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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 500x250, 1485882450882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9843376 No.9843376 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your sorrows. I relapsed after a year.

>> No.9843383

Day 4 of a semi-bender, only beer. some of them have been 8% and higher though. got a few pint cans of 5% beer left. gonna use those to taper. Thankfully it wont be a tricky withdrawal, since it was mostly 5% beer. but still I feel like shit. god bless you fellow sufferers.

>> No.9843394

OP here yeah fuck you it's a new pic

>> No.9843396

>I relapsed after a year.
i made it about 4 months, though 3 of those were in inpatient treatment

>> No.9843399

3 fucking months of inpatient???? shit how did you not neck yourself with a bed sheet? did they let you go to the zoo or trader joes?

never done more than 2 weeks at a stretch

>> No.9843400

i have spent probably 16 months total in inpatient treatment. still havent been "cured". lol. every time, its just "hey, try AA, this bullshit program that sounds like a bad joke. do it!"

>> No.9843410

i still remember sitting in inpatient in Cincinnati watching a faggy ass documentary about AA which was about the saddest, gayest thing i've ever seen

did a year sober after that but, yeah, then relapse

>> No.9843411

yeah we could fuck off basically at will as long as there wasnt a class going on

>> No.9843412


>> No.9843413

o ok thats not so bad...still rough though
i assume they made you draw pictures about your feelings in the classes like i had to do?

>> No.9843415

howd you manage a year?

>> No.9843420

haha no we just did some of the AA steps, writing, and listened/watched videos

>> No.9843421

fucking hated myself really bad for relapsing...ran like 8 miles a day, just wanted to punish my body and brain for being a piece of fucking shit...was in grad school and needed to finish and get a job or i would literally be homeless...

i think the genuine anger at my alcoholism was the key. but it wasn't sustainable. i got a job and a sweet apartment and then had a giant fight with my gf and work troubles and just stopped giving a fuck

>> No.9843422

>dad passed away this year
>he helped me get a job in his machine shop, was supposed to inherit his position at the company we both worked for
>instead they give it to some scrawny tweeker
>didn't inherit any money or possessions either, his wife stole it all and the court is on her side
>marriage with wife isn't working, doomed to fail

At least I have booze

>> No.9843426

there are infinite situations that cause relapses. its so frustrating.

>> No.9843428

yeah i stayed till i got a job, then left pretty soon after

>> No.9843434

yup. my biggest trigger is girl problems. second is boredom / insomnia. third is anxiety.

>> No.9843445

divorce wife, rip the bandaid off
sabotage the tweeker in the most sinister, Machiavellian way possible
get drunk

problems all solved

>> No.9843451
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This man is your ally, he fights for you!

>> No.9843459

dude, the boredom and lack of feeling good that comes with sobriety, totally sucks. it feels like a bad dream when you sober up. its so boring and sad and everything is a grind.

>> No.9843467

the anhedonia passes or so i hear

>> No.9843475

ive heard that, too. i dont buy it, though. i think if a person has pickled their brain, its fucked. game over. theres no fucking way i could ever be a happy-go-lucky guy, not in this life.

>> No.9843481

How does one go about sabotaging tweekers?

>> No.9843482

seriously? they're the easiest. call the cops on their drug habit when you know they have shit on them

>> No.9843487

Fiancé left me cause of boozing
Just smoked some crack
Gonna try to pan handle for booze money tomorrow

Kill me

>> No.9843493

get a fucking job jesus
where are my other white color 50K plus alkies here
literally wearing an omega speedmaster as i type this on my pier one sofa

>inb4 50K aint shit, i know, that's why i drink

>> No.9843498

>Trying to cut back
>Shithead neighbors let their toddlers run up and down my ceiling all fucking day
>Knocking over toys clattering on their vinyl floor
>Cant get a moments fucking peace without getting wasted so i stop noticing the noise

>> No.9843501

u posted this before
maybe murder the whole family?

>> No.9843508

Dude. Come on. Cocaine is the worst fucking drug out there. It lasts so short and the comedown is fucking horrible. And its expensive. At least do opiates if you need to be a degenerate.

>> No.9843525


Like heroin?

>> No.9843532

yeah. the withdrawals are easier than alcohol and the high lasts longer than cocaine.

>> No.9843533

I filed another noise complaint and they've shut up for today at least. Im trying to convince a friend to let me live in their garage.

>> No.9843534

at least H give you an afterglow

>> No.9843544

My buddy used to live below a family like this, the little punk kids used to wait until he was outside with his family and his baby and then they would throw their toys out of the window in an attempt to hit him or his baby.

Had to talk the dude out of going up there and kicking the shit out of the parents a few times and honestly I wouldn't have blamed him if he did.

>> No.9843549

Hey guys, I was watching some MALT LIQUOR! videos and it really got me yearning for my malt liquor days. I saw some guy laughing though, saying how only negroes and retards who can't do math buy malt liquor because it's not worth it for the ABV:price ratio. Well, I am kind of retarded when it comes to mathematics so I was wondering if you could tell me whether that's true or not?

I'd just really like to get a nice couple of bottles of some kind of 8% or higher brew.

>> No.9843552

a popular 40oz beer called "king cobra" is only 6% abv. some are 8% or higher. you just have to know which is which. that king cobra shit is a fucking prank though. only idiots buy that shit.

>> No.9843553

45k here

>> No.9843554

just buy sierra nevada torpedo, it's not that expensive and it's like 8000% better filtered and less hangover-y/barfy

>> No.9843556

I always thought malt liquor tasted like piss, plastic, and some kind of sickly sweet shit. I'd rather drink a bottom tier high abv beer like natural ice before malt liquor.

>> No.9843563


>> No.9843567

Ah well, I can get an 8pack of 6% strong beer swill for 12 bucks.

For comparison's sake a "pint" of cheap vodka or whisky is around $13.50~

>> No.9843572

you must live in a scandinavian country, based upon how expensive booze is for you. a pint of cheap vodka here costs 5 dollars or less.

