-12-21 BESTEK Grounded Universal Plug Worldwide Plug Travel Adapter USA to Worldwide Country Travel Prong Pl[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me: Sorry, we don't have it in store because it's sold by a third party.
>Customer: But it's on your website, you have to have it in store.

>> No.9869142

>Middle aged woman comes and needs help
>Says she needs a mini usb reader for her 3d printer
>Says she has a mini usb card....
>Ok, stop right there. You need a usb card reader to read micro sd cards
>Ok here they are
>Does it work with mini usb cards?

I hope your 3D Printer burns your house down.

Why the fuck does she even have a 3D Printer?

>> No.9869156

This. I'm a college student who can't speak Spanish in one of the most Spanish-speaking, overpopulated counties in the country with Irma on our doorstep. I was desperate, and the entire hiring process was entering my data onto the computer.

What to expect:
>The job is done when the job is done. Your shift begins when you're told, but you don't leave unless the store is tidy.
>Unless your manager says it's ok, don't eat the merchandise (obvious)
>You WILL work over 40 hours before Thanksgiving, EVEN if you're part time
>Sometimes your coworkers will have a suspiciously long nail on their thumb or little finger. This is for cocaine, don't ever point it out to them and everything's ok
>After the alarm flips on, you're stuck in the store. if you forgot your box cutter, food, charger, you're out of luck.

How to make it easy:
>Drink lots of coffee, tea, mate, whatever. Caffeine pills go in the back pocket and you'd better make sure you always have at least 4 before a shift starts
>Wireless earphones are a must-have, both for your sanity and so you don't snag on anything. Make sure they're charged before your shift starts and they'll last about as long as you're there.
>It's not a job for the unfit. I've worked construction, and while that can be high-intensity, stocking keeps your body in constant motion. You'll be moving for 7+ hours straight, so numales and fatties need not apply.

>> No.9869226

Man...working overnight in a 24 hour store, you see just about everything. Though this is the worst:

>Do you work here?
>Look down at my shirt
>Look down at my RF handheld
>Look all around

>> No.9869258

I get asked that all the time
>look at my name tag
>look at my vest
>look at my mc40

Na, its cosplay ma'am

But one time I did have a woman jam her face between me and a shelf i was fixing just to look at my name tag

>> No.9869273

I hate going to walmart because i wear a dark blue jacket and i get asked a lot if i work there. I tell them no but they say "oh, but you have the blue jacket on". I tell them that you can buy this type of jacket anywhere. Plus I don't have the stupid vest on or a name tag stating that I work here. Every fuckin time I go shopping. I just ignore them now which gets them pissed off. I had one guy kept bugging me for help when I was shopping. He kept asking me over and over til I blow up on him.

>> No.9869289

he wanted your D

>> No.9869301

You should just say "why yes I do work here, cunt. How may I rape you?"

>> No.9869316

I constantly see this kind of shit throughout the store as a cashier. If I ever catch someone sliding meat between the magazines, they'll get an earful from me. I don't give a shit if I get fired.

>> No.9869321

I'm 23 and I use the mobility scooter because I've got blocked arteries and makes it impossible to walk

>> No.9869832

go to winco or a whole foods type store to avoid the blobs on the scooters

>> No.9869847

Hey fuck those guys I get what you're saying and agree with you dude. Anonymity is dead. Privacy is a pipe dream; a remnant from before the microprocessor.

>> No.9869854

Mexicans - loud, obnoxious, no control over screaming children, and will block the aisle and not move it you ask them to

Niggers - see above, only you can actually understand half of what the fuck they are saying, and instead of tequila it's malt liquor

>> No.9869872

old people who pay in cash with exact change for over 100 dollars of groceries. or women who have long conversations at checkout with a line behind them

>> No.9870628
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Fuck off back to your containment board, trumpet.

>> No.9870637

I really fucking hate it when they are understaffed at peak hours (which is always, especially always at Wal Mart).

I don't give a fuck about saving 2 bucks if you're going to make me wait 20 minutes waiting in line

It's just another way to skimp on labor costs, even when people would gladly pay a quarter to skip the line each time they're at the store. It's irrational as fuck and insanely irritating.

>> No.9870655

you disgusting inbreeding enabler, adopt several dogs from the pound to make up for your sickening sins

>> No.9870669

Does the dog also fuck your ass good? You stupid dog obsessed homo. Hope your dog realizes what a fuckboy you are and breaks free from his captivity.

>> No.9870758

dat projection

>> No.9870761

are you that guy who used to post vaguely sexual fanfic about your dogs?

>> No.9870805

>Wal Mart
Checkout really sucks at WM.
20 checkout lanes and only 2 are open while 5 to 10 employees are just standing around.
I had 2 items last visit and fat slob in front of me had over 300 dollars of junk food.

>> No.9870836

Why would you ever sign that lease?

>> No.9870842

>leftover sushi

>> No.9870847

hahaha that is funny

>> No.9872546

India people are the worst.

>> No.9872567


2 cashiers and 2-3 CSMs that stand around with each other and bullshitting instead of getting on a cash register to help.

The store Im working at is changing to a new scheduling that is based around customer flow. Right now the scheduling is mostly done by random by the computer going by workers availability. Most of the fuckers only work mornings to late afternoon/early evening.

>> No.9872570

You should spend some money on learning how to spell instead of buying dogs.

>> No.9872818

>that guy that thinks he's clever by retorting with grammar corrections on a mongolian tribal smelting forum.


>> No.9872835

i know right ? where I live, everyone pays with a chipped card and it takes 5 seconds. Shorter than paying with cash.

>> No.9872856

do u work at a stanley black and decker

>> No.9873280

>work at grocery store
>always park far from the door because I've already had some retard take off my mirror while my car was parked all day
>come out to leave
>people park next to me anyway
Just fuck off already.

>> No.9873365

>I live like a nobleman
>I'm so poor I can't afford to buy a house and have to rent

>> No.9874166

I work for a company that has been bought by black and decker.

>> No.9874233

Man, americans seem like cunts both as customers and employers. Glad I work somewhere semi-sane.

>> No.9874376

im the person doing this, I do this to remind you there are no safe spaces in life

>> No.9874415

Enjoy getting you tyres slashed faggot

>> No.9874453

It's a dollar for every two dollars you make after the initial $65 here in America.
Though i imagine trump will be removing autism bux here shortly.
Also dont you faggots get foodstamps and income based housing?

>> No.9874488

is there a more reddit opinion than "is there a more reddit opinion than"

>> No.9874589
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>so what are you going to do for me?

>> No.9874940

Why walk when you can ride?

>> No.9875979

>I guess he likes to look like a retard