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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9851848 No.9851848 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here, what's a good resource to learn the basics of cooking and find some new recipes that isn't trash like pic related?

>> No.9851917

Binging with babish's basics series is pretty good, just ignore the first episode where he says "oh you need this £100 knife and £50 pan to get started".

>> No.9851926

I don't know what pic related is but >>9851917 is some youtube trash I believe. go to foodwishes, torrent modernist cuisine, and actually just cook yourself. youtube will teach you to be a faggot and fail

>> No.9851942

Buy a cookbook. One that doesn't have a theme.

>> No.9852083

The best introductory cooking video series ever imo was one by Raymond Blanc called 'how to cool well'. Each episode was dedicated to a single technique (frying, poaching, slow cooking, etc), explained how the technique works on a scientific level without going super in depth, and featured several recipes that utilized it.

Understanding the basic operations you're performing and why is the foundation of developing a strong intuitive cooking skill imo.

Unfortunately it seems it's been pulled from youtube. Probably out there somewhere though.

As for picking recipes, just think of something you want to eat and google it. Like some dish you've always wanted to try but never had the opportunity. Something you can get excited about. Just avoid things with rare or expensive ingredients since you should expect to fail a few times.

>> No.9852097
File: 90 KB, 399x470, how to cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy pic related and watch the entire oeuvre of Good Eats

>> No.9852175

Thanks for the responses guys, I also googled for /ck/ sticky to see if there was one in the past and I found a wiki for the board. Not sure if it's official or any good but combined with the responses here I should do fine. Thanks anons :^)

>> No.9852189

Op's pic is the buzzfeed cooking channel. It's as bad as you would expect it to be

>> No.9852200

Do newfags not know how to lurk anymore?

Holy fuck.

>> No.9852204

>Lurking /ck/ for beginner ideas
That's a good way to set your kitchen on fire or poison your family.

>> No.9852245


Dude come on. Any 6-year-old can cook a three course Michelin Star rated dinner to feed a table of 10 from scratch in 30 minutes or less.

>> No.9852256


>> No.9852272

Cooking is something you should have picked up just by being alive long enough to post here
The fact that you never did is either a sign of extreme poverty or extreme wealthiness

>> No.9852292

>extreme poverty or extreme wealthiness
Protip: it may shock you to realize that all the crappy food that poor people can afford (thus never learning to cook) can also be afforded by the middle class and EVEN rich people.

>> No.9852347

Breakfast, buddy. Fry an egg. Experiment a little. low-medium heat. a little butter melted, drop two eggs in once the pan gets hot. Eggs don't really cost anything. A pinch of salt and pepper and they're done. Oatmeal is easy too. A cup of oatmeal in some boiling water, let it cook down, add some butter and brown sugar, done

If you have a grill, then hamburgers, chicken, and pork chops.

Rice is easy, one cup of rice to two cups of water. I like to use chicken stock for mine, but 1 cup rice= 2 cups chicken stock makes enough rice for two people.

Pasta, again, easy. Boil water in a big pot. Drop pasta in. Ten minutes, and dump all the water and pasta out into a colander, then toss the pasta into your sauce and serve.

Start with your basics. Knife skills and vegetable prep and such, learn basic terms. Soup is really easy to make, and you can make gallons of it at a time, eat some, and portion out the rest into freezer bags for later.

Knife skills are where you start. If you can handle a knife safely, you'll be fine handling a stove or oven!

Get some spice blends too, start looking at why these spices are always used together. Have you ever noticed that Italian food uses basil and oregano? Or that cajun-creole uses a lot of cayenne and garlic? Salt and pepper are your starting point. buddy! Having a few good spice blends on hand, you can eat chicken every night of the week, and it will taste different every time!

>> No.9852434
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Learn to make a roux. It's a fancy word for 50% fat, 50% flour. When you have a pan full of melted butter, or oil, or fat drippings, mix it with flour, salt, and pepper, and you have the beginnings of a gravy or a sauce.

Learn your five mother sauces: tomato, bechamel, veloute, espangole, and hollandaise. Have you made mac-and-cheese before? That's a bechamel. That's roux with cheese mixed in. Spaghetti with tomato sauce? Again, it's tomatoes and a few herbs mixed in.

Learn your basic knife-work (slice, dice, julienne, etc), learn some basic terms (bake, saute, fry, broil, roast), and you'll be fine. Try not to burn your house down.

>> No.9852452

I’m not OP but thank you for a legitimately helpful post on 4chan.

>> No.9853577

For Asian recipes. Amanda Tastes (Amanda 曼食慢语)
She's pretty good and her Chinese doesn't have a strong accent. Helps me study for half and learn recipes.

>> No.9853583
File: 11 KB, 192x200, mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A cup of oatmeal in some boiling milk, let it cook down, add some chopped walnuts and salt and more milk on top, done
Seems like you made a typo in your recipe! I fixed it up for you though :)

>> No.9853800

I have some info verticals, but I'm at work for the next hour. I'll post some when I get home. Also when you get some more cooking knowledge, Tasty becomes alright. You'll be able to see the the real recipes there and tweak to your needs. They provide a nice base. Although just searching for recipes can do the same. Oh and the ck booru is still a thing. Try searching there. Why don't we have a sticky that has that as a link in it? We really need a new resurgence of verticals.