>> No.9843576

thanlk you

>> No.9843579

Leafcuck land.

Cheapest fifth of vodka is $20. But whenever I buy that for the value something terrible inevitably happens.

>> No.9843586

Hmm. Well, there is one suggestion i have for you. I have never tried this method, because i just dont give a shit, but you can pour cheap vodka through a water filter. A Brita pitcher, for example. it's supposed to turn rotgut, bottom-shelf piss into high class stuff.

man, im sorry though. you pay out the ass up there.

>> No.9843621

mythbusters(yes i know...) did the vodka through a filter test and it did improve it the more times you run through it but wont turn it into top shelf stuff

>> No.9843630

613 fag here

>> No.9843635

i didnt know that. interesting. its funny... all the years i spent drinking vodka, i never once tried that method. i should have. i just stick to mostly beer now, occasinally wine. liquor produces hellacious results. not a fan anymore.

>> No.9843637

oh my issue is that if I buy that fifth because it's cheaper, I'll drink at least 3 quarters of it in a few hours and black out and maybe throw up and probably do something like losing my house keys or other valuables without ever leaving my house.

>> No.9843649


>> No.9843653

Liquor is something to avoid if you are an alcoholic. Stick to hopefully beer and sometimes wine.

>> No.9843659
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I don't consider myself an actual alcoholic, in spite of what you may think of me having just read that. But I thought this was al/ck/.

>Liquor is something to avoid if you are an alcoholic
anyway thanks for the advice, really makes you think

>> No.9843662

Im just being honest. Liquor takes people down hard as fuck.

>> No.9843667

i'd go to beer but don't like how long it takes to get loaded
also all the calories

>> No.9843669

Right, understandable. Theres a conscious choice to be made here. A trade off. Less painful aftermath with beer, but also less loaded while drinking.

>> No.9843768

This is the exact advice that's kept me(relatively) physically and mentally well over the last decade. If you've got the al/ck/ gene, stick to beer or a bottle or two of wine.

>> No.9843790

On my way home buying my trusty 8 pack of 6%, guzzling one of them on my walk and I happen to turn around and 15 feet behind me is a fucking coyote doing coyote things. Then comes another from the field adjacent to the path following behind it. I stomp my foot and it doesn't even react. Second time I've seen these fuckers slinking around coming home from a beer run.

>tfw an al/ck/ anon dies not from alcohol poisoning or the slow downward spiral of alcoholism but from a coyote attack

>> No.9843794

Playing fortnite and drinking fistmas beer and getting high. Comfy

>> No.9843809

coyotes are awesome. i think you are lucky to have the irl experience around them. i wonder if they are rabid, or something, since they dont seem to fear you. if not, maybe you are a coyotebro

>> No.9843812

Where I live wild foxes are the menace, every week you see some poor family putting up a lost cat poster from when they forget to let their precious kitty back inside for the evening and foxes grabbed it, took it back to their den and literally tore it to shreds.

>> No.9843822

Have you considered not doing that?

>> No.9843830

yep. foxes definitely do that. theyre cute though. i love them. when i lived in fort collins, colorado, they came out at night in huge numbers. adorable little critters. i wish i had one as a pet.

>> No.9843839

I think they're just desensitized. And maybe displaced. I mean this is basically the middle of the city it's just highly residential with some urban greenery. I saw what were probably the same coyotes a week ago, too. And a few days ago I heard their cacophonous cackling coming from same general area off in the distance. Sounded like a lot more than just two, though, which is worrisome. Prowling the night killing wild rabbits that are around, I suppose.

>some poor family
>forgot to let their cat in
>and having outdoor cats
no sympathy for the family desu

>> No.9843847

I always wondered how rabbits become meals for predators. I mean, they are fast, and they are very alert. how the hell do coyotes and foxes even catch them?

>> No.9843872

Holy fuck. Stay there or you are doomed.. where I am I Great Lakes a quart of cheap vodka is like 8 bucks.

>> No.9843892

Dude city yoties don’t need to hunt at all.

>> No.9843931

I don't know anything about "city yoties" or their diet. I just know the urban parkland and fields and whatnot they're running around in is full of rabbits

>> No.9843956

I have handled a few wild rabbits, just for the sake of conversation. My mini schnauzer is good at cornering them, and i pick them up. Theyre cute little shits. but they scratch the shit out of you trying to get free.

>> No.9843979

If i ever find out who you are I’ll kill you in your sleep

>> No.9844043

why are you retards obsessed about keeping the exact same OP image? Is it so when you're loaded it's easier to find?

>> No.9844051

No. It's not that. The reason for black and white siluoueetettettte pictures is that they are non-obnoxious in the catalog, and the ck mods arent tempted to ban them.

>> No.9844059

Why can't you idiots wait for the weekend to drink? Don't you have jobs?

>> No.9844115

Carry deli meats in your pocket to give them as a treat next time.
Become king of coyotes

>> No.9844117

Your rhetoric suggests theres something special about the weekend. like its a big party for working slaves. i tell you what, bucko, everyday is friday for an alcohlic.

>> No.9844125

The way I binge its physically impossible for me 2 go longer than a 2day binge as the dehydration kills me. How do you even manage.

>> No.9844130

Drink water while you binge dipshit

>> No.9844132

i dont drink liquor, i drink beer. stay relatively hydrated. its a conscious choice because liquor is devastating. i avoid it like the plague.

>> No.9844156

What's the point though? The more you drink the less water you can absorb? Also not to mention wine and beer already have a bunch of water in it.
>you avoid Liquor like the plague
Isn't all alcohol liquor? I think you mean spirits?

>> No.9844157

i dont mean spirits. where i have existed, both in time and space, liquor means distilled alcohol like vodka and whiskey. perhaps i am wrong. but i didnt mean spirits.

>> No.9844246

good, use any fucking pic who cares

>> No.9844292
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>tfw you live in a city with a fairly large homeless population
>tfw you also have a few big chinese families that live on your block with elders who go out every day and collect empties

I can just bring my empties out every night in a bag and they're gone in the morning. I am truly blessed.

>> No.9844295

there you go, turn that rotten piss into lemonade. life is good.

>> No.9844296

and how has not going to AA worked out for you so far?

>> No.9844300

talking myself sober is a sick joke, so AA is off the table. if you are suggesting im a fool for not buying in to the program, i would point out that AA has a huge failure rate.

>> No.9844301


>> No.9844309

yeah dude I live in Canada too and an eight pack of pabst (cheapest 8pack) is like 13 or 14 bucks

I love living in BC for many reasons but the alcohol and tobacco prices are not one of them

weed is one of them though

>> No.9844312

ive watched trailer park boys a lot, so i feel like i have a good, basic understanding of canadian life. but yeah, you guys are taxed to hell. it would be *hard* to be an alcoholic there.

>> No.9844315

Coyotes and foxes are also fast, anon. Plus they're a lot bigger and sneakier and have sharp teeth. Rabbits are so fast because they need to be to escape wild dogs.

>> No.9844320

I think any sort of treatment for alcoholism has a huge failure rate because it's a horrible drug.

>> No.9844324


>> No.9844325

Alcohol being legal is a big problem. As an alcoholic, I would prefer if all drugs were illegal and punished by death. People aren't capable of using many drugs responsibly. Alcohol included, obviously. I would prefer if my state became a dry state overnight. Out of sight, out of mind.

>> No.9844332

we make do

>> No.9844346

also I think nobody is a hopeless alcoholic. not trying to be a saviour or anything but we all have the ability to be healthy again, no matter how far gone we are (unless you're like seriously fucked-up gone, like late stage shit).

there's always hope

>> No.9844350

Oh yeah your right.
What's so bad about liquor? You believe it does more damage to the body?

>> No.9844354

a few things about vodka and whiskey etc that i dont like. one, it doesnt contain a lot of water, so its very easy to get very dehydrated by it.

two, it seems to cause a more severe physical dependency than beer or wine, due to its concentrated strength. vodka addicts have the worst withdrawals. the kind where your whole body shakes and you hallucinate and sweat like a water fountain and puke nonstop.

>> No.9844359

im doing ok these days. found a drug called naltrexone that makes it easy to not drink when i take it. the down side is that it completely blocks my opiate receptors, so i dont feel joy from regular things like walking, eating, laughing, etc. because the drug is bound to those receptors in my brain and blocks naturally occuring endorphins from acting. so its a kind of damned if you do, damned if you dont situation.

>> No.9844365

AFAIK spirits also means liquor, anon

I find it comes down to the fact that liquor/spirits are much stronger and once you're a bit far gone you an gulp them down pretty fast. I'm purely a beer/cider/wine drinker and I've fucked my life up plenty and I think if I drank vodka I'd be dead by now.

>> No.9844368

even going sober for a bit without other drugs is a depressing experience. Alcohol messes with your brain and makes you not feel pleasure as much for a while after you stop taking it all the time.

Weed helps a bit

>> No.9844370

ive heard that and i believe its true. i get anxious on weed, sadly. used to live in colorado where you can buy legal weed. the irony.

>> No.9844414

And junkies should stick to marijuana. Maybe an aspirin now and then.

>> No.9844601

I just love getting fucked up. I spend a shit load if money doing it though. And I'm worse at my job if I stay healthy. I might be a real pro at what I do, if I quit getting liquored and what not up ill be shitty at my job. And I'm really good at my job. I don't need it at work but if I don't destress after and try to be healthy I suck. I'm a cook, at a crazy place with wild standards. I feel like I know my personal limits and they are way past societies. I don't want to pretend I'm something I'm not, at my best I'm working with a buzz late night and joining the clientele at the next spot. People are so jolly in this state, open, honest, beautiful. Healthy is 40 hours a week and some red and your body weight in coffee. That feels like dying, I'm pushing 70 and chugging tequila after midnight feeling great. Can you drink heavily and be happy? I'm not escaping anything, life is ok with nothing but hotmeals and love. We need goals, but what if my goals involve rounds of shots and cheers? I want to go places, but they all feel near, like I'm a handshake and a pour at somewhere I've already been before, with familiar faces but maybe just better pussy.
I think maybe we've been duped. Our generation is even more fucked up and twisted than the boomers, I know more dead than living. But I don't think it was the gatherings that killed us. Just the expectations. We had good people but raw hands, easy living but no where to go.

I think ill find serenity at 5 am, with a bottle of tequila and a motley crew. I think time was built at the bottom, of an amphorae, and we will find the same at the end of a ball.
Have faith, but choose your crew wisely.

>> No.9844628
File: 161 KB, 1890x1417, gondola beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bottle of Stephen's
Awakens ancient feelings
Like father, stepfather
The son is drowning in the flood

>> No.9844688
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Really? Everyone calls me an alcoholic but I've always wondered why that shit doesn't happen to me. Its the same with smokers though. Apparently some of them shake and can't handle going a day without. I smoke like a king. Though if I didn't drink I think I could stop. Now and again I've tried a 3 day abstinence from cigarettes. Its not so much the addiction rather than I feel I just like to smoke.
Haha. Its not funny but I know your not but it looks like your blaming the elixir.
>pic related
You need to get a grip and realise what's more important. Don't try to quit just save the alcohol for when you've time for it. You'll enjoy it more

>> No.9844718

What do you guys take for acid reflux?
Never had to deal with it before and I don't feel like going to the drugstore completely blind

>> No.9844755

Yeah, prohibition is what we need. Drinks that are five times the price and full of methanol. It worked so flawlessly last time after all.

>> No.9844756

See OP you cunt, gallop in here like some flailing newcunt who posts without the silhouette, and every time, the thread is shit.

>> No.9844807

I posted this last week. I've tried to be more aware of how loud I play music when I'm tanked tbqh, sometimes wearing headphones like another anon suggested, but the fuckers upstairs are just as noisy to. Always walking around in heels, moving furniture, playing movies loud at night.

Also what the fuck is with the audio captcha?

>> No.9844812
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Forgot to upload pic after copy-pasting text to a new tab.

>> No.9844825


The worst thing about being (on the way) as an alki is that you need a shitton of alcohol to actually feel the same buzz you had 5-10 years ago after 2-3 glasses of wine.

>> No.9844829

nothing at all, it's a non-issue

>> No.9844835

I don't think I've ever experienced it, and I'm too drunk to care about Googling it. What's it like anon?

>> No.9844850

Sodium bicarbonate, and sulking. Lots of both.

>> No.9844851

Just kinda feels like shit. It's acid coming up your throat so imagine that
Surprised. Heavy drinkers usually have to deal with it

>> No.9844871
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Time for me to stop drinking red wine. I've gained a metric fuck tone of weight this past month - around 10 kg. I'm no expert on water retention, so what's the best spirit that won't pack on the pounds? I feel like being a cheeki breeki so vodka is my guess.

>> No.9844918

I drink rum, since I find it easier to drink straight than vodka, but otherwise vodka is obviously the choice, since it has fewer tannin and shit. On the other hand, the alcohol is what delivers the most calories (assuming you don't mix your wine with cola), so switching up won't help, unless your kidneys are fucked and it's all just water.

>> No.9845011

that's exactly what I do, deal with it

>> No.9845057

I was much in the same boat as this anon, had no idea what "acid reflux/heartburn" even was

I had experienced it a lot but never knew, when someone explained it to me I was just like "that's what the fuck people are always complaining about??!"

honestly if you got the time and energy to be complaining about acid reflux you should be thankful you're not enduring anything worse

>> No.9845112
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>being this buttflustered over the "rules" of a general

>> No.9845354

When you have more alcohol in your system than blood, do you feel a weird guilt when ordering food from your phone (Uber eats, Menulog, etc.)?

>> No.9845404

>When you have more alcohol in your system than blood
not possible

>do you feel a weird guilt when ordering food from your phone

>> No.9845438


Why do all the bad things go so well together?

>booze + sweets
>booze + cigs
>cigs + coffee

>> No.9845445

How much money do you think you've wasted on booze this year?
I just sat down and did the calculations, and I'm feeling suicidal looking at the results. Fuck this.

>> No.9845465

WTF penny's for tall boy anon here....wtfff no silhouette......REEEEEEEE!
On another note...made it through the day yesterday with out a drink till the evening as I promised myself....got home drank a few. Wife apparently wanted to sleep in so guess who got to take care of this shitty ads kid again. God I want a fucking divorce. But I don't want to tell my 5 year old daughter that her step mom sucks and I didn't really want to have her brother....w.e. I'll just keep drinking and working till I die..
I just don't even care anymore

>> No.9845505

The ‘off grid’ lifestyle is starting to appeal to me. A hut, wood stove, a well, water filters and pumps, and some solar panels. Oh and a huge still and a forest of weed. I could just escape from everyone and everything.

>> No.9845513

at least $8000

>> No.9845542

probably like 10 grand

>> No.9845543

I stopped drinking after university because it was an unnecessary expense. Now I even turn down free booze from friends. Had a korean birthday party and wet my lips once with soju for birthday cheers then drankw water. Been stone cold sober for 1 year and 2 months now.

Must suck being an alcoholic. Good luck boys

>> No.9845551

can it pussy

>> No.9845561


Wow what a cool guy

>> No.9845581

yeah it does suck

good job on the sobriety

>> No.9845638

Well you are such a sad case posing 4chan and posting in an addicts threads lol.

>> No.9845693

i think you upset people bu sayin g you went to unviersity and have friends lol

>> No.9845786

i spent $13 on a bottle of wine today

>> No.9845824


>> No.9845831

dunno just wanted to post something so i could keep this thread in my thread watcher without having to scroll to the top to tick the lil box

>> No.9845839

So was it a good bottle of wine, or are the alcohol prices just that high?

>> No.9845852

>$13 bottle of wine
that's close to bottom of the barrel here

$9 is like a bottle of piss

>> No.9845857

i honestly don't know
it's pretty good but not significantly better than the cheapest ($7.5) bottles i usually buy
at what price point will there be a noticeable difference? i'm not good with wine

>> No.9845919

Nail on the fucking head right there. It just feels so empty and irritating.

>> No.9845961

Oh sorry, I'm yuropoor, so 13€ is quality wine, while bottom shelf is like 1.20€/L, I really didn't know it was that expensive (at least in my mind)

>> No.9845994

I'm yuropoor as well, it's fine
wanna fondle eachothers balls while reciting the works of H. C. Andersen?

>> No.9846001
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Threw up a little blood this am so here I am in the Er getting my liver function checked

>> No.9846004

how drunk are you right now?

>> No.9846009

>going to a hospital
pussy as nigga

>> No.9846023

nice boat shoes

>> No.9846044
File: 264 KB, 644x348, image_thumb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's boxes at top and bottom of page.
Look for the keys "home" (sometimes a diagonal arrow pointing up left) and "end" on your keyboard. Navigation keys were there before the internet, and are still useful.

>> No.9846062

thank you for being helpful. i'm a CS grad and know very well how home and end work. i just forgot about them.

(also i'm on a macbook because i'm legit homosexual so there's no home/end, i'm using Fn-arrow left/right)

>> No.9846067

i want to lick your feet they look very nice

>> No.9846120

>CS grad
>needs silhouette image to find thread

>> No.9846129

idk what your'e talking about but you sure seem upset
calm down yo'ulll ive longer

>> No.9846183

It’s the anxiety which ruins me. Having to confront how utterly shit my life is. It’s hard to know whether to feel like a broke, single, sober retard, or to get drunk and feel like a superhero conquer of nations.

>> No.9846194

How much can I drink to ensure I don't get withdrawals again? I tapered off using beer and today I woke up feeling absolutely fine, but I'm fucking bored and I need some beers. Would 6 beers be overkill?

>> No.9846232

You know six won't be enough. Just be bored. Better than wd

>> No.9846237
File: 2.67 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it fellas. Celebrating with a beer and some arbys

>> No.9846244

did u at least get a benzo script

>> No.9846247

mopey thread theme? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Agc6bQvPCQ

>> No.9846250

get well soon dear

>> No.9846251

yup lightly day drinking now to nurse hangover anxiety

>> No.9846252

Nah. I already drink like shit. Don't wanna have two addictions. Doubt I would have got one anyways. I'm in heroin country and they don't dole shit out anymore.

>> No.9846254
File: 99 KB, 500x751, 8C01F822-5EED-4A4B-B59A-D0D05FA114C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sitting in my rental car in the mall parking lot sipping on my pint of vodka and watching Brave. How’s everyone else’s Saturday afternoon going?

>> No.9846255

fair enough

>> No.9846259

Thank you. They smell terrible and I never wash my socks.

>> No.9846260

u on a business trip or something?
im on the couch w/ stella artois and a red baron pizza

>> No.9846268


>> No.9846276

I was planning on buying them just as the shops close which is in 1.5hrs time

>> No.9846281

>whingy faggot who wasted hospital staffs time is actually perfectly fine
can't say i'm shocked

>> No.9846285

the place was basically empty and i needed labwork anyways.

>> No.9846294

i mean maybe if there had just been a chemical weapons terror attack he would have been wasting their time

not sure he was wasting their time just strolling up like patients are supposed to do on a regular day


>> No.9846298

how r u gonna get home if ur 2 drunk 2 drive

>> No.9846309

i was sober when i went, i chugged two beers in the shower but i puked those up, saw and tasted blood and went.

>> No.9846310

>2 drunk 2 drive


>> No.9846329

Only if I can be the emperor and you the little mermaid

Am I the only one annoyed by a trash bag in hospital having a recycling symbol on it? Or am I missing something?

>> No.9846330

a int of codka is gonan put you abvoe the drving limit kin basically any country

>> No.9846343

>Only if I can be the emperor and you the little mermaid
kinda ashamed to admit, that wouldn't be the gayest thing i've done for affection

>> No.9846344

soiled linens bag, they wash them and reuse them

lotsa separate trash bags in hospitals, for biohazard or sharp needles or regular trash or linen etc

>> No.9846351

>How much can I drink to ensure I don't get withdrawals again?
Or you can have one, then another one, you feel like you have control and can moderate, and the next thing you know you're drinking enough to withdraw, so you taper, stay sober for a while, and repeat until you learned your lesson.

>> No.9846376

Oh, that makes sense. I've worked in hospital before, just for the linens we had cloth bags (that weren't actually bags but pieces of sturdy cloth that were open on the one side and you had to be very careful with). In our hospitals we had plastic containers for syringes, and all other trash was treated as biohazard anyway, but collected in fairly sturdy plastic bags.

>> No.9846392

Malt Liquor is great for poor fucks living paycheck to paycheck, since you can get a days worth of booze for like $5. If you make cash tips at your job, there's your drinking money.

>> No.9846397


>> No.9846404

For like a month I was able to drink and not get too fucked up so I said fuck AA I'm not an alcoholic. Now I can't fucking stop after the first drink again. Doing so much risky shit and acting like a complete turbo autist when I'm drunk.

Honestly this is all so shit, I'm starting to get horrible withdrawal, my heart is fucking racing if I don't have a drink.

>> No.9846409

>acting like a complete turbo autist when I'm drunk
just don't leave the house, problem solved

>> No.9846425

taper, i was in your position last week. The withdrawals suck, but they aren't gonna get better if you keep drinking that much.

>> No.9846431

But I'm so bored at home. I even bought a fucking PS4 so I could shake the urge to go out but it isn't helping.

>> No.9846435

The shitty thing is I drink until I pass out. I'm reckless and disinhinited, naturally. I'm trying to taper today by having a few drinks so tomorrow I should hopefully feel fine.

>> No.9846442

even when I was sober I never wanted to leave the house

guess we're just different people

personally I get bored being around other people in social situations and can't wait to get home and be alone

>> No.9846455

same bru

>> No.9846456

Just drink until your withdrawals have subsided and if you need more just have 1 every hour until sleep (assuming its beer). You should feel better tomorrow.

What games do you have? I have a ps4 too if you wanna play some fortnite or something

>> No.9846476

I have Fifa and Doom. I need a game like Dragon's Dogma or Oblivion, something I will get completely lost in. What games would you recommend? And I would but I haven't set up ps plus or whatever it is, don't even have a username yet.

>> No.9846487

This. It worked on the enormously talented and massively influential Lil Peep. RIP Lil peep. You were too special for this world.

>> No.9846493
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4ever in r 3>

>> No.9846500

idk, I'm a casual pleb. I've been playing Bioshock collection recently but I usually play fps games like Bf1. Fortnite is a good battle royale game because its free to play

>> No.9846502

Tips are called "for drinking" in French.

>He thought he cured his addiction in a month
Welp, now you know alcoholism isn't curable. You have to stay on the wagon once you're on it.

>> No.9846525
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>enormously talented and massively influential Lil Peep

>> No.9846549

>Tips are called "for drinking" in French.
In German and Belgian as well

>> No.9846568

Holy fucking shit I feel bad. I’m not relapsing, this is crippling

>> No.9846572

whats going on man

>> No.9846582

Tapering. I just feel utterly void of energy, irritable as hell, anxious as fuck, can’t sleep and for some reason I cannot quench my thirst. Stomach is full to the brim with water to the point it’s uncomfortable yet I’ve been thirsty for 2 days. I can’t do this shit again

>> No.9846583
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I'd venture he's still drinking

>> No.9846590

i am beer tapering today too
i know it fucking sucks...as long as you're not shaking and sweating you're physically safe though
the psychological battle is 500x harder than the physical one though...i know the feeling man stay strong, give it a few days you'll be straight

>> No.9846595

Congratulation, you are withdrawing. Welcome to Hell.
You can try drinking a little bit more/tapering slower, but you can't get rid of all withdrawals if you want to stop.
Try to remember the feel, it'll help in a few weeks when you fell like drinking again.

>> No.9846631

>finished tapering
>finally wake up not anxious
>actually slept more than a couple of hours
>feeling good
>want to drink

What do bros

>> No.9846642


Do it, there's no happiness to be found elsewhere. Just a shadow of how you used to feel about things amplified by your will to want to enjoy stuff.....utterly smothered by the black cloud that has put you in the place you are already.

There's no way out. Get used to the feeling of rain on your face bud

>> No.9846662


>> No.9846670

just did actually

>> No.9846671

I think I'm just gonna get a 4 pack of beers, the shop shuts basically after I will have bought them so I can't go silly.

>> No.9846684

>a few weeks
man its been 3 days for me and i feel like drinking

>> No.9846726

I also wasn't joking. Try your best to keep your mind off drinking, I know it's a meme but find a stupid hobby, or just obsess yourself with something stupid that isn't drinking, be it shitposting or stamp-collecting. You have (as do most of us here) a hole to fill, a hole that you have to fill with all energy you have, otherwise it won't work. So masturbate again and think what could fill it.

>> No.9846736

Withdrawals top about 3 days after the last drink.
Hold it up Anon, it gets easier. Slowly, but it get easier.

>> No.9846739

i'll try tomorrow buddy, for you

>> No.9846788

I need something with which to completely occupy my time. But something which isn’t shit.
Building a small house in the woods would be ideal, but in the uk if you build so much as a mud hut on your own land, the government will come and kick it down.

>> No.9846883

The hard part is finding land to build and blueprints of something that won't kill you when falling under its own weight, not getting the building permit.

>> No.9846928

The problem is planning persimmon in the uk. There’s nowhere to hide something like that, and you’re not even allowed to be homeless on your own forest land in the uk for 337 days of the year. You can only sleep there 28 nights/year. Building something modest wouldn’t be too hard, but unless it’s well hidden in something like a barn in the middle of overgrown woodland, it’d last about an hour before some hiker found it.

>> No.9846962

have a drink

>> No.9846986

ahhh fuck it im going to superstore to get some liquor after i eat in a bit

>> No.9847015

We (or I, whatever) need, for when we feel like you do now, some way to remember how horrific it immediately feels to relapse, and how desperate we are to stay sober.
Thinking maybe if I relapse I’ll force myself to film how retarded I am, and rewatch it if I think about drinking again.
It’d probably just make the already fierce cringe so unbearable that I got drunk.
Just thinking out loud here. There must be a way to not repeatedly poison myself.

>> No.9847016

Get beer instead. It's enough to get rid of the withdrawals without falling too hard of the wagon. It'll be easier to get back on.

>> No.9847023

ive filmed myself drunk, i sat on the couch and looked at my computer and fell asleep

>> No.9847092

W-what did you expect/hope to see?

>> No.9847099

thought i would like black out and scream at people on the phone or photograph my asshole for /r9k/ or something

>> No.9847236

anybody here? wtf

>> No.9847300


>> No.9847304

sup bro, how's your night going

>> No.9847312

doing okay, light beer taper from a bad couple of days...dreading visiting family for a sober christmas

>> No.9847327

likewise, first christmas my parents have been separated so idk what to expect. Don't like the idea of half a day at my dad's and half a day at my mum's. Ah well.

>> No.9847337

Mixed all my meds with booze. Ah bliss

>> No.9847349

anything good?

>> No.9847384

this guy knows what's good

>> No.9847389

Going to a generic chain restaurant. Wanting to get into harder alcohol drinks. Good generic sipping whiskey, bourbon, or scotch that they'll have?

>> No.9847396

you'll have to be more specific about the generic chain restaurant. i assume applebees? or r u getting CLASSY AS FUCCCC and going to cheesecake factory?

>> No.9847401

Budweiser, this buds for you

>> No.9847406

Boston pizza. Canadafag here. Idk if you have it in the states.

>> No.9847409

Bought some Naltrexone(?) off the dark web.

I don't want to drink any more. Help. What do I do? What do I expect?

>> No.9847412

lol wut boston isn't even known for its pizza. that's like saying Seattle BBQ or Detroit Tacos

>> No.9847419

couldnt just go get a script? should be pretty easy not like that'll get you high

lol they aren't going to have anything good

>> No.9847425

Yeah. I'm not here to try to make sense of my shit country. I just want a place to start drinking with the big boys.

>> No.9847426
File: 3.04 MB, 5312x2988, 1513471105116122002709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers guys enjoying my new kitten and a smooth single malt

>> No.9847433

looks comfy mate, enjoy

>> No.9847447

Looks very comfy anon. Pet your cat for me

>> No.9847450

>couldnt just go get a script? should be pretty easy not like that'll get you high

I haven't been to a doc in over 6 years. I just pay $300/mo and pray I never have to actually see them.

I try to do my own treatment after becoming an EMT and buying a glucometer 12+ years ago, then getting shit every time I talk to an insurance company.

>> No.9847483

I mean, Jesus. Fuck them!

I bought a glucometer with my own money out of concern for the public and my own personal well being, and somehow they have the wherewithal to record this and chastise me? Fuck them square in the ass!

>> No.9847488

nah, just double dose of my anxiety/depression/heart meds

C'mon sweet death

>> No.9847489

They are fucking retarded, that's why. I grew up on a ranch and would see them just casually sitting out in the open when the hawks were circling above. My pet rabbit also dies because I dropped a school book when it was in the room with me and it had a heart attack. They were meant to be easy prey for the larger carnivores.

>> No.9847491

But anyways, that lead me to buy Naltrexone through an Indian pharmacy. Any help would be appreciated. Going to start tomorrow. I need help and am stopping tomorrow.

>> No.9847512
File: 319 KB, 599x389, droomhome_kerstmarkten_overzicht_kerstevenementen_kerstfairs_kerstbeurs_kerst_countryfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do going to Maastricht next weekend with my girlfriend. Pic related the square we're sleeping on.

>> No.9847516

I take Naltrexone when I want to stop drinking, the brand is Revia. If you're a heavy drinker and you haven't had naltrexone before it will be pretty surreal. A few minutes after popping a 50mg tablet you will have zero thoughts or cravings for alcohol.

>> No.9847526

Sorry staying at i meant

>> No.9847527

thank you for making us feel worse about our already miserable lives anon

>> No.9847540

Thank God. That's all I want. Any negative side effects? I'm reading online I should be sober for 5 days. I can't handle that.

>> No.9847557

Nah, even if I take one a night after getting hammered it still works. It does suppress my appetite but I would consider that a good thing.

I can't even finish a beer while taking it, so if I'm going to a party or whatever I don't take one for that day.

>> No.9847595

I drink on naltrexone. Doesn't to shit to me, unfortunately

>> No.9847598

it blocks your endorphins from working, so you will feel something called "anhedonia". thats the big drawback, for me. i also take it. but, it will most definitely reduce the amounts of relapses and amounts taken while relapsing.

>> No.9847600

the 5 day thing is for people who were abusing opiates. the 5 days is a washout period so you dont throw yourself into automatic withdrawals if you are still kicking the opiates. ive made that mistake. its reallllly unpleasant.

>> No.9847618

maybe try Campral?

>> No.9847626


God bless you all. I've been sitting on this shit for about a year fearing it'd wreck my liver if I didn't give it a 5 day break or I didn't pace off the booze,

Tomorrow. Thank you all. I have 3 boxes. Seriously. It's time. Thank you all. God bless. Finally maybe I'm done with this shit,.

>> No.9847654

we all deserve some peace.

>> No.9847683

death is the sweetest peace, isn't that why we all drink?

>> No.9847690

You may want to get a fresh prescription if you dont notice desired effects from it. depending on where/ how you were storing it. if you kept it somewhere around 70-80 degrees Farenheit it should be fine.

>> No.9848138

fuck your image, stop fucking with our threads

>> No.9848162

>A 16 year old kid with a whispy mustache walked by me at work last night and insinuated I was mentally retarded
>I pretended I didn't hear him
Christ I'm a waste of a human life, put me out of my misery already

>> No.9848176

should have just turned around and beat him down using your tard strength

>> No.9848432

>not mumbling some retarded babble at him like a downie

>> No.9848512

One time I decided to mix my two favorite liquors, Gin and Whiskey. I called it ginwhiskey. It wasn't very good

>> No.9848566
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Is this any good anyone ever tried it out???

>> No.9848596

So, I ran out of whiskey about an hour ago. I'm trying to taper off and thought I could get through the night with just a few shots, but it wasn't enough. In anger at myself, I went out to grab another bottle.

As I was walking out of the store I ran across a scruffy looking guy. We were headed out the door and I offered to let him go first, but he rebuttled and allowed me to head out first. Walking out I come to find out the man just lost his home and couldn't afford rent (San Diego is expensive, don't let any fuck tell you otherwise).

Tossed the guy what I had in my wallet, think it was 11 bucks or something and told him to keep warm.

If my poisoning myself a little more tonight was able to keep some guy fed for another day, I'll call that a good night. Still disgusted with myself though.

>> No.9848634

You did good anon. I have a similar story.
>already drunk
>walking to the store to get more booze
>see a homeless guy sitting quietly out the front of the store
>he has a beanie on the ground with a few coins in it
>the weather is freezing fucking cold
>walk in to the store, buy my alcohol for the night
>think about struggling with addiction and not having any of my drug of choice on a freezing night with no home
>walk out the store, put $20 in the guy's beanie
>he looks like he'd just won the lottery
>he says thanks and I walk home
I know he probably spent it on drugs or whatever, but addicts are people too and those less fortunate need a night where they can enjoy and forget about life for a while. Had I been sober I wouldn't have given him a second glance.

>> No.9848876




>> No.9848941
File: 295 KB, 722x536, widowmaker olde english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cracked second olde english, chugged for 4 swallows

is this a part of the MALT LIQUOR meme or do those faggots with scary masks never consider this alcoholism?

p.s. won't buy this again, was a nice night but the amount I paid for 2 of them isn't worth it, it's only worth it if you can get drunk off one malt liquor 40 a night, I need to crack the second myself

>> No.9848955

Mixing bourbon and screwdrivers, we'll see how it goes

>> No.9848982

fuck off. it's one thing to wallow in our own misery but we should try to support each other when any of us try to get better. There's so many better ways to deal with depression and anxiety than booze. It just takes some hard work.

>he typed while slamming beers and putting off sobriety for just -one more day-

>> No.9848992

wait which faggots with scary masks are you talking about? rappers from the early nineties?

>> No.9849086

lel. flemish is just dutch you goofy fuckers

>> No.9849121

>the comedown is fucking horrible

I think people who do too much x are far worse.

>> No.9849152

why does coffee and cigarettes make me gag and spit when I drank the night before

>> No.9849189

>car gets totaled
>closest liquor store is a hours walk
>no bus routes, delivery or taxis come out to my area

>> No.9849215

next time get enough for the walk home, the time home and the walk back

>> No.9849239

because both caffeine and nicotin make you more susceptible for nausea and those added to a hangover heightens the risk of puking

>> No.9849542

Sorry I'm drunk, and neither English nor Flemish are my native languages.

>> No.9849577

ahww fuck i got liquor
its 4am and im trying to drink engough to go back to sleep

>> No.9849595

same just barfed fml

>> No.9849610
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ok guys i need some answers from you

how much liters of a 40% beverage do you drink to get decently drunk? how bad are your hangovers? how often do you drink?

>> No.9849616

right now it takes me 120 ml of pure ethanol to get good u do the reverse math

>> No.9849634
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200-300ml, not that bad if i chug water afterwards and only gets bad after 3+ days in a row
3-5 days/week. much prefer some dude weed but ive been dry for 6 months (send help)

>> No.9849644
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youre gonna have to cool down on the memery

>> No.9849674

Usually at least 500 mL to feel tipsy, don't really get hangovers since I just drink through them, but I certainly feel worse after the equivalent of beer or wine than liquor

>> No.9849739

fuck off

>> No.9849743



>> No.9849775
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>> No.9849846

back to <<<<\pol\ with that altitude lmaoo

>> No.9849870


>> No.9849892

why dont keep it blank if your so ''''''anonymous'''''

>> No.9849915
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there are more of these?

>> No.9849922




>> No.9849925
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yes, right here

>> No.9849932

After a few years of drinking every night and watching my youtube subscription videos, I've literally watched all of them. Fuck. How do I escape this hell.
>inb4 find a new channel

>> No.9849956

Watch forgotten weapons or steve1989, both are max comfy, even if you're not that interested in the subject

>> No.9849968

Forgotten weapons is great

>> No.9849984
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>>9847600 and everyone else

Any time of day better than another?

>> No.9850021

Thanks for the recommendations. I see what you mean by comfy.

>> No.9850050

I take mine in the morning with my antidepressant and antihistamine. Although, if I know I have a stressful day ahead and 'know' I'll drink regardless, I take the pills with me and when I feel like I could murder a coworker for booze I have one with some tea and the cravings are gone.

It could be a placebo effect, or I could be a raging faggot, but I feel there is a difference between brands in my country. The pharmacy brand isn't as effective as the company brand. I know the ingredients should technically be the same, maybe my govt. is jewing the poor? Generic brand is $10, brand name is $50.

>> No.9850061

Thanks, I appreciate it. I think I paid $20/box and have 3.

Well worth it given I didn't have to pay $200-ish for an appointment and it be on my record for life so insurance can charge me more.

>> No.9850082

Sounds like you found yourself a bargain. All the best. Post your experiences with it, I'd be interested to hear.

I only go to bulk billing places, so I haven't had to pay for appointments like going to a specialist. My record of having been prescribed naltrexone hasn't bitten me in the ass yet.

>> No.9850151

My doctor gave me a script for these and I just never got around to taking them, are they really that effective? What would happen if I took one and then drank a beer, would I get really sick?

>> No.9850166

>What would happen if I took one and then drank a beer, would I get really sick?
No, you would just not feel like drinking. You don't view alcohol as a medication but instead a poison.

>> No.9850174

You can drink liquor and stay a consistent level
I've been drinking whisky and ice lately. You just gotta realize you don't need to grab a drink right after you finish one and you don't need to finish it as soon as possible

>> No.9850179

The worst part for me is that I am unable to socialize since everyone there drinks and you're painfully aware of how retarded and hollow their conversations and interests are because I'm sober.

>> No.9850221
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how much do you have to drink to develop cirrhosis? does anybody here have it?

>> No.9850230

You think you did, but you didn't

>> No.9850375

Put "al/ck/" in your fucking OP POST BODIES from now on, I know you drunk retards are incapable of functioning properly, but stop dodging my fucking filters. I don't give a fuck about your self-inflicted retardation and in all honestly this garbage belongs on /trash/.

>> No.9850386
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Sorry we're keeping you from enjoying the six million fastfood threads.

>> No.9850393

oh please they're fucking awful too, you act like I don't have half of this dumpster fire of a board filtered already

>> No.9850396

durrrrr how do i make steak???? muh sous-vide, muh salt and pepper, urggghh look at my ingredients

>> No.9850411
File: 138 KB, 900x600, werw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.9850418
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>dumpster fire of a board
>still posting
You're right at home. Alternatively, /tv/, /mu/ and /pol/ also all have their own unique brand of elitist autism you could sample.

>> No.9850425
File: 52 KB, 640x480, maymay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump limit reached lads. Remember to not put al/ck/ in post bodies and to definitely not include a silhouette of a person drinking. Cheers to autists.

>> No.9850434

i spose thats right

>> No.9850446

who are those two /mu/ skanks? got any vag pics?

>> No.9850471


>> No.9850472




>> No.9850536

Sinclair method; only take it before you drink.

>> No.9850562

I think it's antabuse that gives you insta-hangover when you drink and can be dangerous.
Naltrexone works on cravings, but doesn't work for everybody (and can be dangerous too.)

Depends on the person. You can very well get pancreatitis, brain damage, nerve damage, blindness, or kill your kidneys before developing cirrhosis.

Have you considered making better filters instead of relying on drunks Anons to behave according to your rules?
It's already hard enough to have al/ck/ written anywhere.

>> No.9851054

>And can be dangerous too

Can't leave me hanging man

>> No.9851102

Side effects may include trouble sleeping, anxiety, nausea, and headaches.[1] In those still on opioids, opioid withdrawal may occur.[1] Use is not recommended in people with liver failure.[1] It is unclear if use is safe during pregnancy.[1][2] Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist and works by blocking the effects of opioids, both those from inside and outside the body.[1]

The most common side effects reported with naltrexone are gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea and abdominal cramping. These adverse effects are analogous to the symptoms of opioid withdrawal, as the mu receptor blockade will increase GI motility.

Naltrexone has been reported to cause liver damage (when given at doses higher than recommended). It carries an FDA boxed warning for this rare side effect. Due to these reports, some physicians may check liver function tests prior to starting naltrexone, and periodically thereafter. Concerns for liver toxicity initially arose from a study of non-addicted obese patients receiving 300 mg of naltrexone.[25] Subsequent studies have suggested limited toxicity in other patient populations.

Side effects
Naltrexone should not be started until several (typically 7-10) days of abstinence from opioids has been achieved. This is due to the risk of acute opioid withdrawal if naltrexone is taken, as naltrexone will displace most opioids from their receptors. The time of abstinence may be shorter than 7 days, depending on the half-life of the specific opioid taken. Some physicians use a naloxone challenge to determine whether an individual has any opioids remaining. The challenge involves giving a test dose of naloxone and monitoring for opioid withdrawal. If withdrawal occurs, naltrexone should not be started.[26]

Also read warnings on the paper in the box (should be available online. vidal.fr in Frogspeak.)
(I thought it was more dangerous than this.)